The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 319 Chen Xi: Zhou Yu is also a fool with a hole in his brain!

Chapter 319 Chen Xi: Zhou Yu is also a fool with a hole in his brain!
“I don’t know if there is an upper limit to the strength of Ji Ling’s legion talent, but what I can be sure of is that the strength of his talent has been increasing during the battle.

This increase in strength is not an explosive increase that suddenly increases to a higher level, but rather a gradual increase that occurs over time.”

Chen Dao did not deny Gan Ning's statement. After all, there was nothing wrong with this statement at this stage. He was just expressing his feelings just now.

“When Ji Ling’s talent strength broke through a certain level, the legion covered by his talent also completed its own will and temporarily broke through to the super elite level.

Of course, the reason why Yuan Shu's personal guards were able to temporarily break through to the super elite level with the support of Ji Ling's legion talent is also because their quality has long been up to standard, and the only thing missing is their willpower. "

Chen Dao added the reason why Yuan Shu's personal guards were able to temporarily break through to the double talent level with the support of Ji Ling's Legion's talents.

This is to prevent Gan Ning and Fa Zheng, especially Fa Zheng, from mistakenly believing that as long as the strength of the legion's talent is high enough, the combat effectiveness of a legion can be raised to the level of super elite.

"There is a problem, I wonder if you have noticed it, Uncle Zhi?" Fa Zheng suddenly said.

"Uh, what's the problem?" Chen Dao looked at Fa Zheng in confusion. Could it be that he missed some details when he was telling the story just now?

"You just said that the strength of Ji Ling's legion talent is slowly increasing?" Fa Zheng pointed out the detail that Chen Dao had just missed.

"Yeah, is there any secret hidden in this?" Chen Dao asked in confusion. Logically speaking, he seemed to be the general who knew the most about the talents of the Will Corps, so how come even Fa Zheng could give him some pointers now?

"You forgot that when Zichuan introduced the princes of the world to us, he specifically mentioned Ji Ling's loyalty to Yuan Gonglu." Fa Zheng said slowly.

"This, is there any connection between the two?" Chen Dao said weakly. Although he had looked through the files that Chen Xi had specially recorded when he was in Fenggao, he really couldn't connect the two things!
"Of course there is a connection." Fa Zheng nodded and said, "It is known that Ji Ling is particularly loyal to Yuan Shu. In fact, the closer he is to Yuan Shu, the higher the upper limit of his strength he can exert.

Plus, you just said that Ji Ling's legion talent strength is slowly increasing." Fa Zheng paused and continued, "And Yuan Shu must have gone to the city to mobilize troops to support the city wall.

Combining these three points, what can you think of? "Fa Zheng looked at Chen Dao and Gan Ning. He knew that these two people had very sharp brains, which were completely different from Hua Xiong's solid brain.

"Hiss! Probably, should, maybe impossible, how could someone awaken this kind of legion talent?" Chen Dao said hesitantly.

"Otherwise, how do you explain that the strength of Ji Ling's legion talent is increasing slowly instead of rising in leaps and bounds?" Fa Zheng said seriously.

Chen Dao stopped talking. Ji Ling's legion talent really opened his eyes.

Based on the information he had, Fa Zheng reasonably speculated that Ji Ling's strength and legionary talent were tied to Yuan Shu.

And it is positively correlated with the distance between Ji Ling and Yuan Shu. The closer the distance, the stronger Ji Ling's strength and legion talent will be, and even the upper limit may be related to Yuan Shu's will.

Chen Dao originally thought that after his experience in the Fenggao camp, he would no longer have such doubts about life. Now it seems that he still has too little experience.

All I can say is that the world is so big that there are all kinds of strange things. As long as you live long enough, you will see all kinds of monsters and demons.

Gan Ning looked at Fa Zheng, then at Chen Dao, and after a long while he couldn't figure out what the two were talking about.

Gan Ning decided not to think about it anymore and interrupted Chen Dao's trance. "Shuzhi, you just said that Yuan Shu's personal guards have just temporarily broken through to the super elite level?"

Gan Ning didn't want to know what other people's legion talents were like. What he wanted to know was whether he could perform operations similar to Ji Ling's.

Therefore, Gan Ning is still very interested in how to use legion talents to support the headquarters' sublimation into a super elite legion.

After all, it seems like everyone can do the same thing as Ji Ling, who has done the job of increasing the strength of his legion's talents.

Although there is a limit to the strength of talents, they can develop their own legion talents in depth.

What if we develop a talent usage mode that is incredibly powerful? Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Imagine that when you are fighting on the battlefield, your enemies think that you are just an elite army. Then you take out the extremely powerful army talent and raise your army to the level of a super elite army... The result is self-evident.

"You can say that, otherwise they wouldn't be able to stop the Bai Li soldiers." Chen Dao snorted coldly, still feeling a little aggrieved about the Bai Li soldiers being stopped.

If their main task was not to attack the city, Chen Daogao would have let the defenders of Shouchun City see what strength is.

As Liu Bei's personal guards, although they are not often by Liu Bei's side, the Bai Li soldiers have a dream, which is to become the top existence in the legion system.

Aren’t Xianzhen and Feixiong two examples? They were originally the personal guards of Lü Bu and Dong Zhuo. After countless battles, they finally stood at the top of the legion system.

"Then, do you have a way to complete the operation of Yuan Shu's personal guards?" Gan Ning asked hurriedly. He also wanted to raise the marines of the Qingzhou fleet to a super elite level through the bonus of legion talents.

Although this is only temporary, as soon as the legion talent is removed, the legion level will drop.

However, what Gan Ning wanted was an explosion during that period of time. Naval warfare is different from land warfare. If you lose a land battle, you can still run away, but if you lose a naval battle, you have nowhere to run.

After hearing Gan Ning's words, Chen Dao looked at Gan Ning with a strange look. Wasn't this guy just refuting the idea that there was no upper limit to the strength of legion talents? How come he has become a supporter of this idea now?
"It's possible, but you can't do this." Chen Dao shook his head, trying to shatter Gan Ning's fantasy with just one sentence.

"How do you know I can't do this?" Gan Ning narrowed his eyes, wanting to hear Chen Dao's reason.

"Your legion talent focuses on quality bonus, and as we all know, quality is the least likely to fluctuate compared to will." Chen Dao stated his reasons.

Gan Ning frowned upon hearing this. He had to admit that Chen Dao's reason was correct. Compared to willpower, it was indeed too difficult to integrate and mobilize quality. At least it was not something that could be mobilized on a large scale with just a legion's talent.

Willpower is a kind of power that is difficult to master. It is not like quality, which can be accumulated through daily physical training until it reaches a qualitative change.

But the will is different. It can only be transformed by constantly strengthening one's own spiritual will. There is no transition stage.

Willpower is not like quality. It takes time to feel your own progress. Willpower can only achieve the result of a single step. "Is there really no way for me to master this operation?" Gan Ning asked again. He really wanted to master this skill.

Chen Dao shook his head. "I haven't done much research on the quality-related legion talents. Perhaps you can ask General Yang. In addition to the will-related talents, he is also very good at strengthening the quality of his soldiers through various means."

Although Yang Ji is best at strengthening the belief and will system, he is also good at strengthening the quality system.

Chen Dao had once seen Yang Ji use various means such as legion talents, military formations, clouds, secret techniques, and the essence of heaven and earth to temporarily enhance the quality of his soldiers.

Gan Ning looked at Chen Dao speechlessly. Didn’t he know what Yang Ji was good at?

However, as Chen Dao said, maybe he really needs to go to Yang Ji and ask if there is any way to increase the combat effectiveness of the soldiers in a short period of time.

"Should we retreat directly or stay here and continue harassing the enemy?" Gan Ning asked Fa Zheng for suggestions on the next course of action.

"Why retreat to the Huai River? Let's take this waterway straight into Chaohu Lake and meet up with Lord Xuande and his men." Fa Zheng took out a map and pointed at Hefei between Feishui and Shishui.

"This waterway..." Gan Ning raised his eyebrows. "It's not possible that Zhou Gongjin didn't even deploy defenses for the waterway hub of Hefei, right?"

Gan Ning didn't believe that Zhou Yu, who was feared by Chen Xi and Yang Ji, would forget the importance of Hefei, the hub of the Yangtze and Huaihe waterways.

"We are just passing by and we are not attacking Hefei. Don't you have confidence in yourself?" Fa Zheng used provocation to Gan Ning.

"What's more, they probably all thought that we would stay here to support our friendly forces in Lujiang." Fa Zheng added with a smile.

Chen Xi had someone send over the battle situation in Lujiang a long time ago. To put it simply, in addition to the loss of most of Sun Ce's personal guards, the newly recruited auxiliary troops also suffered relatively heavy losses.

Even when facing a charge of tens of thousands of cavalry, Zhou Yu, with an army of 60,000, was able to respond calmly and minimize the losses of his own elite troops.

In other words, Zhou Yu still has an army of more than 50,000 soldiers, including 25,000 elite soldiers.

Don't be surprised why there are 5,000 more elite troops, because the commander of this army is Zhou Yu. Isn't it basic practice to re-select elite troops from the auxiliary troops?
After a war, there will always be new recruits who will transform into veterans, and all Zhou Yu has to do is select them, which is not a difficult task.

"Your method of provoking someone is really a trick that can be seen through at a glance. Do you think anyone will take the bait?" Gan Ning sneered.

"Don't you want to have a fight with Zhou Gongjin on the Yangtze River?" Fa Zheng still had a smiling look on his face.

Gan Ning was silent. Facing Zhou Yu, the naval general praised by both Chen Xi and Yang Ji, how could Gan Ning, who privately claimed to be the best naval general of the Han Dynasty, not have any thoughts?

However, Zhou Yu had been staying inland before, and Gan Ning could not lead the Qingzhou fleet directly into Jiangxia to fight against the Jiangxia navy.

Now that there is an opportunity, how could Gan Ning let it go? He and Zhou Yu have been friends for a long time.

"I have to admit, Xiaozhi, your method of provoking others is simple but very effective," Gan Ning said with a serious expression.

Fa Zheng just smiled and said nothing else. Since he had control over people's hearts, wouldn't it be easy for him to control Gan Ning?
Although Fa Zheng was often criticized by Chen Xi, Jia Xu, Li You, Guo Jia and others for not understanding human nature, he was still young and did not need the recognition of these "old guys" at all.

"Sure enough, it's almost what I thought. Xiaozhi and the others will enter Chaohu from Hefei and then meet up with us." Holding the battle report sent by Fa Zheng, Chen Xi chuckled.

"Apart from Hefei, is there any other way to reach Chaohu before we retreat?" Liu Bei shook his head. He sneered at Chen Xi's statement that he was praising himself.

"Hefei is an important city, how could Duke Zhou not know about it?" Cao Cao said as he looked at the map hanging on the wall.

During these days, Cao Cao led 15,000 mixed infantry and cavalry brigades to fight Zhou Yu several times.

I can only say that he is worthy of being praised by Chen Xi. His level of command and dispatch is definitely that of a large army commander.

Even if Cao Cao used the super elite Tunqi led by Xiahou Dun as the vanguard, the elite wolf cavalry led by Xiahou Yuan as the flank harassment, and the elite shield guards led by Cao Ren as the central army to consolidate the front line.

Still, he was unable to tear open Zhou Yu's front line, and Sun Ce almost seized the opportunity to rush straight to the center. That battle was really thrilling, and Sun Ce almost replicated Yang Ji's operation.

After being taught a lesson in several battles, Cao Cao finally agreed with Chen Xi's evaluation of Zhou Yu. If he didn't agree, how could Cao Cao put his face after being taught a lesson?

However, Cao Cao still stubbornly insisted on one point, that is, if he was given 50,000 soldiers and horses, he could beat Zhou Yu so hard that he would call him teacher, and the roles of the educator and the educated would be exchanged.

[As the commander of a large army, it all applies to everyone...] Cao Cao thought with some regret. If he could mobilize 50,000 troops now, he would definitely teach Zhou Yu a lesson.

"Lord Cao, you have also seen the battle report sent by Xiaozhi and his men. They did not even deploy naval forces to defend the Huai River that leads directly to Xuzhou. It is clear that the Jiangxia navy is in Sun Bofu's hands.

But what did they do? They did nothing but watch our Qingzhou fleet wandering on the Huai River.

They didn't even deploy defenses on the Huai River, so how could they expect them to deploy defenses in Hefei right under their noses? " Chen Xi sneered, obviously there was nothing good to say about those noble families who would do bad things.

How can we expect those guys who even stole the city defense supplies of Shouchun City to think of Hefei, which is not far away?

Cao Cao couldn't help but look at Chen Xi who was still sneering. This guy was also from the Yingchuan family, and he had a close relationship with the family that did the stupid thing in Shouchun. By scolding him, did he also scold himself?

"I'm talking about Zhou Gongjin, not those insects." Cao Cao said to Chen Xi dissatisfiedly. He heard the word insects from Chen Xi, and it was very suitable to describe certain people.

"Tsk, Zhou Yu is also an idiot. In Jiangdong, the two of them are the local tyrants. However, they were bullied by those guys and had to flee to other places to fight. He is really going backwards." Chen Xi commented sharply on Zhou Yu.

(End of this chapter)

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