Chapter 322: Sun Ce's Stubbornness

"Okay, stop messing around, both of you. Let's discuss the next battle plan." Liu Bei personally took action to suppress the mischievous Chen Xi and Gan Ning.

"Lord Xuande, your martial arts skills have improved a lot." Chen Xi let go of Gan Ning and turned to Liu Bei and sighed.

Because Liu Bei had practiced Qigong in his early years, once he made a breakthrough, his internal Qi could leave his body perfectly.

This is also the level that most warriors of the Han Dynasty can reach after breaking through the internal Qi leaving the body. This is different from the warriors of other empires who have to go through the initial stage of internal Qi leaving the body after breaking through.

"With food and drink, plus the gravity field built by Zi Yu, it's hard to make progress even if we don't want to." Liu Bei waved his hands and said that it was only with the help of external forces that he could continuously improve his physical fitness.

"Lord Xuande, you can't say that. Although the assistance of external objects is very effective.

But we should not forget the persistent efforts of the parties involved. Martial arts practice is like sailing against the current, if you don't move forward, you will fall behind. "Chen Xi glanced at Cao Cao, who was expressionless beside him.

Don't get me wrong, Chen Xi is not saying that Cao Cao is a lazy person. On the contrary, Cao Cao has really worked hard in practicing martial arts, and the various practice facilities built by Yang Ji are also open to Cao Cao.

However, compared with Cao Cao’s efforts and invested resources, it can only be said that the input-output ratio is extremely low.

Various auxiliary things were thrown at Cao Cao. From last year to now, Cao Cao's internal energy has only just begun to enter the stage of Qi training.

Compared to Guo Jia, Fa Zheng and others who reached the peak of Qi training in just half a year, Cao Cao was indeed a lot slower.

Maybe it has something to do with Cao Cao’s age. After all, Cao Cao is now almost 40 years old, and has long passed the best time to practice martial arts.

Therefore, if Cao Cao wanted to become a martial artist with internal energy out of body, it would be very difficult. Unless someone consumed his own internal energy to infuse Cao Cao with internal energy out of body that was even worse than fake, just like Chen Gong.

Liu Bei also noticed Chen Xi's gaze towards Cao Cao, but he ignored it. After all, Cao Cao had to prove that he was not inferior to him in other ways, otherwise Cao Cao would have mental problems.

"How do you plan to fight the next battle?" Liu Bei asked Chen Xi, Gan Ning and Fa Zheng.

As for Cao Cao? He is now just an executor, not a decision maker. Although he has the qualifications to make suggestions, whether they are adopted or not depends on the wishes of Chen Xi and Liu Bei.

Of course, if Chen Xi or Liu Bei were kind enough, they could let Cao Cao participate. After all, he is the commander of a large army. What's more, this guy's name is Cao Cao.

"Xingba, what do you think? You will be the protagonist next." Facing Liu Bei's question, Chen Xi turned his head and looked at Gan Ning.

"What else can we do? Of course we have to drive the fleet directly into the Yangtze River and engage in a battle with the Jiangxia navy." The method proposed by Gan Ning was simple and crude, and it directly skipped the intermediate preparations.

Chen Xi, Liu Bei and others couldn't help but look at Gan Ning, as if they had gotten to know him all over again. It was hard to imagine that such a simple and crude plan came from the hand of Gan Ning, who had done such an operation as robbing a camp with a hundred cavalrymen.

However, if you think about it carefully, charging straight into the enemy's vital points without making any preparations seems to be something that only someone like Gan Ning can do.

"You are the commander of the Qingzhou fleet, so it is up to you to decide how to fight the next battle." Chen Xi and Liu Bei looked at each other and decided to give full command to Gan Ning.

Chen Xi had already told Gan Ning about Zhou Yu's situation. Under such circumstances, Gan Ning still proposed such an idea, which presumably meant that he had already made a corresponding combat plan.

Fa Zheng stared at Chen Xi and Liu Bei with wide eyes, unable to believe that they would just leave the rest of the battle to Gan Ning to command alone.

"Zichuan..." Fa Zheng grabbed Chen Xi's hand anxiously. Everyone had an idea of ​​Zhou Yu's current situation.

It is a foregone conclusion that he will be the commander of a large army, even an amphibious one, but no one knows what the upper limit of his command is.

As a naval commander, Gan Ning does have the qualifications to be a famous general, but Zhou Yu is stronger than Gan Ning, and he is stronger in all aspects.

Fa Zheng couldn't understand why Chen Xi and Liu Bei let Gan Ning command the war alone and not allow others to help under such circumstances.

When Gan Ning heard that Chen Xi wanted him to command the battle alone, his eyebrows twitched a few times, his face became serious, and then there was no other movement.

Although Gan Ning and Zhou Yu had never fought each other or even met each other, Gan Ning knew the gap between himself and Zhou Yu.

Gan Ning once reviewed the battle in which Zhou Yu defeated Huang Zu in seven battles along the Yangtze River. When Zhou Yu commanded the fleet for the first time, he was still a little unfamiliar and barely defeated Huang Zu.

But starting from the second battle, Zhou Yu began to show his aptitude in naval warfare. Every time Huang Zu used a tactic, Zhou Yu just saw it and then used it on Huang Zu.

Although he did not see this scene with his own eyes, from the description between the lines, Gan Ning saw a genius who was rapidly rising by absorbing the nourishment of the enemy and then overthrowing the enemy.

However, Gan Ning was not too worried about the upcoming battle on the Yangtze River. Although Zhou Yu was very strong, Gan Ning was not bad either. With the help of equipment, it was still uncertain who would win or lose.

"Xiaozhi, you have to believe in Xingba's ability. He will lead us and the Qingzhou fleet away from the Yangtze River and return to Qingzhou Donglai Port." Chen Xi interrupted Fa Zheng with a smile, although he also knew how big the gap between Gan Ning and Zhou Yu was.

"But..." Fa Zheng hesitated to speak, because what they were betting on this time was the Qingzhou fleet that they had put together with great difficulty.

Fa Zheng was not worried about the safety of these people. He was worried about the Qingzhou fleet under the command of Gan Ning.

According to Chen Xi, Cao Cao and his 15,000 soldiers would not stay on the Qingzhou fleet, but would disembark somewhere and then head north to Xuzhou to wait for the return of the Qingzhou fleet.

After all, Cao Cao led cavalry and infantry, and played a small role in this naval battle. It would be better for him to enter Xuzhou and wait.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Look, Xingba himself hasn't refused this matter." Chen Xi pointed at Gan Ning who had a serious face.

"How can you tell that I don't want to refuse?" Gan Ning couldn't help but complain. It was true that he wanted to fight Zhou Yu, but not when Liu Bei and Chen Xi were on the boat.

"See, I told you that Xingba was sure of success." Chen Xi ignored Gan Ning's complaints and used Gan Ning's energy to stabilize Fa Zheng's mood.

Fa Zheng was silent. What was wrong with this guy Chen Xi? He was the one who warned them that Zhou Yu was not to be trifled with, and now he was the one who took the initiative to provoke Zhou Yu.

"Forget it. You are the one in charge of logistics anyway, so you will be the one in trouble." Fa Zheng bowed to Liu Bei with some tiredness and returned to the cabin.

He had to go back and sort out what Chen Xi said, which ones he could listen to and which ones he couldn't. "It seems that your words, Zichuan, made Xiaozhi very distressed." Liu Bei looked at Fa Zheng's back as he left, and couldn't help but complain to Chen Xi.

"I did say that Zhou Gongjin's talent in naval warfare is unmatched in this era, but I didn't say that we can't take advantage of the equipment." Chen Xi smiled. When it comes to military skills, he is a master.

"Xingba, the next battle is left to you." Chen Xi patted Gan Ning on the shoulder, then slowly returned to his cabin.

"Xingba, although Zhou Yu is very good at naval warfare, I believe you can do it." Liu Bei said, pressing Gan Ning's shoulder.

"Thank you for your trust, my lord!" Gan Ning was so moved that he almost cried, but my lord, can you ask the military advisor or Xiaozhi to come out and help sort out the clouds? I can't handle it alone -

Liu Bei didn't say anything more, just patted Gan Ning on the shoulder, then followed Chen Xi's footsteps back to his cabin.

Now Gan Ning and Cao Cao and his party were the only ones left on the deck of Gan Ning's flagship.

"Well, I have nothing much to say. Xingba, just find a suitable place to drop us off. We will wait for your triumphant return in Xuzhou." After seeing Gan Ning's gaze, Cao Cao quickly waved his hand and said.

At this time, he was even more convinced that all the civil and military officials under Liu Bei were crazy, otherwise they would not have been able to execute Gan Ning's single-handed battle against Zhou Yu.

Although Cao Cao judged that Chen Xi and Fa Zheng would definitely help with strategies to sort out the clouds and so on, today's scene still made Cao Cao and his companions sigh that the world of Dian Lao was just different.

"Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Cao." Gan Ning bowed to Cao Cao and thanked him for his blessing.

After Cao Cao took his men to reorganize the troops and prepare to disembark, Gan Ning was the only one left on the deck.

Looking at Chaohu Lake, whose shore was within sight, Gan Ning clearly showed a hint of disdain.

Compared to the endless sea, small places like rivers, lakes and other places could no longer inspire Gan Ning with any desire to conquer or sense of awe.

"Forget it, let me think about how to deal with Zhou Yu." Gan Ning frowned and muttered to himself. Although he said it passionately just now, when he really faced Zhou Yu, even the thick-skinned Gan Ning felt a lot of pressure.

Gan Ning knew very well that the advantages of the equipment mentioned by Chen Xi were just bragging. The ships built with the current shipbuilding technology of the Lu family could not be much different from the ships of the Jiangxia navy.

The new ships of the Qingzhou Fleet are at most better in structure than previous ships, and have no other outstanding features.

What's more, the Qingzhou Fleet, which was formed less than three years ago, has a huge disadvantage compared to the century-old Jiangxia Navy.

That is the maintenance of ship equipment. Although the cloud temperature maintenance secret technique developed by Yang Ji can greatly shorten the time required for ship maintenance.

However, for large equipment like warships, even with the secret technique of cloud energy cultivation, the amount of cloud energy and time required is not a small amount.

Compared to the Jiangxia navy with a history of one hundred years, the Qingzhou fleet is like a newborn baby. All its strengths come from the troops on board the ships, the naval warfare secrets mastered by Gan Ning, and the various etched creations produced by Yang Ji.

As for the ships of the Qingzhou Fleet themselves, in Gan Ning's opinion, the warships of the Qingzhou Fleet cannot be called the foundation until they are fully nurtured.

After all, compared to fully nurtured warships, warships that have not been fully nurtured are still very easy to be destroyed.


"It seems that they have found the Lu family." Zhou Yu said as he looked at the workers who were dismantling the Chaohu Shipyard on Chaohu Lake.

"Gongjin, how did you know that?" Sun Ce looked left and right, but could not see any evidence that Gan Ning had found the Lu family.

"Don't you think their dismantling work went too smoothly? Moreover, all kinds of equipment dismantled are very complete, with almost no signs of damage." Zhou Yu said, pointing to the equipment that had not yet been moved onto the cargo ship.

"In other words, someone is telling them what they should take away and what they should not take away." Seeing that Sun Ce was still a little confused, Zhou Yu could only explain.

“Oh—so that’s how it is.” Sun Ce acted as if he had suddenly understood something, but he didn’t know whether he really understood it or not.

"Should we send troops to interfere with their dismantling work?" Sun Ce asked Zhou Yu eagerly.

"Yes, do you see the five thousand armored soldiers guarding around the Wubao of Chaohu Shipyard? If you, Bofu, think you can lead the troops to break through their front line, we can send troops to give it a try." Zhou Yu said, pointing to the five thousand shield guards led by Commander Cao Ren.

"Let me tell you another piece of news. Those armored soldiers have probably already developed elite talents." Zhou Yu once again said a piece of news that made Sun Ce beat his chest and stamp his feet.


"If it weren't for the fact that they have two elite cavalry guards, I would definitely be able to break through their front line." Sun Ce said firmly.

Sun Ce once tried to lead his own personal guards to attack Cao Cao's central army, but Cao Cao's central army was the shield guard led by Cao Ren.

Therefore, Sun Ce finally saw what it means to have defensive power gained through spending money.

They were clearly elite infantrymen with only one talent, but they managed to create a defense that even infantrymen with two talents couldn't penetrate.

The only time Sun Ce was able to get to Cao Cao's center was because Zhou Yu commanded the army to tie down three legions under Cao Cao.

Sun Ce saw Cao Cao panicking, but he couldn't break through the last line of defense of the shield guard. The legion talent that the officer named Cao Ren had blossomed was actually a defense-enhancing talent.

That battle really disgusted Sun Ce. How could there be a legion talent that could enhance the defense of nearby city walls?

Even though they had seen Cao Cao, they were unable to penetrate his last line of defense, which was the city wall guard formed by Cao Ren's personal guards.

A knife was chopped at the shield guard who was wrapped in gilded light, but it only hit the plate armor, and then a string of sparks flew out. The soldier who was hit by the knife was not hurt at all, but instead gave Sun Ce a blow.

(End of this chapter)

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