The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 325 Zhou Yu: I've already spotted you two

Chapter 325 Zhou Yu: I have already discovered you two~
"Zichuan, the Jiangxia navy has already reunited with Zhou Gongjin and his men. What's our next plan?" Fa Zheng found Chen Xi and asked.

"You should ask Gan Xingba about this matter. He is the commander of this operation. We just act as tools to give advice." Chen Xi yawned involuntarily. It turned out that resting on the boat was not as safe as on land.

"So I came to you for the advice you wanted." A number sign popped up on Fa Zheng's forehead. Chen Xi wouldn't have forgotten another role of a military advisor besides giving advice, right?
"Did Xingba ask you to come to me?" Chen Xi asked in surprise. He didn't think that with Fa Zheng's pride, he would come to him for advice on war at this time.

Chen Xi was very sure that with Fa Zheng's stubbornness, he would definitely be at an absolute disadvantage halfway through the war, and would only come to him after he realized that he really could not defeat Zhou Yu militarily.

The reason why she came to him now must be for something else, it couldn't be that she was seeking advice as he said.

"You haven't forgotten that you are also a military advisor, have you?" Two more number marks appeared on Fa Zheng's forehead.

"Military advisor?" Chen Xi's face showed obvious surprise. When did he become a military advisor?

"Didn't I say that I would not participate in this war? Why am I on the list of military advisors?" Chen Xi asked Fa Zheng in confusion.

"Your name was added by Lord Xuande. Do you want to ask Lord Xuande why?" Fa Zheng asked expressionlessly, but the gloating in his eyes clearly expressed his mood at the moment.

An expression of pain suddenly appeared on Chen Xi's face. He really couldn't understand why Liu Bei added his name to the list of military advisors.

"Okay, don't show that expression, hurry to the deck and prepare to weigh anchor and set sail." Fa Zheng told Chen Xi about the next steps, then turned around and walked out of Chen Xi's cabin.

"Wasn't the topic just now about the Jiangxia navy joining up with Sun Bofu and Zhou Gongjin? Why did it suddenly turn to weighing anchor and setting sail?" Chen Xi asked Fa Zheng as he followed in Fa Zheng's footsteps with resentment.

"You have to ask Gan Xingba what he thinks. This is his decision." Fa Zheng said calmly. This time Chen Xi was also hit by a boomerang.

When Chen Xi heard this, he turned his head and looked at Fa Zheng who was moving forward. This guy really still holds a grudge. Didn't he just want to use this reason to send him away? Why did he throw the boomerang back?

"Even if I don't ask Gan Xingba, I can guess what he wants to do." Chen Xi waved his hand and decided to hang the boomerang on the wall so that it would not hit himself.

"Oh, you can actually guess the intention of our Navy Chief?" Fa Zheng raised his eyebrows, as if he had not guessed it.

"Don't tell me that you, Fa Xiaozhi, haven't guessed Gan Xingba's purpose." Chen Xi rolled his eyes. He didn't believe that Fa Zheng couldn't guess Gan Ning's thoughts.

You have to know that Fa Zheng’s spiritual talent is analyzing people. How could he not guess Gan Ning’s thoughts?

"Oh, without the assistance of spiritual talent, I really can't guess what Gan Xingba's purpose is. How about you tell me, Zichuan?" Fa Zheng said with interest. He really wanted to know what Chen Xi's answer was.

Although Gan Ning had already told Fa Zheng his purpose, Fa Zheng still wanted to test Chen Xi to see if he had plans for all possible events.
Chen Xi did not answer Fa Zheng's question, but just smiled. Fa Zheng cannot analyze people without the help of spiritual talent? What kind of fake news is this?
Chen Xi didn't believe that Fa Zheng would give up strengthening his basic knowledge, especially after seeing the progress of Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and Pang Tong.

Although Pang Tong recently withdrew from the all-around team, his progress in military strategies has become even faster.

Although Pang Tong had the qualifications to pursue the path of being both broad and specialized, his interest was not in this area. So after playing with Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi for a while, he decisively withdrew from the all-around team and focused on the path that interested him.

Even without the stimulation from Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and Pang Tong, there was still Xu Shu stimulating Fa Zheng, and Xu Shu knew too well the importance of basic knowledge.

Compared with Fa Zheng, Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and Pang Tong, Xu Shu's start can be said to be very late, extremely late.

However, Xu Shu still awakened his spiritual talent at this age, relying on his crazy accumulation of basic knowledge.

As a person who has sublimated his spiritual talent by constantly consolidating his basic knowledge, Xu Shu knows very well that although spiritual talent is the pursuit of most wise men, it is not the end, and there is still a way to go up.

There are two paths. One is to continue to strengthen basic knowledge, and the other is to continue to deeply develop your spiritual talents. You can also take both paths at the same time. There is no conflict.

After Chen Xi fell silent, Fa Zheng also lost interest in talking. He certainly knew why Chen Xi fell silent after hearing what he said just now.

After all, the cases around him clearly told Fa Zheng that spiritual talent was indeed very powerful and was a symbol of a top wise man.

However, there are always some people in this world who are beyond everyone's cognition.

The existence of this kind of people clearly tells the world an unreasonable truth. So what if you have spiritual talent? I don't need spiritual talent, so I can still beat you with one hand.

Therefore, even though they have awakened their spiritual talents, Fa Zheng, Xu Shu and others still go to Taishan Academy to listen to lectures when they have free time, or go to the library to find one or two books of interest to study carefully, as they always gain something from it.

When Chen Xifa was walking onto the deck, Liu Bei and Gan Ning were discussing something.

"Lord Xuande, why did you add my name to the list of military advisors?" As soon as he saw Liu Bei, Chen Xi complained to Liu Bei why his name was added to the list of military advisors.

"I'm just worried that you'll get bored." Although his communication with Gan Ning was interrupted, Liu Bei still said to Chen Xi with a smile.

The corner of Chen Xi's mouth twitched. As soon as he heard it, he knew that this was not something Liu Bei would do, so there must be someone behind the scenes instigating Liu Bei to do this.

There was only one person under Liu Bei's command who could instigate Liu Bei to do this, and that was Yang Ji in Licheng.

"Did Zi Yu send someone to deliver a letter again?" Chen Xi said with a sneer. He knew that Yang Ji would not miss any opportunity to mess with him.

"Why can't it be that I don't want to see you, Zichuan, so idle?" Liu Bei said to Chen Xi. He remembered that he once dragged Chen Xi, who was sleeping in the Government Affairs Hall, out to work. Why didn't Chen Xi doubt him at all?
"When you, Lord Xuande, find something for me to do, you always ask about my wishes, but Ziyu doesn't care about my thoughts."

Chen Xi said calmly that this was not the first time and there was nothing to be angry about. Maybe Yang Ji's purpose was to make someone angry.

"It seems that Ziyu guessed it right again. You really saw through this little trick at a glance." Liu Bei had the same expression again. It seems that he has seen the two people fighting each other many times. "Lord Xuande, tell me, what happened to Ziyu? If there is nothing wrong, he would not have the time to find trouble with me."

Although Yang Ji likes to find things for Chen Xi to do, he always has legitimate reasons when he does so. This is the main reason why Chen Xi can tolerate Yang Ji repeatedly ruining his sleep time.

"Zi Yu wrote to ask us whether we have let Zhou Yu and Cao Mengde meet each other?" Liu Bei said puzzledly. He couldn't figure out what Yang Ji wanted to remind them by asking this question.

Although the methods Yang Ji used when reminding them of certain things were quite abstract, it was quite easy to figure out the answers after spending a long time with Yang Ji.

However, the reminder given by Yang Ji now made Liu Bei confused, and he had no idea what Yang Ji wanted to remind them.

Therefore, Liu Bei had no choice but to add Chen Xi's name to the list of military advisors according to Yang Ji's request. After all, Yang Ji had designated Chen Xi to solve the puzzle.

"What question did he ask?" Chen Xi couldn't help but complain after hearing the question relayed by Liu Bei.

Since they brought Cao Cao here, and he was the main force before Gan Ning arrived, how could they not have seen the opponent's ace Zhou Yu?

"Wait!" A flash of inspiration crossed Chen Xi's mind, "It seems that Zhou Gongjin has the ability to detect talent."

"That is to say, Lord Zhou already knows about our existence." Fa Zheng's brain also reacted at this time, and at the same time glanced at Liu Bei, Chen Xi, Xu Chu and others who had never met Zhou Yu.

"Zhou Gongjin probably doesn't know which of us it is. His spiritual talent can only detect whether it exists or not, but cannot determine what this talent is." Chen Xi said after thinking for a while.

"If it was the same type of detection mechanism as Xi Zhicai's, Zhou Gongjin would have come out to talk to us a long time ago." Chen Xi said optimistically.

"If it were really that simple, would Zi Yu have written to us specifically to ask us this question?" Fa Zheng pointed out the biggest doubt.

"Isn't your spiritual talent to analyze people? Now quickly analyze what Yu is thinking?" Chen Xi really didn't want to use his brain anymore, so he called Fa Zheng over.

"Why do you think I went to find you? It's because my spiritual talent is useless." Fa Zheng couldn't help but complain. Chen Xi's brain was rusty because of idleness. No wonder Yang Ji specifically asked Liu Bei to add Chen Xi's name to the list of military advisors accompanying the army.

If Chen Xi continues to be so leisurely, who knows how much his response speed will drop.

"What!? Even your personal analysis can't figure out what Zi Yu wants to tell us?" Chen Xi was shocked. What on earth was the tip-off that Yang Ji had given them? Even the Fa Zheng personal analyzer that used to be so useful didn't work.

Fa Zheng, Liu Bei and others looked at Chen Xi's exaggerated performance with expressionless faces. Those who didn't know would have thought that Chen Xi was mocking their incompetence.

"Cough cough cough..." Chen Xi coughed a few times awkwardly. Could he say that he didn't mean it?

"Let's discuss the riddle." Chen Xi pretended that nothing had happened just now, and he did not make any exaggerated movements or use any exaggerated tone.

"Zi Yu specifically mentioned Cao Mengde and Zhou Gongjin, which shows that these two people are the key to solving the riddle." Chen Xi extracted the two most critical names in the riddle.

"So what will happen after these two people meet?" Fa Zheng said thoughtfully, as if he had figured out what Yang Ji really wanted to say.

"Do you think Zhou Gongjin can detect the talent of a monarch?" Liu Bei suddenly said from the side.

The reason why Liu Bei thought of this problem was because he thought of the common points between himself and Cao Cao.

"This..." Chen Xi hesitated for a moment, "Anyway, Xi Zhicai, Pang Shiyuan, and Zhuge Kongming cannot detect the existence of monarch talent."

In this way, what Yang Ji wanted to say became clear.

"Mr. Zhou Yu should have known about the existence of Lord Xuande." Fa Zheng said with a frown. He didn't expect that the existence of Liu Bei was known to the other side. He didn't know what Zhou Yu's plan was.

"It seems that after Zhou Gongjin met Cao Gong, he gained an understanding of his monarch's talent." Chen Xi said gritting his teeth.

With Zhou Yu's keen sense, he would definitely be able to sense Cao Cao's special abilities after meeting him.

After realizing that Cao Cao had special abilities, Zhou Yu would definitely investigate to the end to find out what those special abilities were.

After all, Zhou Yu's family produced three officials of the highest rank, so there must be records about the monarch's talents.

Moreover, even if there were no relevant records in Zhou Yu's family, Zhou Yu could infer the nature of the monarch's talent from the few words of his predecessors, because Chen Xi himself had seen relevant records in some books.

"So, what will Zhou Gongjin do next now that he knows about our existence?" Liu Bei looked at Chen Xi.

"Ah, and me?" Chen Xi said at a loss. Although Zhou Yu could detect the existence of various talents, he should not be able to determine which talent is which, right?
"Otherwise, why do you think Zi Yu specifically mentioned you and asked Lord Xuande to add your name to the list of military advisors accompanying the army?" Fa Zheng said unhappily. In this kind of letter of tip-off, Yang Ji would never add some irrelevant content for no reason.

Facing Liu Bei's question and Fa Zheng's complaints, Chen Xi thought about it carefully and said, "I don't think Zhou Gongjin will do anything."

"What is your basis? Otherwise, Xingba and I can only send you and Lord Xuande away first." Fa Zheng looked at Gan Ning, then said to Chen Xi.

"Xiaozhi is right. If you, military advisor, cannot convince the two of us, we can only ask you, my lord and military advisor, to leave Jiangdong first." Gan Ning said seriously to Liu Bei and Chen Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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