The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 334: Zhao Yun's New Legion Talent Effect

Chapter 334: Zhao Yun's New Legion Talent Effect
"You will be able to meet Kong Ming after you return to Fenggao." Chen Xi said this with a smile. Although he did not say it explicitly, he had already given Lu Xun what he wanted to know.

Hearing Chen Xi's words, Lu Xun's expression became even more shocked, as if a major earthquake had occurred in his pupils.

"Does such a person really exist in this world?" Lu Xun muttered to himself subconsciously.

Lu Xun was very smart. He knew very well that what Chen Xi said just now was not a joke. There really was a guy in Fenggao who awakened his spiritual talent at the age of twelve, and this guy was only thirteen years old this year, but only two years older than him.

It is precisely because we know what the product of basic knowledge such as spiritual talent combined with wisdom after its ultimate sublimation represents.

So Lu Xun knew clearly that he was still a long way from reaching that height.

[What kind of existence is this monster that can awaken spiritual talent at the age of twelve? ] At this moment, Lu Xun suddenly wanted to see what kind of person Zhuge Liang, who was mentioned by Chen Xi and Fa Zheng, was.

Lu Xun felt that the fact that he awakened his spiritual talent at the age of twelve was a miracle in itself, and the person who could create such a miracle was also a miracle, a living miracle.

Lu Xun thought that he could not do it to that extent, so he set his sights on Fa Zheng.

If what Chen Xi told Lu Xun was correct, Fa Zheng awakened when he was sixteen or seventeen years old. According to Lu Xun's own estimation, he would also awaken at about the same age.

Because there was no comparison, Lu Xun didn't know the level of his own qualifications.

However, after meeting Fa Zheng, Lu Xun roughly knew the extent of his own qualifications.

Although it would take several more years to qualify to compete with Zhuge Liang, Fa Zheng and others, Lu Xun was still very excited. It was a scene he had never imagined before.

Chen Xi looked at Lu Xun, who was shocked but had a hint of yearning and ambition in his eyes, and couldn't help but nod secretly. This is the meaning of genius, challenging the stronger and climbing to higher places.

"Okay, Boyan, you go back to the cabin first. It's windy on the deck. It would be bad if you catch a cold." Chen Xi patted Lu Xun's shoulder and sent him back to the cabin.

Lu Xun was stunned for a moment. Why did his teacher suddenly want to chase him back to the cabin?
Besides, it's easy to get cold in the wind on the deck? Are you sure this is not a random excuse you made up?

"Actually, Zichuan wants you to practice martial arts well. Otherwise, the river wind will blow you down, not to mention the sea breeze on the sea."

Fa Zheng patted Lu Xun's shoulder sympathetically, and said with some gloating that it seemed that Chen Xi planned to train Lu Xun well after returning to Fenggao.

"Ah?" Lu Xun was stunned again. What was Fa Zheng talking about? Why did he suddenly turn to practicing martial arts?

"Oh, don't worry, you will know what's going on after we return to Fenggao." Fa Zheng said with a smile on his face. He really wanted to see Lu Xun experience the martial arts training courses specially customized by Zhao Yun, Guan Yu and other martial arts masters.

Although he has experienced it once himself, it does not prevent him from acting as a coach and training newbies like Lu Xun. Some very interesting scenes should happen at that time.

The smile on Fa Zheng's face became brighter. When Lu Xun saw Fa Zheng's smile, he felt a chill on his back. It seemed that Fa Zheng was planning something for him.

Lu Xun looked at his teacher Chen Xi. Although they had not yet officially become his apprentice, they had already established a master-disciple relationship. All that was missing was a master-disciple banquet.

"It's okay. You'll know what the smile on that guy's face means after we return to Fenggao." Chen Xi pointed at Fa Zheng and didn't say anything. Some things can only be called experience after experiencing them yourself.

"Yes." Lu Xun saluted Chen Xi. Since Chen Xi said so, he would wait until Feng Gao arrived to find out the truth of the matter.

"Tsk~" Chen Xi just shook his head. At this moment, Lu Xun was still a little serious. Normally, he did not show any of the youthful spirit.

"Forget it. I'll introduce you to a friend of the same age after we return to Fenggao." Chen Xi thought of Lu Yu who had just arrived in Fenggao recently.

How can you learn without a good classmate who can share the joys and sorrows? For geniuses, as long as there is another genius by their side, they will roll up their sleeves and do not need supervision from others at all.

Fa Zheng's eyes turned and he knew who the peer that Chen Xi and Lu Xun were talking about was. He had also seen him when he was in Fenggao.

Well, Fa Zheng had a deep impression of this guy Lu Yu. His father was obviously Lu Zhi, an upright Confucian scholar, but when it came to Lu Yu, he turned out to be a genius in power struggles, which was really surprising.

Fa Zheng still remembered that Lu Zhi had finally remembered to bring his family to Fenggao a few months ago, and when he saw Lu Yu again, his face was so wonderful.

As a great scholar and a teacher, how could Lu Zhi not notice the changes in Lu Yu?

In order to pull Lu Yu back from the vortex of power struggles, Lu Zhi even put aside other things in Taishan Academy, closed the door and planned to educate his youngest son well.

As a result, Lu Zhi returned to Taishan Academy with a gloomy face, and Lu Yu was handed over to Chen Xi by Lu Zhi, who was asked to find a more reliable teacher for Lu Yu. Then Chen Xi handed Lu Yu over to Jia Xu for teaching.

"Has that person also awakened his spiritual talent?" Lu Xun subconsciously asked Chen Xi after hearing Chen Xi's words. It seemed that he was still stimulated by Zhuge Liang, even though they had never met each other.

"Kong Ming's spiritual talent awakened at this age because he was provoked by others and lost his mind, which is why he awakened so early.

Generally speaking, the best age to awaken spiritual talents is after the age of sixteen. If you awaken before the age of sixteen, it will cause great pressure on your mental strength and physical strength.

Moreover, even if the mental strength and body can withstand the pressure brought by the spiritual talent, the spiritual talent awakened too early is incomplete, and after awakening, one must find a way to complete one's spiritual talent."

Chen Xi directly pointed out the disadvantages of awakening spiritual talents too early, although awakening spiritual talents before the age of sixteen is a proof of aptitude and ability.

However, the earlier spiritual talent is awakened, the better. Just like Zhuge Liang now, the pressure brought by spiritual talent cannot be solved by increasing mental and physical strength.

The physical hardware has not yet fully developed, but you are thinking of activating high-end software like spiritual talent. Isn't this just wishful thinking?
“So, even if your basic knowledge has reached the standard for awakening spiritual talent, you have to wait until you are sixteen years old to awaken, otherwise…” Chen Xi said, pressing Lu Xun’s shoulder.

Although Chen Xi didn't say what the consequences were, Lu Xun also understood what the consequences were. In short, they were very serious. "Yes, teacher, I will pay attention to this aspect." Lu Xun said in a serious manner, as if he could awaken his spiritual talent before he was sixteen.

"Boyan," Fa Zheng patted Lu Xun on the shoulder and laughed, "You don't really think you need to pay attention to this aspect, do you?"

Awakening spiritual talent before the age of sixteen? Throughout the entire Han Dynasty, there were only three people who did this: Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, and Pang Tong.

Maybe there are such geniuses in the world, but it will definitely not be Lu Xun in front of him. His basic knowledge is still far from enough.

Lu Xun's expression instantly turned ferocious, and he glared at Fa Zheng, the guy who was always making sarcastic remarks. If he could defeat Fa Zheng, Lu Xun would have given Fa Zheng a punch in the face.

After getting rid of the entanglement of the Jiangxia navy, the Qingzhou fleet quickly sailed out of the Yangtze River estuary, then headed north into the Huaihe River estuary, and then headed north from Sishui into Xia Pi, where they were going to pick up Li You and return to Fenggao together.

"Hey, Wenru, I heard that you caused a big stir here in Xuzhou?" Chen Xi walked down the deck and teased Li You on the shore.

Following Li You were Zhao Yun and Cao Cao's group, as well as Chen Deng, the governor of Xuzhou, after Li You returned to Fenggao. Li You and Cao Cao's group were all going back to Fenggao by boat, and Zhao Yun came to see them off.

Behind Chen Xi were Gan Ning and Fa Zheng. Liu Bei did not leave the cabin as it was not appropriate for him to be here now.

"Compared to other people, the fuss I made in Xuzhou is nothing." Li You glanced at Chen Deng who was following behind him.

"Really? Never mind. It's not a big deal anyway. What do you think, Yuanlong?" Chen Xi looked at Chen Deng behind Li You.

"Haha, Governor Li is right. Compared to others, the commotion made by Governor Li is really nothing." Chen Deng laughed. Compared to the actions of the Xuzhou aristocratic families, Li You was just turning a blind eye. So what did it matter?

"Is that so...Okay, since Yuanlong said so, I'll take it as such." Chen Xi didn't say anything else.

After all, Li You did not do anything extra in Xuzhou except implementing a high-pressure policy on Xuzhou officials and aristocratic families.

At most, he was blind and could not see that most of the aristocratic families in Xuzhou were flirting with the people sent by Jizhou to plot the military and political affairs of Xuzhou.

"Then, you should have received the transfer order issued by Fenggao regarding the governor of Xuzhou, right?" Chen Xi said to Chen Deng in a businesslike manner.

If Chen Deng could let the Xuzhou Chen family go, Chen Xi would not have been so impartial with Chen Deng.

However, it is obvious that Chen Deng could not let go of his family. Even if he joined Liu Bei, it was to expand his family. Everything he did was for the expansion of the Chen family in Xuzhou.

"I have received it." Chen Deng nodded, indicating that he had received the transfer order and appointment issued by Fenggao.

"Li Changshi and I have completed the handover of Xuzhou's government affairs." Chen Deng bowed to Li You respectfully, his eyes full of fear and dread of Li You.

Although Li You's high-pressure policy towards the Xuzhou families did not reach the extent of requiring every family to wear mourning clothes, it did still result in blood being splattered all over the hall.

Although Li You did not take action against all the Xuzhou families, it was still possible to pick out a few typical ones to serve as an example.

Moreover, when Li You was dealing with those typical cases, the bloody aura he revealed really shocked everyone present.

How many people must be killed to develop that level of bloody aura and murderous intent?
"Has the handover been completed? That's good too. The Qingzhou fleet doesn't have to stay in Xuzhou for a few more days." Although Chen Xi was a little surprised that Li You and Chen Deng would hand over the power in advance, he didn't care about it.

"Then shall we get on the boat and return to Fenggao now?" Chen Xi asked Li You. In this era, vehicles wait for people, not people wait for vehicles.

"Well, we will return today. I have almost finished all the things in Xuzhou." Li Youdian nodded. The reason why he wanted to hand over to Chen Deng in advance was to be able to return to Fenggao earlier to make room for the aristocratic families in Xuzhou.

Chen Xi glanced at Li You, who had a gloomy face, with a half-smile, he is indeed a talented actor.

"Okay, since you said so." Chen Xi turned his head to look at Zhao Yun and said, "Zilong, do you want to go on board and have some seafood? This is what Xingba caught from the sea and is kept in the cold storage. It is guaranteed to be fresh."

Zhao Yun looked at Chen Deng who was not invited, and then looked at Gan Ning's flagship.

"Really? Is it as delicious as you said?" Zhao Yun asked Chen Xi. Although Zhao Yun was not as good at eating as Chen Xi, he would not be polite if he could eat good food.

What's more, Chen Xi invited him to dinner on the boat, so he must have something else to say, otherwise, knowing Zhao Yun's character, Chen Xi would not say in front of everyone that he would treat him to seafood.

Moreover, Zhao Yun also knew that Liu Bei and Chen Xi had made a trip to Jiangdong, although he only received the news afterwards.

When he first received the news, if Zhao Yun had not been held down by Li You, he would have led his troops to pick out Sun Ce and Zhou Yu first, and then brought the two of them to Liu Bei, so as to prevent Liu Bei from wandering into the enemy-occupied area.

Although this look is not consistent with Zhao Yun's usual appearance, it can be achieved after the effect of the Rebel Legion talent.

This is Zhao Yun’s latest legion talent effect. Although calmness can make one immune to many negative effects, its explosive power is not enough.

Due to his own personality, Zhao Yun can only exert 70% of his strength under normal circumstances, although this 70% of his strength is enough to make Zhao Yun one of the best warriors in the world.

However, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and Zhao Yun does not want to be unable to exert 200% of his strength at that time.

After much thought, Zhao Yun felt that it would be easier to solve this problem by starting with the legion talents.

Since his legion talent was to force calmness, wouldn't it be possible to ignite a person's anger by reversing the effect of the legion talent?

(End of this chapter)

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