Chapter 44 Final interpretation right
"But if Yuan Shu can stick to his inner morality, Li Ru's strategy of using the jade seal to divide the princes will be solved."

"Yuan Shu's inner morality constrained his desire for the jade seal. At the same time, this desire also prompted him not to let others take the jade seal."

"If Sun Jian's sons know how to count, the jade seal will probably not fall into Yuan Shu's hands. If it really shows a heroic temperament, then Yuan Shu will not be merciful."

Chen Xi resisted Liu Bei's look at the god and analyzed Yuan Shu's attitude towards the jade seal to Liu Bei.

Then he ran to find someone to settle the score. After all, besides him, who else would instill in Liu Bei that Chen Xi was such a god.

As a result, Liu Bei now feels more and more that Chen Xi, a big fox, has indeed become a god himself after experiencing dreams from a god.

"Ziyu, what is the shape of the lucid organ?" Zhao Yun suddenly found Yang Ji and asked such a question.

"The shape of the lucid dream organ, why are you asking about this?" Yang Ji was a little confused and didn't understand why Zhao Yun did this.

After all, the shape of the phase organ does not affect its function, and the phase organ does not mean that it is an organ, but a spiritual creation similar to a spiritual body.

And when the spiritual talent awakens for the second time, the spiritual talent will merge and devour the lucid state organs, manifesting into spiritual creations that can affect reality, just like Yang Ji's dragon.

It's just that the spiritual talent of the second awakening cannot manifest this spiritual creation into reality, and can only project it into the real world.

"After the lucid state organ was merged with my spiritual talent, it became like this." An illusory black dragon flew out from between Yang Ji's eyebrows.

"You should have condensed the seeds of the lunar organ, otherwise you wouldn't ask me this question." Yang Ji played with himself, the virtual dragon in his hand flying up and down.

"Yes, it has been condensed. It is a seed, but I can't summon it like you." Zhao Yun said with some annoyance after seeing Yang Ji's dragon phantom.

"Your seeds have just been condensed and you want to summon them? Zilong, even I can't do this now." Yang Ji said helplessly.

"But, what is this of yours?" Zhao Yun pointed to the two identical dragon shadows dancing around Yang Jifei and asked doubtfully.

He knew that one of them was transformed by Yang Ji's military soul, and the other was transformed by the lucid state organ.

"Well, this is just a projection. The real lucid dream organ has been merged with my spiritual talent and has disappeared."

Yang Ji said something that troubled Zhao Yun, and it was visible to the naked eye that the doubts on Zhao Yun's face were getting stronger and stronger.

"What are you talking about?" is what Zhao Yun's expression expressed at this time.

"In other words, the lucid dream organ that I condensed was swallowed up by my spiritual talent, and the lucid dream organ in turn promoted the awakening of my spiritual talent."


"In other words, my spiritual talent now is the lucid dream organ."

"How is this done?" Zhao Yun asked with a shocked look on his face. The lunar organ that was born due to spiritual talent has been annexed by spiritual talent. What kind of gameplay is this?

"Zilong, you have to understand that the initial function of the lucid state organ is to allow me, who has awakened my spiritual talent, to be qualified to become an inner Qi separated body. After all, I don't want to become a master."

"Born here, raised here, fallen leaves just return to their roots." Yang Ji said calmly. "You are too willful. Just because you don't want to become a master, you have come up with such a secret technique of the level of a killer. I don't know how to evaluate it."

As a last resort, Chen Xi could only speak. If he didn't interrupt Yang Ji's words, Zhao Yun would probably doubt himself.

"I have the right to be willful. After all, I have the strength to give myself the final right of explanation." After Yang Ji saw Chen Xi speaking, he couldn't help but retort. After all, he really had the final right of explanation.

"Zilong, you heard it too. In this field, he is the ultimate answer. Whatever he says is what it is."

"Just follow your own thinking. After all, his field is the spiritual phase organ, not the inner energy phase organ."

"His current train of thought can only be used as a reference for you. Nothing else. You have to believe that you have the final say in the inner energy system."

Chen Xi knew very well that a pioneer in a field could only be said to be the path-breaker in this field. As for how many forks in the road he opened, he could not control it.

His influence on this fork in the road is no longer here, but a suggestion, a train of thought, a reference, not a final explanation.

"So, Zichuan, has your lucid dream organ been absorbed by your spiritual talent?" Zhao Yun asked thoughtfully.

"Me? Not yet, although with the strength of my spiritual talent, I can directly merge with the phase organ and achieve a second awakening."

"However, at this stage, I don't plan to merge the phase organs so soon. There are quite a lot of mysteries involved."

"If I can study it thoroughly, I will be more confident about the modification of the secret technique."

"After all, I don't have the same in-depth research on these things as Ziyu. If I modify it rashly, I will probably fall into the trap like last time."

"Revise the secret technique? Why modify it? Isn't Ziyu's secret technique already complete?" Zhao Yun's eyes were full of doubts. For him, today's experience was an eye-opener.

"How is it possible for me to practice the original secret technique? You know, I am also a top-notch wise man. If the lunar organ I cultivated does not have any characteristics of my own, I will be laughed at by others in the future."

When Chen Xi said this, he glanced at Yang Ji intentionally or unintentionally, as if to say that someone was him.

"I can't understand." Zhao Yun really couldn't understand Chen Xi's thinking. Why would he be laughed at by others if he practiced a secret technique that he didn't modify himself.

"Zilong, you have to know that even wise men have competitions in private. What's more, this kind of competition that tests one's own knowledge and imagination can arouse that damn desire to win."

Chen Xi's face at this time was filled with confidence that he had never seen before. "Gundam, this is the dream of many people. Now that I have this opportunity, what else can I say? Just do it."

Zhao Yun went back thoughtfully. After this experience, he hoped to broaden his horizons. I hope he can be more confident and become a son of the version as soon as possible.

——Liu Bei and his party are still on their way to Taishan County.

Li Ru in Chang'an has now discovered that the fat man Dong Zhuo is fooling him. Now Dong Zhuo is afraid of death and wants to live a few more years and live a peaceful life.

(End of this chapter)

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