Chapter 46 The dilapidated Taishan County
After entering Taishan County, the desolation is visible to the naked eye. The land is abandoned, overgrown with weeds, and no one is cultivating it.

In the villages passing by on the way to Fenggao, not even a single person could be seen. Maybe there was really no one, maybe they didn't dare to come out, so they could only hide in the shabby thatched house.

On the road, you rarely encounter people who are out doing business. They either run away directly or are frightened by the army.

The middle-aged man in front of him was like this. He couldn't say any words. He held the broken wooden tools in his arms and lowered his head with a pale face, full of fear.

With a face full of persecution and paranoia, he really couldn't bear to let him be stimulated any more, so Liu Bei personally took some food and gave it to him.

But the look of resistance on his face made Liu Bei's hand freeze. Fortunately, Chen Xi pulled him away from the army's surroundings before accepting the item.

"Zichuan, why are the people so afraid of us? The people of the Han Dynasty should not be like this." Liu Bei said in a low tone, although he knew that the people were being deceived and afraid, so they were like this.

However, the people under the rule of the Han Dynasty should not be like this. This is the Han Dynasty people recorded in history books.

Why did the Han Dynasty become so distrustful of the people who even Emperor Xiaowu dared to kidnap to see the officials?He doesn't understand.


Chen Xi sighed, those guys in the upper echelons who claimed to be rulers would not think that they were in the same group as the Mudlegs.

"No." Liu Bei's voice was very low, so low that you couldn't hear clearly unless you listened carefully.

"Also, even the person at the top no longer cares about the people. How can he still ask officials to care about the people?"

“That’s what the saying goes.”

Chen Xi stabbed Liu Bei with a knife again and sprinkled a handful of salt on him.

Chen Xi's purpose is very clear, to deepen the people's weight in Liu Bei's place. After all, in this era, Liu Bei has this kind of awareness.

After Liu Bei heard this, he did not refute, but remained silent.

At this time, an idea had emerged in his mind. He did not want to be separated from the people. He had witnessed the life of the lower class people with his own eyes and knew how to pretend.

"Let's go, Feng Gao is ahead." Liu Bei's tone was calm, and the forced smile just now was no longer visible.

——The dilapidated Fenggao City.

"It's really unreasonable. Even rabbits know not to eat grass beside their nests. How come these bandits don't know that?"

"After all, this is Taishan's administrative center. If you manage it well, you will get much more profit than if you just rob it."

After Chen Xi saw several officials from Fenggao coming out to greet him, they kept thinking about it and didn't know how he was stimulated.

But Chen Xi was right. Looking around, there was not a single fat person, which meant that these officials were relatively normal.

But the common people were different. They looked very skinny and had not had a full meal for an unknown amount of time.

"Sooner or later, we will arrest them and send them to labor reform, so that they do not respect the fruits of other people's labor, and let them try the feeling of having their labor fruits taken away by others." Chen Xi was still talking there, with an angry look. It seemed that It was a bit emotional.

"Zichuan, stop talking there, wait until the situation is settled before leading troops to destroy them." Liu Bei called Chen Xi and asked him to follow quickly.

There are dilapidated houses everywhere on the road, but people still live in them, even if they are about to collapse.

There are still blood stains on the walls of the house, and I know when they were left there. Even the people I met on the road looked scared.
Fenggao's Yamen also looked dilapidated, and it always felt like it was about to collapse. A gust of wind blew through the hall, and a layer of dust was blown up on the beams.

Even the official warehouse looked empty, and rats would starve to death if they came.

"Zichuan, the whole Taishan is basically in this situation. Is there any way to solve it?" Liu Bei's eyes were bright and he looked at Chen Xi expectantly.

Although he knew that Taishan would be very poor, he did not expect that he would be so poor. In Fenggao City, the seat of Taishan, he didn't even see a bright and beautiful person.

"You are really poor, but that's fine. You don't have to worry about anything. There are no local snakes to hinder you. If you just feed the people, it will be easy to solve."

"I just don't know when Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang can deliver the food I want."

Chen Xi looked at Liu Bei and asked him about the arrival time of these two people. After all, they were Liu Bei's friends, so Chen Xi couldn't interfere too much.

However, Chen Xi gave the salt-making recipe to the two of them at the beginning. If they could not get what Chen Xi needed, their future with Chen Xi would be like that.

"They were delayed due to some things. It will probably take a few days to transport the food to Mount Tai."

Liu Bei said a little cautiously. After all, it was he who recommended Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang to Chen Xi in the first place. Now that they are unable to deliver what Chen Xi wants on time, he is also a little embarrassed.

Chen Xi calculated in his mind that the food and grass they brought now can probably last for a while.

"Then please ask Xuande to preside over the opening of granaries and grain distribution. By the way, tell the people that in three days, we will build water conservancy projects and renovate the city. If the people are willing to participate, they can give them food. Of course, they will be paid. "

Although Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang have not yet transported the grain that Chen Xi wanted to Mount Tai, Chen Xi no longer wants to wait for them. By the time they arrive, Fenggao's reconstruction work will probably have been done for a while.

"Since you already have a plan, and I don't know much about it, I'll leave the political aspect to you."

"I will deal with the matter of opening a position first, as well as Yun Chang and the others. Zichuan, please come and give them tasks. After all, I don't know how to sort out Taishan's affairs, alas!"

When Liu Bei saw Guan Yu and the others begging, he couldn't help but smile bitterly, then threw them to Chen Xi and ran away. After all, he really didn't know how to sort out the entire Taishan County.

After watching Liu Bei leave, the generals present looked neatly at Chen Xi with expectations on their faces.

"Zichuan, leave it to us to deal with the bandits entrenched throughout Mount Tai, and make sure it is completed beautifully."

After Liu Bei left, Zhang Fei's voice became louder, shouting that he would kill the bandits who had robbed them.

(End of this chapter)

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