Chapter 48 Who doesn’t want to fish?
"Ziyu, what about you? What kind of work do you want to do? After all, with Taishan's current level of development, your skills are not really needed yet."

After seeing Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong leaving, Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji who had been paddling next to him.

"Aren't you the chief manager? You can make the arrangements. Anyway, I can go anywhere now, as long as you put me in a place where I can paddle."

Yang Ji made a request that made everyone silent (and very excited). It was also the most troublesome suggestion for the leaders above.

After all, you really don’t know if some people are working seriously or just fishing in the water.

But it is really rare for someone to say openly and openly like Yang Ji that he wants to fish in the water.

However, as long as you have Yang Ji's level of technical skills, even if you are riding on the leader's head, the leader will smile and ask, "Welcome to come again next time."

"You really dare to think about it. With Taishan's current situation, there is work everywhere, and there is no time to paddle for you."

Chen Xi couldn't help complaining about Yang Ji's wishful thinking. In Taishan's current situation, even if he was a bandit, Chen Xi could send him to the construction site to collect dust, let alone a top technical talent.

If we don't use him to his advantage, he won't be the big black-hearted fox who cuts the black for nothing.

"You should stay in the Government Affairs Office and help me, so as not to wander around and destroy unity."

Chen Xi directly left Yang Ji in the Government Affairs Office under his nose, so that he could at least restrain himself on the surface.

If it was really released, with Yang Ji's ability, if he wanted to fish, others really wouldn't be able to tell.

"I thought you were going to put me directly on the construction site as a supervisor, but I didn't expect that you would arrange for me to be assigned to the Government Affairs Office."

Yang Ji was really surprised. Originally, he thought that Chen Xi would have a high possibility of putting him on the construction site.

After all, Taishan County now, no, Taishan County in the next few months, will become a big construction site. If no one is watching, there will probably be some trouble.

Especially in the future, a large number of bandits will be sent to construction sites as labor reform prisoners, so there is an even greater need for someone who can control the situation.

Although Yang Ji has never been exposed to engineering construction and is a purely intuitive person in mathematics (that is, I am thinking), he can at least read pictures, and that is enough.

"That's not possible. We are all brothers. How could I let you go to the construction site to clear dust?"

"Of course, I asked you to join me in talking nonsense in the Government Affairs Office. How about that? I'm loyal enough."

In fact, what Chen Xi was thinking was, how could you let you waste your brain on the construction site?

You should be allowed to use up your brain cells in the office, so that I can save a lot of brain cells myself.

Moreover, Chen Xi also needs a supporter in the Government Affairs Department, someone who allows others to see his limits.

Although Yang Ji's level of political strategy is not comparable to that of Chen Xi, a guy who is more cheating than a cheater even if he doesn't cheat, he is at least qualified.

After all, in such a big environment in China, I must have seen a lot of all kinds of messy things.

Even if Yang Ji's understanding of many things is superficial, he at least knows this concept.

In fact, Chen Xi didn't expect Yang Ji to do much work in the Government Affairs Department, but he just hoped that someone would understand his thoughts.

After all, if possible, he wouldn't want to lose some compatible friends because of something.

"It's okay to stay in the Government Affairs Office, but then don't say that I'm bringing bad luck."

Yang Ji could vaguely sense why Chen Xi placed him in the Government Affairs Office. Wasn't it because he wanted a shield and a microphone?

"Don't worry, as long as you don't let others see it, it'll be fine. I know you have this ability." Chen Xi smiled and agreed to Yang Ji, but he didn't let Yang Ji see what he was thinking.

As long as the person is still there, no matter what happens, Chen Xi can squeeze out a few taels of oil. Well, the plan works.

Zhao Yun, on the other hand, listened expressionlessly as Chen Xi and Yang Ji conspired loudly in front of him.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't let their paddling conspiracy go so far, but his instinct told him that the water here was very deep.

It is best not to ruin Chen Xi's plan, otherwise it will cause some irreparable accidents.

And he also felt that Chen Xi spoke loudly in front of him on purpose so that he could go to Yang Ji if he had anything to do in the future.

It's best to go to Yang Ji no matter what happens. If Yang Ji can't solve it, come to him again.

This is Zhao Yun's experience in getting along with Chen Xi these days. Chen Xi's words were to find Yang Ji first and then Chen Xi.

However, it is a matter that needs to be carefully considered as to whether Yang Ji should be approached first and Chen Xi should be approached first.

After all, Yang Ji's major is not in political strategy. You can come to him for small matters, but don't come to him for big matters. He is just a small technical researcher.

"Zilong, let's go and take a look around the Government Affairs Office to see what's missing there."

When Zhao Yun lowered his head and thought about how he could act more naturally, he heard Chen Xi greeting him.

"Oh, okay." After Zhao Yun raised his head, he realized that the two people were no longer around him, but at the corner, sticking their heads out and waving to him.

"Zilong, what were you doing in your daze just now? You don't deserve to be called."

After Zhao Yun followed Chen Xi and Yang Ji, he heard Yang Ji talking to him.

"It's nothing, I'm just wondering how to smoothly organize people to resume farming."

Zhao Yun truthfully told what he was thinking about just now. After all, he was really thinking about how to carry out his work.

Hearing Chen Xi and Yang Ji's conspiracy was just overheard. It was definitely not because I didn't think of anything and was distracted.

"I can give you some advice on this. After all, it's almost the time for autumn plowing. You have to seize the time to prepare for plowing."

"First point, you have to count the population of the entire Taishan County."

"This way you can calculate the minimum amount of land that needs to be planted this year to ensure the food supply in Taishan County, so that the people will not be unable to eat."

"Second point, you need to calculate how much available arable land is left in Taishan County and how many new fields need to be reclaimed to meet demand."

"The third point is to organize the people to resume farming. You can complete the first part by yourself, but the third point can only be completed by everyone's strength."

"Also, you can also go to those old farmers who have been growing crops all their lives and ask them how they farm."

“Or you can also look at which family’s crops are growing well, and you’ll see that the one has a good harvest.”

"If their experience can be generalized, even if it only increases the production of a few bushels of grain, that would be good."

Chen Xi gave Zhao Yun some advice on the general direction, but it was Zhao Yun's own business as to how to implement it.

(End of this chapter)

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