Chapter 57 Chen Xi: (╯°口°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Jian Yong finally discovered what he had overlooked, Zhao Yun's abnormal data processing ability.

Generally speaking, generals should not have such powerful processing capabilities for pure data analysis.

But now, what did he see?A military commander who had already reached the inhuman realm in martial arts actually had such accomplishments in the field of civil servants.

And now Xuande seems to have changed. It seems that he has become not smart, but able to think.

Yes, he has become more thoughtful. When he was in power in Pingyuan County, Xuande didn't think twice. His body would often take action as soon as his mind became hot.

But Xuande's current appearance does not look like he has been stimulated, but more like he has undergone some unknown transformation.

It was as if someone was reminding him how to think at this time, what to do now, and what the consequences would be if he did it.

Intuition told Jian Yong that there must be some secret hidden in it, and this secret was the source of all changes.

Jian Yong stared at the bamboo slip in his hand to report, as if he wanted to find some clues in it.

It's a very ordinary data analysis, but the person who compiled this report is not simple.

Jian Yong's burning eyes finally moved away from the bamboo slips and focused on Zhao Yun.

It's not that he doesn't want to put it on Yang Ji, but that Yang Ji is a spiritual talent holder, and he doesn't know if this is the effect of his spiritual talent.

As for Zhao Yun, a military general and a super military general who has stepped into the inhuman realm, it is impossible for him to also have spiritual talents.

"Xianhe, just say whatever you want to ask, and don't stare at me like that."

"If I can tell you, I will tell you. If I can't tell you, you should ask the lord."

Zhao Yun seemed to be a little frightened by Jian Yong's burning gaze, and couldn't help but speak.

"What's going on?" Jian Yong also noticed that something was wrong with his behavior. After calming down, he pointed to the bamboo slips in his hand and asked.

"You said this, I may not be able to help you. You have to go find Ziyu. This is his work."

Zhao Yun looked at the bamboo slips in Jian Yong's hand and thought for a while before he realized what Jian Yong was asking.

Then he pointed at a scroll of bamboo slips he had taken out from nowhere. Yang Ji, who was reading it with gusto, expressed that it was Yang Ji's credit.

Jian Yong arrived in front of Yang Ji's workstation in a flash. However, before he could speak, Yang Ji found a roll of bamboo slips from somewhere and threw it to Jian Yong.

"Take it, don't ask anything, I won't answer if you ask. If you have anything, you can go to Mr. Xuande."

Yang Ji said that since you are an old friend of Liu Bei, I will give you the things, but you can just keep a close eye on them yourself and don’t spread the word. If you have any questions, please ask your old friends.

After all, if you spread things out at this stage, wouldn't you be making yourself miserable?

Jian Yong couldn't stop smiling as he took the bamboo slips Yang Ji threw to him.

Holding back his excitement, he put the bamboo slips in his arms and planned to go to Liu Bei after get off work to ask for precautions.

As for the other people in the Government Affairs Department, just see it if they see it. Anyway, they don't know what Yang Ji handed over to Jian Yong.

Jian Yong, who pretended that nothing happened, returned to his workstation. Sitting at his workstation, he was not in the mood to work at all. Instead, he touched the bamboo slips in his arms from time to time.

Thinking about what kind of thing can give a military commander the computing power of a civil servant.

Yang Ji looked at Jian Yong who was not interested in dealing with government affairs. He couldn't help but shook his head and couldn't say anything.

Just when Yang Ji was thinking about when he would be able to announce the secret technique of this phase organ.Chen Xi came in with Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping, and then Chen Xi pulled out a roll of white cloth from a pile of bamboo slips at his work station and threw it to the two of them.

"I was bored and the two of them hadn't come yet, so I made the contract first."

"You guys take a look first. If you are not satisfied with anything or it is inappropriate, you can bring it up and we can discuss it."

When Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping heard Chen Xi say that after the business negotiation, they were no longer polite. They picked up the contract and started browsing.

Judging from their expressions, they should be very satisfied with the conditions given by Chen Xi.

Then there was the discussion between Chen Xi and the two of them about the content of the contract.

But it was just one of the contents that made them a little confused, not that they were dissatisfied with the contract.

That is to say, they thought Chen Xi was interested in their distribution channels. Unfortunately, Chen Xi just wanted to use their channels to establish his own intelligence network.

Then Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping signed their names on the contract, and with Chen Xi's dumb look, they bit their fingers and put their fingerprints on the contract.

Unfortunately, Chen Xi did not follow. Instead, he took out a box of ink pad from the pile of bamboo slips. After his thumb was dipped in the ink pad, he pressed his fingerprint on the contract.

Chen Xi took out another roll of white cloth from the pile of bamboo slips, signed his name on it, pressed his fingerprints and handed it over to them for inspection.

"You should mirror each other and see if there are any differences. If there is no problem, put it away."

Chen Xi gave the copy to them for inspection and asked them to confirm whether there was any discrepancy with the original.

"Chen Juncheng, the [-] shi of grain will be transported in two installments. The first batch of [-] shi will arrive by land within three days."

"The second batch of [-] stones will be transported by the Zhen family to Qingzhou by sea, then transferred to Jinan by the Yellow River, and then transported by land to Mount Tai. Please remember to sign for it, Lord Chen."

After putting the copy of the contract in their arms, Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping said to Chen Xi with blushing faces.

"Zhen family, okay. I think you two are also in a hurry to buy land in Qingzhou to make salt. I wish you both a lot of money here. Please go ahead."

Chen Xi saw the eager look of the two of them and had no intention of staying any longer. After all, they would meet again in the future, but then they would not be like they are now.

"Thanks to Chen Juncheng's auspicious words, it is inconvenient for the two of us to stay here for a long time. The housekeepers from the Zhang and Su families will be here to take over within two days."

Su Shuang and Zhang Shiping saw Chen Xi's intention to see off the guests, so they didn't stay much longer. Anyway, they got the promise they wanted and hurriedly left.

After Chen Xi saw them leaving the Government Affairs Office, he turned around and saw Jian Yong in a daze.

But he didn't do anything. Instead, he sat back at his desk and continued drinking tea.

The current system is like this. You can't leave until after get off work hours.

But after you finish your work, no one will interfere with you, as long as you don't violate etiquette.

It's like Chen Xi is lying on the table taking a nap right now. No one cares about it, neither has the ability to care about it, nor does he want to care about it.

But Jian Yong, who finally calmed down, seemed to suddenly remember something after reviewing his government affairs for a while.

Then he woke up Chen Xi, who was sleeping soundly.

Chen Xi: (╯°口°)╯︵┻━┻

(End of this chapter)

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