The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 59: How to link up with Archangel Zhang of Flash Gold

Chapter 59: How to link up with Archangel Zhang of Flash Gold
"Then how do we make sure that the information is passed to the upper level by our lower-level intelligence personnel and not by the enemy?"

Jian Yong didn't care what Chen Xi and Yang Ji just said. Anyway, after a long time, he would know it. Knowing it now would dampen his enthusiasm.

"Someone on the outside knows, and the role of the outsider's existence is to determine the authenticity of the upper and lower levels who deliver the message, and to deliver the message in some extremely important situations."

"However, this kind of operation can only be done once. After that, regardless of whether it is exposed or not, you have to be transferred to another place or transferred back to work."

Chen Xi solemnly said that the most important thing in intelligence work is to be cautious. Regardless of whether it is really exposed, as long as it is enabled, you must be prepared to be discovered by a third party.

"This method is wonderful." A glint flashed in Zhao Yun's eyes. Just as he was about to speak, Jian Yong cut him off. Unfortunately, it was Chen Xi who answered.

"Oh, since Xianhe thinks it's wonderful, let's leave it to Xianhe to handle it."

Chen Xi casually threw the baggage to Jian Yong to deal with, but he felt relieved. Anyway, Yang Ji didn't understand how it worked here.

Yang Ji did not participate in the remaining final interpretation. Instead, he quietly returned to his work station and continued reading.

It can't be said that it's just reading, but it's about continuing to conceive of the talent structure of his future headquarters, that is, Yang Ji will form a new headquarters army.

Although his military spirit is back, Yang Ji does not plan to reorganize the army now, because the military spirit is back, and the old brothers of the legion are also coming back.

After the military soul returned to Yang Ji's hands, Yang Ji had time to slowly explore the ultimate move of the military soul, and finally discovered the will contained in the military soul last night.

Because the ultimate move of the Military Soul [Heroic Spirit] retains the will of the soldiers who made the Military Soul and has not dissipated in the world.

No wonder it was clear that there was an ultimate move, but after using it, it had no effect.

It turns out that there is no heroic spirit to summon. After all, it is the first-generation military spirit. Where can the seniors come from to summon it?

It is probably because the military soul is a miracle, so when the miracle broke out, the broken will of the soldiers was preserved, sleeping in the military soul, and being nourished by the military soul.

Although it has not been completely restored yet, with the help of time, it will one day be restored.

Although now Yang Ji can also directly use the power of the military soul to transform suitable soldiers to reorganize the military soul army.

After all, the leader of the military soul army is still there, and the military soul is still there. If you want to reorganize the military soul army, isn't it a very simple matter?

But in this case, Yang Ji's old brothers can only become heroic spirits sleeping in the military souls, and can only come out for air when activating the ultimate move.

Yang Ji didn't want his old brothers to sleep in the military soul forever before they could enjoy the majesty of the military soul.

When the time comes, follow the golden archangel Zhang to conquer the Hall of Valor in Rome, and materialize the bodies of the old brothers. Wouldn't it be wonderful to live another life?

Even though Yang Ji had to wait a long time before he could bring the general's soul into the different world of Hall of Valor, it would be great because no one else would have this opportunity.

Originally, he no longer planned to lead troops to fight, but stayed in the laboratory to study his runes, so there was no parting.

Unexpectedly, the miracle was indeed a miracle, giving him the opportunity to make up for his past regrets, which rekindled his will to fight.

Since he wants to conquer the Hall of Valor in another world as a general, he must have a strong enough legion.

If this is the case, then we have to talk about Yang Ji's position among the four military forces.Although Yang Ji was involved in a world full of military situations, it was because Yang Ji himself was not good at martial arts.

Therefore, what Yang Ji is best at is not the situation of soldiers, but the yin and yang of soldiers, using the power of ghosts and gods to increase his own army and weaken the enemy's army.

What's more, Yang Ji's Bing Yin Yang is not a trick to use the power of ghosts and gods to stimulate the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, but a real increase to strengthen himself and weaken the enemy.

However, although Yang Ji is a yin and yang of soldiers, his legion is not, but an output legion with explosive attack power.

Generally speaking, on the battlefield, Yang Ji is used as an auxiliary pendant for the legion. He only needs to issue orders to continuously attach different buffs to the legion according to the specific battle situation.

Then the legionnaires were responsible for the violent output, dismantling each command line, cutting directly into the command center, and killing the enemy commander, bringing victory to Yang Ji.

Unless you encounter a legion that can resist the attack of your own legion, on the battlefield, the legion with the buff that Yang Ji pinched on the spot will be the most handsome guy in the field.

Because the soldiers brought out by Yang Ji usually have at least one elite talent of will, so as long as Yang Ji changes into a set of exclusive skins.

Then in the eyes of the soldiers, victory has been locked in, and what is left is nothing more than more or less losses.

Even a tragic victory with all losses is still a victory, as long as the enemy in front of you can be hacked to death, that's all.

This is why Yang Ji's legion was able to achieve a military spirit in just a few years, supported by a group of lunatics who didn't care about life and death.

This is why Yang Ji is unwilling to go to the battlefield again, and this is why Yang Ji is unwilling to reorganize his troops after his military spirit returns.

But now that he finally has the opportunity to let his old brothers live openly and openly in the sun again, what reason does he have not to work hard.

Therefore, in Yang Ji's plan, the new legion is based on heavy armored shield guards as a base. Otherwise, Yang Ji doesn't know how many times he can withstand the blows of all his subordinates being wiped out.

Strong collective survival guarantee is Yang Ji's primary goal now, and survival is Yang Ji's requirement for the new legion.

The survivability of the heavy armored shield guard perfectly meets Yang Ji's needs for battlefield survivability.

Even if his demand for equipment is high, even if his attack power is insufficient, even if
But you can't deny the excellence and power of the heavily armored shield guard, not to mention the shortcomings of insufficient attack power that cannot be solved.

Ten years is enough time for Yang Ji to pull the heavy-armored shield guards into a decisive battle unit at the level of the Imperial Guard. Yang Ji has this ability.

First, adaptive base, then heavy armor defense, then triple heavy armor defense, and then other high attack talents.

This was Yang Ji's original plan, but now Yang Ji has an idea for a better talent structure.

Wouldn't it be better if every soldier in the legion could master the inner energy? It would be easier to develop in-depth elite talents and refine talents.

Isn't it just to innate the lucid organ? Damn it, how can a lucid organ based on spiritual power and inner energy be given to soldiers without inner energy?

It kills me to think about it. Although the current phase organ does not require mental talent and inner energy to leave the body to condense a seed, it also requires mental power and inner energy as the foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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