Chapter 62 I don’t know what to write

Yang Ji picked up a blank bamboo slip from his seat and recorded the experimental data just now.

At the same time, he was bickering with Chen Xi, doing two things at once, thinking and talking, completely ignoring the shocked others around him.

Chen Xi was very interested in the name Aha in Yang Ji's mouth. He always felt that the meaning behind this name was his greatest joy outside of work.

"Explain what it means. The two terms joy and aha always seem to symbolize something." Chen Xi said with a smile.

"It's nothing. Happiness is happiness. As for Aha, it's just fun. Don't worry about Aha. Aha won't come to you."

Yang Ji didn't even look at Chen Xi, and lowered his head to record the experimental data just now, especially when Jian Yong took advantage of this to successfully introduce Qi into his body.

This is precious data, and it has an important reference role for the subsequent improvement of the Yunqi Army Formation.

"You said I'm a fun person!?" Chen Xi didn't know when he realized it, and his tone suddenly became high-pitched.

"Every time I see you, you are either watching or making fun, and you are said to be not a happy believer."

"It's like what you just suggested. I'm going to prepare rice tomorrow. You don't even think about how busy they are and how many government affairs they have to review. Don't you know that you're just talking about a pig's heart?"

After Yang Ji finished recording the data, he had time to raise his head to discuss with Chen Xi whether Chen Xi was a joy cultist or not.

"But tomorrow is a holiday. Why can't I go out to play? Why have I become a fire-sacrifice person?"

Chen Xi said with a smile, as if the person offering the fire was not him, and continued to stir up Yang Ji's nerves.

"Zichuan, are you two changing the subject?" Zhao Yun suddenly spoke up before Yang Ji could speak.

Chen Xi and Yang Ji turned to look at Zhao Yun at the same time. Yang Ji's eyes almost overflowed with admiration, while Chen Xi smiled and said nothing more.

"It seems that Zilong is also very suitable to be a counselor. It can be seen that we are deliberately changing the topic."

Yang Ji opened his mouth to answer Zhao Yun's doubts just now, but the smile on his face made others feel a little uneasy.

This is not a trivial matter, but a key trump card that can change the direction of the battlefield.

It seems that this ray of inner energy has no impact on the strength of the soldiers, but under the suppression of cloud energy, the presence or absence of inner energy is the difference between elite soldiers and miscellaneous soldiers.

After hearing Yang Ji's answer, Zhao Yun said nothing more. This kind of secret was not suitable to be mentioned here.

As for why Yang Ji wanted to conduct experiments in the Government Affairs Office instead of in the military camp, Zhao Yun didn't want to waste any time thinking.

It was nothing more than a demonstration of Liu Bei's strength, or other calculations, or Yang Ji's mistake, but this was not something Zhao Yun should think about.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was silent, other unqualified people were even more afraid to speak, even if they desperately wanted to know the secret.

You must know that this Yunqi Army Formation alone is enough for Yang Ji to leave his name in history. There is no scholar who does not have this goal.

After Yang Ji opened his mouth to explain, everything seemed like nothing happened. Those who should work continued to work, and those who should fish continued to fish.

Even Chen Xi rarely became quiet. He sat in the main seat and looked at the people in the Government Affairs Office. The only sound was the rustling sound of writing.

Even the clerks who came in to deliver information were a little cautious when they saw such a quiet Government Affairs Office. After all, they had seen and heard the movement just now.

It was not until the end of work that the quiet Government Affairs Office was liberated, especially after Yang Ji, Chen Xi, Zhao Yun and Jian Yong left, the voices of discussion suddenly sounded. "Ziyu, you really caught us off guard. Such secrets should not be displayed in the crowded Government Affairs Office."

Jian Yong said with a wry smile. He only turned around after Zhao Yun opened his mouth. Why did the topic of Chen Xi and Yang Ji suddenly turn to an unknown road.

His excitement at that time was like being poured a basin of cold water on him. It was so cool that he wouldn't have shown off if he had known better.

Otherwise, with the eyesight of the scholars in the Government Affairs Department, they would not be able to tell the specific situation of Jian Yong.

"Xianhe doesn't have to worry about this. So what if it spreads. At most, it will only make others more defensive."

Yang Ji said with a smile, not worried about the news being spread at all, but instead comforting Jian Yong.

"Ziyu, is this military formation of yours also developed on the basis of lucid organs?"

Although Zhao Yun didn't want to ask, he saw the shadow of the lunar organ on the inner qi. It was the internal qi-based lucid organ he developed himself.

Originally, he thought it could only be applied to individuals, but he didn't expect that it could be used in such a way.

"Yeah, originally I wanted to develop a corresponding elite talent, but I overestimated my talent in soldier training."

"I have no choice. I can't handle the elite talent, so I can only move my position to the rune field that I know well."

"Elite talent? What is this?" Zhao Yun asked with some confusion. Although he has strong martial arts skills and is a famous teacher, not everyone can learn from his military heritage.

"How should I explain it? You must have experienced the cloud formation I arranged, right?"

"It's similar to the military formation's blessing to the soldiers, except that the cloud energy in the military formation responds to my will, while the elite talent is the cloud energy responding to the will of the legion."

"Essentially, they are all changes in cloud energy, but elite talents are amplifiers of the soldiers' basic qualities, while military formations are external blessings."

Yang Ji explained with some headache. After all, he had not received a formal military education. His military knowledge was gained on the battlefield.

"I don't understand." Zhao Yun shook his head, saying that he didn't understand, it was too abstract.

Jian Yong saw the look in Yang Ji's eyes and shook his head quickly. Even Zhao Yun, who had led soldiers, couldn't understand it, let alone him.

Yang Ji could only turn to Chen Xi for help and ask him to help explain quickly. His oral expression ability was limited and he could not express this abstract thing in spoken language.

Who knows, Chen Xi spread his hands, shook his head and said that he didn't know, so he should continue to torture Yang Ji.

"You are indeed a fun-loving person." Seeing Chen Xi refusing to help, Yang Ji had no choice but to do anything.

"Well, let's wait for a while. When Lu Shangshu arrives, let him teach a basic military education course."

Yang Ji also spread his hands and said that he couldn't explain clearly, but there was a big boss who could explain it clearly. It was better to wait until the big boss was in place before asking the big boss for advice.

Zhao Yun nodded to express his understanding. Although he couldn't understand it, he could go to the battlefield and experience it for himself.

"How are you sure that Lu Shangshu will definitely come to Mount Tai? Isn't Gongsun Bogui of Youzhou also a student of Lu Shangshu?"

Jian Yong frowned and asked. He didn't understand why Yang Ji was so sure that Lu Zhi would go south to Mount Tai.

(End of this chapter)

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