Chapter 75 Aftermath
"How are you? Do you dare to enter my construction site casually in the future?" After Yang Ji adjusted the gravity parameters on the gravity console, he saw that Chen Xi had helped the person lying on the ground up.

However, the physical fitness of these people is pretty good. After being crushed by ten G's of gravity, there was only a little dust on them. However, the sound of the gravity wave restrained by the magic circle caused some blood stains to ooze from their ears. .

But it’s not a big problem. The healing array in the military camp is always on. Yang Ji led a group of clouds from the healing array over and threw it into the injured person’s ear. After a while, the healing array was on. Recovered quickly.

"I now understand why you drove the sergeants from the school field back to the dormitory to prevent them from watching. It turned out to be to prevent this." Chen Xi jumped on the spot and glanced around the school field. Then he said to Yang Ji.

Yang Ji saw that the general's clothes were neat and not stained with dust at all, while the civil servants' clothes were stained with dust.

After thinking about it, although it was caused by himself, he was still a colleague after all, so Yang Ji snapped his fingers and released a cleaning technique on them.

Suddenly, a stream of water rushed over the people who were within the scope of the spell, almost frightening them to death. They thought something was wrong.

The calmest among them is Jian Yong, with an expressionless face. Even if he is washed by the water, his eyes will not blink. I don't know if he is used to it or something.

Yang Ji glanced at the general. He didn't know if Yang Ji was wrong. Zhang Fei's face seemed to have turned a little white. Could it be that the rumor on the Internet that Zhang Fei was a pretty boy was true?

Yang Ji couldn't understand it, but when he looked carefully, he saw that Zhang Fei had a black face. He didn't know what kind of method he had to use to make Zhang Fei white.

"Sir, this hand cleaning technique is really convenient." Fan Qin touched the area washed by the water with his hand, as if he had just taken a bath, and couldn't help but praise it.

Then I wondered in my mind whether I could learn this trick. If I could, I wouldn't have to worry about washing up when exploring outside in the future.

Then I realized that I didn't seem to have anything to exchange for it. My thoughts were flowing rapidly in my mind, and I searched my mind to see if I had learned any similar secret techniques. Unfortunately, no.

Then I set my sights on my brother-in-law. I had long heard from my old family leader that my brother-in-law has a very good relationship with my good friend Ziyu, so I am not allowed to visit my brother-in-law at his home and try to flirt with him.

"Who is this?" Yang Ji pretended that he didn't know, and then looked at Liu Bei. After all, Liu Bei was the master here, and he had to be introduced by Liu Bei.

"Oh, this is Uncle Fan Qin and Fan Hubei. He is the current head of the Fan family and Zichuan's brother-in-law. He is also one of us now. As for Ziyu, I don't think I need to introduce him." Liu Bei said to him. Yang Ji introduced it and said to Fan Qin at the same time.

"My old master has told me many times that I must visit you once after coming here." Fan Qin saluted Yang Ji before saying to Yang Ji.

"Brother Huber, you should call me by my cousin. I'm not old enough to be called sir." Yang Ji also returned the greeting, and then asked Fan Qin not to call him sir. After all, Yang Ji's current age is really A bit inappropriate.

"If you are wise, those who are wise should come first. Ziyu's knowledge deserves the title of sir!" Fan Qin also followed the trend and called Yang Ji by his cousin. After all, Yang Ji was younger than him no matter how he looked. "Okay, you two, don't brag about each other here, let's go and experience the magic circle that Yu has built all of a sudden."

Chen Xi saw Yang Ji and Fan Qin chatting there, and then he didn't know where the conversation was going, so he had to interrupt their chat quickly.

Then Chen Xi took Jian Yong and Fan Qin, Liu Bei took a group of generals, and Yang Ji led the way to the school grounds to let them feel the effect of gravity.

As for other people in the Government Affairs Office, they did not follow him in. After all, they were still afraid. Although they had known that Yang Ji was a dangerous person, they did not expect him to be so dangerous, and they almost fell into trouble here.

So they broke away from the team led by Chen Xi and returned directly to their residence in Fenggao. Since Chen Xi had already said that he had a day off today, he might as well go home to appease his little heart that was still beating.

Chen Xi didn't care about their departure. It would be better to say that their departure was more in line with his wishes. After all, this was the core of whether he could build an elite army in a short time in the future.

Although this elite army is only a standing army that has met the required quality, in the current environment, the only ones who can produce talents are elites, so it is better not to let them know too clearly.

Originally, the place they were standing on was the rostrum, which was not covered by the magic circle, so as soon as they stepped into the coverage of gravity, they felt a force of gravity pressing directly on them.

It's not the feeling of carrying a heavy object, but the whole body becomes heavier. Gravity acts on the whole body instead of on local body parts.

Yang Ji, Chen Xi and Guan Yu didn't feel anything at all. Only Jian Yong and Fan Qin had a bigger reaction. However, Yang Ji was a little surprised why Jian Yong had a reaction. Logically speaking, after so many days, Jian Yong's inner energy was at least as low as It should be condensed.

Is it because I am busy with government affairs that I don’t have time to practice martial arts? Although extraordinary organs can accumulate internal energy without practicing martial arts, it is a benefit for those who have awakened their spiritual talents to practice secret arts. As for those who have not awakened their spiritual talents There is no such benefit.

But the one who had the biggest reaction was Fan Qin. After all, he came from a big family. Even though he had practiced martial arts, his physical fitness was pretty good, a little stronger than the average person. However, without the continuous warmth and nourishment of his inner energy, it was still a bit unbearable.

At this time, Fan Qin looked at Chen Xi, who was in high spirits, and Yang Ji, who was fine. Although Jian Yong, who was next to him, had some reaction, his face was just a little pale. Could it be that he was the worst person here?
"Xianhe, have you condensed your inner energy now?" Yang Ji tried it, but couldn't help but ask as he didn't sense Jian Yong's specific situation.

"Yes, the inner energy finally filled my body a few days ago." When Jian Yong said this, he glared at Chen Xi.

"That shouldn't be the case. With the physical fitness of the internal energy, shouldn't it be impossible to withstand the gravity of one G? You haven't exercised much, right?" Yang Ji asked strangely, not noticing that Jane Yong looked at Chen Xi.

(End of this chapter)

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