The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 78 A confused Yu Jin and a cheerful Zhang Fei

Chapter 78 A confused Yu Jin and a cheerful Zhang Fei
Chen Xi glanced at the wooden slip in Fan Qin's hand and shook his head. He didn't believe that his uncle would be excited by this. There must be something else mixed up with this secret book to make him emotions are aroused.

However, he is not a psychological expert, so he cannot help his uncle to resolve the tangle in his heart. He still has to deal with this kind of thing on his own.

Next, Chen Xi took Fan Qin to his house, saying that he wanted to celebrate him. After all, given the genes of the old Fan family, it was not easy to have a family head who stepped into the gate of inner energy, so of course he had to celebrate it.

All in all, it was a very nonsense reason, but no matter how nonsense the reason was, it was a good way to relieve the tense emotions, so Fan Qin let Chen Xi pull him forward.

However, Fan Qin never expected that just during this celebration, he would be pulled into a magnificent world by Chen Xi. Of course, this would all happen later.

Now Yang Ji is asking Guan Yu and other generals who are out to suppress bandits, asking them which bandits there are in Mount Tai. After all, Yang Ji's plan is to pull the recruits out in another month or two after their quality has reached a certain level. See blood.

"Ziyu, are there any bandits in Mount Tai that have not been wiped out? According to statistics, it is estimated that there are only four bandits in Mount Tai. Why do you ask this?" Guan Yu heard Yang Ji's question and thought for a while before answering. road.

"Ah, gone?" Yang Ji asked in surprise. He really didn't expect Guan Yu and the others to be so fast. In just about a month, they had almost wiped out all the bandits in Mount Tai.

The remaining few should be the future captains of the Shield Guard Corps, and it's not easy to start.And why haven't you heard Chen Xi mentioning Yu Jin? It's already this time, shouldn't Yu Jin have already appeared?
There is also a group of Stockholm Syndrome bandits trained by Hua Xiong. I don’t know what they look like now. I really want to see what they are like. They can compete with the elite army in terms of organizational strength. The cruel army.

It seems that Yang Ji missed a lot of news during his training days.

"I originally thought that in two months' time, I would take the new recruits to see the blood. I didn't expect that you have all been cleaned up. It seems that I can only find a chance to go out of Taishan to take a look outside."

Yang Ji didn't mention the four Taishan bandits. After all, if Yang Ji took them out, it's very likely that the new recruits would have defeated the mountain bandits before they could react.

So Yang Ji now really wants to go to Chen Xi and ask him where he took Yu Jin. Yang Ji no longer wants to train new soldiers. After all, this is not his job, it is just his deputy job.

However, according to Yang Ji's understanding of Chen Xi, even if Yu Jin is found by him, it is estimated that the task of training new recruits will still fall on him.

Because Yu Jin's troop training speed is not as fast as his, and Chen Xi's requirement is to pull out a standing army of sufficient quality after the Battle of Qingzhou.

The more than 1 recruits currently in the recruit camp will then be reserve officers of the standing army and the backbone of the middle and lower classes.

This is not Yang Ji's imagination, there is evidence, because not long ago, Chen Xi gave Yang Ji a new training manual. The content in the manual was obviously not for training big-headed soldiers, but for Used to screen middle- and lower-level officers with certain command capabilities.

Chen Xi also issued a military order, asking Yang Ji to organize a wave of literacy work to teach the current recruits in the new barracks to read. Of course, it is just some common words. They only need to be able to read, listen, write, and speak.

It is said that Chen Xi instigated Jian Yong to do it. The price Chen Xi paid for this was that it took him half a day to handle all the government affairs of Jian Yong. I heard that when Jian Yong came out of the government affairs office that day, he was in a daze.

However, Yang Ji still hopes that Chen Xi can release Yu Jin and let Yu Jin be his deputy and take charge of daily training. Then Yang Ji can be free to formulate literacy teaching plans.

"Leave Mount Tai? Is this okay?" Zhao Yun was a little worried. After all, Liu Bei's official position was only the governor of Mount Tai. If someone knew that he had crossed the line or led his troops to cross the line, it would be troublesome to explain in the future.

"When we were chasing bandits who were causing trouble, we accidentally crossed the border and got lost in an unfamiliar place. We then had a few fights with the local bandits. Do they also want to hold us accountable? ?"

"Not only will they not hold people accountable, they also have to thank us!" Yang Ji said in a disdainful tone. At this time, any smarter person would turn a blind eye. Who let Yang Ji control the army? Woolen cloth.

If Yang Ji is dissatisfied, he may not be able to tell who is the official and who is the bandit. These days, whoever has the bigger fist is the boss. Only the rules can be made convincing, because those who are not convinced will go to their ancestors to complain.

"Ah?" Zhao Yun obviously couldn't keep up with Yang Ji's thinking. After all, he was a man of integrity, so how could he think of using these tricks.

If Yang Ji hadn't seen someone play like this and that person succeeded, otherwise Yang Ji wouldn't have thought that he could explain it like this.

But you have to pay attention to the speed, because in the end that person didn't control his strength well, provoked too many people, and didn't know how to control himself, so he was ganged up and killed as a bandit.

Because this incident was the first large-scale battlefield with more than 10 people that Yang Ji encountered after coming out of the magic tower, Yang Ji remembered it very clearly. Later, Yang Ji even went to find out where this battle would break out. reason.

It's just because he robbed too many people without restraint, well, he robbed many times.

If he only focuses on one or a few to collect wool, he won't be attacked by a group, and maybe someone will join the team to divide the territory.

"Okay, Zilong, don't think so much. Just leave it to me to operate it. If you really can't let Zichuan negotiate, he is very good at this kind of operation anyway." Yang Ji passed the blame. Chen Xi, Chen Xi is better at handling things like intimidation.

However, when Yang Ji mentioned that there was such a method, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong's eyes flashed with emotion. It was not that they did not want to suppress the bandits in Mount Tai, but that the bandits in Mount Tai had already been divided up. Now, I can’t find anyone to practice with.

If Yang Ji's trick works, then they can imitate it. After all, the leader is Yang Ji, and maybe they can hang on Chen Xi. If Chen Xi nods, then the surrounding counties and counties will be their patrol territory. .

When Yang Ji followed Chen Xi back to Fenggao City, Chen Xi suddenly pulled someone out from a group of patrol soldiers passing by on the street, turned around and walked towards Yang Ji.This person has a thin build and a yellowish complexion, but he does not look skinny and skinny, but has strong muscles. At first glance, he does not look like an ordinary person, but he can definitely enter the gate of a warrior, and his inner energy has been condensed.

Zhang Fei, who was originally discussing with Yang Ji how to cross the border to pursue the bandits, saw Chen Xi approaching them with sharp eyes. He put his hands behind his back and whistled, pretending to know nothing, and reminded him in this way. A few brothers.

In fact, Chen Xi has long heard that they are plotting something. After all, he is also an internal Qi separated body. Although his strength is not as good as that of a serious warrior, he still has some strange abilities. As long as he knows how to development.

After Chen Xi brought the muscular man over, he first glanced at Zhang Fei, who was pretending, and then looked at Yang Ji.

"I'm going to introduce you to someone. This is Yu Jin Yu Wen Ze. He will be your deputy from now on. You should know what his mission is, so I won't repeat it again."

"Wen Ze, this is Yang Ji and Yang Ziyu. He will be your boss from now on. He will arrange your future work. These few are my Taishan generals. You should get to know each other first."

After Chen Xi said that, he turned around and left, ignoring Yang Ji who was about to speak. Yang Ji's hand was stretched out, but he couldn't keep Chen Xi. He could only look at Chen Xi's back, and his hand that was frozen in mid-air could only be powerless. hanging down.

Only Yu Jin, who looked confused, and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others were left with a sure expression. Although they couldn't understand the structure of Chen Xi's brain circuit, they could adapt to it.

However, Yang Ji really wanted to open Chen Xi's head and see how Chen Xi's brain circuits were welded together and how he came up with the idea. This has brought people here. At least he can stay here for another minute or two. It's okay to say a few more words to let the strangers resolve the awkwardness before leaving.

However, they are all used to the chores that Chen Xi does from time to time. If one day Chen Xi stops doing the chores, they will be surprised.

"Um, big brother, don't mind. Zichuan is such a casual person. He is not usually like this." After Zhang Fei saw the cold scene, he hurriedly used his strengths as a social cow and spoke out to break the awkward situation. Atmosphere.

"General Zhang, please call me Biaozi Wenze. This is not the first day I have met Jun Cheng. I can still accept his character." Yu Jin said that we have seen everything, but Chen Xi is the only one who is trivial.

"Is that so? That Wenze is also a surname for calling us, don't call us generals, what a blessing." Zhang Fei patted Yu Jin on the shoulder, gave full play to his subjective initiative, and brought the people on the scene to the table. The atmosphere was brought back to normal.

"I guess you don't need me to introduce you to these people. They are relatively well-known people. The main thing is to introduce you to your boss."

"This, Yang Ji and Yang Ziyu, is currently in charge of the training of new recruits, and is also our technical advisor. Ziyu, is he called the technical advisor, right?" Zhang Fei continued to introduce to Yu Jin after seeing Yang Ji nod.

"What do you mean by technical consultant? Technical consultant, as the name suggests, is a technical consultant. That is to say, if you have any technical problems, you can go to him."

"What kind of technology? Any kind of technology is available. Even if you don't know how to farm, you can find him." Zhang Fei glanced at Yang Ji, then recalled Chen Xi's evaluation of Yang Ji, and made a decisive conclusion.

Yang Ji listened to Zhang Fei introduce himself to Jin. The first few words were normal, but later on, Yang Ji couldn't stand it anymore. He really didn't have as many skills as Zhang Fei said.

And Zhang Fei is not afraid of misleading others. If Yu Jin really asks Yang Ji for advice on some matters in the future, and it happens to be something that Yang Ji doesn't know, then Yang Ji should teach him or not.

And when did Yang Ji become a technical consultant, when did he become an omnipotent technical expert? No, you can't call yourself an expert. Many experts today are no longer trustworthy.

It sounds better to be a technical consultant, at least it won't arouse the resentment of the people.

Zhang Fei was still there exaggerating how powerful Yang Ji was, and he didn't notice Yang Ji's narrowed smile behind him. Next to him, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun and Hua Xiong had quietly retreated away from Zhang Fei.

"Brother, just think of Ziyu as a super powerful craftsman who can do everything. Anyway, what Chu Zichuan told me." The news Zhang Fei inadvertently exposed made Yang Ji's mouth curl up slightly. rising.

Chen Xi in front heard Zhang Fei's words of praise for Yang Ji's ability. He paused and shook his head. It seemed that he would have to pay more attention in the future, otherwise he really didn't know what kind of rumors would spread.

"Well, Wen Ze, I think Ziyu is your boss after all, so it's better for you to understand it yourself. If I were to relay it, there would probably be some distortion."

Zhang Fei finally saw Guan Yu and the others retreating, and swallowed, remembering that what he said seemed to have misled Yu Jin about Yang Ji, and he also made a rumor to him in front of Yang Ji.

"Brother Yide, where did you hear that I know everything? How come I didn't know I had so many skills?" Yang Ji asked Zhang Fei with a smile. Although he didn't care about the rumors, don't create them in front of him. His rumor is fine.

In fact, Yang Ji is a little slow in his evaluation of the outside world. After all, a mage cannot be asked to use the brain computing power originally used to analyze the laws of the world to analyze the gossip spread by the outside world.

If a mage really does this, it is estimated that the entire academic mage will temporarily put down what they are doing, come and see what kind of weird thing it is to pull off such an operation, and then treat it as a classic and spread it forever in the world. Above the classroom.

So Yang Ji actually doesn't care much about what Zhang Fei is saying. As long as the news is not distorted and other people's perception of Yang Ji is skewed, it will be fine. But now there are many skills that Zhang Fei mentioned. It really doesn’t happen.

"Ah? Don't you know everything?" Zhang Fei asked in surprise, first telling him what he knew about Yang Ji, making Yang Ji think that the Yang Ji he knew was the Yang Ji he said.

(End of this chapter)

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