Chapter 80 Zhao Yun’s Transformation

In fact, even if Zhao Yun could try out the effects of gravity training, he wouldn't do it now. He still has more important things to deal with than the improvement of martial arts.

Farming, this is what Zhao Yun is busy with these days. Although his main task is farming, farming is only a subset of farming after all.

Therefore, as Zhao Yun's farming order continues to advance, Zhao Yun's character will inevitably come into contact with some facts that he has never been exposed to before, which will conflict with the inherent cognition in his mind.

Judging from Zhao Yun's character, it's easy to say that he hasn't been exposed to it, but as long as he comes into contact with this aspect of the facts, there is nothing to say. He will definitely find someone who knows the situation to question, that is, Chen Xi.

Although the specific content of the farming order was modified by Zhao Yun himself based on what Chen Xi told him, the farming index was issued by Chen Xi. Of course, if something happened, he would have to go to Chen Xi.

The farming order that Chen Xi told Zhao Yun was actually the farming order made by Zao Zhi. However, Chen Xi asked Zhao Yun to think about it for himself and modify it according to the local conditions before implementing it. After all, each place has its own reality and cannot be taken for granted. The leader decides what to do with a slap on the forehead.

Without investigation, you have no right to speak. If you don’t know the specific local conditions, you will directly implement policies based on your own imagination. The consequence is that it is easy to end the project, and then the officials will clap their hands and walk away, and the rest will be the common people who want to cry without tears. .

After Chen Xi told Zhao Yun about the farming order that he knew, although Zhao Yun had never seen such a new type of farming order, Zhao Yun's intelligence was not bad, so he could certainly see the benefits of this farming order for the new regime.

Although carrying out farming work according to the model of this farming order can quickly accumulate strength for the new regime, at the same time, Zhao Yun also discovered the problem between the official and civilian food sharing.

The division between the government and the people is actually [-]-[-]. Is there such an excessive division? Aren't you afraid that the people will rise up to resist?If Chen Xi is really squeezing the people's survival in exchange for the rapid growth of Liu Bei's power, then Zhao Yun would rather give up this method.

Then Zhao Yun went to Chen Xi to argue, wanting him to change the sharing method so that the people could live a better life. Although this would slow down the expansion of Liu Bei's power, at least there would be no future troubles.

It is a pity that although Zhao Yun is a good person and is willing to do things for the people at the bottom, he obviously has not lived the miserable life of the people at the bottom, and he is not very clear about the various miscellaneous taxes that the people at the bottom have to pay.

Zhao Yun went to Chen Xi to argue, but unfortunately he was not as sharp-tongued as Chen Xi, and Chen Xi was also a lazy dog. He was too lazy to explain to Zhao Yun why the government and the people could live better than before after a [-]-[-] split.

It can only be said that the middle class who were killed did not die unjustly. What the people grew throughout the year was given to the court as [-]% of the land tax, and then they had to give [-]% to the actual controllers of the fields. What fell into their own hands Only [-]% is left.

The remaining [-]% ​​will have to be taken care of by those greedy and fearless men, and then carefully scraped off from the people bit by bit in the name of various exorbitant taxes.

It can only be said that the Yellow Turban uprising was not just a trick to deceive the people, but that they really couldn't survive anymore. The people who didn't want to die could only focus their red eyes on those fat-headed and big-eared landlords. .

Or it's a higher level, or it's the sky above their heads. Since this sky doesn't want them to live, then let's bury them together in history. Although there are no names of ordinary people like us in the history books, I can bury you. It's also decent enough.

As for the so-called [-]/[-] split that Chen Xi said, he really meant the [-]/[-] split, or the average split based on the grain output obtained through random inspections.

Without those landowners sitting on the ground scraping water, even in a small disaster year, Chen Xi can guarantee the output of [-] acres of fields, at least the people will not starve to death due to lack of food.

Zhao Yun couldn't argue with Chen Xi, and then angrily led his men to the fields to collect information. After more than half a month, he came back a few days ago with the information he collected.

But when I went out, I was angry. When I came back, in addition to the information, I also had even more anger and confusion about reality.

During the half month I went out to collect information, what I saw, heard and thought left a very deep impression on Zhao Yun.

Before going out to communicate with the farmers in the fields, Zhao Yun had always thought that the taxes that the people of the Han Dynasty had to pay were only [-]% of the court's land tax, and at most they would add some other taxes.

The court's taxes would never exceed [-]% no matter what, but he never imagined that there was such a thing as [-]% of land rent. This was [-]% of land rent, which meant that the people had less than [-]% left.

Then he discovered with some sadness that the [-]% commission set by Chen Xi could really allow the people to live, and as long as it was not a disaster year, they could still live well, which he couldn't understand.

It is obvious that as long as the five achievements are achieved, those simple people can survive and live well, and no yellow turban uprising will break out, but why?

When Zhao Yun came back a few days ago, he suppressed his anger. He couldn't figure it out, so he could only find Chen Xi who could figure it out with a gentian gun and tell him why.

To be honest, Chen Xi was leisurely drinking tea that day and looking at the busy figures in the Government Affairs Office. Then he saw Zhao Yun walking into the Government Affairs Office with a gentian gun and a gloomy face, and came straight towards him. when.

Although Chen Xi looked calm on the face, in his heart he was on guard against Zhao Yun who was about to open two holes for him at any time. He didn't feel relieved until Zhao Yun revealed his purpose.

Then Chen Xi had a big debate with Zhao Yun. From the tax system to farming, from per mu yield to disaster years, they debated for an entire hour, that is, two hours. Chen Xi’s throat was filled with smoke, but Zhao Yun was still fighting. He looks strong and looks like he can still fight for [-] rounds.

The tit-for-tat confrontation between Zhao Yun and Chen Xi shocked everyone present. They never expected that Zhao Yun, who had always been modest and low-key, would show such a sharp side, and his achievements in farming also shocked them.

However, Jian Yong did not follow the shock of the large army, but turned the shock to another angle. He was shocked that Zhao Yun was so eloquent, so eloquent, and could express his thoughts completely in words. .

I don't know if he was hit too much. Jian Yong had no idea about Zhao Yun's ability to debate with Chen Xi and how deep Zhao Yun's attainments in farming were. Instead, it was Zhao Yun's language ability that could fully express what was in his mind. This is what shocked Jian Yong.Finally, Chen Xi patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder and said, saying that farming, a major matter related to people's livelihood and national strength, should be left to Zhao Yun. If the results are excellent, the farming in Taishan County can also be handed over to Zhao Yun.

He also said that Zhao Yun does not need to read the laws and regulations he has formulated in the future. If there is anything he does not understand, he can go to a book to read it by himself, go to the field inspection by himself, and if there is any problem, he will be responsible for it.

Zhao Yun left the Government Affairs Office with his heavy responsibilities. This will no longer be his permanent place. Before the people's food and clothing are solved, it is estimated that he will rarely return here.

"It seems that the end of the autumn harvest is the time when Zilong awakens his spiritual talent." Chen Xi whispered as he looked at Zhao Yun's leaving back. This back was carrying the weight of whether the people could have enough to eat.

Others might not be able to hear clearly what Chen Xi was saying, but Jian Yong, who was relatively close to Chen Xi, heard it, and a sadness suddenly passed through his heart.

But it's not that he can't understand it. After all, judging from Zhao Yun's current achievements in farming, as long as he sees the joy of the people's harvest, awakening spiritual talent is just a matter of course, or it may be a quasi-spiritual talent.

The reason why Zhao Yun stayed in Fenggao these days and did not go out to implement the new farming order was just to respond to Chen Xi's invitation to observe the magic array built by Yang Ji.

But if Chen Xi hadn't said that this gravity magic array would be helpful to his martial arts, he wouldn't have been able to put down his farm work and go observe Yang Ji's rune creations right now.

After all, no matter what he said, he still remembered that the world had not yet been reunited, and they still had enemies. To reunite the world and protect the people from war, he needed his force.

After Yang Ji followed Chen Xi and the others, he directly confessed to Chen Xi the thoughts of the generals. Although Chen Xi might have heard it, Yang Ji had to report the plan to Chen Xi. After all, Chen Xi was the backstage for how they dared to play.

"Ziyu, you have to know that the surrounding counties are not under the jurisdiction of Xuande Gong. In principle, they are not allowed to attack each other." Chen Xi glanced at Liu Bei and said.

Liu Bei was looking around at this time. There were construction sites under reconstruction everywhere, and the loud voices of people were flowing in his ears. In just one month, he was able to manage the originally dilapidated Fenggao City into this state. As expected of Chen Xi, I His vision is really good.

"Not allowed in principle? I seem to have heard this statement somewhere." After Yang Ji received Chen Xi's answer, he did not say hello to Liu Bei, but went back to the queue of generals at the back.

Liu Bei glanced at Yang Ji, and then continued to look at the busy construction site. He didn't know if Yang Ji could understand what Chen Xi meant, but it seemed like I shouldn't know about this kind of thing.

Jian Yong and Fan Qin looked at each other, confirming that the other party could not understand what Chen Xi meant, and then turned their attention to Chen Xi. After all, the master could not know about this kind of thing.

When Yang Ji returned to the queue of generals, they were all sighing at Liu Bei's military order. After all, they could not enjoy the massage effect of the gravity circle in the first place. For warriors like them, it was a big loss. .

Zhao Yun looked at these guys calmly from the side. Of course he was the first one to spot Yang Ji. Although his mind was not on the battlefield now, he was still a general with a legion in hand.

"What did Zichuan say?" Zhao Yun asked directly after seeing Yang Ji return. After all, as a military general, he still wanted to know what Chen Xi's opinion was, even if he couldn't go out with his colleagues.

But it seems that there is nothing we can do. Since Yunchang and the others can get lost in other counties while chasing down the rebellious bandits, then I can also be a little out of the ordinary when looking for ways to increase food production.

After all, if someone wants to stop something like increasing food production, they will be beaten to pieces by angry people with hoes.

But it seems that there is no need for the common people to take action. With the speed of those landlords, if they want to catch up with the speed of my white horse, it is better to go back and sleep. At least it can be achieved in dreams.

When Zhao Yun came back to his senses, Yang Ji was looking at him with a frown. He also picked up the sword hanging on his waist. The sword was illuminated with patterns of exorcism talismans, which Yang Ji had taught him.

Zhang Fei and the others were still discussing there, but they just changed the topic from the gravity circle to the bandits in Mount Tai. They seemed to be discussing who was more powerful in killing the bandits. Zhao Yun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on? Why did you say a word and then fell silent?" Yang Ji saw Zhao Yun come to his senses, put away the sword without changing his expression, returned it to the scabbard, and hung it on his waist again.

"I just thought of something. Do you think I can take this opportunity to go to the surrounding areas to promote us?" Zhao Yun saw Yang Ji put away his sword and put away the inner energy condensed in his hand without leaving a trace.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Yang Ji would give him a sword just now. After all, he had been in a trance state from time to time for a while. He always felt that after taking over the task of farming, he would easily fall into a state of mental agitation. in the state.

Although after falling into this state, my spirit will be extremely concentrated. When dealing with government affairs, my thoughts flow extremely smoothly, and my inspirations will pop out one by one, without any lags like before.

At first, he thought it was the essence of energy blessing him, but after checking with Yang Ji, he found that the extraordinary organ did not have that effect. It could only integrate what he had learned and could not give his own suggestions. .

Then they began to become suspicious. After all, Chen Xi had said at the time that there were some evil gods and so on in this world, so Yang Ji developed runic creations such as exorcism talismans based on his own experience.

But it was useless for Zhao Yun, and then Yang Ji developed the Calming Talisman to calm Zhao Yun's restless mental sea. After all, if he often fell into this state, how could he travel all over Mount Tai in a short time.

After Zhao Yun finished speaking, he paused for a moment, then dug around in his arms and took out two fragments of the jade pendant. The meditation charm etched on the jade pendant had also lost its effect. Zhao Yun looked at Yang Ji, and now his spiritual sea began to flow again. Agitated.

(End of this chapter)

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