Chapter 88 When did Lu Zhi come?
"Zichuan, when will the assigned literacy teachers be available? If they haven't arrived yet, the group of grassroots generals and commanders you want may not have enough people."

The reason Yang Ji came to the Government Affairs Office today was to ask Chen Xi for a teacher to teach literacy classes. After all, there are only a dozen people in the military camp taking literacy classes, and they are still teaching according to the daily vocabulary manual given by Chen Xi. .

Without the support of Chen Xi's teachers, Yang Ji and a few literate generals in the military camp of almost 4 people would really not be able to teach, although there were a few literate Qixing species among the soldiers.

But the ratio of close to one to several thousand is still too high and cannot be taught at all. Although Yang Ji looks very leisurely and only teaches for two hours at night, that does not occupy the soldiers' daily training. and spare time squeezed out during breaks.

Moreover, the military camp could be used to teach literacy to the generals, including Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Hua Xiong, and the few Qixingzhong soldiers, which totaled about ten people, not counting Yu Jin, because he was responsible for organizing daily training.

Each person has to be responsible for almost 4000 people, which is terrible, and they have to be taught in addition to daily training. Now Guan Yu has learned to smile, and he is so stiff that it’s scary. Then Guan Yu sent out his internal refining generals. He stayed in his dormitory and sulked.

After seeing Guan Yu's operations, Yang Ji and the others followed suit, but they only added three teaching positions, which was still far from enough. Then Yang Ji brought over Chen Xi, Liu Bei, and Zhao Yun's internal refining generals.

But even so, trying to cover a military camp with more than 4 people with just a dozen people is a fool's errand. Even the sulky Guan Yu set up a teaching stall under his dormitory. He can teach a word. Character.

It can be said that in Taishan County now, most of the literate people have been captured by Chen Xi to take charge of management positions. After all, management positions must be able to understand the notices sent by the above, so the notices sent by Chen Xi are all written in vernacular.

Seeing that the date on the timetable was getting closer, Yang Ji also began to think of various ways to improve teaching efficiency, such as fantasy soldiers, opening up a dream world, etc.

It's a pity that the Fantasy Warrior cannot handle the teaching task. It may also be that Yang Ji has not developed this talent deeply enough. The method of the dream world is a reliable method, but it is a pity that it still cannot solve the problem of teacher shortage.

Moreover, Yang Ji's understanding of this type of magic is extremely shallow, and he cannot create a dream world that can accommodate so many people. It can only be said that the foundation of the immortal way in this world is still very good.

When Yang Ji stepped into the Government Affairs Hall, he thought that Chen Xi would sit in his seat, drink tea, and then sleep in as usual. But what did he see now? Chen Xi actually held a roll of bamboo slips in his hand. Read carefully.

Moreover, Liu Bei was sitting upright, while Jian Yong and Fan Qin were sitting at their workstations and reviewing official documents diligently. Fan Qin, the fisherman, was not fishing, but was reviewing official documents at the same speed as Jian Yong.

Then Yang Ji saw the old man sitting opposite Chen Xi. He should be an old man. After all, his beard was snow-white and his white hair was mixed with some stubborn black hair, but it didn't look like an old man to Yang Ji.

After all, the old man had such strong energy and blood. Although he was not as strong as Xu Chu standing at the door, he was still strong, and Yang Ji felt that he might not be able to defeat him with his own force.

[Hiss, when did this person come? Why didn’t I know? Why didn’t anyone come to notify me? ] Yang Ji was roaring in his heart, but he could only look at Liu Bei now. After all, he was his teacher, so he couldn't let anyone else introduce him.

Lu Zhi had already noticed this young man through Yang Ji's voice before Yang Ji entered the Government Affairs Office. No, it should be said that he had already recognized this young man's ability through the secret technique sent by Liu Bei.

"Teacher, this is" Liu Bei stood up from his chair and was about to introduce Yang Ji to Lu Zhi, but was interrupted by Lu Zhi.

"Xuande, I know who he is, so I don't need you to introduce him." Lu Zhi interrupted Liu Bei with a wave of his hand. He looked like he was familiar with Yang Ji, but Lu Zhi had clearly never met Yang Ji.

Unless Lu Zhi saw something through the secret technique sent by Yang Ji, Yang Ji didn't remember that he left any traces on the secret technique sent out, and the bamboo slips recording the secret technique were copied by Chen Xi himself of.

"Yang Ziyu, a junior student of Yang Ji, met Master Lu." Yang Ji saluted Lu Zhi, but Lu Zhi only accepted a half salute, and then returned a full salute to Yang Ji. Yang Ji was frightened to see. And Yang Ji couldn't avoid it, so he had to bite the bullet and accept Lu Zhi's gift.

Because Lu Zhi let go of the restraint on his own aura, Yang Ji could not avoid Lu Zhi's salute. Otherwise, with the character of a great scholar like Lu Zhi, he would probably directly shatter the extraordinary organs he had condensed.

Now Yang Ji knows what Lu Zhi is like. He can only say that he is indeed Lu Zhi. He directly developed the Confucian version of the extraordinary organ based on the second version of the secret technique. He just doesn’t know if the condensed extraordinary organ is The literary boldness in some Confucian and Taoist novels.

【Finally I can sit down. 】Yang Ji sat in his seat, and Lu Zhi moved a chair nearby and sat next to Yang Ji. As for the person whose chair was robbed, he happily gave his chair to Lu Zhi to sit on, and then stood and worked. .

"Ziyu, I heard from Xuande that the new version of the secret technique no longer requires the awakening of spiritual talent. It only requires condensing spiritual power or introducing Qi into the body to cultivate extraordinary organs?"

Lu Zhi did not beat around the bush with Yang Ji. After all, at his age, it is still easy to see a person's character, let alone a well-educated man.

Yang Ji did not speak, but rummaged around on his desktop to see if there was any unused paper or bamboo slips. He was not yet at the stage where he could describe the secret technique through words. .

After all, he majored in runes, not languages. It is estimated that Jian Yong should be able to do it after completing the etymology research.

Moreover, the secret techniques developed by Yang Ji are basically open source. As long as you have the ability, you can adjust the content of the secret techniques according to your actual situation and adjust the extraordinary organs that suit you.

Therefore, the occult texts on paper become very important. After all, everyone is a different individual, has different views on everything in the world, and what they see from the texts are also different.Suddenly, someone handed a roll of bamboo slips in front of Yang Ji. This was a brand-new bamboo slip that had never been seen before. Yang Ji sighed. He really didn't want to stay with these old people who were scholarly and knowledgeable. He couldn't hide anything.

Yang Ji took the bamboo slip handed over by Lu Zhi and glanced at Lu Zhi, who was sitting upright. He still had the same kind look. He was indeed a great scholar. This temperament alone was enough to convince others.

Place the bamboo slips on the table and spread them out. Concentrate your mental power on your fingertips. Tap your fingertips on the bamboo slips. The mental power condensed on your fingertips will ripple. The ripples of your mental power will form a light and shadow etching in the void. Magic circle.

The etching light hanging down wandered on the bamboo slips, leaving traces on the bamboo slips. They were secret texts. It was not that Yang Ji didn't want to use pen and ink to write the secret texts on the bamboo slips, but that Yang Ji didn't want to write.

Lu Zhi's eyes widened. He had really never seen such a scene. Although they old guys had already thought of Yang Ji's abilities before they really saw him, they didn't expect that there was such a thing. ability.

When Lu Zhi first received the secret technique given to him by Liu Bei, he thought that Yang Ji, who developed the secret technique, was an immortal. After all, only immortals with abnormal brain circuits had the ability to develop such a secret technique. Technique.

At the beginning, Lu Zhi did not directly practice this secret technique. Instead, he went to find some of his old friends to study together. After all, they were still very interested in being able to extend his life through normal means. of.

Then the more I studied in depth, the more I felt that this was a secret technique that could change the times. Although it could only be used on people like them who were at the top, if I continued to study along this line of thinking, I might be able to develop some ideas. Something unexpected.

They gathered several people to analyze this secret technique, and during the subsequent analysis, they discovered that they could use their own knowledge to re-deconstruct this secret technique and condense their own extraordinary organs.

Then they came up with an idea to lower the threshold for practicing secret arts and create an extraordinary organ unique to Confucian students, an extraordinary organ that can absorb what they have learned to grow.

Moreover, one can also judge whether those who claim to be Confucian disciples are really Confucian disciples by whether they have condensed the unique extraordinary organs of Confucianism. If they cannot condense the unique extraordinary organs, they will be directly deprived of their Confucian identity.

Standing at the pinnacle, they can certainly see that this Confucian tree, which seems to be growing vigorously, has actually deviated from the right path and has now begun to grow some strange-shaped branches, and the heretical ideas represented by these branches seem to be growing towards the people. It spread throughout the lower classes of Confucianism.

This is the reason why they know exactly what the current situation of Confucianism is, but they have no way to rectify it. After all, it is the foundation of their Confucianism. If the foundation is removed, how can their Confucianism still occupy the mainstream?

So he is here to meet the person who developed this secret technique and see which family he is from. If he is from Confucianism, then he can start working directly. If he is from other hundreds of families, then he has to ask for help. Think about it carefully.

Of course, another factor that drove Lu Zhi to go south was that although they had analyzed the essence of the secret technique, they could not lower the threshold for practicing the secret technique together.

But before he met Yang Ji, he met a person from the branch of the old Chen family. At that time, Lu Zhi's heart skipped a beat and almost jumped out of his chest. This was the old Chen who always appeared in the branch and overcame the main branch. Home, do you want it to be so exciting?

And along the way, he has seen Taishan's current situation, and it is precisely because he understands it that he feels that the old Chen family is going to have a plot that has happened several times in history.

So after he met his disciple Liu Bei, he asked Liu Bei if the person who developed the secret technique of extraordinary organs was Chen Xi who was now in charge of Taishan County. If not, he had to go and see him. After all, he had to test Chen Xi's views on Confucianism.

If it was developed by Chen Xi, then it is even more necessary to go and see it. You have to test Chen Xi's views on Confucianism and Baijia. After all, there will always be some branches of the old Chen family that tear apart the existing rules. You have to guard against such people.

Yang Ji closed the light and shadow etching circle, picked up the bamboo slips full of words and inspected it carefully, handed it to Lu Zhi with both hands, and then sat down to wait for Lu Zhi's inquiry. This was Yang Ji's intuition.

After all, if Lu Zhi could not see the significance of this secret book to the people of the world, then he would not be honored as a great Confucian. Moreover, this man is also a man of both civil and military skills. In the past, he may have been lacking in his own force. But things are different now. Who knows how powerful Lu Zhi is, who has supplemented his own strength.

After Lu Zhi took the bamboo slip handed over by Yang Ji, he unfolded it and carefully read the secret revealed in the secret technique word by word. He compared it with his adjusted secret technique to find out why he failed to improve his cultivation. threshold node.

Yang Ji looked at Lu Zhi and took the bamboo slip. A quarter of an hour later, his aura began to change. The originally unique aura began to become ordinary. He didn't know if Lu Zhi would be able to change it back later when he made adaptive adjustments. .

Although Yang Ji didn't know what the extraordinary organs that Lu Zhi had condensed were, he could now sense that the extraordinary organs in Lu Zhi's body were being deconstructed, not dissipating, but integrating into new extraordinary organs.

The virtual seed fell into Lu Zhi's spiritual sea. The originally deconstructed extraordinary organs became the nourishment of the virtual seed. The newly condensed virtual seed swallowed up the nutrients and quickly turned virtual into reality. The Civic Spirit Seed just fell into Lu Zhi's mind. Zhi Zhi's spiritual sea.

"No wonder he has such a tricky name as the Civic Spirit Seed. This name really suits his ability." Lu Zhi felt the blessing of the Civic Spirit Seed on him, and felt that his far-reaching speed of thinking instantly increased by a level. .

The new version of the secret technique, after turning the virtual seed into reality, can no longer directly allow people to advance to inner Qi separation, but it has strong universality and retains the open source nature.

"Now that you have lowered the threshold for practicing this secret technique to the point where you only need mental power and inner energy to practice it, then you should also have prepared a plan to allow people to obtain inner energy on a large scale. Lu Zhi said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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