Chapter 90 Chen Xi’s mentality

"This is technically possible, but if you ask me how to adjust the Civic Spirit Seed into an extraordinary organ with Confucian characteristics, I can do it."

"But it's hard for me to get involved in this kind of thing. After all, I can't be considered a disciple of Confucianism. If other disciples criticize me in this regard, the relationship between me and Confucianism will be unclear."

I have to say that these old men in Lu Zhi are really good at making excuses. They just used an excuse to help to put some Confucian marks on Yang Ji. When the time comes, the other hundreds of schools will fight back against Confucianism.

Seeing that the Confucian special version of the extraordinary organ actually had Yang Ji's handwriting, what would those ferocious disciples of the Hundred Schools think of Yang Ji? It would be good not to count Yang Ji as a disciple of the Confucian sect.

What Yang Ji fears most is that those members of the Baijia family will follow suit and come directly to ask Yang Ji for help in adjusting their special version of extraordinary organs. When the time comes, Yang Ji will help or not.

"Tsk, young man, don't see so clearly. If you can help, we have a lot of students here who can teach." Lu Zhi saw Yang Ji directly picking through the chess pieces he had laid out.

Instead of being angry, they directly put their conditions on the bright side. After all, the problem that Yang Ji and the others were worried about just now was not a big deal to them. The most Confucian disciples they had were those who could teach.

Although many Confucian disciples now feel dissatisfied when they hear that they are going to teach the people at the bottom they used to look down on, these people are not the targets that Lu Zhi wants to save.

So I don't care about their feelings. Those who can willingly teach the people to read and read are their true disciples of Confucianism. As for those guys who make noise everywhere, they can just strip off their Confucian identity when the time comes.

As for whether those who have been stripped of their identity will fight back against these great Confucians who have stripped their Confucian identity, that is for sure, but it depends on what those unlearned and unskilled people can do, let alone these It's not like there are no disciples under the Great Confucianism who are competing against them.

"That's none of my business. Lu Shangshu, you should ask Zichuan about this, not me. Besides, after you help a Confucian, there will be countless people who want to ask me for help."

Yang Ji rolled his eyes. Although he could help Lu Zhi because he was Liu Bei's teacher, many people would come to Yang Ji for help through such connections.

There is another crucial reason, that is, Yang Ji has not read much of the classics of other schools of thought, and does not even know their core ideas. How could he possibly adjust an extraordinary organ that conforms to their core ideas?

Even if it is the core idea of ​​Confucianism, Yang Ji only has a partial understanding of it. Now Yang Ji dares to say that he can adjust extraordinary organs that conform to the core idea of ​​Confucianism. This is because Lu Zhi is here and Yang Ji can ask at any time.

"What's more, I don't know much about the core ideas of your various schools of thought. How can I help you adjust the extraordinary organs that fit your core ideas?" Although the core ideas of many schools of thought have been integrated into the system and have been passed down for thousands of years. in the national blood.

But asking Yang Ji to extract them and merge them into extraordinary organs in an abstract manner is really difficult for Yang Ji. He does not have such ability, so let them do it on their own.

"This." After Lu Zhi heard Yang Ji's question, he also realized that he had not expected this. At Yang Ji's age, it is indeed impossible to master the core ideas of Baijia. thing.

When Yang Ji first shied away, he could use some other reasons to prevent Yang Ji from refusing to help, but now he can't refute it. After all, he doesn't even understand the core ideas of his own theory.

Even if someone dares to help you, do you dare to accept it? That is an issue involving your own core ideas. If something goes wrong, should the responsibility be placed on Yang Ji or on those of them who asked Yang Ji to help? .

"Can you give us some suggestions? We don't have a clue right now." Lu Zhi said with a bitter smile. Since the idea of ​​asking Yang Ji for help was shattered, there is still no problem in gathering some wool.

Although he can incorporate the core ideas of his own lineage of doctrine into the extraordinary organ, he cannot be compatible with the core ideas of the entire Confucian school. After all, even after Confucius left, Confucianism split directly.

"Lu Shangshu is really big-hearted. He actually wants to create an extraordinary organ that is compatible with the core ideas of all branches of Confucianism. It is estimated that even Master Confucius will not be able to solve it in this world." Yang Ji said quietly.

"If you ask me, it's better to sweep the snow in front of each house. Otherwise, the fight will be light, or there will be an internal fight between your branches, and the winner will decide everything, right?" Yang Ji An said sarcastically.

"Confucianism is an indivisible whole. This is an undoubted fact! How can the issue of scholars be solved by force?" Lu Zhi said firmly, but the more he spoke, the less confident he became.

"Okay, anyway, this is an internal matter within your Confucian school. It's not my turn to gossip, but I still advise Lu Shangshu to just take care of yourself and your colleagues, and don't worry about anything else. Yes, it’s easy to get into trouble.”

Although Yang Ji said such words, he also knew that Lu Zhi must have listened to his words, but would Lu Zhi not do it because it was difficult to do and would offend others? It was impossible.

In this era when Confucianism has not yet completely degenerated, there are many people who can see the current situation of Confucianism. This is just because the current Confucianism is too powerful, so powerful that even the great Confucianists who stand at the top have nowhere to do anything.

Now there is just an opportunity to clean up the disease. How could they find a way to clean out those guys who are lying on the big tree of Confucianism and suck blood and purify the inheritance of Confucianism.

Those people chanted that the laws of their ancestors are immutable, put Old Master Confucius and others on a pedestal, regarded his words as the unchangeable laws of truth, and misinterpreted his words to kidnap the current and future generations of the world.

"This is my business, I don't have to worry about it anymore." Lu Zhi replied with a sigh, could he not know what the current situation of Confucianism is? Of course he does, but if even great Confucians like them don't care, who would Whatever.

Yang Ji shook his head and was not going to say anything else. This was an internal matter between their Confucian family. It was not something that an outsider like him could manage, nor should he. Moreover, it seemed that the source of the liquidation must be blamed on him, Yang Ji.

Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi who was still holding the bamboo slip. He didn't know what was recorded in it. It was worthy of Chen Xi to look at it for so long, but it should have been brought by Lu Zhi. After all, this was the only explanation, otherwise Chen Xi would not have So serious. "Ziyu, can you adjust a special extraordinary secret technique for those soldiers in the military who have introduced Qi into their bodies?" Chen Xi suddenly said, since Yang Ji doesn't want to help Lu Zhi, it's not impossible to make a roundabout way.

After Yang Ji heard Chen Xi's words, he frowned and suspected that Chen Xi had already communicated with Lu Zhi. After all, Yang Ji had just rejected Lu Zhi's proposal, so Chen Xi went around in circles to get Yang Ji to adjust something. It’s hard not to doubt this special version of the extraordinary secret technique.

"It's okay to use extraordinary secret skills specially for military soldiers to practice, but isn't the essence Qi type developed by Zilong more suitable for their current situation?" Yang Ji raised his own question.

"." Suddenly Yang Ji reacted.

"Zichuan, you have to know that the extraordinary secret technique developed by Zilong and I is originally open source. Everyone can adapt it according to their own specific situation. There is no need to develop a so-called special version."

"The so-called special version of the extraordinary organ is just to incorporate the core ideas of each school of thought into the underlying structure of the extraordinary secret art, so that the condensed extraordinary organ can abstract the abilities recommended by the core ideas of its doctrine."

"Just like Confucianism, if a true Confucian disciple does not practice the extraordinary secret skills that have been incorporated into the core ideas, then when his extraordinary organs turn virtual into reality, there is a high probability that what will be condensed will be the unique Confucian Wenxin or Confucianism. Extraordinary organs like bile.”

"Those who practice extraordinary secret techniques that have been integrated with core ideas have only condensed the extraordinary organs unique to Confucianism at the virtual seed stage. Although the difference is not big."

"But those who incorporate their core ideas into the extraordinary secret arts on their own, the condensed extraordinary organs have greater development potential, because that is the development direction that is most suitable for them after their own testing."

"Although the threshold for extraordinary organs to turn into reality is lower than the threshold for birthing spiritual talents and advanced internal energy leaving the body, its development value is not inferior to spiritual talents and legion talents."

"Just like Zilong's condensed essence, he has now developed it into a talent effect similar to artificial intelligence, managing the knowledge base in Zilong's brain."

"And he will make his own suggestions based on Zilong's wisdom, knowledge reserves and technology. I'm not kidding you. This is Zhao Zilong now, Zhao Zilong with the blessing of artificial intelligence."

Although Yang Ji didn't understand what Chen Xi and Lu Zhi were doing at first, he was not stupid. When Chen Xi proposed to get an adjusted supernatural secret technique for the soldiers, he realized it.

But Chen Xi guessed that Yang Ji's character would not help Lu Zhi develop the extraordinary secret technique specially for Confucianism, and then made some kind of deal with Lu Zhi. Lu Zhi played the front, and Chen Xi made a roundabout way.

"Then you too." Chen Xi smiled bitterly. He had now felt what it meant to suffer for one's own fault. It was just a matter of retaining some memories from the immortal aura of the deity, but it had such a great impact on his own mentality.

"Yes, I have now developed my extraordinary organ to this stage, but the talent effect I have developed is not an artificial intelligence like Zilong, but the power of [calling wind and rain] derived from my spiritual talent."

At this time, there was a black dragon shadow lingering in Yang Ji's eyes, surrounded by wind and rain. It was the dragon that had appeared when Yang Ji's spiritual talent was awakening for the second time, and it symbolized the present. Yang Ji underwent another transformation in this short period of time.

It was not the third awakening of Yang Ji's spiritual talent, but the transformation of the spiritual talent that took place on its own after the extraordinary organs were developed to the extreme and the extraordinary organs were combined with the spiritual talent.

The combination of extraordinary organs and spiritual talent also gave Yang Ji the ability of the legendary real dragon to summon wind and rain.According to Yang Ji's speculation, when Zhao Yun's spiritual talent awakens, it should also be connected in parallel with the extraordinary organ, and then the White Dragon artificial intelligence will be formally established.

"Forget it, if you really want me to develop a set of specialized and extraordinary secret techniques, just come to me in the military camp." Yang Ji put away the words surrounding him with some waning interest. Feng Yu turned around and walked out of the Government Affairs Hall.

To be honest, Yang Ji is a little disappointed with Chen Xi now. Originally, he came to Chen Xi this time thinking that if he hadn't discovered the value of developing extraordinary organs, he would let him see what the magical power of calling wind and rain was.

In the end, how did Chen Xi become like this? Did he feel that he was playing the world line for the second time and had mastered the key nodes of all events on the timeline? Was he qualified to look down on everyone?Yang Ji is unknown.

Yang Ji didn't care about the deal between Chen Xi and Lu Zhi. After all, Lu Zhi's appeal among the scholars of the Han Dynasty was no joke. If Lu Zhi could really attract a group of scholars, Yang Ji would be very happy. Pay for Chen Xi's behavior.

But the current situation is that Chen Xi puts aside the extraordinary organs that can develop innate effects similar to spiritual talents, and instead pursues some special version of extraordinary organs. Isn't this a waste of time.

Although certain concepts are incorporated into the underlying structure of the extraordinary secret technique, the extraordinary organs that are cultivated will receive certain effects of this concept in the virtual seed stage, but the future development direction has also been determined.

The various schools of thought want to create a special version of the extraordinary organ that incorporates their own core ideas into the underlying structure of the extraordinary secret technique. Yang Ji will not say anything, because this is the effect blessing derived from their core ideas.

But for the general public, this is not a good choice. They have not received much basic education. What they need is not this kind of extraordinary organ that has already determined the direction of development, because they have no access to it and cannot understand it.

What they need is a blank paper that allows them to write freely. What they need is a seed that can use their insights on life as nourishment, and then they can harvest it just by waiting.

But now Chen Xi's behavior is to replace their blank paper with a proposition composition that has already set the tone, and to replace the unknown seed with a known seed that needs certain nutrients to germinate.

(End of this chapter)

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