Chapter 94 Sealed Bed

In the morning, under the influence of the biological clock, Yang Ji opened his eyes at six in the morning, and then saw Zhang Ning and several other girls standing in front of his bed staring at him.

Yang Ji stared at each other for a while, then closed his eyes, thinking that he was still in a dream, otherwise how could such a scene that only appeared in fantasy appear.

"Master, since you're awake, get up quickly and let us wash you. Don't waste our time." Zhang Ning and several chirping voices came to Yang Ji's ears.

Yang Ji slowly opened his eyes, so wasn't he dreaming now? But when he was at home before, he had never enjoyed this kind of wake-up service. Did something happen today?

Yang Jigang wanted to obey their wishes and get up to wash up, but just as he was about to lift the quilt, Yang Ji etched cooling runes in the room. It was most comfortable to sleep with the quilt covered.

Then he felt that it was not the right time, "Well, I'd better do the washing myself," Yang Ji said while pressing the quilt and looking at the girls in front of him with toiletries in their hands.

The girls blinked, "But we are your maids. If you even wash yourself, what else can we do?" Yang Miaoyan said briskly.

"Just do what you want to do, don't worry about me here." Yang Ji was still waiting for the strangeness in him to subside and refused to lift the quilt on his body.

"Master, are you going to have any physical problems?" Zhang Ning asked worriedly. Yang Ji's expression of not wanting to lift the quilt made her feel a little uneasy.

"What? There is something wrong with the master's health!" In an instant, the girls gathered around Yang Ji. Yang Ji was suffering a little now, and there were obvious signs of fading away. As a result, the sound in his ears and the breath lingering on the tip of his nose made him It's hard for him not to think about it.

Because of the education Yang Ji received since childhood and his own personality, he had no restrictions on the girls at home and basically did whatever they wanted.

Of course, it is only limited to Yang Ji's family. If you leave the house, you still have to abide by the rules of this era. After all, the era you are in now is the late Han Dynasty 800 years ago.

Therefore, after the family was no longer bound by the heavy rules in the past, these young girls immediately burst out with the vitality that belongs to their age.

Listening to the concerned voices, Yang Ji couldn't help but feel a headache as to how to explain to them the reactions that every normal man would have in the morning, "Okay, my body is really fine, it's just some normal physical things that happen every day. It’s just a reaction.”

"I don't believe it. Otherwise, why wouldn't you lift the quilt and let us check it out?" Zhang Ning clasped her hands, highlighting her size, which made Yang Ji sigh that her nutrition was sufficient.

Yang Banxia pushed aside the crowd and came forward to sit on the edge of the bed, stretching out her slender white hands, "Master, can you take your hand out and let me touch it?" Her soft words calmed the girls' worries.

Yang Ji looked at Ban Xia's gentle but firm eyes and didn't believe that she couldn't see that nothing was wrong with her body. She was a serious descendant of a medical family, otherwise she was just comforting others.

"Banxia, ​​can't your eyes see that nothing is wrong with my body?" Yang Ji smiled bitterly. There is also a hidden figure in front of Banxia. When you get close, you will be invisible. The breath lingered on the tip of Yang Ji's nose, making Yang Ji a little distraught.

Banxia pursed her lips and chuckled, "I know, but I also want to know how you will react in the morning." Banxia pointed to where Yang Ji's hand was.

Yang Ji was silent for a while, "This... is a little inconvenient," Yang Ji picked up his legs with both hands, like a weak person blocked in a corner, and Banxia was the one blocking him.

Banxia no longer wanted to argue with Yang Ji, so she directly put Yang Ji's hand on her leg, put her fingertips on Yang Ji's pulse, and felt the acceleration of Yang Ji's heartbeat.

Several girls waited quietly for Banxia to come to the conclusion that they knew what Banxia's abilities were, or that they all had some special abilities more or less.

They no longer want to recall what happened in the past. Now they just want to maintain their current peaceful and quiet life. Occasionally teasing Yang Ji, the young head of the family, is a whole day of happiness.

Anyway, Yang Ji wouldn't care about little girls like them. Instead, he would accommodate their vitality, although it could only be limited to this small courtyard world.

But in just over two months, they felt joy that they had never experienced in the past 20 years. They were happier than they had been in the previous 20 years combined.

"Well, is this the reaction you have every morning? It's really..." Banxia's face turned red as she thought of some unspeakable books she had read before.

Banxia glanced at Yang Ji's stiff face, glanced back at the close friends surrounding her, calmed down, and then unexpectedly lifted the quilt covering Yang Ji.

"Hey, is this what was said in the book?" Although Yang Ji quickly covered the quilt back with quick eyes and hands, Banxia still saw it, and even the people behind him saw it.

Although it was separated by a layer of cloth, the girls present were so old after all, so they all knew what they should know. How could you not think of Yang Ji's reaction when you saw those unspeakable books that you had read? .

What's more, in Yang Ji's place, through mutual communication, they also unlocked more knowledge that they had never been exposed to, which was all fresh knowledge that made people blush.

Their widened eyes and slightly parted red lips showed their extreme inner peace. Their white necks and faces were quickly stained with a layer of blush, and even the tips of their ears were not given up by the blush.

If you haven’t seen the real thing, don’t worry. First make reasonable associations based on the knowledge you have seen somewhere before, and then fully imagine it.

This is the current situation of the girls. Their blurred eyes show their current state. After falling into some inexplicable association, their brains are almost dry and smoking.

Yang Ji saw that everything was like this, so he could only use his mental power to force his body to calm down. Before they could come to their senses, he lifted off the quilt, put on his clothes, picked up the toiletries that had fallen on the floor, and ran out. room.

After washing up quickly, he ran away without even asking why they came to his room to prepare toiletries for him this morning.


Light laughter resounded in Yang Ji's room, and Ban Xia shook her head. "He's such an adult, and I don't know why he's shy." The girls, whose blushes hadn't gone away, all nodded.

"Banxia, ​​is there really nothing wrong with the master's health?" Zhang Ning asked Banxia who was sitting on the bed. Although Yang Ji's hands and feet were still very nimble just now, he was still worried.

"What can happen? The master of the house is in good health. What's more, he is still a warrior whose inner energy has separated from his body. It's hard for anything to happen." Banxia shook his head. "But the head of the house looks so shy when he looks so shy." Miaoyan said, touching the tip of his still-heated ear.

"We will all have opportunities in the future, right?"

"With the personality of the head of the family, it's hard to imagine that he won't have a chance!"

"makes sense."


After Yang Ji left home, he first went out to buy some steamed buns for breakfast, and then slowly walked to the city gate to relieve his nervousness for some reason.

The pedestrians on the street were no different from yesterday. They were either rushing to the construction site or setting up stalls on the street. They didn't know where the things on their stalls came from.

When Yang Ji walked to the city gate, Zhang He had been standing guard there for a long time. After seeing Yang Ji approaching, he quickly picked up a jar of honey placed aside. This was the best jar of honey in his home.

"Sir, why are you late today? But what happened?" Zhang He asked with some worry. Yang Ji usually doesn't go out so late. He usually leaves the city gate around eight o'clock in the morning. Today... We didn't arrive at the city gate until nine o'clock.

Yang Ji and Zhang He stood aside to communicate, so as not to hinder other people's entry and exit. After all, this is the main entrance of Fenggao City, and there is still a lot of traffic.

"Nothing's wrong, I just slept in too much last night, so I got up a little late this morning." Yang Ji took the jar of honey handed over by Zhang He, and then asked Zhang He to give him his ring-shou knife.

Yang Ji unsheathed the sword with his left hand and waved his hand over the blade. The light and shadow etching array covered the blade, etching the lines of the powerful secret technique of warmth and nourishment onto the blade.

The inner energy spurted out along the left hand and poured into the Huanshou Sword, activating the powerful secret technique of warming and nourishing. After warming the Huanshou Sword to the extreme, he added an enchantment rune to the Huanshou Sword and sheathed the sword. .

"Let's see how the knife looks like. Although it's only a standard one, I've kept it warm to the extreme. I also etched two runes on it: [strong] and [sharp]." Yang Ji returned the knife to Zhang river.

Zhang He shook the weight of Huanshou's sword and pulled it out of its sheath. The flickering cold light passed directly through Zhang He's eyeballs. The strong and warm etching patterns were embedded with two kinds of etching patterns: strong and sharp.

Mobilizing his own internal energy and inputting it into the blade, Zhang He was shocked by the extremely smooth internal energy transmission efficiency. "Are you really not kidding about the internal energy transmission efficiency?" Zhang He looked at Yang Ji, who was checking the quality of the honey.

"I can't accept this, it's too valuable." Zhang He sheathed the sword and handed it back to Yang Ji with both hands. An ordinary ring-headed sword is very cheap, but the etched inscriptions on it are not cheap. If it weren't for Yang Ji, he would I have no chance to come into contact with this kind of thing that can only be seen in legends.

"Okay, just keep it. You saw it just now. It's just a standard ring-headed sword that I etched casually. In fact, it's just like that to me."

Yang Ji waved his hand. For Zhang He, this sword was a magical weapon that he would never have the chance to touch in his life, but for Yang Ji, it was just a casual refining.

"Besides, didn't you use your own collection of precious honey in exchange for me? The value of this jar of honey is enough for you to exchange it with me for a ring-head knife like this." Yang Ji picked up the jar of honey and asked Zhang He gestured.

"This...the value is not equal. What I paid was just a jar of honey, and what you paid was knowledge and skills. How can it be worth the price of a magic weapon." Zhang He tightened the ring-shou knife in his hand.

"Dahe, in your opinion, the value of a jar of honey is not as valuable as the weapon I made casually, because it contains knowledge and technology related to inscription etching."

"I don't deny that knowledge and skills are indeed priceless, but in my opinion, weapons made with knowledge and skills are decoupled from pricelessness the moment they are made."

"What is priceless is knowledge and technology, not the knife with knowledge and technology attached to it. As long as something can be reproduced with knowledge and technology, it is valuable."

"It just depends on whether you can afford the price, and in my opinion, your jar of honey is just enough to exchange for this knife." Yang Ji picked up the honey and planned to leave.

"So, don't worry about the unequal value. Whether it has value and how much it is worth, I will decide!"

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you here. The time is almost up, so I'll leave first." Yang Ji didn't give Zhang He a chance to speak, he just turned around and walked out of the city with Honey in his arms.

"Sir..." Zhang He looked at Yang Ji who was leaving quickly and didn't know what to say. He had to give Yang Ji a big gift to express his gratitude to Yang Ji.

"It's so hard to talk, and it's even harder to convince others!" Yang Ji looked back and saw that Zhang He was now back at his post and looked high-spirited.

After seeing Zhang He accept his values, Yang Ji carried the honey and continued to the military camp. If Zhang He did not accept Yang Ji's values, he would have no choice but to return the honey to Zhang He.

Yang Ji held honey in his arms and hummed a song as he headed to the military camp. His happy look shocked the soldiers standing guard at the camp gate, because Yang Ji jumped out and attacked the soldiers from behind. The guard almost drew his sword at him.

The reason why Yang Ji was happy was not only that he found honey that could be used to make milk tea, but also the stimulation he received this morning, even though he escaped in embarrassment.

Yang Ji put the honey in his dormitory. After rushing to the school grounds, Liu Bei, Lu Zhi and Yu Jin had already arrived, and the training had already started for a while, as evidenced by the beads of sweat falling on the soldiers' faces.

"Hey, you guys, you're here early enough." Yang Ji said hello to the three people standing in the stands, and then jumped onto the stands himself.

"Ziyu, why are you here so late today?" Yu Jin asked Yang Ji, obviously unaware of what happened in the Government Affairs Office yesterday.

 But the writing power is not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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