Chapter 99 The weaving trajectory

——The trajectory of the cloud gas has now been woven and can be injected into the cloud gas.

The falling light of the magic circle reflects a rune made up of connected and entangled lines. It is the core driving rune used to guide the cloud gas to weave the movement path of the cloud gas in the military formation.

Those intertwined lines are the cloud movement trajectory of the military formation. Yang Ji incorporated it into the cloud trajectory weaving driving runes and became the strokes that constitute the driving runes.

The runes were slowly imprinted on the surface of the flag, and the flag body suddenly erupted with a dazzling light, which even overshadowed the light falling from the formation above.

When Liu Bei and the others opened their eyes from the dazzling light and shadow, they saw that the flag had been branded with a rune that shone with strange brilliance. This was the cloud weaving driving rune.

Those complicated lines are hidden in the original pattern of the silk cloth. If you don't observe carefully, you won't be able to tell that this rune is composed of lines.

When the light of the flag itself faded, the light hanging down from the array gradually weaved a cocoon of light, wrapping the flag in it. The soft light flowed on the surface of the cocoon.

Everyone in the stands felt the spiritual aura that was being nurtured in the cocoon of light. It was the spiritual aura that they had sensed on the formation flag that Yang Ji first took out. Although the two were independent entities, there was no connection between them. The breath is very similar.

Liu Bei, Yu Jin and Lu Zhi looked at each other, and they all saw each other's doubts, "Why is the spiritual aura bred in this light cocoon so strong? It obviously doesn't look like it was just bred."

Lu Zhi raised his chin and signaled Liu Bei to ask Yang Ji what was going on with Yang Ji's cocoon. Yu Jin stayed silent to avoid getting himself involved.

After Liu Bei saw Lu Zhi's gesture, he thought for a moment, then shook his head slightly to Lu Zhi, saying that it was not the time to ask now, and he should wait until the spirit of the formation flag was conceived.

When the soft light flowing on the light cocoon gradually dimmed until it completely dissipated, Yang Ji's right hand habitually touched his waist, but nothing happened.

Yang Ji lowered his head and glanced at his waist. He didn't see the tips bag hanging on his waist in the past, and then he remembered that he had just thrown his tip bag to Liu Bei and the others for observation.

Turning to look at Liu Bei, he saw the three of them sitting on chairs staring straight at the light cocoon floating in mid-air, and Yang Ji's tips bag was placed on the table next to Liu Bei.

Yang Ji didn't care about the opened brocade bag, but attached his mental power to the palm of his left hand, then snapped his fingers with his left hand. A ray of light passed through his fingertips, and an invisible force dragged the brocade bag back. In Yang Ji's hands.

He casually hung the brocade bag on his waist, and then passed his right hand over the pocket of the brocade bag. The inner energy was introduced into the brocade bag with the movement of his right hand and attached to Yang Ji's own sword.

As his right hand passed over the brocade bag, a small sword flew out from the brocade bag. At the same time, as the small sword left the space constraint range of the brocade bag, the small sword also returned to its original size, and was struck by Yang Ji. Hold the sword by the hilt.

After Lu Zhi saw Yang Ji's operation, he opened his mouth wide and wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. What could he say? He had never seen such an operation at all.

Liu Bei and Yu Jin had such expressions as expected. Although they were still shocked, they still looked calm on the surface. They almost stood up, raised their hands and pressed down.

Yang Ji ignored their situation, but put the sword on his left hand, and then flicked the sword blade with the fingers of his right hand, and the sword made a slight mark.

Holding the sword again with his right hand, Yang Ji walked softly towards the light cocoon whose surface had dimmed, and gently cut the light cocoon open with the edge of his sword, revealing the formation flag inside.

After the light cocoon was cut by the sword edge, it turned into light and dissipated directly, leaving no trace, leaving only a flag still flowing with fine streams of light, which was the formation flag after the birth of spirituality.

After Yang Ji sheathed his sword, he raised his hand to scatter the magic circle in mid-air. At the same time, he used his mental power to pull the formation flag to his hand. He tapped his fingertips on the flag surface and traced the rune imprints on the flag surface. .

After seeing the formation flag fall in Yang Ji's hand, Liu Bei and the others also gathered around Yang Ji, wanting to see the difference between this fresh formation flag and the previous one.

After Yang Ji saw their actions, he paused for a moment, then found the bamboo pole that he had ruthlessly abandoned in front of him on the edge of the stand, hung the formation flag directly up, and inserted it on the edge of the stand.

The tiny stream of light on the formation flag gradually dissipated under the blessing of the breeze, and the formation flag returned to its normal appearance, but everyone in the stands could sense the rich spiritual aura contained in the formation flag.

Yang Ji once again took out the original formation flag with complete spirituality, then looked around the stands to see where there was a bamboo pole, and finally found a brand new bamboo pole at the other end of the school field.

Hang up the original formation flag, and then insert it next to the freshly baked Yunqi formation flag. One side has a pattern composed of messy lines, making it a little difficult to see the runes on it, while the other side has the runes on it that can be seen at a glance. arts.

Then Yang Ji directly injected his will into the cloud formation flag and activated the driving runes in the formation flag. Yang Ji could clearly perceive the spirituality in the formation flag.

When Yang Ji used his will to connect the cloud formation flag with the clouds above, the spirituality in the cloud formation flag used Yang Ji's will to pull the clouds above to create a cloud passage connecting the formation flag and the clouds. , which is the energy channel used to provide cloud energy for the formation flag.

The original driving energy used by the formation flag was the general's will. Although after weaving the cloud trajectory, the formation flag's consumption of the general's will was greatly reduced, but there was still some consumption.

Therefore, Yang Ji directly changed the energy consumption of the formation flag to the more versatile and easier-to-obtain cloud energy, so that he would not have to worry about problems caused by excessive consumption of the general's will, including but not limited to mental trance.

After the cloud formation flag was injected with cloud gas, it began to play its role. Through the cloud gas channel, it pulled the cloud gas to weave the cloud gas trajectory corresponding to the military formation, but the military formation was not fully formed yet.

Next, Yang Ji began to wave the cloud formation flag, pass his orders to the soldiers who were training below, and manually weave the remaining cloud trails through command and dispatch.

Soon, as Yang Ji commanded and mobilized, the clouds above began to change. Yang Ji did not weave the cloud trajectories himself, but the array flag directly nested the already knitted cloud trajectories after Yang Ji commanded and dispatched them. In the naturally formed cloud trails.

Then he quickly covers and infects it, quickly changes the trajectory of the originally somewhat messy cloud gas trajectory, and then merges it into his own cloud gas trajectory.

After the cloud gas tracks were integrated, the formation flag constructed a cloud gas channel between the military formation and the cloud gas, and then the cloud gas was directly injected into the military formation through this cloud gas channel. After the injection of cloud gas was completed, a military formation covering the military camp was activated, and the movement of the cloud gas channel between the cloud formation flag and the cloud above began to subside.

When the military formation was activated, everyone present, including a few people in the stands and soldiers training on the school field, as well as people who were in the military camp but did not come to the school field, all felt a familiar illusion in their bodies. Inner Qi.

Everyone present accepted the blessing from the military formation. Even some of them who had successfully introduced Qi into their bodies did not refuse the blessing from the military formation, even if this wisp of inner Qi was so inconspicuous.

It wasn't until the [Qi Entrainment] military formation covered the military camp again that Lu Zhi truly saw what the supporting facilities Yang Ji had prepared for the extraordinary organs were. Is this what Yang Ji said was imperfect?

Although Lu Zhi had heard Liu Bei say that the supporting facilities prepared by Yang Ji were a military formation before he entered the military camp, the most extreme picture he could imagine at the time was to gather the essence of heaven and earth and increase the concentration of essence. That’s all.

When Lu Zhi entered the military camp, because his inner energy was blown by the strong wind, he did not feel that there was an illusory inner energy in his body. This also caused him to not feel the inner energy. Realizing what the military formation Yang Ji had arranged was.

When he saw that the soldiers on the school field suddenly had a breath of inner energy, but he didn't feel anything, Lu Zhi realized something. He opened his mouth again and looked at Yang at the edge of the stand in disbelief. discipline.

Lu Zhi himself knew that his mastery of the inner qi in his body was worse than Chen Xi's. At least Chen Xi had cultivated his own inner qi before condensing extraordinary organs.

But he hadn't even finished drawing the Qi into his body, so how could he clearly sense his physical condition? What's more, his mental power didn't give any danger signals, so some strange things when he entered the military camp were ignored. .

Now, in comparison with the soldiers on the school field, Lu Zhi finally sensed the wisp of virtual inner energy that appeared in his body out of thin air. Moreover, Lu Zhi could also sense that as long as he used his own inner energy to remove this ray of inner energy. If the qi is rendered and assimilated, then this ray of inner qi will directly become one's own.

If paired with the current cloud formation flag, Lu Zhi can already imagine what it will be like in the future. Maybe having inner energy for all people is no longer a delusion.

According to the characters of Chen Xi and Yang Ji, they will definitely do this. Even if there are blocking ropes laid by the entire Han family in front of them, who can stop them.

Lu Zhi looked at Yang Ji, who was standing on the edge of the stand and looking up at the sky. A feeling of powerlessness occupied his entire body. The torrent of the era created by Yang Ji was about to sweep through the entire... Han Dynasty.

Yang Jiruo looked back at Lu Zhi with some feeling, smiled casually, turned around and stepped forward to collect the original formation flag, put it back into the brocade bag, and then took out a piece of silk cloth.

He unsheathed his sword, cut out two pieces of fabric of suitable size, put the sword back into its sheath, stood it beside him, and then used his inner energy to attach to the remaining fabric and put it back into his bag.

Yang Ji planned to take advantage of this moment to make the cloud formation flags of the other two military formations that originally covered the military camp. After all, their cloud traces had been wiped out just now.

It took two hours to repeat the previous steps of making the [Air-Entraining] Formation Flag, except that the trajectory weaving driving runes of the [Air-Entraining] Army Formation were replaced by [Cooperation] and [Restoration] Army Formation. of.

"Wen Ze, I'll leave the rest to you. How to use these three cloud formation flags will be your own business from now on." Yang Ji handed the two newly released cloud formation flags to Yu Jin's hands.

Yu Jin subconsciously took the two Yun Qi formation flags handed over by Yang Ji, and then looked at Yang Ji, he hesitated to speak. He shouldn't be in charge of the Yun Qi formation flags. He was not qualified now.

After handing the Yunqi formation flag to Yu Jin, he sat on a chair, poured himself a cup of tea, and quietly savored the moment of tranquility. He would have to talk to Liu Bei and the others later.

"Ziyu, you'd better take them back. I'm not qualified to hold them now." Yu Jin couldn't help but touch the cloud formation flag in his hand, but still handed them back to Yang Ji.

"Why, do you think you are not qualified to control these three cloud formation flags now?" Yang Ji just picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, but did not take the formation flag handed over by Yu Jin.

Yu Jin nodded, "Since Ziyu knows everything, why bother me."

"I'm not making things difficult for you, it's you who is making things difficult for yourself, otherwise you wouldn't have given it back to me," Yang Ji pointed to the formation flag in Yu Jin's hand.

"And who told you that these formation flags are for you to control. Now you don't even have a headquarters legion. Is it lonely to be in charge?" Yang Ji complained about Yu Jin without hesitation.

Yang Ji found that Yu Jin was simply overthinking. If Zhang and Zhao Hua were imprisoned, they would not be polite to Yang Ji. Even if Yang Ji did not say that he would give them control, they would still make Yang Ji agree to make things for them. A formation flag.

I don't know whether I should say that Yu Jin is a principled person, or that he can't change his mind. He has been with Zhang Fei, Hua Xiong and the others for so long, and he still hasn't learned how to pluck Yang Ji's wool.

"Ah?" Yu Jin was stunned. It turned out that he had misunderstood Yang Ji's meaning. He thought that Yang Ji's handing the formation flag to him was a hint that he could form his own army.

"As soon as I saw you, I thought wrongly. These three formation flags were given to you to train soldiers. How could they be awarded to you directly like this? You must know that these are the military flags of the future."

Looking at Yu Jin's expression, Yang Ji knew that this guy was definitely thinking wrongly. Although Yang Ji could easily make a formation flag now, the formation flag really cannot be awarded casually.

In Yang Ji's plan, the formation flag will become the military flag of a legion in the future. Although this thing is not like the eagle emblem of Rome, it can engrave the talents of past generals into it.

But it can also become a symbol of a legion, condensing the morale and will of the legion. In this world where will can change reality, maybe the military flag that condenses the will of the legion will give birth to some wonderful abilities.

Yu Jin's face turned a little red. Now can anyone tell me what to do if I misunderstood my superior's meaning, and also intended to take the formation flag transferred by my superior as my own, and use it on my own legion that didn't even have a shadow? .

Ahhhh, I really want to dig a hole in the ground and bury myself in it!

(End of this chapter)

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