I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 101 Yagyu’s recruitment order!

Chapter 101 Yagyu’s recruitment order!

Matsudaira Yongho did not expect that Yagyu would invite him to join the cabinet, and as a deputy, it can be seen that Yagyu invited him sincerely.

But he is a member of the shogunate after all, and the establishment of the cabinet has strengthened the power of the court. Once the reform of the cabinet organization is successful, the situation of the shogunate will be even more difficult.

This made Matsudaira Yongho very entangled.

He hurriedly said goodbye and left, and went directly to Nijo Castle to see Hitotsubashi again.

Hitotsubashi Yoshiki saw the somewhat distracted Matsudaira Yoho, and frowned: "Aizu-sama, what's wrong with you? Even if Yagyu Kiyan rejects our request, it's not a big deal. I've been mentally prepared for it."

Matsudaira Yongho was a little tangled and said: "Yagyu hopes to serve as deputy prime minister."

Matsudaira Sadaki who was on the side did not listen carefully. He directly cursed: "He Yagyu dares to reject us, he is really ungrateful..."

"Made, Lord Kuwana." Hitotsubashi Yoshiki looked at Matsudaira Yongho with some surprise, and he said in disbelief, "Yagyu Kien actually asked you to be his deputy?"

"What? Deputy!" Matsudaira Sadaki was also surprised.

Matsudaira Yongho nodded and said: "Yes, that's what Yagyu said. He said that the imperial court is for the people of the world, and the cabinet also needs to gather talents from all over the world."

Hitotsubashi Yingxi felt a little angry, am I not a genius?

"Hmph, Yagyu Hiyan's intentions are not small, this tone is really too loud!" Yoshihashi secretly speculated, always feeling that Yagyu Hiyan was trying to win over him, "Okay, since he dares to play such a big game, then we will accompany him. Together with him, Aizu-sama, you agree to this, and you must tell me in time about any actions of Yagyu Nobita's cabinet."

Songping Rongbo frowned, feeling a little unhappy, and didn't reply for a while.

Hitotsubashi Yingxi comforted him: "Lord Aizu, everything we do is for the sake of the shogunate, please."

Matsudaira Sadaki also said: "Brother, for the sake of the shogunate, please be patient, please!"

Matsudaira Yongho closed his eyes, raised his head slightly, sighed helplessly, and said: "Forget it, this is my fate."

Matsudaira Yongho immediately stood up and left Nijo Castle.

Ichihashi Keixi looked at Matsudaira Yongho who was leaving, and said sadly: "Now Yagyu is stirring up trouble in Kyoto, and everyone is paying attention to him. Now the shogunate can make secret arrangements, and the conquest of the Choshu Domain is inevitable, so This battle is a warning to everyone that the shogunate has the final say in this world."

Matsudaira nodded and said: "Those ambitious people must pay the price!"


Matsudaira Yongho agreed to Yagyu's invitation the next day and became deputy prime minister in accordance with Hitotsubashi Yoshiki's instructions.

And Yagyu also arranged for his people to enter several key departments.

The Minister of Police is Isamu Kondo, the Chief of the Kyoto Police Department is Shinpachi Nagakura, the Chief of the Special Investigation Section is Saito Kazuo, the Special Agent Section is Shimada Kui, Yamazaki Hao, the Operations Team [-]st Division Okita General Director, and the [-]nd Division Matsubara Tadashi , Third Division Mantaro Tani, Fourth Division Katsuji Kawashima, Fifth Division Harada Sanosuke.

Within the Finance Ministry, there are vacancies for ministers, including Deputy Minister Takeda Kanryusai, Director of the Taxation Bureau Kawai Kisaburo, Tax Action Team [-]st Team Toudo Heisuke, [-]nd Team Yoshimura Kanichiro, and [-]rd Team Ozawa Eisuke.

In the Army Bureau and Navy Bureau within the Ministry of Defense, the Army Director Hijikata Toshizo, the Navy Director Keisuke Yamanan, and the ministers are vacant.

Secretary-General to the Prime Minister Shuntaro Ogata.

Deputy Minister of the Interior Koshiko Taro Ito.

Minister of Commerce and Industry Shibusawa Eiichi.

Energy Minister Takehachiro Katsurayama.

The remaining positions of the Minister of Education and the Ministry of Transport are vacant, and there is also a lack of full-time internal positions.

After Yagyu decided on the position, he immediately asked Ogata Shuntaro to write an announcement to recruit cabinet staff and announce it to the world.

Yagyu said to everyone: "This is the first step for the imperial court to reach the world. This announcement is to tell the people of the world that as long as Japan has the imperial court, there is hope of revitalizing the country.

Let those frustrated talents come to the court and the cabinet! "

With the help of the Police Department, this announcement, like a recruitment order, was centered in Kyoto and spread to surrounding areas.

"What a great courage!" Saigo Takamori looked at the announcement he copied in his hand and couldn't help but admire, "He is indeed a man who has the trust of the emperor. This move is so extraordinary, and he actually uses the whole world as a chess game.

We can only think of a corner of Satsuma. Compared with it, it is really the light of fireflies and the light of the bright moon, which is really overestimating our capabilities. "

Komatsu said anxiously with a knife: "Yoshinosuke, why are you still in the mood to praise? Yagyu Xiyan's move will greatly strengthen the power of the imperial court. If the imperial court does not need to rely on me and other lords, where will Satsuma's future be?"

Okubo Toshimichi said very seriously: "If the imperial court becomes stronger under Yagyu's governance and integrates all the heroes in the world, the imperial court will have the final say in this world."

Komatsu shook his head with his sword and said: "This is not the result that the Satsuma clan wants. We only hope that the Choshu clan can achieve our overdue goal and defeat the shogunate by then. Our two clans will join forces and use the power of victory to force Yagyu to give in!"

"Maybe." Saigo Takamori is no longer so optimistic about this plan.

Hitotsubashi Yingxi also saw the announcement issued by Yagyu. He envied Yagyu for being able to implement what he wanted, but he still said: "Yagyu wants to lead the court on his own. It is really fantastic. The world is still uncertain. I will definitely do it." Is the final winner!”

Yagyu's announcement caused a great stir in Kyoto, which aroused heated discussions among people in wine shops, restaurants, and street vendors.

Some patriots who had no way to serve their country cheered for joy, while those who insisted on resisting the foreigners in their hearts sneered, and the glamorous people just regarded it as a joke.However, in front of the bulletin board, a young ronin looked at the contents of the bulletin carefully.

"Those who are familiar with the affairs of Western countries, or who think they are talented can go to the police station to submit their names and participate in the cabinet assessment. Those who pass the exam can obtain the corresponding positions."

Itagaki Taisuke's eyes became brighter and brighter the more he looked at it.

"The imperial court is willing to accept knowledgeable people from all over the world to participate in the reform and revitalize the country. All Japanese patriots should devote themselves to such important events and contribute their talents."

"Okay, that's great!"

Itagaki Taisuke couldn't help but clapped his hands and applauded. His move attracted the attention of the people around him, but Itagaki Taisuke didn't care. He quickly asked: "Excuse me, where is the police station?"

"It's in Dongshan District, the original Shinsengumi camp."

Itagaki Taisuke immediately tightened his baggage and thought to himself: "Perhaps we can find a way out for the Tosa Domain in Kyoto."

Less than half an hour later, Itagaki Taisuke arrived at the police station.

He stepped forward and said to the police officer in front of the door: "I'm here to sign up for the cabinet assessment."

The police officer took out a form from the side and said: "Write the form first, then take it into the front yard, and someone will naturally register. The assessment time will be unified in one month. During this period, you can seize the time to learn about Western countries. culture.”

The police officer pointed to a shop and said: "There are books brought by the Prime Minister from the West. You can go and borrow them."

"Thanks for the guidance." Itagaki Taisuke accepted the form and began to fill it out.

He was a wanderer who broke away from the Tosa Domain. His old surname was Gan and his given name was Masakata. He was later known as Itagaki Taisuke. The Gan family was the upper-class noble family of the Tosa Domain.

Itagaki Taisuke was well-received by the powerful faction in the Tosa Domain and participated in the politics of Yoshida Toyo. After 1860, he took charge of the general military affairs of the Tosa Domain. He was later stationed in Edo and became a confidant of the Tosa Domain's former lord, Yamauchido.

In 1864, he was promoted to the Grand Supervisor of the Tosa Domain. Yamauchido originally belonged to the "public and military combination" faction and held real power in the Tosa Domain. He brutally suppressed the feudal king-repelling faction. Itagaki Taisuke witnessed the tragedy and felt dissatisfied. He believed that it was necessary to From respecting and arguing to asking for curtains.

Therefore, in 1865, at the beginning of this year, he resigned from his supervisory position and went to Kyoto to study and learn military affairs. He happened to meet Yagyu recruiting talented people from all over the world.

As a ronin who favors the overthrow of the shogunate, the reason why he wanted to join the cabinet was because he felt that if the imperial court had to stand up to save the country, it would mean overthrowing the shogunate. Otherwise, how could the shogunate sit back and watch the imperial court rise?
In fact, it's not just Itagaki's resignation. For many people, they also feel that this is a sign of collapse.

So Yokoi Konan met with Yagyu.

Yagyu didn’t expect Yokoi Konan to come to see him. This Yokoi Konan was no ordinary person. He was a practical man. In 1857, he was invited by Matsudaira Harugaku to carry out reforms in Fukui Domain and vigorously develop agriculture, industry and foreign trade economically; Politically, the opinions of various factions were unified and a united political system was established, which greatly changed the appearance of the Fukui Domain.

He had three propositions: first, make the country rich by opening up trade, colonizing and developing industry; secondly, strengthen the military, establish a navy to strengthen coastal defense; thirdly, establish a political system with clear and honest politics.

It can be seen from his proposition that Yokoi Konan has a deep understanding of Japan's current situation. Of course, Yokoi Konan also has the limitations of the times. He places his hope on Ming Jun, so he supports the integration of public and military affairs and hopes that the shogunate can carry out reforms.

It's just that the shogunate was corrupt and did not adopt the advice of this wise man.

In the Bingwei Mansion, Yokoi Konan was able to enter the palace and see Yagyu through Matsudaira Harugaku.

Yagyu greeted Yokoi Konan very politely.

Yokoi Konan got straight to the point: "Is Lord Yagyu intending to overthrow the imperial court by increasing its strength?"

Yagyu looked sideways and said with some surprise: "Why did Mr. Yokoi say this? His Majesty the Emperor has never meant to overthrow the emperor, and as a member of the general's family, he naturally has no such intention."

Yokoi Konan asked in confusion: "Then what is Master Yagyu doing here?"

Yagyu immediately explained: "Many people in the shogunate are still sticking to the rules and not wanting to make progress. This time the Choshu clan has betrayed the shogunate, the shogunate will most likely send troops to suppress the rebellion. I am worried that the shogunate will be defeated, so I strengthen the strength of the court.

Once the shogunate fails to conquer Changzhou, the shogunate will inevitably be in danger. At this time of turmoil, only a powerful court can turn the tide and save the country from the fire. "

Yokoi Konan asked: "Why does Yagyu-sama think that the shogunate will be defeated?"

Yagyu knew that this was a test, so he said: "The shogunate recruited soldiers from more than a dozen vassals to form an army of 10,000+. This looks very powerful, but in fact each vassal has different ideas, and this army is just a mob.

Moreover, if the morale of a feudal clan is low and they defy the shogunate, this will affect other feudal states. The army will collapse in an instant. However, if the Choshu clan is united and fights to the death, it will definitely defeat the ragtag shogunate army. "

Yokoi Konan clapped his hands and said: "As expected of Yagyu-sama, you are far-sighted. No wonder the emperor will entrust you with the important task of reform. I admire you!"

Yagyu knew that this Yokoi Konan was a man of action, and that his reforms in the Fukui Domain had been successful. More importantly, this man was dedicated to the public and was a good helper for the reform.

He immediately invited: "I heard that Mr. Yokoi's reforms in Fukui Domain have been quite successful. Now that the cabinet has just been established, there is a lack of talented and experienced talents like Mr. Yokoi. Mr. Yokoi, please forgive me for being presumptuous. I I hope Mr. Yokoi can serve as the education minister in the cabinet.”

Yokoi Konan was a little moved, and Yagyu's invitation hit his weak spot.

Yagyu saw Yokoi Xiaonan's somewhat moved expression, and he continued: "Mr. Yokoi, I invite you for the great cause of Japan's reform. You should know that only the reform can Japan get rid of the situation of being squeezed by Western countries. The people across the sea The Qing Dynasty can serve as a warning, please!"

Yokoi Konan made up his mind and saluted: "Although I am old, I still want to serve the country in my heart. Lord Yagyu said it so sincerely. I have no reason to refuse. Education is the foundation of the country. Lord Yagyu entrusts this important task to me. I will Even if I risk my life, I won’t let you and the Emperor down.”

Yagyu secretly rejoiced, Songping Chunyue sent a great gift, what a good man.

(End of this chapter)

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