I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 105 The mission fleet arrives in Tianjin

Chapter 105 The mission fleet arrives in Tianjin
After the Second Opium War, the Qing Dynasty signed unequal treaties with Western powers such as Britain, France, Russia, and the United States, and ceded hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land.

This time, the Western powers hurt the Manchus. Empress Dowager Cixi, who came to power through a coup, supported Prince Gong and Yixin established the Prime Minister's Office for International Affairs and launched the Westernization Movement.

The Prime Minister's Office for International Affairs was formally established in 1861. It initially had British, French, Russian and American branches.

Among them, the Russian Stock was in charge of the negotiations between Japan and Russia. Later, land trade with other countries, border defense, and border affairs were also managed by the Russian Stock.

Although the Manchu Qing Dynasty established the Prime Minister's Office and promoted the Westernization Movement, the Taiping Rebellion broke out in the Manchu Qing Dynasty and the country was in turmoil. Although they were interested in carrying out the Westernization Movement, the threat of the Taiping Rebellion was too great, so the Manchu Qing court mainly focused on countering the rebellion.

In 1864, the Manchu and Qing Dynasty suppressed the Taiping Rebellion before the Westernization Movement officially began. However, the Westernization Movement was presided over by Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Li Hongzhang and other Han officials who had made contributions in the Taiping Rebellion. Therefore, it encountered considerable resistance.

Advanced factories such as the Jiangnan General Administration of Manufacturing were established one after another in the second half of 1865.

This is also why Yagyu said that time is tight.

This time the ambassador's sailing route started from Osaka Bay, traveled along the coast of the West Country, arrived at Shufang, walked out of Shimonoseki and out to sea, and then headed to Tianjin Port.

The fleet flying the Hinomaru flag of the imperial court and the imperial banner of the Emperor were very eye-catching. Ships busy on this route immediately avoided the fleet after seeing it.

After setting sail from Osaka Bay, three days later, the fleet arrived in the Shufang waters, which was already the territory of the Choshu clan.

The forts along the coast of the Choshu Domain had already been destroyed by the warships of the four countries and had not yet been repaired. Moreover, the Choshu Domain was still quarreling over the fight against the foreigners and the founding of the country.

This time, facing the fleet sent by the imperial court, some radicals heard that it was the fleet sent by Yagyu, and they clamored to send out steam warships to sink the enemy ships coming to Shimonoseki.

Takasugi Shinsaku, Katsura Kogoro and others were worried that the situation would get out of control, so they rushed to Shimonoseki in person. At this moment, Shimonoseki's Choshu Domain fleet was ready.


The long roar in the distance attracted everyone's attention.


The sailor of the Byojin Maru who was deployed at the front shouted loudly.

A moment later, the imperial navy's flagship Jiazi appeared in front of everyone. Although the Jiazi was just an iron-clad wooden steam warship, its dark and ferocious figure still shocked everyone in Changzhou.

Takasugi Shinsaku, who was on the top of Shimonoseki Castle, stared closely at the five steamships in the distance and said with a serious expression: "Is that the imperial navy established by Yagyu Higen!"

Katsura Kogoro exclaimed: "How long has it been? Hyouchenmaru and the others are no match!"

Shunsuke Ito quickly ran down the tower and towards the seaside, waving his hands and shouting: "Can't fight, can't fight!"

Soon, a ship carried Takasugi Shinsaku and others aboard the Hyouchen Maru. Takasugi Shinsaku loudly said: "You also saw it, that is the fleet representing the imperial court. We cannot take action, our enemy is the shogunate!"
And you have also seen that the enemy's warships are far more powerful than ours, so don't make unnecessary sacrifices! "


The three steam warships including Byingchen Maru returned to the port immediately.

On the Jiazi, Sheng Haizhou saw the movement in Xiaguan through the telescope and said with a smile: "The Changzhou people's warship has returned, let's go over."

Shannan Keisuke immediately ordered: "Cancel combat preparations and tell all ships to continue to be on alert."

The fleet continued forward, passed Shimonoseki under the watchful eyes of the Choshu people, and turned towards Hizen.

Takasugi Shinsaku looked at the fleet going away and said to Katsura Kogoro: "The Choshu clan must open up a country and trade with Westerners. We can't delay it any longer!"

"Yes, the country must be founded!" Katsura Kogoro fully supported Takasugi Shinsaku's choice.

Takasugi Shinsaku was stimulated by Yagyu and forced the founding of the Choshu Domain, which aroused dissatisfaction among his classmates. Some people tried to assassinate Takasugi Shinsaku. Takasugi Shinsaku could only temporarily escape Choshu, and Katsura Kogoro took over Takasugi Shinsaku's affairs.

As for the fleet that gave Shinsaku Takasugi a great stimulus, it has arrived in Nagasaki. After replenishing sufficient supplies and coal in Nagasaki, the fleet will first head to the coast of North Korea and then enter the Bohai Sea.

A few days later, the mission fleet arrived in the waters near Tianjin Port. In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Zentaro Cai boarded one of the merchant ships, hoisted the Hinomaru flag and the imperial banner and approached Tianjin Port.

Customs officials at Tianjin Port originally thought it was a Western steamship. Unexpectedly, Zentaro Cai who landed ashore claimed that he was the deputy envoy of the Japanese imperial court.

The customs officials did not dare to make their own claims and immediately reported the matter to Chonghou, the Minister of Commerce and Industry of Sankou.

Chonghou was a Manchu. In 1861, he served as Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War and Minister of Commerce and Commerce of Sankou, in charge of foreign affairs. During the Tongzhi period, he served as the governor-general of Zhili.In Tianjin, he is the general person in charge.

After listening to the report from his officials, Chonghou said respectfully: "How dare you, a small country like Japan, to come to Tianjin? Huh, I'll go take a look."

Chonghou immediately assumed the governor's posture and took his men to Tianjin's Sanchahe Port in a sedan.

Although Chonghou was riding in a four-person sedan, there were more than ten people in front of him clearing the way, and more than ten people in the back carrying flags.

Passers-by on the street saw it and pushed to the side of the street to get out of the way.

Half an hour later, Chonghou and his party arrived at the port and saw Shantaro Cai dressed as a Japanese official. Then they saw eight guards behind Shantaro Cai. Their eyes widened instantly and they felt a little panicked.

Why does Japan also have Western soldiers?

Chonghou quickly called his staff and asked, "Look, are there Western soldiers behind the Japanese envoy?"

The staff member looked at him and saluted, "Sir, judging from his appearance and height, he is not a Westerner, but a Japanese."

Chonghou immediately asked: "Then why are you dressed like a Western soldier? I was shocked, so I went to ask for details."

The staff bravely stepped forward and said: "Since you are an envoy from the Japanese court, why do you bring troops from Western countries?"

Zentaro Cai quickly explained: "These are not Western soldiers and horses, but the Guards Division guarding Kyoto. They were just set up by the Prime Minister to imitate Western military forces."

The staff was surprised: "What? Have you Japan learned from Western countries?"

Cai Shantaro said with some pride: "Under the leadership of the Prime Minister, our country has begun to learn from Western countries last year. Now the envoys are arriving nearby on a steam warship. We only need the consent of the Qing court to enter Tianjin."

"Okay, I'll report to the Governor right now."

The staff hurriedly returned to the sedan and said to Chonghou: "Sir, Japan is already learning from Western countries. They not only have a Western army, but also a Western navy. The envoy said that the envoy came on a steam warship. of."

"What?" Chonghou had begun to sweat on his forehead, "Hurry up and send someone to the capital to report this matter immediately! Hurry!"

Chonghou quickly walked out of the sedan, wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeves, then rubbed his face, put on a gentle smile, came to Cai Shantaro and said: "I am the Minister of Commerce of the Three Kingdoms and the Governor-General of Zhili. Ambassador Cai is working hard from afar, so I will send someone to invite Mr. Envoy to come."

Cai Shantaro saluted in Chinese: "Thank you very much, Governor-General."

When Chonghou heard Cai Shantaro speaking Chinese, he felt a little relieved, and then scolded the nearby customs official: "What are you still doing? Send someone to lead the way for the Japanese envoy!"

Soon, a clipper ship left the port to inform the Japanese mission's fleet.

More than half an hour later, the armored ship Jiazi appeared on the sea surface of Tianjin Port, causing a commotion.

Chonghou was a little thirsty and asked, "Is this your country's main warship?"

Shantaro Cai smiled and said: "Of course not. Our country will soon have an armored ship stronger than the Jiazi."

"Oh oh oh, ok, ok, your country is really amazing." Chonghou's smile grew a little wider.

If it were in the past, Chonghou would definitely not be so guilty, but since the capital was captured by the British and French, and was intimidated by Tsarist Russia, many people have developed Western phobia.

Soon, Zhou Hengjuro disembarked with members of the mission and more than 200 escorts. Chonghou saw the elite escort team and made a random guess in his mind: England is just an island country, and so is Japan. Is Japan as powerful as England?
Zhou Hengjuro came to Chonghou and saluted: "I have been entrusted by the Prime Minister and ordered to come to the Qing Dynasty to meet the emperor of your country and then hand over my credentials."

Chonghou nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, I have sent someone to inform you. I believe there will be a reply soon. Mr. Envoy can rest in Tianjin for a while. I will host a banquet tonight to cleanse Mr. Envoy. "

"That's work."

"Hahaha, please."

 Toshiichi Okubo is an official of the Ministry of Interior and has patched the previous chapter of the Cabinet meeting.

  Ichimura Tetsunosuke was originally Yagyu's personal bodyguard and is now equivalent to his personal assistant.

  Thanks to Tokyo netizens for the thousand tips!
(End of this chapter)

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