I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 115 I copied it!KFC and Coca-Cola

Chapter 115 I copied it!KFC and Coca-Cola
Okubo Toshimichi, who was sitting in the second row, looked at Yagyu. During these days, he saw Yagyu promoting Japan's industrialization, but he also saw Yagyu's ambiguous behavior with the shogunate.

He really couldn't understand why Yagyu must keep the shogunate. If Yagyu took the lead in suppressing the shogunate, the Satsuma and Naga clans could help. Coupled with the trust of the emperor and the help of the ministers, the shogunate would inevitably withdraw from the stage of history.

At that time, they can assist the Yagyu cabinet to create a new era for Japan.

"What a contradictory man."

Okubo Toshimichi thought secretly.

This meeting was an opportunity for him to see clearly Yagyu's purpose and character.

Okubo Toshimichi stood up and said: "Prime Minister, can you give me any suggestions?"

Yagyu nodded and said: "As long as it is a reasonable opinion on Japan's reform and can promote the development of the country, I will adopt it."

Okubo Toshimichi immediately said: "Currently, the imperial court can only rely on commerce and collect taxes from merchants and town residents. However, except for Kyoto and Osaka, the vast land is still under the control of the shogunate. If taxes can be collected from farmers everywhere, the imperial court will definitely get a lot of money." tax."

Yagyu nodded and said: "You are right. If you tax farmers, it will indeed be a revenue, but the land around Kyoto belongs to the various feudal lords and shogunate."

Okubo Toshimichi looked directly at Yagyu and said: "Then overthrow the shogunate and take back the land from each clan."

"How is it possible to take back the territories of each vassal?"

"Absurd, so ridiculous!"

"You traitor, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you!"

In the conference room, the atmosphere instantly became tense, and officials belonging to the shogunate faction were filled with indignation.

When Yagyu saw someone drawing a sword, he immediately stood up and shouted: "What are you doing? This is the cabinet, put your sword away!"

Sasaki Jisaburo said angrily: "This person made rude remarks to the shogunate!"

Liu Sheng took out the sword from his waist and put it on the table, and said: "Then let's try it with me, the Prime Minister."

Sasaki Jisaburo's face turned red from suppressing it. Kondo Isamu immediately pulled him forward and put away the knife, and apologized to Yagyu: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Sasaki is just..."

Yagyu raised his hand and said: "I know what Vice Minister Sasaki is thinking, but this is an internal cabinet meeting. We can argue, but we must not fight. Do you understand?"


People on the shogunate side didn't dare to make mistakes. Everyone knew that among everyone here, the most powerful swordsman was Prime Minister Yagyu.

Yagyu looked towards the Okuboli Passage: "You also saw it, the time has not come yet, please sit down."

Matsudaira Yongho said in surprise: "Prime Minister Yagyu, will you really take back the land of each clan and the shogunate in the future?"

Yagyu looked at several representatives of the feudal lords, stood up and said, "Yes, this is a necessary process for the restoration. If the court doesn't know how many people and land the country has, then is it still a court?
If Japan wants to quickly become an industrial country, it must centralize power and take back all local power. "

Sasaki Tosaburo said coldly: "The shogunate will never agree, and no domain will do this. Prime Minister Yagyu, you are the enemy of the world!"

Yagyu ignored Sasaki Tosaburo and said: "I know what you are thinking, but if you want Japan to be strong, we must unite. Your current vision is always thinking about the vassal country to which you belong.

If one day, you are no longer people of the Satsuma Domain, Aizu Domain or Tosa Domain, but Japanese, and you no longer think about a small area, but think about the entire Japan, then Japan The country will no longer have wars like the Choshu clan and the shogunate.

You can ask people from those Western countries. They always call themselves British, French, and Americans. Their people identify with one country and focus their efforts in one place, so that they can become stronger in a short period of time.

If the Satsuma Domain and the Choshu Domain are still like this in Japan, then it will be a loose sand and a mob. What future will Japan have in the long run?
I am an imperial family member. If I only thought about the sake of the shogunate and not Japan, there would be no Restoration today. "

Takeda Kanryusai immediately clapped his hands and said: "The Prime Minister is so right, we must look at the whole of Japan!"

Sheng Haizhou thought to himself: That's it, that's what I want to do.

Okubo Toshimichi looked at Yagyu with some excitement, and thought to himself: Is this this man's ambition?No wonder he has reached this stage. I should follow him.

Itagaki Taisuke was greatly stimulated. He stood up, raised his proposal, and shouted: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, Itagaki Taisuke has his own opinions on open source!"

Yagyu looked at Itagaki Taisuke, nodded and said, "Speak boldly!"

"Hey!" Itagaki Taisuke shouted loudly, the veins in his neck had bulged out, "Before I left Tosa Domain, Lord Shojiro Goto, who presided over the domain affairs, sent people to Nagasaki to sell Tosa's special products, such as camphor. Raw silk and so on.”

"So I thought that we could process domestic specialties and sell them to other countries. After all, these specialties are not available in other countries, so they will definitely be marketable. Moreover, through the best-selling specialties, other countries can also know about Japan!"

Itagaki Taisuke increased his volume again, his face turned red and there were veins on his forehead.

Liu Sheng took the initiative to applaud and said: "Okay, very energetic!"

"What Itagaki said makes sense. Processing and selling specialties is a good way!"

When Itagaki Taisuke saw that Yagyu accepted his suggestion, he was so excited that tears filled his eyes. The officials nearby applauded Itagaki Taisuke.

Matsudaira Yongho was quite moved and thought to himself: If the shogunate had opened up their minds and accepted suggestions humbly, the situation might not be like this.

In the lobby, with the beginning of Itagaki's resignation, other aspiring officials put forward their own suggestions. Yagyu selected some useful suggestions for Ogata Shuntaro to write down.

After several hours of intense discussion, Yagyu's mind was opened and he came up with many ideas.He announced with a smile on his face: “I have fully understood your suggestions, and the cabinet will gradually implement trials based on these suggestions.

There may be failures, but don't be discouraged. The road to reform will not be smooth sailing. We must face difficulties and solve them when they arise. For the sake of Japan, we must not retreat! "

Yagyu's last speech made many officials shout excitedly, and the young officials who left the cabinet office were all high-spirited.

Yokoi Konan and Katsu Kaishu stood together, looking at the passionate young people, and said with a smile: "Okay, only with young people like this, Japan will have a future."

Katsu Kaishu nodded and said: "Although it is a pity that we are at this age, it is not too late to use the last remaining heat to make Japan stronger!"

In the lobby, Matsudaira Yongho finally stood up to leave. He looked at Yagyu with a solemn expression and said, "Prime Minister Yagyu, I am looking forward to Japan after the Restoration under your leadership."

Yagyu smiled and said, "Don't worry, Matsudaira-sama. What Japan will look like in the future depends on how hard Matsudaira-sama works. Matsudaira-sama, let's work hard together."

"Well, let's work hard together!" Matsudaira Yongho showed a rare smile.

Yagyu took the opinions recorded by Ogata Shuntaro and returned to his office.

In fact, the proposals put forward at the meeting today are basically related to agriculture and the tertiary service industry.

However, Itagaki Taisuke’s proposal to sell specialties greatly touched Yagyu. What are Japan’s specialties?Excellent Japanese paper, lacquerware, unique foods, etc.

The machines required for Japanese paper and lacquerware are not available in Western countries, and they still need to be developed by themselves, which is somewhat unrealistic.

Then we can only start with food. Except for some delicacies in France and Italy, other Western countries can be said to be food deserts, and the same is true for the United States.

"Then let's conquer your stomach first!"

Yagyu immediately wrote a plan for the King of Kitchen Competition.

If you want to create a reputation for Japanese cuisine, you need a great chef.

With the title of "King of Chefs", the Japanese court will promote it to Western countries and conquer the people of Western countries with delicious food. At that time, it will promote the development of Japan's catering industry to the world.

But this road may take some time.

In a short period of time, a suitable food should be produced to open the market.

Fast food…

Got it!

Yagyu thought of KFC, McDonald's and Coca-Cola, which are popular around the world!

"Very good, I copied it!"

Yagyu immediately started writing a plan for fast food and drinks.

Fried food is not uncommon in Japan. Tempura is fried food. At first, tempura was just fried vegetables, and later fish was added. It is said that Tokugawa Ieyasu died of cancer because of eating too much tempura.

Coupled with Yagyu's guidance, making KFC is not a big problem for the chef.

It’s just that we can’t call it KFC anymore, we have to change our name.

Yagyu just uses the name of local tempura, which seems very reasonable, while Coca-Cola just uses Chinese characters.

Yagyu felt a little bit happy when he wrote down the plan. Although Coca-Cola would not appear until more than 20 years ago, and KFC would be a food almost a hundred years later, for Yagyu, it seems like it was yesterday.

Thinking about these things, Yagyu missed the modern days. When KFC and Coca-Cola are produced, he can remember the past through these two items.

Then Yagyu called Shibusawa Eiichi and Ito Koshitaro and said: "This is the inspiration I got through today's suggestions. You immediately find excellent chefs to make these foods and give them to me to taste.

In addition, after making these foods and drinks, the formula must be kept secret. Even if it is eventually leaked, we must ensure that we have opened the market. "

Shibusawa Eiichi and Ito Koshitaro said seriously: "Prime Minister, don't worry, we will definitely guarantee the secret recipe."

Yagyu continued: "In addition, I am very optimistic about the livestock industry proposed at the meeting. You should immediately send people to find suitable pastures."

Although there were already patents at this time, powerful countries never paid attention to these when they were plundering, so Yagyu could only use the most primitive means to buy time for himself.

As for animal husbandry, it is not a problem for Japan. Japan's terrain is long and narrow, spanning nearly thirty dimensions, so it has a lot of terrain, even deserts.

For example, there is a ranch near Kobe that is suitable for livestock farming.

In short, Japan’s domestic land resources are sufficient to support Yagyu’s livestock industry plan.

Yagyu was busy with his new plan, but what he said in the cabinet had reached Keiki Hitotsubashi. Keiki Hitotsubashi sneered, wrote these words in a letter, and sent it to Osaka Castle.

"You are seeking death, Yagyu Sheeyan..."

(End of this chapter)

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