I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 117 General, buy some canned instant noodles to try

Chapter 117 General, buy some canned instant noodles to try

The success of fried chicken legs made Yagyu very happy, and the next step was to introduce burgers and Coca-Cola and launch fast-food meals.

However, Coca-Cola’s raw materials, cola nuts and caffeine, can only be imported from abroad. Coca-Cola nuts are native to Africa and caffeine is native to the Americas.

Of course, these two items are not difficult to obtain. You only need to entrust a Western merchant to buy them. As for other sugar and soda water, it is not a problem.

But regarding fast food, Yagyu thought of instant noodles. Although instant noodles had already appeared, no one had made them into commercial products.

Yagyu immediately asked people to look for chefs who could make pancakes. Although there were no chefs in Kyoto and Osaka, Tang Tongshi, who worked under Yagyu, recommended a chef in Nagasaki to Yagyu.

The first instant noodle cake was produced quickly. The one made by Zheng Duowei was relatively large, equivalent to two modern noodles. The reason for this was because of the style of the noodles.

The noodles of modern instant noodles are thin and long strips, while the noodles made by Zheng Duowei are flat noodles one centimeter wide.

However, Zheng Duowei is very mature in the technology of making noodle cakes. According to Zheng Duowei, a piece of noodle cake can be stored for a month in a dry environment.

Liu Sheng was very satisfied with Zheng Duowei's skills, but he still took out the instant noodles he drew and handed them to him for improvement. This kind of noodles should be regarded as ramen.

Zheng Duowei didn't say much. He directly made modifications according to Yagyu Nod's request. In just three days, the ramen pancakes were made.

Now Yagyu needs to solve the problems of ingredients and packaging.

Through sealed vacuum packaging, instant noodles can be stored for a long time. Such instant noodles are also suitable for marching and fighting.

Once instant noodles are made, they can not only be used as a civilian product, but also for military use. This is killing two birds with one stone!
However, when it comes to production and packaging, current Japanese technology cannot produce plastic bag packaging. Yagyu can only choose the canned style, adding noodles and seasonings, as well as fish and other meats.

Although it is different from modern instant noodles, this quick way of use is still favored by the Ministry of Defense.

The first thing Yagyu launched was canned instant noodles. With Japan's domestic resources, the production of instant noodles has the least restrictions, and there is a stable raw material supply chain to ensure subsequent output.

As for KFC and Coca-Cola, Yagyu must solve the problem of raw materials and control costs before putting them into production.

However, palm oil, fast-growing broilers, cola nuts, coffee and other things are not native to Japan, and there is no suitable planting land in Japan, which has become a big problem.

Yagyu called Shibusawa Eiichi and Ito Koshitaro to ask for a solution.

Ito Koshitaro said: "We can look for suitable planting sites, preferably close to our own country."

When Yagyu heard this, he immediately thought of Hainan Island in the Qing Dynasty. Hainan Island has not yet been developed, and the Qing Dynasty did not pay attention to it. With the conditions of Hainan Island, both cola nuts and palm trees can be planted, and even he can Hire local people to plant trees at low prices.

Yagyu nodded and said: "This is a good idea. When Zentaro comes back, I will ask him to go back and discuss with the people of the Qing Dynasty to purchase land and establish a plantation on Hainan Island."

Taro Ito Koshiko said worriedly: "The Qing officials won't make things difficult for us, right?"

Liu Sheng said very confidently: "No, as long as we have enough money, I am afraid that the officials of Hainan Island will treat us as the God of Wealth.

I have also thought about the location. It is right in Haikou of Hainan Island. A port can be built here and a processing plant can be set up locally. The processed materials can be sent directly back by ship, which is very convenient.

As for the factory we set up, it’s okay if local wealthy businessmen join us. Let them pay a large sum of money, give them some shares, and give them a small share of profits to stabilize them. "

Yagyu immediately wrote down these thoughts and looked at the two of them and said, "Now that the problem of raw materials has been solved, I will feel much more relaxed."

Shibusawa Eiichi admired: "The Prime Minister is really amazing. He knows everything. I just feel that my knowledge is too little."

Yagyu comforted him: "I have too few people now, so I can only keep you around to work for now. When I have more people, I will select a group of people to go to Western countries for further study."

Shibusawa Eiichi said excitedly: "That's great. I want to see with my own eyes what the advanced civilizations of Western countries look like."

"When you return from your studies, you can build Japan into an advanced civilized country." Yagyu leaned back on his chair with a relaxed and happy expression.

However, Taro Ito Koshiko advised: "Prime Minister, what you said at the cabinet meeting has been circulated and caused dissatisfaction among many people. I think it is best to suppress the shogunate as soon as possible."

Yagyu knew that Ito Koshitaro was a die-hard king-honoring sect and was deeply influenced by the Mito doctrine. Regarding Ito’s reminder, Yagyu didn’t take it seriously and said: “Don’t worry, the biggest opponent of the shogunate now is the Choshu clan. There will be trouble at this time and the court will be offended. Don't worry about the light wind and rain outside. Their little movement is just to avoid getting my feet dirty, so I can work with peace of mind."

"Ha." Ito Koshitaro bowed and retreated somewhat unwillingly.

Yagyu didn't care about the overt and covert fighting between the shogunate and the Satsuma clan, nor the secret quarrel between the Satsuma clan and the Choshu clan.He is now more concerned about the canned instant noodles.

A few days later, the first batch of canned instant noodles was produced. Yagyu immediately took the samples and ran to Osaka to recommend canned instant noodles to General Tokugawa Iemo.

In the courtyard of the Osaka Imperial Palace, Yagyu demonstrated in person, and first asked someone to bring in the brazier. Yagyu immediately opened the can and introduced to Tokugawa Iemo: "Shogun, this can contains pancakes, fish, a little beef, and dried vegetables. And seasonings.

Boil the water first, then pour the hot water into the can and cover it for 3 minutes. "

Yagyu took out his pocket watch to count the time. Three minutes later, he opened the iron sheet and a strong fragrance spread out.

"Oh!" Tokugawa Iemo said in surprise, "I can also smell the fragrance here. This smell is really appetizing."

Yagyu picked up the wooden basin, walked into the room, brought it to Tokugawa Iemo and said, "Shogun, you can have a taste."

Tokugawa Iemo was not polite, picked up some with his chopsticks, blew on it, and put it into his mouth.


"Hmm... delicious!"

Tokugawa Iemo's eyes lit up and he nodded: "I didn't expect you, Jubei, to have such accomplishments in food."

Yagyu smiled and said: "Not only will we launch instant noodles, but we will also launch new tempura, cutlet buns (hamburgers) and a drink called Coca-Cola.

Not only that, in order to adapt to the new era and create a happy life for people all over the world, the cabinet will continue to introduce new foods. "

Yagyu has already planned to copy beer and other things.

Tokugawa Iemo smiled and said: "Oh, that's really good. When the time comes, you have to let me taste it first."

"Once we have new food, I will deliver it myself. General, please eat this instant noodles while it's hot."

Tokugawa Iemo was not polite and quickly finished a portion of instant noodles.

He put down his chopsticks, took the pocket paper and wiped his mouth, and said with some relief: "I'm so full, Jubei, the shogunate will order a batch of canned instant noodles from you."

Tokugawa Iemo turned around and said: "Because of the war, I also heard that the price of rice is rising, but I also know that Jubei you immediately found a way to quell these riots.

The turmoil was quelled in a short time without sending out troops. Jubei, you have the talent to govern the world. I wish I had met you earlier. "

Yagyu immediately replied: "The shogun took over the position when the shogunate was in crisis and turned the tide. During these 12 years of turmoil, he has been supporting the shogunate until now. The shogun's talents are far superior to those of me below."

"Hahaha..." Tokugawa Iemo smiled happily, "Although I feel in my heart that you are coaxing me, I am very happy. Thank you, Jubei. Please be more considerate about Hitotsubashi."

Yagyu saluted and said: "Ha, Mr. Hitotsubashi is also for the shogunate. I understand his mood."

Tokugawa Iemo happily chatted with Yagyu about other things. After more than half an hour, Yagyu left the palace.

Yagyu looked back at the Imperial Palace, recalling the smiling Tokugawa Iemo, and said with regret in his heart: It's a pity, in this era, good people don't live long.

Yagyu returned to Kyoto and immediately asked the newly opened food processing factory to produce canned instant noodles. This batch was supplied to the shogunate army.

In addition, Yagyu had to summon the consuls of Western countries in Kyoto, and he also had to sell instant noodles to these people.

(End of this chapter)

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