I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 126 The Emperor entrusts an orphan, Yagyu’s father-in-law

Chapter 126 The Emperor entrusts an orphan, Yagyu’s father-in-law

In fact, Tokugawa was happy to be able to become shogun, which was something Emperor Takamei supported.

After the death of Tokugawa Iemo, the situation of the shogunate was already in danger, and those who opposed the shogunate were ready to attack in groups.

Several of the dozens of ministers who had previously opposed the merger of the public and military saw an opportunity. They contacted each other and prepared to force the emperor to remove Kanshiro Nijo Saikyo and Prince Asahiko from their official positions.

The leader is Iwakura Tomoshi, and there are also Nakamikado Suyuki, Ohara Shigetori and others.

Among them, Ohara Shigenori criticized directly and fiercely: "The imperial court issued an imperial edict to attack the Choshu clan and helped the shogunate to commit crimes. It is disrespectful to the imperial court. Please don't be deceived by certain people."

Yagyu saw Ohara Shigetori looking at him, and said neither humble nor arrogantly: "The Choshu Domain bombarded the Imperial Palace, which is treason and unethical. His Majesty the Emperor and the imperial court have listed the Choshu Domain as an enemy.

If the imperial court does not teach the Choshu clan a lesson, then the imperial court will really lose its face. "

Ohara Shigenori retorted: "That's nonsense, the Choshu Domain has already admitted its mistake!"

Emperor Xiaomei said angrily: "We cannot disband the troops when it comes to marching!"

Ohara Shigenori wanted to say more, but Yagyu immediately shouted angrily: "How dare you, are you going to disobey the emperor's order!"

Iwakura Tomomi's conspiracy did not succeed. Ohara Shigenori and others failed to get the emperor to remove Nijo Saikei and Prince Asahiko, and they also failed to get Emperor Komei to accuse the shogunate.

However, the people of Satsuma Domain found these ministers through Iwakura Tomoshi, and they continued to deal with the shogunate.

As for the Choshu Domain, after the great victory, Katsura Kogoro contacted Saigo Takamori, and both sides began to expand their troops and prepare to attack Kyoto.

In this case, Tokugawa Keki used political means to end the war between the shogunate and Choshu in an honorable manner. At the same time, he used the matter of succeeding the general to force Ogasawara Nagayuki and other Laoshu to agree to reform the shogunate.

As soon as Tokugawa Keiki became a general, he immediately implemented the reforms of the Kei Shogunate. He imitated Yagyu's cabinet and established domestic affairs president, accounting president, foreign affairs president, navy president, army president, etc., and appointed full-time senior middlemen.

On the other hand, he broke the unspoken rules of employment and appointed Hisashi Nagai as Wakatori, who had previously only been able to hold the post of daimyo, making him a pillar of his regime.

Tokugawa Keiki also followed the example of Toulon Naval Port and began to build the large-scale Yokosuka Iron Works, appointing French naval technician François Lyons Verny as the director of the factory. It was put into production in October of the next year until the shogunate A total of two small steamships were built at the Downfall.

At the same time, in the Western-style military reform, he planned to integrate all flags into the infantry phalanx with foreign guns. He ordered dozens of Armstrong five-pound field guns through Jardine Matheson and others.

Tokugawa celebrated the fact that these reforms posed a huge threat to the feudal lord. Saigo Takamori told the British consulate's translator, Sa Daoyi: "If we give the shogunate three years, we will stop everything in our pursuit of the shogunate."

But Tokugawa's celebration measures were not limited to these. He also announced to hold an audience ceremony for foreign representatives.

Among the four countries, Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States, the first person to meet him in Osaka Castle was the British Minister Parkes.

The scene of the interview is described in detail in Hagiwara Nobu's masterpiece "Far Cliff", which was written using "Sadogi Diary" and diplomatic documents.

Meeting foreign envoys was conducted in accordance with European etiquette. The shogunate provided a variety of Western dishes such as roast beef, ham with truffles, turtle doves cooked in red wine, meringue with butter, etc. After-dinner coffee and whiskey were also prepared in another room. wait.

The interview between Tokugawa Yoshiki and Parkes lasted about three and a half hours.

Sa Daoyi's impression of Qingxi is "a wise forehead, a good-looking nose, and a typical gentleman."

Tokugawa Keixi was very open-minded. When Parkes praised the 36 pictures of singing immortals hanging on the wall, Tokugawa Keixi wanted to give him one on the spot.

Parkes said: "All the unpleasantness in the past relations between Britain and Japan is in vain today."

And Satoyi made a fool of himself during the translation process because he was worried about the future of the Satsuma clan.

Tokugawa Yoshiki, who is socially experienced, shows his usual proficiency as a samurai.

Hagiwara pointed out, "Qingxi's insight and charisma deeply moved Parkes, a battle-hardened veteran on the Asian stage."

Parkesli reported to his country's permanent undersecretary that Tokugawa Yoshiki was Japan's "best man" and worthy of trust.

Of course, Parkes trusts Tokugawa Yingxi more than this.

The diplomatic advice provided to Tokugawa Yingxi by French Ambassador Rossius was only a temporary measure.

However, Tokugawa's own foreign policy differed from that of Rossius, and he decided to strictly abide by the treaty.

After Parkes learned about Tokugawa Yoshi's statement, he developed "unshakable" trust.

In short, Tokugawa Keiki quickly restored the situation that the shogunate was about to collapse in a very short period of time, and had a situation of resurrection.

As long as Tokugawa is given time to celebrate, the shogunate may become stronger.

However, God was not on the side of the shogunate.

On the fifth day after Tokugawa Yoshiki took over the position of General of the Conquest of Yi, Emperor Takamei was infected with smallpox!

Even Yagyu didn't react to this matter.

After Yagyu heard the news, he hurried to Qingliang Palace, where Emperor Xiaomei was lying behind the curtain receiving treatment from the imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor frowned slightly. Although he didn't say anything, he could tell that this matter was very difficult.

Yagyu no longer had any scruples and immediately asked, "His Majesty, what happened to the smallpox?"

The imperial doctor was shocked by Liu Sheng's momentum and said hurriedly: "This is acute and menacing. If there is something wrong, I'm afraid..."

Nijo Saikyo and Prince Asahiko were panicking. If the emperor had any shortcomings, the road ahead for them would be dangerous. Two months ago, Ohara Shigetori spoke aggressively and forced the emperor to remove them.

Nijo Qi Jing asked hurriedly: "Mr. Yagyu, what should we do? You have to think of a way!"

Yagyu knew that he was powerless. He remembered that Emperor Takamei died of a sudden illness not long after Tokugawa Iemo's death.

He could only walk up to the imperial doctor and say: "No matter what, we must make His Majesty the Emperor sober!"

The fact that Emperor Takamei was seriously ill could not be concealed at all. Okubo Toshimichi, Goto Shojiro and others came to Iwakura Tomomi to discuss the return of the great power and the restoration of the royal power.

Iwakura Tomomi appeased everyone and said: "There is no need to worry about this matter. Now there is Yagyu Heigan in Kyoto. We are not his opponent yet. Only when he no longer has the backing of His Majesty the Emperor can we take action and slowly weaken him." the power of."

Okubo Toshimichi and Goto Shojiro are both smart people. They know that Yagyu is a big mountain standing in front of them, and they don't dare to measure the strength of this opponent. Now they can only wait.Time passed day by day, and Emperor Komei finally woke up under the treatment of the imperial doctor, but he felt endless weakness, so Yagyu immediately asked someone to give him tonic.

Emperor Xiaomei finally regained his composure, and he immediately asked: "What's wrong with me?"

Yagyu said bluntly: "Your Majesty, you are suffering from an acute case of smallpox. The illness came on too quickly and was too serious. You have..."

Emperor Xiaoming couldn't help but be startled when he heard this. He couldn't believe that he was about to die young when he was in his prime.

After a long time, Emperor Komei, who felt weak, looked at Yagyu not far away and said: "My dear, it's a pity that I will never see the day when I rule the world.

I know that the current situation has reached a critical juncture. My fall will have a great impact on the situation, but I can still help Aiqing one last time.

Hurry...go and call the crown prince and all the ministers. "

After saying that, Emperor Komei closed his eyes and rested. Yagyu stayed close, looking at the imperial doctor, and then asked Nijo to call for help.

Soon, the Crown Prince Meiji arrived first and knelt in front of the curtain. Yagyu didn't dare to let the Crown Prince approach.

Emperor Xiaomei looked at the blurred figure of the Crown Prince and said: "Prince, I'm afraid I'm going to die, and the next important responsibility in the world will be handed over to you, but you don't have to worry, as long as the cabinet is here, you will be fine.

Crown Prince, you have to believe in Yagyu Aiyou as you believe in me. Aiyou is sincere for the country. Satsuma Clan, Choshu Clan, Iwakura Tomoshi, etc. are all ambitious people who can only use you. Understand? "

Emperor Meiji hurriedly saluted and said, "Yes, I will bear this in mind."

He immediately saluted Yagyu and said, "Greetings to Mr. Xiangfu."

Liu Sheng hurriedly avoided it and said: "I am so virtuous and capable, Your Highness the Crown Prince does not have to be like this."

Emperor Xiaoming said: "My dear, you are worth it."

When Yagyu heard this, he was a little moved in his heart. After all, it was Emperor Komei who trusted him and he was what he is today. Otherwise, he would have gone to Hokkaido or even abroad.

Unfortunately, Emperor Takamei is dying.

Several people were waiting, and soon several lords and ministers arrived one after another.

Emperor Komei straightened up with the support of his female concubine and said: "After my death, Crown Prince Mursuhito will succeed to the throne. Ai Qing Yagyu, you carry the Crown Prince on your back and walk outside to declare to others."

Nijo, Prince Asahiko, Shimazu Hisamitsu, Matsudaira Harugaku and others were dumbfounded and looked at Yagyu carrying the Crown Prince on his back step by step to the door. Outside, Okubo Toshimichi, Goto Shojiro and others saw this. One scene, I just felt like five thunders struck me!
Komatsu took the knife and gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, this is the Emperor's entrustment to an orphan before his death. What an honor, what an honor!"

Others are so envious that they cry!

Kondo Isamu was so moved that he cried, while Hijikata Toshizo's face was filled with excitement.

After announcing this important event, Emperor Xiaomei felt relaxed and fainted.

On December 25, four days after Emperor Komei announced his will, Emperor Komei finally fell into a coma and lost his breath.

The emperor passed away and the world was deserted. Coupled with the snow in this winter, the entire Kyoto became a white city.

On December 28, the new emperor's enthronement ceremony was held. Yagyu once again carried Emperor Meiji to the throne of the Purple Palace. After the new emperor sat down, Yagyu sat on the cushion next to the throne, only one position lower than Emperor Meiji.

Shimazu Hisamitsu and others looked at Yagyu above with mixed feelings in their hearts.

They originally thought that after Emperor Komei died, they could use the new emperor to slowly weaken Yagyu's power, but they didn't expect that Emperor Komei would entrust Yagyu alone. Now, Yagyu's power was not only consolidated, but also strengthened. Got it!
Shimazu Hisamitsu's mentality is about to collapse. How will he play in the future?

From the main seat, Yagyu said: "My colleagues, now that the new emperor has ascended the throne, and the country is in ruins, we must do our best to assist His Majesty the Emperor and complete the unfinished business of the late Emperor!"

Emperor Meiji above nodded and said: "My father-in-law is absolutely right. All members of the family must cooperate with my father-in-law to fulfill the late emperor's will."

Nijo Saikei and others saluted happily, but Shimazu Hisamitsu felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

After the court meeting, Shimazu Hisamitsu was unwilling to end like this. He asked Komatsu Daida and others: "What should we do now? With Yagyu as a stumbling block, the fall of the curtain is nonsense!"

Saigo Takamori shook his head and said: "It's not necessarily possible. Now Yagyu is on the side of the imperial court. We can cooperate with Lord Iwakura and propose to the imperial court that the shogunate return the power and remove the name of the shogunate first.

If the shogunate refuses, we can force Prime Minister Yagyu to send troops to attack the shogunate. If Prime Minister Yagyu refuses, then we can completely alienate the relationship between His Majesty the Emperor and Prime Minister Yagyu. "

Komatsu took his sword and realized: "Yes, let's not mention the fall of the curtain. Instead, we will weaken the power of the shogunate from the perspective of the court. If Yagyu Hiden protects the shogunate, His Majesty the Emperor will have to doubt Yagyu Hiden's position!"

Shimazu Hisamitsu was overjoyed when he heard this, and said quickly: "So there is another way, okay, okay, okay, you guys go find Iwakura Tomoshi immediately, he must not be lonely!"

Okubo Toshimichi and Saigo Takamori went to Iwakura Tomomi together to continue promoting the restoration of the royal government and the return of the great government.

Iwakura Tomoshi was also moved, but he said: "You, the Satsuma Domain, are not enough. The Choshu Domain cannot be counted on. We must win over other feudal lords."

The Choshu Domain is a staunch faction that overturns the shogunate. It doesn't care whether it's the restoration of the royal government or the return of the great government. They have only one goal, to eliminate the shogunate.

Saigo Takamori also has a headache with these tough guys, but the Choshu clan's current ally, Saigo Takamori, can't say much.

But Saigo Takamori remembered someone.

He immediately said: "Sir Iwakura, how about Tosa Domain? In addition, we can also contact Lord Matsudaira Harugaku of Fukui Domain."

Iwakura Tomomi said happily: "Tosa Domain and Fukui Domain are both fine. How can I contact Tosa Domain?"

Saigo Takamori smiled and said: "I have a solution over at Tosa Domain."

Iwakura Tomomi did not ask in detail, he smiled and said: "Okay, then I will wait for your good news."

Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi walked out of the village. Okubo Toshimichi immediately asked: "How to contact Tosa Domain? Yamauchi Dou is an old fox."

Saigo Takamori smiled and said: "Don't forget, Sakamoto Ryoma is from Tosa, let him find Goto Shojiro."

Okubo Toshimichi wondered: "Can he?"

"Of course!" Saigo Takamori nodded, "This guy has already told me about the return of the great government. He is the most suitable person for this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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