I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 130: Open up the legion, let your heart go!

Chapter 130: Open up the legion, let your heart go!
Yagyu didn't expect that he would subdue Seryukov through just one drink, but this was very Russian. They respected people who drank better than them, and also respected those who were strong warriors.

It just so happens that Yagyu fits the bill.

Sergei, who was drunk, said to Seryukov: "Brother, I'm not lying to you, this guy Yagyu is very powerful. I heard Arissa say that Yagyu killed more than 300 people with a knife. I actually don't believe it, so I compared it with him.

Hahaha, you must not have thought that this guy Yagyu showed no mercy. I didn’t even see what was going on. The sword flashed and was right in front of me. Brother, I didn’t even react. "

Seryukov was very surprised. Although he didn't really believe that Yagyu killed more than 300 people, he had no doubts about Yagyu defeating Sergei with one move, because Sergey had no need to lie to him.

After all, he, Seryukov, is a businessman and the person in charge of a colonial settlement, while Sergei is the close assistant of the Minister of Criminal Justice, one underground and the other in the sky.

Seryukov also had a big tongue. He toasted to Yagyu in a daze and said: "Awesome, Mr. Yagyu. I originally thought you were here for gold plating, but I didn't expect you have real ability!"

Seryukov took a sigh of relief, and lay down directly due to the drunkenness.

Sergey laughed and said: "Selyukov, this is not possible."

Having said that, he also fell asleep on Seryukov.

Yagyu is actually a bit too drunk, but he is pregnant with the system and his physique is still much stronger than ordinary people.

He got up and called the people outside, and carried Sergei and Seryukov to rest. Ivanovich, Seryukov's deputy, saw that Seryukov was drunk and was stunned for a moment, but he soon came to his senses and said with some respect. : "Mr. Yagyu, Mr. Seryukov has prepared a guest room for you. Please come this way."

Yagyu waved his hand and said, "No need, I'm going to live with my soldiers."

Ivanovich advised: "Mr. Yagyu, although it is spring here, it will still snow and be very cold outside. I still recommend that you rest in the office."

Yagyu politely refused: "Mr. Ivanovich, don't worry, it's just a little snowstorm, it won't trouble us. This snowstorm is our first test."

Ivanovich said sincerely: "Well, I respect your choice, Mr. Yagyu. If you need anything, feel free to contact me."

"I will, bye."

Yagyu picked up his coat and hat and put them on, and then walked out of the office with Ichimura Tetsunosuke.

Yagyu brought a total of nearly 5000 troops, as well as thousands of various craftsmen.

Many people are moving goods from the ship.

This time Yagyu came and prepared a large number of briquettes and stoves so that they could keep the fire at any time and ensure the safety of soldiers and craftsmen.

Outside the streets of the settlement, the tsarist Russian men who had returned occupied the streets again. Although Ivanovich was escorting them, the unruliness in the eyes of those men was beyond words.

"Mr. Ivanovich, these people are nothing but dwarf monkeys."

"That's right, Mr. Ivanovich, please go back and we will see them off."

"Where did the dwarf monkey come from? Get out of here!"

Ivanovich frowned and immediately stopped him: "No, shut up and go back!"

When Liu Sheng saw that these people were really looking for a beating, it seemed that he was doing this because he had cut off their financial resources.

He must respond to today's provocation, otherwise he will be even more uneasy in the future.

Yagyu said to Ivanovich: "It's okay, Mr. Ivanovich, I think these people welcome me warmly, and I must respond."

Ivanovich said quickly: "Mr. Yagyu, Mr. Seryukov will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter."

"Don't worry, Mr. Ivanovich, it will be soon."

Yagyu stepped forward and said in simple Tsarist Russian: "No!"


The leader of the big men cursed back and was about to take action immediately. Yagyu directly drew his sword and signaled. He was so fast that the big man didn't even react, and his belt was broken.

This knife was so fast that everyone didn't react until a few seconds later, and sweat suddenly appeared on the big man's face.

Ivanovich immediately shouted: "Have you seen it? Mr. Yagyu is a master of swordsmanship. Don't be presumptuous, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

Yagyu said: "I can let you compete with me again with a sword."

The translator on the side immediately told the big men on the opposite side.

Sure enough, someone was not convinced, so he drew his sword and came forward, but the outcome was still the same. With just one strike, Yagyu took action and snatched the long sword from his hand.

The big man looked surprised and his face turned red.

Yagyu took back his sword and handed the long sword to the big man. The big man accepted it with some shame and immediately retreated into the crowd.

This time, Yagyu used practical actions to calm the group of people and let them get out of the way immediately.

Ivanovich quickly followed up with Yagyu and said, "Mr. Yagyu, you are so powerful. I believe you have killed more than 300 people now!"

Liu Sheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Dealing with Lao Maozi was simple, relying on wine and strength.

Accompanied by Ivanovich, Yagyu returned to the port of Sansheng Bay. Soldiers were carrying supplies and craftsmen were building warehouses belonging to Japan.

Now that Alaska belongs to Japan, craftsmen can find an open and suitable place to build.

The three regiment commanders and two battalion commanders who were managing the matter hurriedly came to Yagyu and saluted: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, it is estimated that it will take two days to transport the cargo on the ship."

Yagyu nodded and said: "Don't worry, let the soldiers set up camp. In addition, I have a few words to say, let everyone gather."

After a while, 7000 people gathered together. Yagyu stood on a simple high platform. He held a loudspeaker, looked around at the people below, and shouted: "Soldiers, workers, I know that everyone must not understand why we are here." We have to go to this place of ice and snow to explore.

This vast land already belongs to us in Japan. When we take the risk to develop this land into a livable place, so that our descendants do not have to live in a tiny place, when they see the world of ice and snow, the beautiful aurora , endless sea fish, they will think of us who are fighting hard today!

Everyone, what we do is of great significance. We are the beginning, the origin, and the warriors!For the sake of our descendants and the country, I hope you will entrust your lives to me and let us develop together!Open your heart! "

In the audience, the reaction of the craftsmen was relatively dull, but the more than [-] new army officers and soldiers were excited. Although many people joined the army just to have a full meal, Yagyu attached great importance to the construction of the army.Those soldiers who couldn't read typing can now write their own names, understand the regulations of the army, and receive ideological education. Unlike Yamagata Aritomo's bushido spirit, Yagyu teaches to support the country, not just the court and the emperor, but the entire Japan.

In addition, those ronin and patriots who joined the army had the ideal of a strong Japan in their hearts.

As they listened to Yagyu's encouragement, their tiredness dissipated a lot.

The commander of the 201st Guards Division raised his hand on his chest and shouted: "Spread your heart!"

"Open your heart!"

The soldiers shouted chaotically at first, then gradually unified and let out their own roars.

Yagyu didn't expect that everyone would support him so much. Now that people are aligned and their strength can be used in one place, the development of Alaska will definitely go smoothly than expected.

Moreover, the time he chose was not bad. Spring had already entered near Sansheng Bay and the temperature was rising. However, the temperature was still below freezing. Even in summer, the highest temperature was below [-] degrees.

But this is much better than the cold winter, which is more than [-] degrees below zero.

After Yagyu's encouragement, the soldiers worked much faster. Many of them still had smiles on their faces and happily urged their companions to carry things.

Yagyu detached a regiment of troops to help workers build warehouses and military garrison.

At present, what Yagyu has brought is only the first batch of materials, mainly coal, grain and canned food. As for the building materials, they naturally cut down the local wood, then quarried the stone, and used the transported cement to build the fortress.

He wanted to start from Sansheng Bay and slowly expand forward.

Compared with Tsarist Russia and the United States, Yagyu's attitude towards the Eskimos and Aleuts is naturally different.

Greed will only lead to the abyss, and Yagyu just wants to make limited profits.

He planned to take over Seryukov's trading rights with the locals. He would add a little money to buy the locals' furs, and after establishing trust, he would try to negotiate and let them accept management.

If the locals ignore the polite handover or even make trouble, Yagyu will send troops to educate them.

In short, compared with the almost extermination of the Aleuts by Tsarist Russia and the rough treatment of the local indigenous people by the United States, Yagyu's methods are already very mild.

Of course, this is all a matter later. What Yagyu needs to do is to build a good advance base.

Yagyu only had a small cabin in the simple station, but the stove was already burning in the room, and with the blanket on the bed, his environment was much better than that of ordinary soldiers.

For example, craftsmen and ordinary soldiers had to squeeze ten people into a room to keep warm.

Tetsunosuke Ichimura walked in with a hot miso soup and a can and said, "Director, this is all we can eat."

Yagyu stepped forward and took over: "It's good to have these. Four years ago, when I was a ronin, I couldn't eat this kind of delicacies. Tetsunosuke, in this weather, I want to have a hot bite." Miso soup is also a beautiful thing.”


He took a sip of the miso soup and said with a smile: "After all, it is a craft product, but it still cannot compare to the taste of Mrs. Akin. Let's go and see other people."

Yagyu walked out of the hut with the lunch box and went to other huts to check on the soldiers' meals.

In a small room, Sanemon, Matsutaro and others were eating fish from an iron box, then took a mouthful of saltwater rice balls and said, "Hahaha, it's so comfortable."

Sun Jiulang on the side picked up a bowl of hot soup and said: "Squad leader, come and have some hot soup!"

"Oh, it would be such a blessing to have a sip of delicious miso soup in this weather."

Yantian Sanemon took the miso soup from Sunkuro's hand, took a sip, and then ate happily.

"Dong dong dong..."

Ten people who were eating were attracted by a knock on the door behind them. The soldier near the door immediately stood up and opened the door. When he saw Yagyu holding a lunch box, he became excited instantly and almost choked with anxiety. He ate everything in his mouth like a gulp. After receiving the meal, he quickly shouted: "Your Majesty Prime Minister!"

When everyone heard this, they stood up quickly. Liu Sheng said with a smile: "Don't be so nervous. I am also a member of the pioneering army now. Let's go in and chat. I don't want my soup to turn into ice cubes."

The soldier quickly opened the door, and Yagyu walked in. The others immediately moved out of the way, giving Yagyu the warmest place.

"Hahaha, then I won't be polite."

Yagyu did not reject their kindness. Shiota Sanemon was obviously even happier. He quickly said: "Prime Minister, this is our honor!"

Yagyu waved and said: "Okay, don't be so nervous. Let's sit down and chat casually. Don't think that I am the Prime Minister. Four years ago, I was also a wandering warrior who broke away from the feudal clan.

But for the future of Japan, I became the director of the Shinsengumi, and I have been here until today. I did all this not for a high position, but for a future.

Just like what we are doing now, we are dedicated to the future of Japan. "

Shiota Sanemon punched himself in the chest and said, "Prime Minister, I am ready to devote my life to the country!"

Sun Jiulang also said immediately: "Yes, we made a decision after listening to the Prime Minister's words. We will definitely open up this place and make it our land forever!"

"Sun Jiulang is right, and so am I!"

Yagyu was very happy. Although it was a bit hypocritical to do so, he had to do it. At this critical moment, their generation must endure hardship and sacrifice.

Only by developing Alaska and transfusing blood for Japan can Yagyu stop the extremists of Sacho and find a different path.

To be honest, Yagyu is still a little selfish. Although Japan is less involved in Tsarist Russia, in fact, when Japan becomes stronger, it can still stop it.

After all, just because Japan is friends with Tsarist Russia now does not mean that Tsarist Russia will still be friends with Japan after Japan becomes stronger.

Yagyu visited several cabins, talked with nearly a hundred soldiers, and finally visited several regiment commanders and battalion commanders.

After a brief inspection, Yagyu returned to his cabin with an empty lunch box.

He felt much relieved when he saw that everyone was in good spirits.

It's just that he began to think about things in the country, and he didn't know whether the two shogunate clans followed the historical methods and took action against the shogunate after he left.
(End of this chapter)

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