I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 133: Women’s inspiration, heading towards Alaska!

Chapter 133: Women’s inspiration, heading towards Alaska!

The group of indigenous residents that Yagyu has won over are not many. The Aleutian leader Daniuzi is only the leader of more than 300 people on Knack Island. The other Big Eater, Big Nose and others only have more than 700 people in total, and the total is only one thousand. Someone comes.

In Alaska, there are only tens of thousands of Aleuts and Inuit people. They were driven north by Indians from Canada and the United States.

The Indians thought they would freeze to death in the cold winter, but for thousands of years, the Aleuts and Inuit survived in the cold north and the far north.

Although the number of people recruited this time is only a thousand, it is already a good start. Now the number of soldiers and workers in Yagyu's hands is only 7000. By the time this group of women arrives, the number will only be [-]. Around a thousand.

Yagyu didn't ask them to send too many women. If everyone had a wife, then they would have concerns and not work so hard, so this time there were only about a thousand women.

If you want to get a wife, you have to show corresponding results. If you do well, you can choose a beautiful woman.

With this standard in mind, everyone will definitely work harder. After all, the first person to pick will definitely be able to choose the most beautiful one.

This is true even for several group leaders.

Yagyu dealt with the affairs of the Aleuts and Inuit, and then took them back to Beidao City. Beidao City was a wooden city that the pioneering army spent more than 20 days building.

When Daniuzi and the others saw the huge city, they had the urge to kneel down. Compared to the settlement of Sanshengwan, Beidao City is more impressive in appearance, especially the three-story castle tower of Honmaru, which is extremely oppressive. sex.

Yagyu led a few people into the city and said, "Don't pay too much attention to this city. When we have more supplies, we can build it better."

He took out a map and pointed at the peninsula south of Seward to Big Stomach King and the others: "Your tribe is near here. I will send a team to go here and build a city at the place I named Shenpu." , bigger than the one you see.

When the time comes, you can bring your tribe over and work for us, and we will ensure the food and shelter for your tribe. "

As they talked, they walked into Honmaru. The group of people felt the heat when they entered Honmaru's office. The big guys in sealskin couldn't stand the heat at all, so they could only unbutton their clothes.

All Yagyu had to do was take off his coat and jacket.

"It's very hot. If you live in our city, you can enjoy this kind of warmth."

Yagyu's words were like the devil's whisper, constantly tempting in their ears, prompting Da Niuzi and the others to sell their souls.

Although the Big Eaters are not very civilized, they are still eager for a comfortable environment.

The Big Eater asked: "Really? You didn't lie to us?"

Yagyu said a little rudely: "Look at our place, food, clothing, housing and transportation. Everything is much better than yours, so why should I try so hard to lie to you?"

Big Nose nodded and said, "Indeed, we seem to have nothing."

"No." Da Niuzi immediately retorted, "I see there are no women here. Are you trying to steal our women?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Yagyu laughed loudly, making Da Niuzi confused.

After laughing for a while, Yagyu calmed down and said, "We'll have women from our country coming in two days. Then we'll see if we still need to steal your women."

Dan Niuzi didn't believe it, he insisted on staying and taking a look, and several other people took advantage of the situation and stayed there.

Two days later, the departing fleet returned again. Gentaro Chiba and Chuemon Otani escorted thousands of women of various colors to Kitajima City.

Yagyu brought Daniusi and several others to check out these women. The dozens of girls at the front were the prettiest among the group of women. Daniusi had never seen a woman with such an iconic mark before, and he was immediately fascinated.

The reason why Daniuzi was called Daniuzi was because his lower body was very powerful. He almost couldn't help but step forward and start fighting directly, but the nearby soldiers calmed him down.

The official in charge of this group of women came forward and reported: "Your Majesty the Prime Minister, there are 45 women in this group, eighteen of whom are girls from samurai families. Their families went bankrupt, so they were used to pay off debts. .

In addition, there were more than 30 women from merchant families who were also sold to pay off debts at home.

Among the other 900 people, more than 300 are the daughters of town residents, and the rest are the daughters of farmers. "

Yagyu looked at the girls who were separated. The girls from the samurai family were obviously better-looking, the girls from the merchant family were better dressed, the girls from the townsfolk family looked a little cunning and clever, not very settled, and the daughters from the peasant family were generally short and dark, not very nice. "Young man, look at it, do I need to steal your woman?"

Daniuzi quickly shook his head and said: "Of course not. Dear leader, can you give me such a woman? I am willing to give everything I have in exchange."

Yagyu refused directly and said: "This is impossible. These women are used by me to reward meritorious people. If you can make contributions to the great cause, then I will reward you with a beauty."

At this time, not only Da Niuzi was excited, but Big Stomach King and Big Nose were also very excited. They all patted their chests and promised to make contributions to Yagyu.

Yagyu ignored them. He looked at Gentaro Chiba and the others and said: "Tell the soldiers, whether they are officers or soldiers, as long as they have made great contributions, they will have the opportunity to choose these women. The same goes for you. Can you choose the beautiful ones?" Women, it all depends on your own efforts."

As soon as the news was announced, everyone was excited. Everyone knew that a group of women came today, the number was limited, and the first to perform meritorious service would be selected to be a beautiful woman, which made people who had not touched women for a long time extremely itchy.

Early the next morning, both the soldiers and workers were very diligent. They got up early in the morning and started working loudly. They chose whatever work was dangerous and did it without any ambiguity.

Yagyu was very satisfied with everyone's work attitude. Now he could implement the construction plan of Kamura Castle.

In the afternoon, Yagyu summoned the main officers and craftsmen in charge for a meeting in the conference room.

Yagyu pointed at the map with his baton and said: "Now that we have a firm foothold on this island, the next step is to enter the Alaskan land.

I have already chosen a place. In the northeast of the island, there is a bay in the peninsula. A port can be built in the bay, which is very convenient for us to transport supplies.

I plan to select 240 warriors to develop here and build the first stronghold. Please inform me of [-] soldiers and [-] craftsmen.

As long as the 300 people participating in the development set foot in Shenpu and built the first stronghold, I will consider them to have made a great contribution and guarantee that they can choose wives from beautiful women. "

Otani Chuemon assured: "Prime Minister, don't worry, everyone will respond positively!"

This matter really made everyone very active. Thousands of people signed up for the 300-person quota. It would be best to select the best 300 people to take a warship to the peninsula and land in Kamura.

In fact, the mission of these 300 people is not very dangerous. After all, there are more than 700 people like Big Eater and Big Nose coming to join them. With the help of local people, establishing a stronghold is not a big problem.

After Yagyu arranged the matter, he sent the cabinet official away. The man asked: "Prime Minister, the situation in Kyoto is very tense now. Iwakura Tomomi asked him to choose a queen for the emperor, and the empress dowager also came forward. Fortunately, Lord Shogun and Lord Matsudaira insisted on waiting for you to return and make a decision before the Emperor pressed the matter."

Yagyu was not too surprised when he heard this. They did this just to give Emperor Meiji an excuse to take charge of the government and to win over allies. It was a pity that Yagyu had vaccinated Emperor Meiji in advance.

"Besides these things, what's going on with the Satsuma Domain and the Shogunate?"

The official immediately said: "The people of the Satsuma Domain and the Tosa Domain joined forces. A man named Sakamoto Ryoma suggested to the Tosa Domain Goto Shojiro that the great government should be returned. He was known as the Funaka Hatsutoshi.

Now there are many people in the court who support the return of the shogunate's power, and the shogun is eager to meet with envoys from various countries to stabilize these Western countries.

Now the Chief is mobilizing troops. If the General does not agree to return the great government, the Chief will overthrow the shogunate and eliminate the shogunate. "

After hearing this, Yagyu shook his head and said: "The matter has not yet reached its most intense stage, so the people in the cabinet don't have to worry. I have already arranged the back-up. I just wait until the right time. You can just ask Lord Matsudaira."

The official said doubtfully: "But Lord Matsudaira is obviously biased towards the shogunate."

"Lord Matsudaira will make the right choice in important matters. Go back and tell them that as long as we protect His Majesty the Emperor, we will be invincible."

Yagyu's confident look made the official feel at ease.

The man said goodbye to Yagyu: "Don't worry, Prime Minister, I will take these words back intact."

Then he boarded the warship, and with the sound of whistles, one ship after another began to break through the waves and move away into the distance.

Yagyu looked at it for a while, then turned and returned to Beidao City.

In more than a month, the next batch of supplies and recruits will be delivered.

 Ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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