I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 157 Please enter the urn

Chapter 157 Please enter the urn
"Have you heard? Something happened to the Prime Minister who came to Nagasaki to inspect naval training!"

"Ah? What happened? I heard that Prime Minister Yagyu is very powerful."

"Yeah, yeah, you're not lying, are you?"

In a bar in Nagasaki, several guests were discussing.

A guest who had drunk too much said with a reserved smile: "You must not believe it, but who am I? I work at the military port. Before I got off work, I saw a group of navy officers and a few doctors hurriedly boarding. Boarded the biggest Keiying!"

Upon hearing this, several people nearby knew that something big must have happened.

Someone asked: "How did you know that something happened to Prime Minister Yagyu if you didn't follow him to see?"

The man tapped the wine glass with his chopsticks, and the diner next to him immediately poured the wine. He took a sip with satisfaction and said, "Still want to go there? The ship is under martial law near the Qingying. Even if you fly, you will be discovered.

Tell me, the Keio suddenly became so strict and went to the doctor again. Who else could cause such a big scene? "

"Hey, when you say that, it's true!"

"The guard is so tight and we don't know any news. It must be a big deal!"

"Something really happened to Prime Minister Yagyu. Is it an assassination?"

Several other people nodded repeatedly. The gun battle at the port two days ago was still vivid in their minds. I was afraid it was another assassination.

Speaking of assassinations, everyone had a lot to talk about, and everyone talked about the legendary story of Yagyu.

Several people were drinking and still blowing water. Little did they know that the guests at the table not far away took down all their words and then left the wine house.

He is an employee of British businessman Glover, and he feels that the news he heard today must be good news for Glover.

He quickly returned to Glover's manor and reported to him the news he had just heard.

Glover turned on the oil lamp and thought: "The Japanese Navy has tightly blocked the news. The fact that it can do this means that it is a big deal.

Now is the most critical time for the Yagyu cabinet. If something happens to Yagyu Heiyan, the whole of Japan will be in chaos for a while.

OK, this is my chance to make money, spread the news immediately! "

The news spread quickly, first in Nagasaki, and a few days later in Kyoto, the rumors were all over the streets. Matsudaira Yongho was a little flustered, but he still remembered Yagyu's instructions, and he was not as tough as before in the negotiations with Van Bols.

Van Bols also knew the news about Yagyu's accident. Combined with today's negotiations, he said to Parkes and Roches with excitement: "This is really a blessing from God. Something happened to Yagyu Heiyan. Now we only need to support Sa Chang." If someone takes charge of the cabinet, he can continue to make a lot of money!"

Parkes also didn't expect anything to happen to Yagyu at this time, but this was good news.

Roches was also smiling.

Van Bols asked: "Is the Japanese transport fleet still fighting?"

Roches nodded and said: "Of course, let your fleet head to Vietnam quickly. We cannot return without success."

Van Boels left immediately and asked someone to notify the Dutch fleet in Indonesia to immediately go to Vietnam to rendezvous.In Nagasaki, all fifty ships of the naval fleet left Nagasaki. Glover, who was watching near the port, affirmed: "It seems that Yagyu Heiyan was seriously injured. They are going back to Kyoto to find someone for treatment.

God bless Daying. It's a pity. If he could make Japan strong, he would definitely be a commendable hero. It's a pity that everything is over. "

Grover had no intention of paying attention to this matter anymore, the outcome was already decided.

Not only Glover thinks so, but also the Japanese in Nagasaki and the Qing people think so.

However, after the naval fleet patrolled and saw no ship following them, it immediately set off with all its strength and headed south along the waters outside Kyushu to reach the supply point on the Ryukyu Islands.

However, the fleet did not stay too long. After replenishing fuel and food, it immediately set sail. A few days later, the fleet arrived at the port.

When the Qing people in Haikou saw so many Japanese warships approaching, they were frightened to death. Many people cried for their fathers and mothers and ran away crawling.

There was chaos on the dock, and the clerks ran away immediately. It wasn't long before the magistrate of Haikou County came.

Yagyu has already led people into the port. This is the first time he has landed on the land of China after traveling through time. Although this world is not his world, he still has a little affection in his heart.

But when he saw those pigtails and the deer-headed and rat-eyed magistrate coming to greet him with a flattering smile, he was a little uninterested.

Unfortunately, the Qing Dynasty had its own national conditions, and he could only do what he should do.

The Haikou County Magistrate came to Yagyu and said flatteringly: "I wonder why you, as a Japanese official, brought so many warships to the Qing Dynasty?"

Naturally, Yagyu did not reveal his identity. He raised his hand and responded: "We in Japan have received news that a group of pirates are eyeing our transport fleet. We are here to ambush the pirates."

After listening to the interpreter, the Haikou County Magistrate nodded repeatedly and said: "What you said is true, but this is our territory of the Qing Dynasty. Your behavior like this will make it difficult for me to deal with it."

Yagyu immediately waved, took a box and handed it to the Haikou County Magistrate. The Haikou County Magistrate opened it and took a look. There was gold and silver here. It was a big deal!
The Haikou County Magistrate instantly burst into laughter, and a bunch of flies were squeezed into the creases at the corners of his eyes.

"Ah... this... I have thought about it carefully. If your merchants are doing business with us, we in the Qing Dynasty should really protect them. Since you are willing to go there in person, it is naturally the best. I am a warm-hearted person and like to help the most. People."

The Haikou County Magistrate took the money and ignored the Japanese fleet. He even thoughtfully prepared fruits and vegetables as a reward.

When Liu Sheng saw that the magistrate was really using money to do things, he continued to spend money and organized a group of people to build beacon towers along the way, one every few miles.

This is the most convenient method of sending messages that Yagyu thought of.

As for the telegraph, it was too expensive to use.

These simple beacon towers every few miles are almost connected into a line. From the westernmost point to the easternmost seaport, it would take half an hour at most to send messages across hundreds of miles. This is fast enough.

In the third year of the Meiji era, January [-]th was the day agreed upon by Nakajima Nobuyuki and Yagyu. Nakajima Nobuyuki asked Ruan Changzuo to load the ore. After the things arrived at the port, someone was careless and accidentally let the raw materials of coal and iron fall out.

At this moment, many people at the port reacted immediately. One of them was a spy, and he immediately reported the matter to the south.

After receiving the news, the Vietnamese Governor said excitedly: "They have loaded coal and iron and are ready to return. We must dispatch immediately to capture this fleet tomorrow and give Japan some memory!"

(End of this chapter)

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