I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 162 Shimazu loses his role

Chapter 162 Shimazu loses his role

Shimazu Hisamitsu did not expect that Britain's ambassador would send him to renew his previous cooperation. As long as he reorganized the Satsuma forces, Britain would provide funds and weapons to help him kill Yagyu Hien and seize power.

Such a promise makes Shimazu Hisamitsu very excited. After all, Daiying is the number one in the world. With the strong support of such a powerful country, he still has a chance.

As for the last failure, it can only be said that they were insufficiently prepared, especially the Choshu clan, which had too few troops.

This time, Yagyu Heiyan is about to establish the lower house and promote the mud-legged member to be a member. This will cause the dissatisfaction of the vast majority of the upper house members, and he can win over more enemies.

First of all, the first target is the Maori royal relatives of the Choshu clan.

After all, the Choshu clan was an ally of the Satsuma clan before. Both parties were targeted by the Yagyu cabinet and suffered heavy losses. Moreover, in the parliament, both parties advanced and retreated together, so Maori's relatives were the best candidates.

Mouri Jingqin is already old. He originally planned to retire this year. Now Shimazu Hisamitsu came to him to discuss such a big matter. He also felt powerless and said: "Shimazu-sama, I am old. I will leave this matter to Gentoku." ”

Shimazu Hisamitsu said happily: "Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of Gentoku-sama."

After this day, Mouri Jingqin announced that his adopted heir Moori Gentoku would inherit the position of patriarch and head of the Maori family, and at the same time inherit the title of the Maori family and become a member of the upper house.

After Shimazu Hisamitsu wooed the Mori family, he approached Yamauchi Hall. After hearing the plans of Shimazu Hisamitsu and Daiei, Yamauchi Hall was stunned and his face changed drastically.

"Master Shimazu, please stop talking. I have never heard of this matter. Please leave!"

Yamauchi Tōng stood up in a hurry, and ran away regardless of his old body.

Just kidding, I, the Tosa Domain, followed your Satsuma Domain to keep the Tosa Domain. Now that the Tosa Domain is gone, I, the Tosa Domain official, also have a voice in the Yagyu Cabinet. I am mentally ill and still follow the Shimazu family to rebel. I am tired of living. ?

Yamauchi Hall hurriedly sent someone to call Goto Shojiro. Although Yamauchi Hall was no longer the lord of the feudal lord, Goto Shojiro still paid homage to him.

Yamauchi Tang couldn't care about this anymore. He hurriedly said: "The Shimadzu family is crazy. You must not have any contact with the Shimazu family and the Satsuma faction. You must work honestly in the cabinet, otherwise if something happens, I will also I can’t protect you.

You have to remember that Japan is no longer under the control of the shogunate. Prime Minister Yagyu's tactics are much more ruthless than those of the Tokugawa family. Remember, please leave quickly and don't come to my place again. "

This old fox noticed something was wrong immediately. He could no longer figure out the subsequent development, but he knew that even if the Shimadzu family had the support of Daiying, what would be their chances of winning?
But Yagyu Heeyan also has many enemies. I don’t know how many forces are united to kill him.

But Yamauchido felt that Yagyu Heiyan was a cunning and ruthless person. He dared to fight even the fleets of France, Spain, and the Netherlands, and even won. He did not dare to offend such a person.

Who knows if Liu Shengxiyan knows that someone is going to deal with him?
I heard that the police's secret police are spread all over Japan. I'm afraid Shimazu Hisamitsu has been under surveillance for a long time... No!Must be being watched!
Otherwise, how could Yagyu Hiyan know about the movements of the foreigners and arrange an ambush in advance?

After thinking about this clearly, Yamauchido broke out in a cold sweat. He was sure that he would pass through the gate of hell today.

"Baga, so insidious!"

Yamauchi Tang secretly gritted his teeth and trembled all over.

"This old guy Shimazu Hisamitsu is really an old fool!"

"He's a bastard who's been jumping up and down in the parliament. Doesn't Yagyu Hiyan know what he's thinking? He's so indulgent. He's obviously trying to fatten him up before killing him!"

The more Yamauchido thought about it, the more terrifying he felt about Yagyu Hiken. He felt that Yagyu Hiken was the incarnation of a tiger and Shimazu Hisamitsu was a bait. Yagyu Hiken endured and lurked beside Shimazu Hisamitsu. He was using Shimazu Hisamitsu's piece of bait attracts more prey and then catches them all in one go!
"That's absolutely true. Whoever touches the Shimadzu family will be in trouble!"

"When someone comes, they immediately close the door and say thank you, saying that I am seriously ill. No one from the Yamauchi family will be seen, and the council will not go either!"

Yamauchi Hall plans to hide until this matter is over. Before that, the Yamauchi family will not participate in this muddy water.

Shimazu Hisamitsu sneered at the actions of the Yamauchi family. He only felt that Yamauchi Dou was really an old turtle and was afraid of death.

But Yamauchi Do's actions attracted the attention of many people.

When Yagyu heard the news, he frowned slightly and said, "Mr. Yamauchi is too sensitive, but since Mr. Yamauchi is ill, it is best for the cabinet to go and express condolences on behalf of His Majesty."

"Shuntaro, please let Lord Matsudaira go and say that Lord Yamauchi has made great contributions to the New Deal. Your Majesty and the cabinet will not forget the achievements of the Yamauchi family. Let Lord Yamauchi live and recuperate. The parliament cannot lack a wise man like Lord Yamauchi. "

Soon, Matsudaira Yongho visited the Yamauchi family in accordance with Yagyu's instructions. Yamauchi Hall learned that Matsudaira Yongho was here, and immediately pretended to be a patient to meet with Matsudaira Yongho.

Yamauchi Tang looked sick, coughed and said: "Matsuhira is here, I am sorry for being so far away from you. Please forgive me."

Songping Rongbao said softly: "Mr. Yamauchi's words are serious. The Prime Minister was worried when he learned that Mr. Yamauchi was ill, so he asked me to come to express condolences. Mr. Yamauchi, the Prime Minister said that the merits of the Yamauchi family will be remembered by Your Majesty and the Cabinet." The parliament cannot lack wise men like you, Mr. Yamauchi."

When Yamauchido heard this, he was shocked and secretly thought that it was not good. His actions might disturb Yagyu Heiyan's plan. This was a warning.

He coughed a few times and said: "Birth, old age, illness and death are normal human processes. As I get older, it's time to abdicate in favor of someone more worthy. How about letting my son become the head of the family and go to the parliament?"

Matsudaira Yoshiho was stunned for a moment, and then said: "All that matters is that Mr. Yamauchi applies to the cabinet." After Matsudaira Yoshiho left, Yamauchi Hall returned to its normal posture, and told Yamauchi Toyonori beside him, "After going to the parliament, , talk less, listen more, you just need to follow Prime Minister Yagyu’s decision-making closely, and remember, you must stay away from the Shimadzu family!”

Yamauchi Yutaka was a very indecisive person, so he naturally did not dare to object to Yamauchi Tang's opinion and immediately agreed to the matter.

As Yamauchi Hall announced that Yamauchi Toyonori had become the new Duke, the storm of the Yamauchi family closing its doors and refusing guests ceased.

Shimazu Hisamitsu was frightened to death when he saw Yamauchi-do, and knew that he could not win over Yamauchi-do. He could only rely on Satsuki's secret agreement and contact officials from the Tosa domain, such as Goto Shojiro, Fukuoka Takatoshi, and Nakaoka Shintaro.

Among them, Shojiro Goto is the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Takato Fukuoka is the Deputy Minister of Justice, and Shintaro Nakaoka is the Deputy Minister of War.

However, Goto Shojiro still followed the advice of Yamauchido and did not meet with Shimazu Hisamitsu, and the same was true for Fukuoka Takatoshi.

As for Nakaoka Shintaro, Shimazu Hisamitsu didn't dare to look for him. After all, Nakaoka Shintaro tried to assassinate him five years ago. Shimazu Hisamitsu naturally wouldn't look for his enemies.

Then Shimazu Hisamitsu looked for the Saga faction, and Eto Shinpei and others met with Shimazu Hisamitsu, but there was no clear reply, and his attitude was vague and difficult to determine.

Shimazu Hisamitsu searched around with confidence. The only firm allies were the Mori family, and even Ohara Shigenori and others were timid.

Shimazu Hisamitsu couldn't help but said: "Has the prestige of Yagyu Nobita reached this point?"

Shimazu Hisamitsu didn't know yet, but Yagyu had already mastered all his movements. Yagyu put down the information and shook his head: "The plan failed. No one is following Shimazu Hisamitsu. If this continues, it will be a waste of time. Let the police dispatch."

Following Yagyu's order, Saitoichi of the Police Station immediately led the police team to dispatch.

At the junction of Gojo-dori and Kawaramachi, here is a shop run by a British businessman.

It was already late at night. When Saito arrived with the police officers nearby, a secret policeman quickly stepped forward and said: "Captain, the British businessmen in the store have just finished their party and are now resting."

Saito asked with a cold tone, "Are all the target people here?"

"It's all there."

Saito threw away the cigarette, stepped on it and said, "It's a pity, I won't be able to smoke cigarettes for a while."

"Go out and arrest all target persons!"

A team of police officers quickly rushed to the door of the business building, opened fire and shouted: "Police station, ordered to arrest the thief!"

"Anyone who resists will be killed on the spot!"

"Open the door, everyone get down!"

Police officers in black police uniforms quickly broke into the business building and captured the business building with lightning speed. The businessman was dragged to the open space wearing only shorts.

Saito lit a cigarette and came to the businessman, narrowed his eyes and said, "Cruise, do you know what the crime is?"

Cruise raised his head and said angrily: "You can't do this to me. I'm a businessman from Daying. Aren't you afraid that Daying will destroy you? Let me go immediately and apologize to me!"

Saito squatted down and said, "It seems you don't know your situation yet."

He took the cigarette and blew it in front of Cruise. Cruise was so scared that he closed his eyes.

Then, a police officer came out and handed over a letter: "Captain, this is their letter."

Cruise said in horror: "How did you find it? Wang Defa! It's that woman!"

He had just realized that the Japanese woman who accompanied him every day was actually a spy lurking around him.

In fact, there are many such spies.

Saito sneered, took the letter and looked at it. Sure enough, it was a letter between Shimazu Hisamitsu and the British businessman. Parkes provided funds for Shimazu Hisamitsu through this Cruise.

Saito waved his hand and said: "Take it away and clean up this place."

Cruise was taken back to the police station, and the letter as evidence was given directly to Yagyu.

Although the police station acted very quickly, Parkes already knew about the business store. He immediately sent someone to notify Shimazu Hisamitsu, and at the same time sent someone to the police station to protect Cruise.

He personally went to see Yagyu Heiyan. Even though it was Dae Young's scandal, he had to put pressure on Yagyu Heiyan and bring Cruise back.

(End of this chapter)

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