I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 165: Establishing the Post Office and the Female Guards in the Harem

Chapter 165: Establishing the Post Office and the Female Guards in the Harem
Nowadays, bicycle samples have been produced. Even if they are not mass-produced, they can still be produced in small quantities. The quantity is somewhat small, with only [-] units produced in a month.

The main problem is still the production of rubber tires.

There is no rubber in Japan and it can only be imported. Although the foreign trade company established by Yagyu in Haikou has planted rubber, it will take six years for the rubber trees to grow.

Therefore, Yagyu could only import rubber raw materials from the nearby Luzon Island occupied by Spain.

Although Spain was unwilling to export rubber to Japan, it was frightened by the previous battle and all five of the Spanish fleet's elite steam warships were wiped out, leaving some old-fashioned sailing battleships, so it could only restrict exports.

Although the export quantity is not large, it is currently enough to meet Japan's demand for rubber.

Yagyu knew that Spain still maintained its reputation as an established power, but sooner or later he would let Spain go back to Europe.

Most of the bicycle problems have been solved, so Yagyu proposed at the cabinet meeting to create a new post office within the Ministry of Transport to form a domestic postal system.

Transportation Ministry official Mishima Maeshima was very excited because it was he who submitted the postal system proposal to Yagyu.

Maeshima Mitsuru was a shogunate from the Echigo Takada Domain. He had seen the convenience of Western telegraphs and noticed the backwardness of his country's postal system. Therefore, he suggested that a fast and effective postal system should be established like the West, so as to ensure Central government decrees can be quickly transmitted to all parts of the country.

Of course, Yagyu knew the impact of convenient communication on a country, so he added this matter to the memorandum.

Yagyu said at the meeting: “The postal system is indispensable to the government in domestic affairs. Convenient information channels can allow the central government’s policies to be transmitted to states and counties in a short time. At the same time, the central government can also Receive feedback from states and counties within a timely manner and make timely adjustments.

With such a convenient communication system, even Alaska as far away as the Far North can deliver information to the cabinet in a timely manner. "

Faced with Yagyu's introduction, Sakuma Shoyama, who was familiar with the postal system during the shogunate period, asked: "In fact, the shogunate also had such an information channel, but it was limited by the speed of manpower and horses, and the effect was not very satisfactory.

Of course, there is a technology in Western countries now, and that is telegraphy. If the Prime Minister wants to introduce it, even if the government's financial resources are exhausted, I am afraid it will only reach those big cities. "

The eager Maeshima Mi heard Sakuma Shoyama's question and felt a little worried. This matter was indeed difficult to handle.

Yagyu looked relaxed and said with a smile: "Don't worry about this. I have asked the factory to develop the latest means of transportation, called a bicycle. People only need to step on the pedals to make the bicycle operate, and the speed is no slower than a horse.

Moreover, bicycles mainly depend on people's physical strength. They are not as delicate as horses. They also need grooms to raise them. They only need to apply oil every few days.

The price is temporarily more expensive than horses, but not as delicate as horses. It can also be driven on remote mountain roads, and the factory boss is studying to reduce costs. In general, bicycles can make up for the shortcomings of telegraphs. "

Sakuma Shoyama was a little curious and asked: "Prime Minister, can I see the bicycle you mentioned? I know that Western countries also have bicycles, but their bicycles still have big flaws."

Yagyu responded: "You are right, their bicycles are indeed not very good. As for our self-produced bicycles, there is no need to worry. I have tested them myself and there is absolutely no problem."

Sakuma Shoyama had no doubts after hearing Yagyu's assurance and stopped asking questions.

Yagyu then looked at the others and said, "This proposal was made by Maeshima. He knows a lot about the postal system. I think he can manage this project well, so I propose that Maeshima be the chief of the Post Office."

After all, Maeshima secretly came from the shogunate, and since Yagyu himself proposed it, no one dared to object.

Maeshima hurriedly stood up and said: "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your trust. I will definitely not let down the trust of Your Majesty the Prime Minister and all my colleagues. I will do my best to build the country's postal system!"

Yagyu took the lead in applauding and said: "Okay, new government officials must have such confidence and responsibility. We should not be afraid of making mistakes. As long as we correct them in time, it will not be a big problem.

In addition, there is another person who is also suitable to work in the Post Office and cooperate with Director Maeshima. "

Yagyu pointed at a young official and said: "I propose that Sugiura Aizou serve as deputy to Director Maeshima and jointly organize the postal service."

Sugiura Aizou is a positive and ambitious young man. He went to France a few years ago, watched the International Exhibition in Paris, and saw advanced Western technology.

After returning to China, he met Shibusawa Eiichi, and the two became friends. Later, Shibusawa Eiichi entered the cabinet to work. Until the new government was established, he invited Sugiura Aizou to join the cabinet to work.

As Shibusawa Eiichi's friend and assistant, Sugiura Aizou had some understanding of what the cabinet was going to do, and he was deeply aware of the backwardness of domestic transportation. After seeing the convenience of the West, he began to research in this area.

Shibusawa Eiichi mentioned this matter to Yagyu, and Yagyu wrote down the name in his private memo.

This time the Post Office was to be established, and it was a good time for him to work in the Post Office.

Sugiura Aizou didn't expect that he would be named, but he was not humble. He stood up and said: "Thank you, Prime Minister, for the nomination. I know something about the postal service. I went to France a few years ago and saw their telegrams. A communication can be completed in just a few minutes. This magical experience is vivid in my mind.

But even in the West, communication in rural areas is not very smooth, but their railways extend in all directions, and coupled with telegraphs, overall they are still far ahead of us. "

Yagyu smiled and said: "I think everyone has made a judgment in their hearts about Sugiura's opinion."

Eto Shinpei and others did not take this matter seriously. He was the first to say: "Such things really require professional people to do it. Since Sugiura knows it, he can indeed serve as the deputy to Director Maeshima."

With Eto Shinpei's answer and no one else objecting, Sugiura Aizou became Maeshima Mi's deputy.

Building a postal system is not a simple matter. Convenient transportation across the country is only one of the foundations, followed by detailed demographics.

You must know that the postal service is a business managed or directly operated by the state to deliver all kinds of mail, and it has the characteristics of connecting government, commerce and the people.

A country's postal service represents a country's productivity level.

Only a centralized country can establish a complete, practical and efficient postal system.

For example, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the central court closed down post stations due to financial difficulties, which led to a disconnect between the court and local information. Without local blood transfusions, the court gradually weakened and even perished.

The postal system is the tentacles of the central government, touching every corner of the country, letting the people know that the sky above them is not the landlords, but the national government.

Fortunately, what Maeshima Mi and Sugiura Aizou faced was not a mess. At least Yagyu's reform policy had laid the foundation for the postal service. In addition, there were political legacies received from the old shogunate that could be modified and used.

In order to cooperate with the establishment of the postal system, Yagyu immediately proposed a new policy, that is, local governments should plan streets, name all streets and alleys, all houses should have house numbers, and every household should ask where they live. Population and so on.Ordinary civil servants are involved in this matter, and the police station also needs to mobilize manpower to cooperate with the registration.

The data submitted will be compared with the previously submitted vassal editions. If there are discrepancies in the data, the central government will dispatch an inspection team to verify it.

Eto Shinpei frowned and asked hurriedly: "Prime Minister, if the data does not match up, will the cabinet interrogate the old feudal lord who made the mistake?"

Yagyu understood Eto Shinpei's worries, shook his head and said: "It is inevitable that there will be errors in the editions submitted by each domain. This inspection is only to check for gaps and fill in the omissions, and will not investigate the previous matters.

And such inspections will become a routine. My idea is that such registrations should be conducted every five years. The government can detect changes in society through changes in data. "

Yamakawa Dazang clapped his hands and said: "That's right. Although it is a bit troublesome, it is a good angle to discover policy problems through the flow of population!"

Sakuma Shoyama nodded and said: "Yes, such an inspection is necessary. In fact, the shogunate has done similar things."

Eto Shinpei then relaxed his eyebrows and nodded: "I just thought something wrong, but if you do this, I don't have any objections."

Yagyu relaxed his posture slightly and said with a smile: "Okay, today's meeting..."

Ohara Shigenori, who was close to Yagyu, raised his hand and said: "Wait a minute, Prime Minister, I think you have forgotten one thing. The Empress Dowager mentioned before that the Imperial Guard Battalion is inconvenient to guard the harem, so female guards should be recruited. Prime Minister also remember?"

After his reminder, Yagyu remembered this matter. In fact, he also knew that people from Ohara Shigenori's faction wanted to interfere in the affairs of the palace by taking charge of the female guards.

The selection of female guards must be from women of the samurai family. Although Ohara Shigetori is from the Gongqing sect, there are also many samurai families who are close to them. This is a cooperative strategy between the two parties.

But Yagyu was not worried about this.

In Japan, women have joined the army and fought in wars since ancient times. Not to mention, during the Warring States Period, there were warriors who fought during the day and slept with the generals at night.

In addition, girls of the samurai family not only need to learn things that girls have to do such as needlepoint, but also need to learn martial arts and use the naginata to fight.

Famous female military generals include Tomoe Gozen of Shogun Asahi, Ii Naotora of the Warring States Period, Tachibana Chiyo and other female military generals.

By this era, almost all the people of the Aizu Domain in history were soldiers. In addition to the White Tigers composed of teenagers, there were also teams composed of women. For example, the daughter of Aizu Domain’s lord Nakano Tadjun led more than 20 women to follow the stormtroopers and fight fiercely with the new army of Sacho. Shot to death.

There is also Yamamoto Kakuma's younger sister, Yamamoto Yae, who held a Spencer rifle and fought a fierce battle with Sacho's new army at the top of Aizu Domain's Wakamatsu Castle.

Perhaps in the West, it is impossible for women to serve as soldiers, but in Japan, this is not unacceptable. This is their tradition.

Of course, ordinary women cannot do that. Even if a woman from the Wu family serves as a soldier, her status will be lower than that of a male officer.

However, it is very suitable to be a female guard guarding the royal harem.

Therefore, Yagyu did not stop this matter. Instead, he passed the decree and announced to the world the selection of qualified female guards.

Yamamoto Yae came to Kyoto precisely because of this incident.

Yagyu was reminded, looked at Ohara Shigenori, and said, "I have already arranged this matter. Shuntaro, how many people are participating in the female guard selection?"

Ogata Shuntaro immediately opened the folder and reported: "Prime Minister, there are 320 women who have passed the preliminary examination, and almost all of them are women from old samurai families."

Yagyu nodded and said: "Yes, I understand, as long as the family background is innocent."

Yagyu took a quick look at the list, and it was mentioned that only a few women, including Yae Yamamoto, knew how to use foreign guns. The fathers of these women's families were samurai who were responsible for iron cannon affairs in the domain. It can be said that they have the influence of family education.

"Well, it's not bad. I didn't expect women to be inferior to men. You can report to me in more detail about the next selection. I will come out to check the final selection."

Ogata Shuntaro immediately noted this down.

Ohara Shigenori frowned slightly. He knew that there were at least thirty girls from the samurai family from the Aizu Domain on this list. He originally wanted to use methods to eliminate these people, but now that Yagyu was watching, he did not dare to act rashly.

"Since everyone has nothing to do, let's break up the meeting and go get busy."

Ohara Shigetori stood up and left the cabinet. When he got outside, he stopped Eto Shinpei and others and said: "With Yagyu Hiden watching, it's hard for me to get involved in the female guard's affairs. Tell the others to let their daughters live up to their expectations."

Eto Shinpei frowned secretly. He was a little disgusted by the bossy officials, but he still tolerated it when he thought of the big mountain Yagyu.

On this side, Yamakawa Daizo left the palace and immediately came to Yamamoto's house. Yamamoto Sakuma was talking to his brother-in-law at home. When he learned that Yamakawa Daizo was coming, he immediately stood up to greet him.

Yamamoto Kakuma asked with a smile on his face: "Master Yamakawa came to see me, something must have happened?"

Yamakawa Daizo did not play charades, and immediately said: "Yes, at today's meeting, the Prime Minister mentioned the matter of the female guard, and he will appear in the final selection."

Yamamoto Kakuma was surprised and said: "This is really a big deal. Now that Yae has passed the preliminary examination, there will be a general examination next. I heard that only 600 people can pass the general examination. In the end, the quota for female guards is only 300. The elimination rate is very high. "

Nanosuke Kawasaki responded: "After all, she is a female guard who protects the palace, so the selection is naturally strict, but Yae is more familiar with foreign guns than other women, so she has a high chance of being selected.

I really didn’t expect Yae to have such an opportunity. I wonder where my opportunity is? "

Yamakawa Daizo immediately said: "Don't worry, Kawasaki-sama. I heard that the Prime Minister is going to study breech-loading rifles, and there is a high probability that the batch of Minie rifles ordered from the United States can be converted into Prussian rifles.

Not only that, the Prime Minister is already preparing to set up several military factories to develop new rifles and new artillery. "

Yamamoto Kakuma wondered: "The Prime Minister has always purchased arms from Western countries. Why do you want to build new rifles and artillery this time? I feel it is very difficult."

Yamakawa Dazang nodded and said: "Yes, it is indeed very difficult. We know almost nothing about this aspect, but the Prime Minister has said that even if it is difficult to reach the sky, we must have the courage and determination to reach the sky. Overcome the difficulties, don’t worry, Jue Ma, we will succeed.”

(End of this chapter)

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