I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 174 Licking the dog Meiji

Chapter 174 Licking the dog Meiji
When the motorcade of Yagyu, Princess Mary and others arrived outside the imperial palace, Prince Asahiko had already brought Nijo to the throne, and Ohara Shigenori and other nobles and officials greeted them at the gate of the imperial palace.

After Yagyu stepped forward and exchanged greetings with Prince Asahiko, he got out of the car and walked with Prince Asahiko. Only the royal carriage on which Princess Mary was riding continued to move forward.

After a while, the group entered, and were greeted outside the palace by Emperor Meiji and the Empress Dowager.

The carriage that Princess Mary was riding in did not stop until outside the imperial gate in front of the imperial palace. She walked down with her skirt in hand and walked into the imperial gate at the signal of Yagyu's hand.

Emperor Meiji saw Princess Mary's appearance, with blond hair, blue eyes, deep eyes, a high nose, and a plump front, which was in line with his fantasy of a European princess.

With an excited smile on his face, he hurriedly stepped forward. Princess Mary lifted her skirt and saluted: "Your Majesty."

Emperor Meiji bent down slightly and extended his hand. Princess Mary extended her hand in response, and Emperor Meiji kissed her hand.

"I welcome your arrival, Miss Mary. I have prepared a dinner for you. Don't be nervous, just treat this place as your hometown."

The German that Emperor Meiji spoke was something that the Prussians only managed to defeat Emperor Meiji.

Princess Mary was very happy. She felt that although Emperor Meiji had an average appearance, average height, and a somewhat thin body, he was able to learn German for her, which was enough to move her.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty, I am very touched."

Emperor Meiji smiled even more happily, and quickly invited Princess Mary into the hall, and even took the initiative to carry Princess Mary's skirt on the way.

Ohara Shigetori shook his head. How could the king of a country be so flattering to a foreign woman?This must have been instigated by Yagyu Heeyan!
Yagyu on the side also shook his head secretly. He felt that Emperor Meiji had the potential to be a bit of a licker.

After everyone entered the main hall, Emperor Meiji took Princess Mary to sit on the main seat. The two seats were relatively close to each other, while Yagyu sat under the Empress Dowager, separated from the other ministers.

The etiquette of banquets is a combination of French and Russian styles. Table manners are French, while serving etiquette is Russian.

In Europe, French dining etiquette and French cuisine are the best, but the subsequent introduction of Russian cuisine has made eating more ritualistic.

There will be a glass of aperitif before the meal. This is the best French wine specially purchased by Emperor Meiji to sober up before the banquet begins.

As the maid poured wine into the goblet, a scent of oak instantly spread out. Princess Mary nodded slightly. Emperor Meiji took a look and raised his head proudly, with a brighter smile on his face.

"Miss Mary, please try it."

Princess Mary took a sip, her eyes lit up, and she smiled: "It's very delicious."

Yagyu took a sip and found it to be sour, astringent and fruity, so so-so.

But those ministers who wanted to flatter the emperor were naturally intoxicated.

But Emperor Meiji didn't watch their performance. His mind was now on his fiancée.

After the aperitif, there is the first course, which is generally a cold dish and is accompanied by a piece of bread, which is not large.

The fluffy French soft bread, paired with cold dishes, is very delicious.

Princess Mary couldn't help but take another bite, which was a bit unladylike, but Emperor Meiji didn't care, he was very happy, and it seemed that his arrangement was in place.

Then, a fresh seafood soup was served, which was fish caught in Osaka and transported by train in less than two hours.

Princess Mary smelled the rich aroma and quickly scooped a little with a spoon to try. The delicious taste exploded in her mouth instantly, which made her even happier.

Princess Mary is happy, and Emperor Meiji is naturally happy.

When the nobles and ministers saw the red-faced Emperor Meiji, they praised him even harder.However, Ohara Shigenori saw Yagyu sitting there, drinking soup easily and wantonly, completely ignoring etiquette, and yet they had to accompany the emperor with a smile, which made him very jealous!
Ohara Shigenori couldn't help but remind him: "Prime Minister, you should pay attention to your etiquette."

Yagyu was taking some bread to dip into the seafood soup. Hearing Ohara Shigenori's reminder, he looked at the Empress Dowager and Emperor Meiji on the side, at least put down the bread and drank the soup with a spoon.

Ohara Shigenori's lips raised slightly, feeling quite proud.

Emperor Meiji saw that Yagyu was not angry and didn't care, so he asked his attendants to serve the main course.

This is French filet mignon. When Princess Mary saw it, her eyes lit up and she praised: "Very authentic filet mignon. Thank you, Your Majesty. It's my favorite!"

Emperor Meiji was overjoyed and said proudly: "As long as Miss Mary likes it, I can let Chef Kant make it every day from now on."

After the main meal, there is cheese and dessert, which is French raisin cheese and a layer cake called Falling Love.

Princess Mary took a bite and her love flowed away, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect to be able to eat such a delicious French dessert here. Your Majesty, I am very touched by your sincerity."

Emperor Meiji laughed and said: "As long as Miss Mary likes it, I can satisfy you in Japan. Even in Europe, I can use money to buy everything Miss Mary wants!"

Liu Sheng nodded slightly and said to himself: Not bad, a bit like a boss.

Princess Mary blushed when she heard Emperor Meiji's confession.

"I know your Majesty's intention."

Ohara Shigenori quickly boasted: "Princess, for your sake, Your Majesty has changed our country's thousands of years of tradition and made the Prime Minister establish monogamy."

"Yes, yes, your Majesty's actions are unprecedented!"

"Your Majesty is so affectionate."

"Princess, you are so happy."

When Emperor Meiji heard this, he felt a little embarrassed and said, "I have already said it, my father-in-law taught me to be devoted to love, so I came up with this idea."

Yagyu followed suit and said, "Your Majesty is smart and can draw inferences from one instance. This is a wise move."

Ohara Shigetori below is sour again!

The banquet ended quickly. After all, Princess Mary was tired from traveling and needed to rest early.

Princess Marie followed the Prussian ambassador Barland back to the embassy to live.

After the banquet dispersed, Emperor Meiji watched Princess Mary leave closely, and did not look back until she got on the carriage.

He excitedly said to Yagyu: "Father, I like Princess Mary very much. Her appearance and character are exactly what I dreamed of!"

Do you like it?You are greedy for other people's bodies!
Yagyu complained without exposing it, and he continued: "Your Majesty is satisfied, and I will feel at ease. This way, Lord Tokugawa's efforts will not be in vain."

"Hahaha, reward, you must reward, Xiangfu makes the final arrangements!"

Emperor Meiji threw his head back and laughed, then turned and returned to the imperial palace.

Yagyu sent Emperor Meiji off and turned around and said, "Enomoto, come to the cabinet tomorrow and report the situation."

(End of this chapter)

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