I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 189 Eto Shinpei plots North Korea again, and the French army attacks Manila

Chapter 189 Eto Shinpei plots North Korea again, and the French army attacks Manila
  Now all the hopes of the anti-Yagyu faction were pinned on Great Britain. Eto Shinpei visited the British Embassy in Japan at midnight and met with Parkes.

Parkes knew Eto Shinpei's intention, and he said straightforwardly: "Yagyu Heiyan's actions are becoming more and more arrogant. Our country will never sit idly by. Mr. Eto, it's time for you to take action."

Eto Shinpei showed joy and said quickly: "Mr. Parkes, during this time we took advantage of Yagyu Nozomi's absence to speed up the attack. We have contacted tens of thousands of warriors. As long as the arms are in place, we can attack Kyoto.

Of course, before that, we will stir up public opinion to conquer Korea. During this period, we also ask Mr. Parkes to prepare enough arms and funds. When we get rid of the powerful minister Yagyu Higen, we will definitely cooperate with the British Empire in the future. "

Parkes still didn’t know that on September [-]nd, the Emperor of the French Empire, Napoleon III, had surrendered in Sedan, the Prussian army had already marched towards Paris, and the Second Empire was in danger. Even the British did not expect that the changes would be so rapid. Caught off guard.

Japan declared war on France, and the cabinet became even busier. Yagyu Nozomi's order has reached the cabinet, and a large number of arms and supplies will be shipped to Kyushu.

After planning with Parkes, Eto Shinpei proposed at the cabinet executive meeting to change the Yangshan Pavilion in Busan, North Korea, into the Japanese Embassy in North Korea, so that trade issues between Japan and North Korea could be better handled.

Tokugawa Yingxi felt that there was no problem with this matter, but he suggested: "North Korea is a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty. I think this matter should be informed to both the Qing Dynasty and North Korea."

Eto Shinpei's purpose was to provoke conflicts, and it would be difficult to achieve the effect if he informed the other party.

He immediately said: "It's enough to inform the Qing Dynasty. There is no need to inform North Korea."

Tokugawa Qingxi instinctively felt something was wrong, shook his head and said: "If North Korea is not informed, I am worried that problems will arise."

Having said this, he immediately reacted. Eto Shinpei and others had always supported the theory of conquest of South Korea, which aroused conflicts at this time. Since Prime Minister Yanagi Yagyu was away, it would be difficult for Matsudaira Yoshiho to suppress others, and there would inevitably be a conflict with North Korea.

Korea was a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty, and the Qing Dynasty would not ignore it. If it turned against the Qing Dynasty, Japan, which was moving south, would lose its base in Haikou, and then Yagyu Higan's southward strategy would most likely fail.

If the southward strategy fails, Yagyu Heige will be in trouble both internally and externally. Will he be able to seize power by then?

At this moment, he was moved by this idea.

He looked at Matsudaira Yongho, waiting for his decision.

"I object!"

Sakuma Shoyama stood up directly and refuted loudly: "This move ignores the Prime Minister! North Korea is a vassal state of the Qing Dynasty. If our failure to inform us leads to conflict between the two sides, we, Japan, will definitely be at odds with North Korea and the Qing Dynasty.

Now the Prime Minister still needs Haikou of the Qing Dynasty as a base for heading south. If there is an enmity with the Qing Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty will not lend Haikou, and our industry in the Qing Dynasty will be affected! "

Tokugawa was happy to hear this, but Kouba was not surprised, but he sighed deeply in his heart and said: "Sakuma-sama is right, we still need to inform North Korea."

Eto Shinpei was a little unhappy. The first plan failed. This was a plan provided by the British. Parkes just hoped that Japan and North Korea would conflict, and then drag the Qing Dynasty into the water, causing Japan to get into greater trouble.

However, the plan was seen through and it was difficult to continue.

However, Eto Shinpei was not depressed. They had their own plan, which was more simple and crude.

Eto Shinpei, who returned to his residence, immediately wrote to Shima Giyu in Saga, asking him to arrange for people to cause trouble in North Korea to detonate the conflict between the two countries.


The time is pushed forward to ten days ago, in Manila.

Since the Japanese army took over Manila, they have carried out a cleanup inside and outside Manila. Under the leadership of Naito Muneyoshi, Zheng Zhiqiang and the local indigenous powerful Marcos, the pro-Spanish local powerful people were purged.

Some families who were married to the Spaniards or even had Spanish ancestry were all killed, and their property was confiscated. One-third of the real estate was awarded to Naito Muneyoshi and the others, and the other third was sold to various people in the city. The best place left for the family is temporarily untouched.

After clearing up the internal instability factors, division commanders Kotaro Anzai and Takatada Oda began to deploy Manila's defenses. In order to last longer, they deployed the first line of defense at the port fort.

The second line of defense was deployed in the residential area outside the Governor's Palace. A large number of buildings here were destroyed or reinforced and built into positions. In some places, sandbags were placed or trenches were dug for positional warfare.

Holes were dug next to the machine gun positions to guard against bombardment by French warships.

The last line of defense was the Governor's Mansion. The supplies that were transported included cement and other materials. Kotaro Anzai recruited local people to repair the damaged Governor's Mansion, and the internal defenses were also strengthened.

A few days later, the Japanese sentry who was on guard on the fort suddenly saw a red flare rising into the sky. He was stunned for a moment, and then shouted: "The French army is coming, the French army is coming!"

"The enemy is coming!"

"Prepare the artillery!"

"Notify others and get moving!"

The howitzer battalion commander immediately shouted to the signal soldier beside him: "Send the report quickly, the warning signal flare has been found, the enemy is at most five nautical miles away from the port!"

The battalion commander took out his revolver and shouted: "Get ready, wait until the enemy ship approaches and then shoot me!"

The infantry regiment near the fort had already begun to take action. The regiment commander shouted loudly: "Get into position quickly, hide in the trench, and wait for the signal!"

The fort was built on the hillside next to the port, with a good view. The infantry regiments that protected the fort and blocked the French troops from landing were deployed on the mountainside. They dug trenches along the mountainside and stood ready.

On the sea, the Japanese patrol speedboat discovered the French vanguard ship cruiser and immediately reported the news and retreated. The vanguard cruiser discovered the escaping Japanese patrol ship and immediately sent people to return in a small boat to report the news. The cruiser of more than [-] tons continued to move forward.

Commander Du Belle, who led the French fleet, learned that the Japanese army had discovered the fleet and ordered it to advance at full speed.

The fleet formed by the French army this time included two ironclads of [-] tons, four cruisers of about [-] tons, the remaining battleships of one to two thousand tons, fifteen gunboats, more than ten transport ships, and two infantry regiments of the army, about five thousand men.

Half an hour after the Japanese patrol ship issued the warning, the vanguard cruiser had arrived outside the Manila port and discovered the fort standing on the hilltop.

Although the cruiser captain was arrogant, he was still a little afraid of facing the fort and did not dare to approach.

In fact, the Spanish artillery on the fort were all decoys, and in fact the real artillery was the howitzer behind the fort.

The artillery battalion commander looked at the cruiser on the sea in the distance and was not in a hurry to take action.

About twenty minutes later, the French fleet appeared on the sea, and dozens of ships blocked everyone's sight.

The artillery battalion commander immediately said: "Let the Spanish artillery fire first to attract the enemy's attention."

The troops of the two companies immediately operated the coastal defense guns on the fort. On the French flagship, Du Belle saw the busy defenders and immediately said: "Zoom away first and prepare to defend against the enemy's bombardment."

The transport ship hid far away, and the cruiser and other small ships stayed away from the port. The two battleships were already far away, so the guns on the ship began to adjust and aimed at the fort ahead.

"Boom boom boom!"

The fort's shore defense artillery fired first, and more than a dozen black projectiles shot out and hit the sea a few nautical miles away. A cruiser was hit in the stern, and black smoke appeared.

The remaining projectiles splashed up water jets, announcing the beginning of the war.


The French battleship immediately opened fire, and dozens of shells hit near the fort. A shore defense gun was hit and overturned. Two Japanese soldiers were crushed to death below. Several other soldiers were injured by fragments and wailed. .

The artillery company commander immediately shouted: "Quick, speed up, fire for me."

"Boom boom boom!"

The coastal defense artillery fired again, and a shell landed on the deck of another battleship, causing minor damage. The other artillery fired again.

The French counterattack came immediately, and the fort was once again damaged by two coastal defense guns.

The artillery company commander once again urged the artillery fire. After this time, he immediately ordered: "Take the wounded and retreat!" The artillerymen of the two companies immediately fled the fort. In less than a minute, the French army's third round of artillery fire directly destroyed it. After reaching the fort, all the coastal defense guns were damaged, the ammunition exploded, and a mushroom cloud appeared.

When Du Bailei saw the black smoke billowing from the fort, he immediately ordered: "The enemy's fort is gone, let the army land immediately, and send several warships to patrol outside to pay attention to the Japanese fleet."

The first mate immediately gave the order.

Two infantry regiments of the French Army took the lead in dispatching a battalion. More than [-] people took several small boats to rush towards the port, and several gunboats followed for cover.

The artillery battalion commander had given no orders to speak.

The infantry commander on the defensive line below immediately ordered to prepare for defense.

Because the company in the front row was ready, a Gatling gun had been pushed to the predetermined position, and the ammunition hand on the side was holding a magazine and loading at any time.

The French soldiers encountered no obstacles and quickly landed ashore. After the battalion landed, they immediately formed a team and at the same time sent chasseurs forward to test and attract firepower.

This is the famous tactic of the Second Empire - "French Fever". Chasseurs are first used to harass and attract firepower, and then the light infantry advance in a dense formation. After a round of fighting, a bayonet charge is launched.

Of course, after the end of the Austro-Prussian War, in the military conference organized by Napoleon III, some generals proposed that defense would prevail in the future, but lower-level officers were still keen on French fury tactics.

However, during the Franco-Prussian War, from August to September until the humiliation of Sedan, the French generals discovered the power of defensive tactics. Afterwards, the French army innovated tactics and severely defeated Germany in World War I. Until the Macedonian Army in World War II After the Nordic Defense Line became ineffective, this set of tactics fell into the dust of history.

The French chasseurs were skirmishers. They were separated by about one to three meters, squatting, and rushed forward.

"Bang bang bang..."

The infantry platoon at the front began to fire, and exchanged fire with the chasseurs.

The Japanese troops hiding in the trenches suffered almost no casualties, while more than ten of the Jaegers who were advancing had fallen.

The French battalion commander who was reorganizing his team noticed that the opponent's firepower was very intensive. He immediately said to the signal soldier beside him: "Hurry up and let the following friendly forces follow up. The enemy's firepower is very fierce!"

The signal soldier immediately ran back.

"Soldiers, don't be afraid, stand up and stand up, we defeated an ancient empire in the far east, and their country was trampled by us!
  Now those mountain monkeys in Japan dare to provoke me, the Gallic Rooster. Today, let us show our bravery and let these mountain monkeys know the fury of the Gallic Rooster! "

"go ahead!"

The drummers began to play music, and the infantrymen marched toward the Japanese positions according to the rhythm.

The Japanese company commander looked at the approaching French army and said: "Don't be anxious, wait for my order, let the enemy come over and fight!"

Soon, the distance between the two sides was less than [-] meters.

The French camp commander shouted: "Stop, raise your gun!"

Listening to the changes in the drum music, the soldiers stopped one after another, raised their flintlock guns and aimed at the Japanese position ahead.


"Bang bang bang!"

A burst of white mist floated up, and hundreds of bullets hit the Japanese positions. Most of the bullets hit the trenches. Only a few unlucky ones were hit and fell to the ground wailing.

The French battalion commander heard the screams and shouted: "Attack, in the name of God, let our bayonets teach them how to behave, Amen!"


Following the officer's order, hundreds of people charged towards the Japanese positions in a dense formation.

A flush appeared on the face of the Japanese company commander, and he shouted excitedly: "Get ready!"



After the enemy entered fifty or sixty meters, he took a revolver and fired randomly. The Japanese soldiers on the position immediately opened fire.

"Da da da…"

The Gatling guns on the position were unleashed, firing continuously and harvesting the lives of French soldiers.

Row after row of French soldiers fell on the charging road, but they had no way out and had no choice but to rush forward.

"Da da da…"

The Gatling gun paused very briefly, and intensive gunfire rang out again.

"Bang bang bang..."

The rifles on the position never stopped. In just a few dozen meters, a French infantry battalion fell to the ground with more than [-] people.

"Go on the bayonet!"

The Japanese soldiers immediately stuck their bayonets, rushed out of the trenches, and fought fiercely with the over a hundred French troops.

The Gatling guns on the flanks continued to fire at the French troops that were coming after them.

The continuous gunfire destroyed the morale of the French army, and some soldiers began to flee.

The French battalion commander raised his saber and shouted: "Long live the French Empire, charge!"


The French battalion commander was shot in the chest and fell straight to the ground. The remaining more than [-] French troops were defeated and retreated in a hurry.

Du Bellei, who was on the battleship, saw hundreds of defeated French troops and frowned: "These cowards should all be shot and let the Roland and others come forward to provide artillery support!"

Two cruisers and several gunboats approached the port, and two battalions of French troops were landing and gathering in preparation for the second round of attack on the Japanese troops on the shore.

The infantry leader in front saw the enemy's supporting battleships and French troops, and quickly asked the officer beside him: "When will the artillery join the battle!"

The staff officer replied: "My lord, the artillery will not fire until the enemy battleship enters the port."

The infantry leader glared at the artillery position in the rear, and then ordered: "Let the first battalion hold on, at least to sustain this round of the enemy's attack. Even if they are all killed on the position, we cannot take a step back!"

Soon, the signal corpsman conveyed the order to the commander of the first battalion.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Artillery attack, take cover quickly!"

The French army's attack began. Countless artillery shells fell on the first battalion's position. The soldiers could only hide in the simple anti-gun holes that had been dug.

More than ten minutes later, the bombardment ended. The French officer used his binoculars to find that no one was in the Japanese position. He smiled contemptuously and said: "Those monkeys are dead, attack!"

(End of this chapter)

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