I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 192 News of the Emperor’s surrender reaches Nagasaki

Chapter 192 News of the Emperor’s surrender reaches Nagasaki


"Jules François Emile Kranz."


"Captain of the battleship Forward of the French Far East Fleet, Rear Admiral."

Ryoma Sakamoto glanced at Jules standing upright in front of him with interest, and said to Takehi Enomoto, who was in charge of translating at the side: "Sir Enomoto, please ask him if he can temporarily serve as our instructor?"

Enomoto Takehi asked in French: "General Jules, Lord Sakamoto admires your combat skills very much and hopes that you can serve as our instructor."

Jules snorted coldly and said: "No need, I just ask that you give me the treatment I deserve in accordance with international agreements. Someone will pay me to ransom me later."

After listening to Takehi Enomoto's translation, Sakamoto Ryoma said with some regret: "What a pity. I also want to ask about the naval battle tactics of Britain and France. Let's take him away."

Just a few minutes ago, the Forward and several battleships were pursued by the Japanese fleet. Finally, the Forward battleship was anchored at sea. Jules used a small boat to escape, but the Fuso had the fastest speed of seventeen knots, which was faster than the French cruiser. Several ships tried and were forced to surrender.

As for Jules, after the Forward took a shot, with the help of his men, he boarded a small boat and transferred to a cruiser.

The Advance was still on the sea. Although it received a shot, the shot did not damage the power room. Sakamoto Ryoma decided to take the battleship back.

In this way, a captured battleship, a cruiser, and several gunboats were surrounded in the middle of the fleet and returned to the Beiqi Coast Defense Port in Vietnam.

Now, the war in Nanqi has reached a stalemate. With the help of the French fleet led by Du Belle, Alphonse has regained a lot of territory.

Ruan Zhifang urged Nakajima Nobuyuki many times to let the Japanese army join the war as soon as possible. Nakajima Nobuyuki could only say: "Our navy has been dispatched, Lord Ruan is waiting for the news."

After a few days, the Vietnamese army lost another stronghold.

Ruan Zhifang said anxiously: "Zhongdao, if this continues, the French army will retake Nanqi and will attack the capital. When the time comes, our government will definitely not let you go!"

Although Nakajima Nobuyuki felt guilty, he said mercilessly: "Sir Ruan, what are you in a hurry for? I've told you. Our navy has already been dispatched, and a large army will naturally come to help you."

Ruan Zhifang snorted coldly and said, "It's been several days. I don't know where the reinforcements you mentioned are!"


A messenger hurried over and said: "Your Majesty, Marshal, there is a letter from the court. The Japanese Navy is sending people to deliver several prisoners. They claim to be Rear Admiral Jules of the French Far East Fleet."

When Nakajima Nobuyuki heard this, his face turned rosy and he looked at Ruan Zhifang with a little pride.

Ruan Zhifang snorted and said, "I know this and will immediately send someone to respond."

The next day, Ruan Zhifang met Jules and the others. The naval officer responsible for escorting Jules and the others said: "Sir Nakajima, Sakamoto has asked Lord Tsugawa to lead the transport team to Manila to meet the Oda Division for support. Please wait for a few days. Day is enough.

As for these Frenchmen, they can show it to the Governor-General of Nanqi in France and tell them that the squadron where the Forward is located has been captured by our army. "

Nobuyuki Nakajima laughed loudly and said: "Hahaha, as expected of Mr. Ryoma. Now I don't have to be angry with the Vietnamese."

He then looked at Ruan Zhifang and said with a proud look on his face: "Master Ruan, look at that French rear admiral. One of their armored battleships was captured by us, and reinforcements of [-] people came from the sea to help. , do you have anything else to worry about?"

Ruan Zhifang's face was livid and he could only say stiffly: "Humph, take it to the French first and then talk about it."

Soon, the Vietnamese army took Jules to show on the battlefield, and then the French army stopped attacking.

What was attacking the Vietnamese army was the infantry regiment that had followed Du Belle's fleet to attack Manila and retreated before it went into battle.

The colonel naturally knew Rear Admiral Jules of the Forward. He was shocked when he saw Rear Admiral Jules, and then realized that after being separated from them, Rear Admiral Jules's squadron had been attacked.

In this area, the only one that can pose a threat to the squadron is the Japanese Navy.

The colonel immediately sent a telegram to the rear.

Alphonse and Du Belle couldn't believe it when they heard the news that Jules had been captured. However, Du Belle was the first to accept the reality. After all, the battleships such as the Forward never came back. He had an idea, and now it has just confirmed his idea. .

Alphonse was furious and shouted: "Impossible, how can Japan have battleships that can defeat our battleships! Unless..."

Having said this, he stopped and looked at Du Bai Lei.

Du Belle sighed and said: "Sorry, Mr. Governor, I think this is really possible. The Japanese battleships are indeed not weak in combat effectiveness. We have to be prepared for the Japanese fleet to attack Da Nang."

"Moreover, I am not only worried about the fleet. The problem now is that our army has lost absolute control of the sea. I am worried that the Japanese fleet will transport Japanese troops ashore to help the Vietnamese."

Alphonse asked hurriedly: "How is their combat effectiveness?"

Du Belle was still frustrated and said: "Mr. Governor, I want to say that we may not have a chance to win."

"This is impossible!"

Alphonse had broken through the defenses. How could the invincible French army not be able to defeat the Japanese army?

Du Bailei explained: "In this landing battle in Manila, although our army had the upper hand in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army, we have to admit that their firepower is stronger than ours. If the number of people is several generations larger than ours, our army will No chance of winning."

Alphonse said unwillingly: "Then we will fight a defensive war. I have already asked for reinforcements from the mainland. The reinforcements will come soon."

A few days later, the 201st Division of the Japanese Kwantung Corps arrived in Nanqi and joined Ruan Zhifang's Vietnamese army.

When Ruan Zhifang saw the Japanese army, he was even more worried. He thought to himself: Such a tiger and wolf army, I'm afraid it's easier to invite gods than to send them away.

But in order to regain Nanqi, he could only drink poison to quench his thirst.

Oda Takachu did not communicate with Ruan Zhifang. He said to Nobuyuki Nakajima: "Nakajima, although our army is here to support, it is not the pawn of the Vietnamese army. The Vietnamese army will still be the main force in the next battle, and our army will carry out firepower." Assists."

Nakajima Nobuyuki told Ruan Zhifang what Oda Takatada meant, and Ruan Zhifang said anxiously: "Our court has spent three hundred thousand taels of gold to ask you to help us. If you do this, how can you recapture Nanqi!"

Oda Takatada didn't know what Ruan Zhifang said, but he could tell at a glance that the other party was anxious. He immediately said: "Nakajima, tell him not to be anxious. Let him see how our army will deal with the French tomorrow."

Ruan Zhifang walked away angrily.

The next day, Oda Takatada ordered the artillery regiment to arrive at the predetermined position, and based on the information from the scouts, the positions of the French army were determined.

He sent Zhongdao to inform Ruan Zhifang and other Vietnamese to watch from the front. Oda Takatada said to the artillery regiment commander: "It's our turn to perform, let the French and Vietnamese know the strength of our Japanese country!"

The artillery regiment commander personally commanded, the three field artillery battalions were ready, and the howitzer battalion in the rear had also adjusted its angle.

"A rapid shot!"


Two shells hit the French position a few seconds later. After determining the impact point, they made another fine adjustment.


"All artillery, six rapid fire shots!"

"Boom boom boom..."

More than seventy artillery pieces roared and roared. The shells fell into the French position, kicking up dust and breaking boulders. The French soldiers disappeared into countless gunfire.

Ruan Zhifang and others, who wanted to watch the joke, were stunned and speechless when they saw everything on the French position in the distance.

At the scene of the explosion, you could see the panicked French soldiers running for their lives without using a telescope.

The French army, which they thought was extremely powerful, was like a weak and helpless child, being crushed by the Japanese artillery.

A French infantry regiment was directly demoralized by a round of artillery fire. More than [-] French troops suffered casualties and more than [-] casualties. The rest ran back. The Japanese army immediately launched a pursuit, not giving the French army a chance to reorganize. Until they fled into the rear stronghold.

The Japanese army continued to clear the way with artillery fire. When the French army heard the nightmarish sound of artillery, they abandoned their stronghold again and ran away back to Saigon. There were still more than a thousand infantry regiments left.

Alphonse found it difficult to accept this reality and prepared to reorganize his forces for a counterattack. However, the Japanese and Vietnamese troops made rapid progress and soon surrounded Saigon.

Subsequently, the artillery regiment bombarded the Governor's Palace in Saigon indiscriminately. The solid building was reduced to ruins under the baptism of hundreds of artillery shells. There were gaps in the walls of the Governor's Palace, and the French defense line was defeated. Alphonse Si and others could only abandon Saigon and flee to Da Nang in panic.

This time the French army only had one territory left in Da Nang.

The Japanese army stopped pursuing, and Oda Takatada said to Nobuyuki Nakajima: "The French army has the protection of the fleet, and our artillery regiment is no longer useful. Next, we only need to negotiate with the French army."

Nobuyuki Nakajima didn't ask any more questions. He said bluntly to Ruan Zhifang: "Next, our army needs to cultivate itself and no longer participate in the war against Da Nang."

Ruan Zhifang had already seen the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army. He had no temper at this moment and could only say with a straight face: "Our army will capture Da Nang."

Naturally, it was difficult for the Vietnamese army to capture the French army supported by naval guns, and the war in Da Nang fell into a stalemate.

But a big news has reached Vietnam.

It was now early October, and the French Emperor had surrendered for more than a month.

"The French Emperor surrenders! Prussia is victorious!"

Kido Takayun and others took the boat directly back to Nagasaki. As soon as they got off the boat, they yelled at the people around them!

They already knew the news about Japan's declaration of war on France and Spain. Although they knew it too late, Prussia recognized Japan's declaration of war on France.

France's defeat is just around the corner. As the victorious country, Japan can step on France and take the throne. This is great news for Kido Takayoshi and others!

"What, France lost?"

The news spread quickly in Nagasaki, and there were many foreigners in Nagasaki.

Kido Takayun and others were brought to Yagyu by the police. Kido Takayun said excitedly: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, France is going to lose!"

Yagyu Heiyan was also full of joy. He stood up and looked at Muhu Chunyan, Okubo Toshimichi and others, and said: "Everyone, once this battle is won, a new era for Japan will come. We will finally throw off the shackles on our bodies. No one can stop Japan’s rise!”

After this war, Japan no longer had the unequal treaty with France. In addition, Prussia, Tsarist Russia, the Netherlands, and the United States had all given up their previous unequal treaties, and now only Great Britain was left.

Without these unequal treaties, Japan's economy can accelerate growth. Even if it faces the next economic crisis, Japan will not develop militarism.

The Franco-Prussian War was his most important step in changing Japan. Since then, no one can shake his authority in Japan. As for Eto Shinpei and others, they are just grasshoppers after the autumn, and they will not be able to jump around for a few days.

Okubo Toshimichi took a step forward and said: "Prime Minister, what will happen to us next?"

Yagyu smiled and said: "Next, we only need to discuss the treaty signed in 1865 with Great Britain. In addition, we should completely separate ourselves from the old era and carry out an all-round reform of Japan!"

Shibusawa Eiichi said happily: "Prime Minister, we have been preparing!"

Yagyu nodded and said, "Now, send this news back to Kyoto."

The telegram from Nagasaki to Kyoto did not take long. In the afternoon, everyone in Kyoto knew the news of the surrender of the French Emperor.

Everyone in Kyoto, from the emperor to the citizens, celebrated with their foreheads.

Emperor Meiji said to Queen Mary with a happy face: "Mary, we are going to win, we Japan actually defeated France, he is the overlord of the European continent!

The father-in-law really has a clever plan. After this battle, our country, Japan, will be number one in Asia, hahaha! "

Queen Mary was also surprised by the news. She grew up in Europe and was more aware of France's prestige. She did not expect France to be defeated by Prussia so quickly.

"This is really good news. When I go back to Europe to meet other sisters, I can brag to them that the country governed by my husband defeated France."

Emperor Meiji immediately puffed out his chest like a proud little rooster.

However, not everyone was happy when they heard the news. When Eto Shinpei and others heard the news, they panicked instantly. They just felt that when Yagyu Hiyan came back, they would not end well.

Parkes even hurriedly urged Eto Shinpei to take action immediately.

Now Yagyu is in Nagasaki, and Saga Domain is next to Nagasaki. All the troops that Yagyu brought have been dispatched. There is only the 382nd Division of the Kyushu Army beside him, a new division that was formed less than eight months ago.

In other words, if Eto Shinpei and others start a rebellion, they can directly attack Nagasaki. This is their only chance!

Eto Shinpei has not yet made up his mind, but he has raised an army on the island of Saga Domain!

Most of the people who followed him in the uprising were samurai from all over Kyushu, numbering more than [-]. Among them, Saigo Takamori's eldest son also followed the uprising, aiming directly at Nagasaki!

(End of this chapter)

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