I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 201 Stabilizing Nankai Road

Chapter 201 Stabilizing Nankai Road

In the church square in Xinpu, a high platform has been built. The residents in the city have already received the news that the local warlords Omer and Leopold who opposed the government will be put on public trial.

On the day of the public trial, Yagyu led his people to personally supervise. Tens of thousands of people had already gathered outside the high-pitched cordon.

On the high platform, the judge stepped forward to verify his identity. Everyone could see the faces of Omer and Leopold. Among the crowd below were people from other local forces. He saw Omer and Leopold. There was a hint of shock in De's appearance and eyes. These two hard-core men were really in trouble!

On the stage, the judge said loudly: "Dear citizens, now that the Nankaido Islands have belonged to the Japanese government, we have driven away the evil Spaniards for everyone. People everywhere welcome Master Wang, but the two evil men Omer and Leopold The rebels tried to rely on the army to resist the government.

As you can see, these two villains have been suppressed by the government, and their crimes are being tried publicly today to set the record straight.

The government hereby urges officials from all over the country to immediately hand over the registration documents, accept the government's management, and stop stubbornly resisting. Otherwise, the government will definitely attack with thunder and show no mercy! "

Then some local witnesses came forward to accuse Umer and Leopold of looting and killing.

The judge immediately pronounced the verdict: "Omer, Leopold has behaved badly and is sentenced to death in accordance with the law. He will be executed immediately!"

The tied Omer and Leopold were escorted to the guillotine by several soldiers. When they faced death, they couldn't help but cry bitterly, their faces covered with tears and snot.

But the judge ordered without emotion: "Execution!"


As the two guillotines fell, two big heads fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

Then a large amount of blood gushed out, and the blood flowed into a river on the high platform.

Yagyu's action of killing chickens to scare monkeys soon worked. Several military and political governors from Sulu Prefecture rushed to Xinpu to admit their mistake. Soon the provincial governors of Yingzhou and northern Luzon also surrendered and presented their own provincial books. Accept the governance of the Xinpu Government.

The entire Nankaido was completely unified in less than seven days.

The first Nankaido national examination could finally be carried out smoothly. The soldiers took the examination papers to various counties and gathered the candidates to take the examination.

The preliminary exam ended quickly, and the results came out the next day, and these results will be collected in Xinpu.

More than 300,000 candidates took the exam, more than 100,000 of them passed, and more than half were screened out.

Among the more than 100,000 people who were eliminated, most of them only knew the Chinese characters, and no more knowledge was lost. To become an official, naturally, they could not only know the Chinese characters.

After the results of the preliminary examination are released, the candidates who pass the examination have to go to the capital of each state to take the second examination.

The largest number of candidates for the second examination was in Luzon, with more than 80,000 people gathered in Xinpu to take the exam, and in Cebu and Luzon in Yingzhou, there were a total of more than 30,000 people.

The second exam took two days, and the results were reviewed within three days. It was immediately announced that the elimination rate this time was also very high. Of the more than 80,000 candidates in Xinpu, only more than 30,000 passed the second exam, and only more than 8,000 candidates in the other two places passed the second exam. Test.

Finally, more than 40,000 candidates gathered in Sinpo for the final national examination.

After the national examination, each candidate was assigned a position according to their scores. Almost those who had scored one thousand before the examination chose to work in Xinpu, and only a few chose to work outside as deputy county magistrates and other officials.

As for the chief officials of the three states and counties, they are all officials transferred from Japan.

However, the governor of Luzon State is Naito Muneyoshi, the governor of Yingzhou is Marcos, and the governor of Sulu State is Zheng Zhiqiang.

After more than a month of national examinations, the framework for governments at all levels in Nankai Province has finally been established.

As for the Metropolitan Police Department system, which is temporarily run by the garrison, Yagyu mobilized more than a thousand elite police officers from the Japanese island to establish a police academy and train police officers. Once the first batch of police officers graduates, the army will leave the city.

At the same time, Nankaido will recruit a new infantry division and open three naval ports. At that time, a fleet will be stationed here to protect the safety of Nankaido.

Now that the government framework has been established, Yagyu began to carry out new policies in Nankaido. Land reform, manor new economy, banks and other new policies began to be implemented.

Most of the people living in the small town of Calamba in Neihu County are Chinese who migrated from Fujian. They mainly engage in farming or fishing to make a living. On this day, an official from the town came to Nancun with several civil servants and summoned all the Chinese in the village.

The leading official was also a Chinese. He announced in Han Chinese Mandarin: "Fellow folks, let me tell you some good news. The government has promulgated a new land policy. From now on, every household with land will have to pay land tax plus land tax." Produces 2% of the total grain production.

Those who do not have land and only rent crops will only need to pay a 2% tax, and all other taxes will be abolished! "

Lao Fan was a little confused when he heard this number, so he shouted loudly: "Sir, how much is this two percent? And how is the land tax collected?"

Lao Fan is a Fujianese who is hard-working and has been in his family for four generations. In the fifth generation, his son can also work in the fields.

His family had accumulated more than twenty acres of land, so he was very concerned about this matter.

The official immediately explained: "For this land tax, let me use an analogy. For example, your family has twenty acres of land. One acre of land is currently sold for four silver pesos, so twenty acres of land is eighty silver pesos. According to the land tax, Pay one hundred and twenty copper pesos.”

Lao Fan immediately shouted: "How much is twenty-six acres?"

The official did some mental math and replied: "One hundred and fifty-six copper pesos."

Lao Fan asked again: "Then how much grain do we have to hand over?"

The official explained: "According to the market price that year, our rice is harvested three times a year, and one acre of land can harvest about one thousand kilograms of rice a year. This year's grain price is six copper pesos per kilogram, and the income from one mu of land is six thousand pesos." , then we have to turn in seven hundred and seventy-four."

The official pointed at Lao Fan and said: "His family has 26 acres, and his annual income is about 20,000 yuan. Plus the land tax, the total is 20,280 yuan.

In other words, your family only needs to hand over more than three thousand kilograms of grain to the country a year. "

When Lao Fan heard this, he was stunned. He said that the land produced more than 20,000 kilograms of grain, and he paid more than 3,000, not even a fraction. However, the Spaniards in the past directly collected miscellaneous taxes, and the total amount was more than half.

The villagers below suddenly started talking, and some tenant farmers who had immigrated not long ago immediately asked: "Then what if we rent seeds from others?"

The official immediately announced: "The tenant farmers only need to pay rent to the landlord, and the landlord will pay the tax. The rent price given by the landlord shall not exceed 40% of the total value of the land."

When the tenant farmers heard this, they immediately cheered and were overjoyed.

You must know that when they rent land from landlords, they not only have to pay more than half of the rent, but they also have to bear taxes. There will be very few left at the end of the year, and they may go hungry.

With this kind of treatment, I will definitely be able to save money and buy my own land!

All the villagers applauded such a good policy. The ones who looked bad were a few landowners, but they knew that the people did not fight with the officials. Moreover, they were Chinese and had average sensitivity to the Japanese, so they did not dare to cause trouble.

Lao Fan ran home with the good news and told his wife and children. His eldest son Jose Rizal's eyes lit up and he said happily: "Dad, we won't have to work so hard in the future!"

Rizal, a native of Fujian and the founding father of the Philippines, returned to the Philippines from studying in Europe in 1892 and led an anti-colonial armed revolution for independence, but was brutally suppressed by the Spanish authorities.

On December 1896, 12, the Spanish colonial government shot Rizal, a 30-year-old anti-Spanish patriot, in Manila. Before he died heroically, he married Josephine Bracken, an Irish girl from Hong Kong, at the execution ground, which was deeply touching.

One of the relics he left to his bride and the Filipinos was the patriotic and desperate poem "My Farewell", calling on comrades to continue working hard for the revolution. His body was hastily buried on the side of the Overseas Chinese Memorial in Manila. Later, he was revered as the Father of the Nation, and his remains were moved to Rizal Plaza on the shores of Manila Bay and a monument was erected.

It's just that history has changed, and Rizal may not go down the same old path again.

As the new policy continued to be implemented, the Chinese cheered and cheered, but the natives just thought it didn't matter. The new policy was quickly implemented in the three states of Nankaido and gained a firm foothold.

Everything in Nankai Road was on the right track. Yagyu didn't plan to stay long. He only left the infantry division of Ohkuma Chaoye, and then returned to Kyoto with the other three infantry divisions in the fleet.

Now he has to go back to deal with the aftermath of the Saga Rebellion and prepare for the second national examination on the Japanese island to prepare for the next second stage of the reform.

The purpose of the previous reform was to enrich the country and strengthen the army. This time, the purpose of the reform is to develop in an all-round way, enrich the country and strengthen the army, and benefit the people's livelihood.

(End of this chapter)

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