I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 211 Bismarck promotes the plan

Chapter 211 Bismarck promotes the plan

Yagyu did not pay attention to the Paris Commune. He was more concerned about his naval exchange plan. After reaching a draft peace treaty with the Thiers government, Yagyu reminded Bismarck to go to Dunkirk.

Bismarck also acted resolutely. Early the next morning, he and Yagyu headed for Dunkirk. The two places were three to four hundred kilometers apart. They traveled day and night and took more than a day to reach the port of Dunkirk.

Bismarck got off the carriage in high spirits and entered the port directly. Yagyu took Bismarck to the place where the Japanese fleet was parked.

Bismarck saw the largest battleship, the Fuso.

"The layout of this battleship is different from that of Britain and France. Why does it seem like there are so few guns?"

Bismarck looked at it from a distance and discovered something unusual. Germany also had warships, but they were small in number and average in quality.

But he still knows all kinds of information about naval warships.

Yagyu immediately introduced: “This is an excellent layout we determined through analysis of a naval battle during the American Civil War.

Mr. Bismarck must have heard about that naval battle, right? "

"Yes, I know."

Bismarck nodded.

Yagyu continued: "Now that Mr. Bismarck knows it, it is even better to say that traditional naval warfare is no longer suitable for iron-clad battleships. Now it is difficult for small and medium-caliber artillery to cause damage to iron-clad battleships, so large-caliber artillery is needed.

The two main guns at the front and rear of our Fuso are large-caliber artillery, which can cause fatal damage to the main ironclad ships of Britain and France.

However, the shortcomings of large-caliber artillery are also obvious. They have a slow rate of fire, small steering, and cannot hit close range. Therefore, we arranged small and medium-caliber artillery on both sides to make up for the shortcomings of the main gun.

These flanking guns can defend small ships, such as newly emerged torpedo boats, or small-tonnage warships.

Mr. Bismarck, with the development of ironclads, I believe that future naval battles will be the era of big guns and giant ships. "

Bismarck thought about what Yagyu said, and judging from the U.S. ironclad naval battle, this was indeed the thinking.

Compared with the ramming tactics circulated by the British and French navies, it is more reasonable to strengthen the artillery and change the layout of the battleships.

"Mr. Yagyu, what you said makes sense, but why is the barrel of your cannon longer than others?"

Facing Bismarck's inquiry, Yagyu did not hide his secrets. He had to use more chips to gain Bismarck's trust.

“Our artillery no longer uses black powder, but a brand-new gunpowder that is twelve times more powerful than black powder. In order to adapt to this new gunpowder, we have to build long-barreled cannons.

As you can see, these cannons are all produced in our country, and their range is several times longer than the naval guns of your country's Krupp company. "

Bismarck was very surprised. If the new artillery and gunpowder could reach the data Yagyu said, then the German navy really had hope to catch up with the navies of Britain and France.

"Well, I want to witness it with my own eyes."

Yagyu did not refuse Bismarck's request. He took Bismarck directly onto the Fuso, and then the Fuso exited the port and reached the nearby sea.

Then the Fuso's main gun and several secondary guns fired in the distance. The shells from the main gun traveled several nautical miles, splashing water columns more than ten meters high.

As for the secondary battery, it can also hit more than one nautical mile.

The empirical data raised eyebrows in Bismarck.

He said excitedly: "It's really amazing, great. The navies of Britain and France definitely don't have such a long attack range."

Not only that, he also thought about one thing. This time the German army was able to defeat the French army not only by relying on the plan that had been laid out long ago. On the frontal battlefield, artillery played a big role.

You must know that the French Chassebou rifle is far superior to the German Dresser rifle in terms of attributes, but the French artillery cannot reach the German position, and the French position is plowed by German artillery.

Under the roar of artillery, the French army was defeated.

Now, if the German naval warships are farther apart than the British and French, this will definitely be a big advantage on the battlefield!

Bismarck repeatedly promised: "Mr. Yagyu, I am very satisfied with your warships. Don't worry, after I return, I will definitely let your Majesty agree to this naval exchange plan."

Liu Sheng was secretly happy that his hard work paid off and he finally achieved his goal.

The two of them did not stop and returned to Versailles the same day.

Two nights later, Kaiser Wilhelm I met with Bismarck. He was curious about what Yagyu Koshien had said before that would make his iron-blooded prime minister so biased towards Japan.

He couldn't help but ask: "Bismarck, how talented is Yagyu, and you actually come forward to seek benefits for Japan? Fortunately, you are my old buddy, otherwise I would suspect that he was bribed."

Bismarck stepped forward and explained: "Your Majesty, you just know me. I just want to dedicate my life to Prussia. However, this time, Mr. Yagyu did give me an exciting price."

"Oh? If you say that, then I'm even more curious. You helped him put pressure on Thiers, and you also went to Dunkirk and came back tonight. Tell me, what are the conditions? ?”

Bismarck approached William I and said: "Your Majesty, I went to Dunkirk to see the Japanese fleet. Although I don't know how Japan managed to build a relatively powerful navy in a short period of time, I have to admit that, Japan’s navy is stronger than ours in Germany.”


This result made William I unbelievable.

"Why can't our German navy be as good as Japan's?"

Bismarck said in a faint tone: "Your Majesty, our navy cannot even defeat the Danish navy."

"This..." William I's face turned red, the navy was a shame to Germany!

He hurriedly asked: "Can Japan help us build a strong navy?"

Bismarck nodded seriously and said: "Yes, this time I personally saw the firepower of the Japanese Navy's main warships. The speed is faster than that of Britain and France, and the range of the artillery is also farther than that of Britain and France.

It's just that Japan's domestic industrial capacity is limited and the construction speed is slow. Producing one ship a year is not bad.

This time Mr. Yagyu invited our country to send people to Japan to build factories, and at the same time send naval students to Japan to learn naval technology. According to this plan, we can build a German fleet in Japan. "

William I wondered: "Japan spares no effort to help us, why don't they want to repay it?"

Bismarck smiled and said: "Your Majesty, this is the cleverness of Mr. Yagyu. He did not ask for fees. That is because this exchange is of great benefit to Japan.

First of all, our country sends people to Japan to build factories, and Japan can take the opportunity to learn our technology and buy machines from us, etc.

Second, Japan's basic science and technology is very poor and has just started. However, our country is different. Our country has many scientists who have invented a lot of technology. In the process of exchanges, their people will also learn these things.

In the end, it is natural to strengthen relations with our country, use our country as a backing, and reduce the pressure on Britain and France. After hearing Bismarck's analysis, William I suddenly realized: "So, Yagyu is so smart. No wonder he can develop a backward country like Japan. If he were in Germany, I'm afraid we could annex France, and Britain would be helpless." ,Pity. "

William I sighed repeatedly and felt very sorry.

Even Bismarck felt the same way. If Yagyu was in Prussia, then he would become his successor and continue to make Germany great.

It's a pity that Yagyu was born in Japan.

Yagyu still didn't know that William I and Bismarck loved him. At this moment, he was celebrating with Emperor Meiji.

Emperor Meiji thought it was because of the peace treaty, so he was also happy.

"Father, have you settled the peace agreement?"

Yagyu put down his wine glass and replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, the peace treaty has been decided. The French government will pay us 500 million francs in compensation, and will also cede the colonies in the Pacific to us."

Emperor Meiji asked curiously: "Are our territories going to increase again?"

Yagyu shook his head and said: "It will increase, but not much. Those colonies should be islands, and they may still be uninhabited islands."

Genda Yongfu, who was on the side, immediately commented: "Prime Minister, we are a victorious country. How can France give us these rags? We should want a richer place."

Yagyu replied calmly: "I want those places to have their own plans."

Genda Yongfu immediately changed his color and accused: "Prime Minister, you are insulting the face of the country. If this matter spreads, it will only make other countries laugh at us!

As for your plan, how do you compare it with the face of the country and the prestige of His Majesty? Your Majesty, I want to visit Prime Minister Yagyu! "

Emperor Meiji had a headache and said, "Okay, okay, Sir Genda, why are you like Ohara-san, always at odds with your father-in-law? Since your father-in-law has his own plans, let's do it this way."

Genda Yongfu still wanted to argue, but Yagyu said: "I want to talk to your Majesty about something important, so you should go down first."

Genda Eifu was furious and shouted: "Prime Minister Yagyu, who do you think I am? You are insulting my loyalty to His Majesty!"

Emperor Meiji was worried that they would quarrel again, so he immediately said: "Forget it, since your father-in-law has said so, Minister Genda, please go down first."

Genda Yongfu was quite helpless and could only glare at Yagyu.

But Yagyu doesn't have a good temper. He is really a helper and a bitch. As long as he doesn't get angry for a period of time, this group of people will grow up.

He glared at Motoda Yongfu without hesitation. At that moment, Motoda Yongfu saw Yagyu's eyes and felt a chill on his back. He quickly lowered his head and walked out quickly.

Without Yuan Tian Yongfu, the room became quiet.

Yagyu then explained: "Your Majesty, the islands in the Pacific can expand our country's sphere of influence in the Pacific. These islands are mainly in the Eastern Pacific and the South Pacific.

In particular, the islands in the South Pacific are close to the British colony in Australia, and there are still many unclaimed lands that can be occupied.

At that time, we can rely on these islands to establish military bases and occupy more islands in the Pacific. We must turn the Pacific into our sphere of influence. "

Emperor Meiji looked at the map, breathing a little quickly. If he could do this, then he would be the greatest emperor in Japanese history.

"Father, just do it, I will support you!"


On May 20th, Thiers formally signed a peace treaty with Bismarck, representing Germany, and Yagyu Nozomi, representing Japan. The peace treaty was held at the Palace of Versailles, also known as the "Versailles Peace Treaty" and historically known as the "First Peace Treaty of Versailles". Separate from the Second Treaty of Versailles.

Historically, Germany signed a peace treaty with France in Frankfurt. This time, because of Japan's participation, the peace treaty was signed at the Palace of Versailles.

This peace treaty was similar to the historical Frankfurt Peace Treaty. France would pay Germany five billion francs in compensation over three years and cede territory.

Unlike the Frankfurt Peace Treaty, the Versailles Peace Treaty included more compensation to Japan.

First, France compensated Japan with 500 million francs.

Secondly, it recognized that Japan had abrogated the unequal treaties signed by the Second French Empire in Japan.

The last step was to cede the colonies in the Pacific, including Clipperton Island, New Caledonia, and French Polynesia.

Among them, Clipperton Island is an uninhabited island with a large amount of guano. At the same time, this island was also discovered by the United States, and guano was excavated and transported to the door.

The other two colonies have not yet officially become French colonies, but are already under French control.

Thiers was unwilling to cede colonies to Japan, so he gave these three territories to Japan under the pressure of Bismarck. He knew the situation in these places, so he dug a hole for Japan.

Yagyu knows that this is a mouthful of rice with uncooked rice, but Japan, with the help of Germany, will rise, and he can eat this mouthful of rice with uncooked rice!


As the light flashed, the white mist dispersed, and the peace talks venue was photographed by the cameraman. In the photo, Thiers, Bismarck and the only yellow-skinned face Yagyu Kiyan were included in the photo.

This photo is a landmark photo for Japan. It represents Japan's official entry onto the world stage and its role as the number one country in East Asia until it was replaced by the rising powers of the Central Plains more than a hundred years later.

The Spanish ambassador was also present at the peace talks. Under the instructions of Germany, they signed a peace treaty with Japan. They recognized Japan's legality of the South China Sea Road.

Although Spain lost its largest colony, fortunately it did not lose money, which was also a blessing among misfortunes. But the Spanish government remembered this heavy day.

The day after the peace talks ended, photos from the peace talks made headlines in France and soon spread to other countries.

The name of Japan and Yagyu Yoshihide emerged in Europe.

Many Europeans don't know Japan is a country, but what is shocking is that France, the overlord of the European continent, actually paid compensation and ceded territory to a little-known country. It is really ridiculous!

Everyone asked, what is this Japan and Yagyu Hiyan? Actually asking France to pay indemnity and cede territory?

As soon as I inquired about it, everyone was dumbfounded!

What? A small island country in East Asia? Was it still a backward and ignorant country before? And just because the handsome guy in the headline photo has been doing it for several years, he is so strong? This is unscientific!

At this time, everyone began to pay attention to news about East Asia.

Soon, what Yagyu Heiyan did spread across Europe, such as personally leading the navy to defeat the navies of France, Spain and the Netherlands and driving France away from Southeast Asia.

As for what Yagyu Heeyan did before he became prime minister, it was also revealed, which shocked people.

What? Such a handsome man hacked to death nearly 200 people in one night!

God of War!

Yagyu Heiyan is said to be the god of war in Europe!

(End of this chapter)

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