I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 214 Give some tips to develop technology

Chapter 214 Give some tips to develop technology

Yagyu continued to care about Otto and Erich's daily life, and arranged a nanny and assistant for them. The nanny was naturally a young and beautiful Japanese woman.

The two assistants are Kotaro Kobayashi and Nobuyoshi Nishimura. They were originally from the secret police department. After being selected, they became students of the Industrial University and learned basic knowledge.

The current task is to lurk next to Otto and Erich and learn techniques secretly.

Yagyu has information on internal combustion engines and electric motors. Kotaro Kobayashi and Nobuyoshi Nishimura need to take the time to understand this information so that they can keep up with Otto and Erich as soon as possible.

Otto only developed a new internal combustion engine in 1876. The efficiency was much better than the previous one, but it was all gas-fired.

Yagyu didn't want to waste so much time. He decided to discuss the design of a new internal combustion engine with Otto first and develop a diesel internal combustion engine as soon as possible, so that he could research cars and tanks and develop cars within at least ten years.

He didn't have much time to stay in Hokkaido, so Yagyu invited Otto to chat and said straight to the point: "Mr. Otto, I am very optimistic about your new idea."

"Mr. Prime Minister, are you talking about my idea of ​​a four-stroke engine?" Otto was very surprised. He did not expect Yagyu to know these things.

Yagyu nodded and said: "Of course, I have learned that you already produced the sample nine years ago, and the operation of these four-stroke engines is much better than that of the two-stroke engine.

But I have a doubt, that is, it seems not good to use gas. "

Otto didn't take it seriously. Internal combustion engines have always been powered by gas. Besides, if gas is not used, what should it be used for?

"Mr. Prime Minister, internal combustion engines have always used gas. If you don't use gas, you can't use firewood, right?"

Otto spoke a little bluntly, but Yagyu was not angry. After all, the properties of oil have not been exposed yet, and people are still a little unfamiliar with oil.

Oil has always been used to make fire. Of course, oil has been used in warfare for thousands of years. At least in the Qin and Han Dynasties, there are records of using oil fire to attack.

At present, people's research on petroleum has not been in-depth. It was only after diesel was used in internal combustion engines that people paid attention to petroleum.

But Yagyu knew.

He didn't want Otto to take a detour, so he said: "Mr. Otto, petroleum can not only break down into kerosene, but also produce other types of oil. I don't know the details, but I think those scientists who study petroleum must know. I I think we can find an alternative fuel to gas from petroleum."

Otto still couldn't believe it. You know, in his eyes, Yagyu Heiyan is the prime minister of a country and a politician. How can a politician understand technology?

He still resisted a little, shook his head and said: "Mr. Prime Minister, this matter can only be concluded through experiments."

When Yagyu saw that Otto was a bit determined, he did not continue to persuade him. After all, people engaged in scientific research were a bit stubborn. It was useless to talk with white teeth. He had to get the finished diesel product first.

He relented and said, "Well, Mr. Otto, how about you build the four-stroke engine you conceived yourself first, and then we can try what I told you?"

Otto thought that he could first build the four-stroke engine he was researching, but he did not refuse Yagyu's proposal. Once the four-stroke engine was built, it would definitely change Yagyu's mind.

After Yagyu left Otto's room, he quickly came to Erich's room. He had to take a look at the Siemens generator.

Siemens served as a soldier in his early years because of his poor family, and was later promoted to an artillery officer. However, due to a failed experiment, he became deaf in one ear and was forced to retire.

After retiring, Siemens continued to invent. In order to make money, he invented gold plating and silver plating using electric current. He used his technology to invest in shares and cooperated with Henninger of the zinc-nickel copper factory to establish a gold and silver plating department. Both parties shared the dividends and later invented improvements. Zinc plate printing machine, etc.

After solving the economic problem, Siemens went to study at the University of Berlin.

Afterwards, Siemens began to study telegraph machines, insulated wires, etc., and in 1866 developed a DC generator.

At present, Siemens has not found other uses for generators, but Yagyu knows that he must be the first to develop derivatives of generators.

The Prime Minister turns on the light bulb.

The electric light was invented in the early 1854th century. It was not improved by the American Goebbels until , using carbonized bamboo filaments. However, the technology was unstable, so Goebbels did not apply for a patent.

Yagyu knew that in the late 19th century, the electric light bulb improved by Edison could be used for 1,200 hours, and the filament used was Japanese bamboo.

For Japan, it can be said that the development of light bulbs is at the right time and in the right place.

Yagyu didn't intend to tell Erich these things. He only needed Erich to preside over the construction of a factory for manufacturing generators. Nishimura Lutheran Church would learn the technology of DC generators from Erich.

Once he learned about the DC generator, he could ask Nishimura Nobuyoshi to study the alternator.

Yagyu met Erich and after chatting for a while, he talked about the generator factory.

Erich's intentions were not high.

Yagyu immediately said: "Mr. Erich, when the time comes, you will be the chief engineer and director of the factory. I will give you a monthly salary of 10,000 yen and a one percent dividend. How about that?"

Erich's eyes lit up and he asked: "I wonder how many pounds ten thousand yen is?"

"One pound can be exchanged for eighteen yen."

Yagyu said, raising his finger.

“In other words, ten thousand yen is more than five hundred pounds.

Mr. Erich, this only counts salary. Your annual income is more than 6,000 pounds. "

Hearing this number, Erich's breathing became a little rapid.

Yagyu continued: "Mr. Erich, for every generator the factory produces, you can get a sum of money, how about that?"

Erich really couldn't refuse this condition. You must know that the value of the pound at this time was very strong, and more than 6,000 pounds was enough for Erich to live a good life.

He immediately said: "Don't worry, Prime Minister, I will definitely build the factory and produce generators as soon as possible."

Yagyu nodded with satisfaction and left the yard immediately.

After he returned to the city hall, he told Toshizo Hijikata: "Hijikata, I have to return to Kyoto right away, and I will leave the affairs here to you."

He picked up a letter and continued: "There are some arrangements written here. When the time comes, you will pay attention to the progress, and then make arrangements according to the plan in the letter."

Hijikata Toshizo accepted the letter and responded: "Prime Minister, don't worry, I will definitely act according to the plan."

"I don't worry about your work."

Yagyu immediately left Hokkaido, took a boat back to Osaka, and then took a train back to Kyoto.

He came back nearly twenty days later than Emperor Meiji and the others. When he came back, Okubo Toshimichi and others came to report to him. The first is Okubo Toshimichi, who oversees the overall situation and urges various departments to implement Yagyu's reform plan.

Various laws had already been arranged before Yagyu left Kyoto, and the Ministry of Justice is still cooperating with the Ministry of the Interior to promote the new laws.

This matter was the most important, and Yagyu only left the country after handling this matter.

Apart from this matter, Yagyu didn't know much about the progress of other matters.

The first was the postal service founded by Maeshima Mitsuru and Sugiga Aizō. After such a long period of busy work, the postal system in various places was finally operational.

The first edition of stamps printed mainly featured figures, such as the portrait of Yagyu, or the portrait of Emperor Meiji, etc.

In addition to the normal operation of the postal service, another one that has begun operation is the Kyoto Securities Exchange.

The opening of the Kyoto Securities Exchange heralded a further step forward for Japanese business. However, the Chinese people did not know much about what a securities exchange was, and Shibusawa Eiichi did not dare to take a big step forward.

Although the stock exchange has been established, its impact is not significant.

However, Yagyu was not worried that the securities exchange would not be able to open. It was just a gimmick, and those citizens who wanted to make a fortune would just smell it and come over on their own initiative.

However, the securities exchange and the stock market are a double-edged sword for a country. Therefore, when Yagyu discussed the securities exchange with Shibusawa Eiichi, he made it clear that supervision would be strengthened. If anyone operates in secret, he will be severely punished. loan.

In addition to these two major events, there is also the matter of the second national examination.

Before Yagyu left Japan, the matter was still in preparation. During his absence, the second national examination was conducted under the auspices of Okubo Toshimichi.

In this national examination, a total of more than 50,000 people were admitted, and they will enter various government positions. With new civil servants joining, some outstanding civil servants were quickly promoted to fill positions.

These more than 50,000 people may sound like a lot, but once they are dispersed to various departments or places, more than 50,000 people will be divided up in one go.

But the next national examination will be stable, and then there will be no need to worry about the lack of officials.

These are the important things that Yagyu told him to pay attention to before leaving. Okubo Toshimichi urged everyone to basically complete the preliminary work. The next step is to see how things develop.

For example, in the postal field, with the help of German engineers, Yagyu could vigorously develop the telegraph industry. He built a wire factory and produced enough wires to wire up all the Japanese land. This formed a wire network. Through the wire network, the central government Communicate government orders promptly.

There are also submarine cables. With submarine cables, you can connect to territories such as Shikoku, Hokkaido, and Tokaido.

As for Nankaido, we have to run a line from Nankai to Ryukyu and then to Kyushu.

Only by completing this telegraph network can Japan's territory be stabilized.

In order to promote the telegraph industry, Yagyu planned to raise funds to establish a telegraph company, buy factories, and then develop and go public.

There are also electric power companies. After generators are produced and developed to a certain scale, and light bulbs, trams and other things are developed, the electric power company can be listed on the market.

Both companies are state-owned enterprises and are in the hands of the state.

Yagyu established these two companies not to make money, but mainly to serve politics and benefit the people. As for how much money he made, it was not the most important thing.

Yagyu immediately ordered: "Shibusawa, the Ministry of Finance must allocate a special fund to establish two companies, one named National Telegraph Company and one named National Electric Power Company.

The telegraph company would open several factories, mainly manufacturing telegraph machines and insulated wires. The electric power company wants to set up a generator company.

In addition, I have to notify the First National Factory and ask their chief engineer to come to the cabinet. I have something that I need them to manufacture.

The expenses required by these companies and factories are about 30 million yen. You should remember it first and withdraw it from France's compensation. "

Shibusawa Eiichi quickly wrote down what Yagyu ordered, and then left the cabinet to do the work.

After giving instructions to Shibusawa Eiichi, Yagyu said to Sakuma Shoyama and Fukuzawa Yukichi: "Your Ministry of Education must strengthen the construction of the national education system, and the content of students' learning must be firmly controlled.

We must not only learn from Western advanced science and technology, but we must also not forget our cultural heritage.

In terms of Chinese studies, we must retain the benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and trustworthiness of Confucian classics. Especially in primary school education, ideological education is the most important. As for science education, the proportion of science education can be increased in middle school education. "

Sakuma Shoyama was very happy. After all, he was originally a Confucian master, and later learned Orchidism. He then opened his eyes to the world and advocated learning Western science.

But he also believes that Japanese traditional culture should not be used.

As for Fukuzawa Yukichi, he expressed his opinion: "Prime Minister, Confucianism will only make people stupid and loyal, and they don't know how to adapt. We should fully Westernize, leave Asia and join Europe!"

Sakuma Shoyama frowned and said: "We only need to learn from other people's strengths and complement each other's weaknesses. If we abandon everything we own and learn Western culture, then are we Japanese or Europeans?"

Fukuzawa Yukichi wanted to argue again, but Yagyu raised his hand to stop him: "Mr. Sakuma is right, no matter how much we learn from Western culture and integrate into their circle, we are still not Europeans after all.

Europeans know by the color of our skin and the way we look that we are not Europeans, and trying to blend in with them will only bring shame to ourselves.

If Japan wants to become a big and powerful country, it needs all its citizens to recognize Japan and be proud of Japan.

Strengthening people's cohesion and making all citizens become a whole can only be achieved by Confucianism.

It is true that there is also dross in Confucianism, but we cannot stop eating because of choking. We can study together to get rid of the dross and extract the essence. "

Sakuma Shoyama said excitedly: "The Prime Minister is so right, we must have our own cultural confidence!"

Fukuzawa Yukichi was also thinking about what Yagyu said. The reason why he had the idea of ​​leaving Asia and joining Europe was mainly because of the prosperity and strength of Europe and his life experience.

Of course, no matter what Fukuzawa Yukichi thinks, Yagyu will not be fully Westernized.

Listening to the discussion, Okubo Toshimichi didn't think the matter was very important. What he was worried about now was the most important thing.

He stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, I think there is one thing that is more important than these things."

Yagyu valued Okubo Toshimichi's ability very much. After all, after he left Japan, it was Okubo Toshimichi who suppressed all forces and forcibly promoted Yagyu's reform policy.

Since he said so, he should listen carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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