I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 223 Heading to Hokkaido, 3 battleships

Chapter 223 Heading to Hokkaido, three battleships

"You want to abrogate the previous treaty by sharing electric light technology? Ha! Yagyu Heiyan is really a lion!" Parkes was surprisingly angry at the conditions proposed by Tokugawa Yingxi.

Just such a small electric lamp trying to get Daying to give in is simply contempt for Daying!

The British Empire now extends to every corner of the world, and there is no shortage of such things.

But Daying’s face is absolutely inviolable!

Parkes immediately put down his harsh words to Tokugawa Yingxi.

"It is impossible for the British Empire to accept such a deal, and the signed treaty cannot be changed! If Japan has any ideas, then wait for Britain's just judgment!"

Tokugawa Kexi was startled by Parkes' attitude and quickly ran back to the cabinet to report to Yagyu.

Yagyu didn't care about this. You must know that in Japan, only the United Kingdom enjoys low tariffs. Although Germany, the United States, and Russia enjoy preferential treatment for foreign-invested enterprises, they are not as low as the United Kingdom's low tariffs.

Therefore, Britain will certainly not give up this unequal treaty easily.

However, Yagyu wanted to take two steps. The first step was to take back the consular jurisdiction, and the second step was to take back the customs rights.

In fact, there is no need to rush into this matter. The cooperation between Japan and Germany has just begun. When the first five-year plan is over, we can try to start negotiations.

"Don't worry. If Britain wanted to start a war with us, it would have started long ago. Why wait until now. Let this matter be over."

At this time Okubo Toshimichi came in.

Seeing Okubo Toshimichi come in, Yagyu waved and said, "Toshimichi, you're here just in time. I will leave for Hokkaido in two days, and you will be in charge of the next affairs of the cabinet."

Okubo Toshimichi asked: "Leave all matters to me?"

Yagyu nodded and said, "Yes, what I have to do in Hokkaido is very important and I have no time to take care of other things."

Okubo Toshimichi said excitedly: "Okay, I understand."

Yagyu looked at Tokugawa and said happily: "Sir Tokugawa, you can talk to other ambassadors. Our country also sends ambassadors to other countries to establish normal and equal diplomatic relations."

Tokugawa Qingxi asked: "Then do we need to inquire about the intelligence of these countries?"

Liu Sheng thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "No need, just pay attention normally. There is no need to spend energy paying attention."

Sending spies abroad is a very delicate matter. They must undergo rigorous training and live locally for a long time. Only by integrating into the local area can there be fewer loopholes.

He has asked Saitoichi to train spies at the secret police headquarters.

There is no need to rush this matter, you still need to wait for the right time.

After Yagyu finished giving instructions, he packed up his things and got up to leave.

He was going to Hokkaido to stay soon, and he was expected to stay for a long time, so he went home for the past two days to spend time with his son Jubei. Besides, Jin was pregnant again.

When Yagyu returned to the mansion, Ah Jin was already waiting. Even if she was pregnant, she would come to serve Yagyu when he returned home.

Ah Jin took Yagyu's coat and quickly asked the maid to hand over the iced watermelon, saying, "Husband, please try it. The large watermelon imported from the Qing Dynasty is very sweet."

Yagyu took the watermelon casually and took a bite. It was indeed juicy and sweet.

Unfortunately, Japan has little land, making it difficult to grow watermelons on a large scale. Moreover, many fruits are difficult to grow and can only be imported.

There was nothing Yagyu could do about this.

Besides, Yagyu's thoughts are not on this. People's livelihood is not the first priority, but the military is.

Japan's current military strength is still weak, and Great Britain has always exercised restraint, mainly considering that Yagyu's toughness may allow the war to evolve into a land battle.

This will not only increase military expenditures, but also increase casualties.

Furthermore, during the Satsuma-British War, Britain suffered serious losses because of its contempt for the Satsuma Domain. Although Britain won, it was a miserable victory and did not take much advantage.

Combining multiple factors, Great Britain has never made up its mind to take action against Japan.

Well now, the rise of Germany, coupled with the development of the Russian Empire in the Middle East, has threatened the East India Company and British interests in the Middle East. The British have no intention of worrying about Japan anymore.

For Japan, now is a good time for peaceful development.

Yagyu was eating watermelon, enjoying Akin's massage, and said, "I'm going to Hokkaido for a long time in two days. You take good care of yourself at home."

Akin comforted him: "Now that all the masters in the country are concerned, please don't worry about me. With Soujiro here, everything will be fine."

Just as Okita Souji was talking, he rushed in furiously and shouted: "Brother-in-law, I have improved my swordsmanship again, come and spar!"

Now Soji Okita mainly protects the safety of Yagyu Mansion, and is bored most of the time, so he practices swordsmanship in the yard of Yagyu Mansion.

Now Okita Souji has surpassed the swordsman and is only one step away from the sword master. Yagyu can rely on the system to defeat the sword master in kendo with his sword skills, but he is a little behind in kendo ideas and attainments.

At this time, Yagyu could no longer win against Souji as surely as before.

When Okita Jin saw Okita Souji running in rashly, he immediately frowned and scolded: "Soujiro, you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders, please don't tire me anymore!"

Okita Souji chuckled and looked at Yagyu.

Yagyu waved his hand and said: "It's okay. It's a good thing that the Chief's swordsmanship has improved, but I can't practice sword practice with you recently."

Souji Okita was very sorry to hear this. He walked up and sat down and said, "Where are you going, brother-in-law?"

"Go to Hokkaido."

"Oh, isn't that where Mr. Hijikata is?" Okita Souji's expression was a little sly. "I haven't seen Mr. Hijikata for a long time. I don't know what he looks like now."

Yagyu immediately refused: "If I leave Kyoto, your sister will not be very safe. These dirty things are like leeks, which are cut again and again."

Yagyu also wanted to eradicate the weeds, but these people's brains seemed to be of the same kind. If you kill a group of them, another group will appear from other places after a while.

He could only say that the people in this place were very evil.

Okita Souji has to stay and protect Akin and Jubei. When he is free in the future, he can protect them himself.

"Soji, although your swordsmanship is already the best in Kyoto, times are different now, and the speed of the spear is not slow, so your spear skills must not fall behind."

Okita Souji was a little embarrassed. Carrying a revolver hindered his ability to draw the sword, but he still paid great attention to Yagyu's reminders and instructions. He quickly said: "I didn't fall behind. I practiced for half an hour every day."

Yagyu nodded slightly and didn't say much.

It happened to be getting late, so he left Souji Okita to have dinner with him.

Two days later, Yagyu boarded a special train and once again left Kyoto for Hokkaido.

Yagyu's departure has made all parties curious. The election for the House of Commons has just begun, and Yagyu announced that he will leave for at least seven months.

After such a long period of time, the election of the House of Commons is over. At that time, the absence of Yagyu in the first meeting of the House of Commons will probably cause quarrels among various forces, which will definitely be very lively.

However, for Yagyu, these things are just a farce. He has a firm grasp on the power of the country. As long as the general direction of the country is in his hands, it will not hurt no matter how much trouble these people make.

Although Yagyu's reputation is very high, not everyone likes him and is afraid of him. There are always some people who are eager to try.

Even a great man has people making small moves under his nose.

Of course these actions are bound to fail, but some people will try.

However, Yagyu lets these people go. In addition to not caring, the other point is that these people can become the target of public vent.

These people are the best scapegoats to take the blame for.

There will be no chaos in Kyoto with the Metropolitan Police Department and Imperial Guards in charge, and Yagyu left Kyoto with peace of mind.

Half a month later, Yagyu arrived in Hakodate, Hokkaido, and met with Hijikata Toshizo, Sakamoto Ryoma and others.

"How's it going?"

Yagyu looked at Sakamoto Ryoma and asked.

Sakamoto Ryomahui reported: "The Germans have adapted to our battleships and are very satisfied with their performance. Rear Admiral Backhaus has sent a telegram to Germany, and the naval plan will be fully implemented soon."

"In addition, the number of battleships in the Navy has increased to three, two of which were independently built by our country, and the other is a captured French battleship. We have renovated the battleship.

Although the performance of the deck is somewhat inferior, the cannon and power have been improved. "

Yagyu nodded slightly and said, "What is the size of the navy's warships now?"

Sakamoto Ryoma could no longer remember. He took out the folder and said: "Now our navy has three battleships, four cruisers of about 3,000 tons, ten destroyers of less than 2,000 tons, and the others are all of 1,000 tons and less. An old steam warship converted into a gunboat.

In addition, we are already developing the torpedo boats that you, Prime Minister, mentioned. "

"Oh? Torpedo boat...can we make torpedoes?"

Yagyu was surprised when he heard this.

Sakamoto Ryoma explained: "This is a new technology that the German Navy got from Austria. Five years ago, an Austrian scientist Lubis cooperated with the British to develop torpedoes. This technology is of little use to Austria, but Germany People heard that it was a new technology invented by the British, so they asked for it.

Prime Minister, you mentioned it before, so I asked Major General Backhouse about the torpedoes.

What we are currently manufacturing is a piston engine torpedo powered by compressed air, but there is a problem with this torpedo. Because it moves forward with a propeller, it cannot control the direction. "

Yagyu was not very clear about the details of torpedoes, so he casually said: "If one propeller doesn't work, add another propeller. This can increase the reward for craftsmen to continue studying torpedoes."

When Ryoma Sakamoto heard this, he said, yes, if one doesn't work, just add one more and try.

"What the Prime Minister said is that we will intensify our efforts to research torpedoes."

Yagyu asked again: "Have you studied the function of torpedoes? How do you feel?"

Speaking of this, Sakamoto Ryoma became a little excited, and he said with excitement: "I really don't know how they came up with this kind of weapon, it's so creative.

The cost of torpedoes is very low, but they can cause fatal damage to all ironclads, especially against bulky battleships. As long as one or two torpedoes hit the hull below the waterline, the battleship will lose its combat effectiveness.

Mr. Prime Minister, I think our navy can equip torpedo boats on a large scale and use wolf tactics to hunt enemy battleships. "

The tactics proposed by Ryoma Sakamoto do have certain operability. The price of building one battleship is enough to build dozens of torpedo boats.

In addition to the cost, the construction difficulty is also different. The construction time of torpedo boats is short, more than ten can be built at the same time, and the time to build one battleship is enough to build a hundred torpedo boats.

Regardless of time or price, the fish school tactics of torpedo boats are a good choice.

At least until the role of destroyers and frigates is discovered, the wolf pack tactics of torpedo boats have advantages.

Yagyu nodded and said: "Your proposal is very good, but have you ever thought about the shortcomings of the wolf pack tactics of torpedo boats?"

Sakamoto Ryoma replied: "Torpedo boats are fast, but their armor is very thin. Even the artillery of destroyers and frigates is enough to penetrate the armor of torpedo boats.

Another point is that because torpedo boats are small in size and have no advantage in speed against destroyers and frigates, torpedo boats are powerless against these two warships. "

Yagyu nodded slightly. All he knew was what Sakamoto Ryoma said. His understanding of these things was not very deep and he was just hearing about it.

Of course, he doesn't need to know too much. He just needs to give these professionals a little advice to stimulate their thinking. Without him, they can also discover new techniques and tactics.

Yagyu just grasps the general direction and prevents the technology tree from going astray.

Now, the construction of the army has slowed down, and the standing army of about 300,000 has put a lot of pressure on the national finance. Therefore, in addition to the Imperial Guard, an infantry division in Nankaido, the Hakodate Infantry Division in Hokkaido, and the development of Tokaido In addition to the standing army, which totals 120,000 troops, the remaining infantry divisions and divisions are all compulsory soldiers, and the money spent is 30% less than that of the standing army.

The army is saving military expenditures, but the navy's military expenditures are still increasing. New warships are leaving the factory and being added to the establishment, and the number of naval personnel is also increasing.

The living conditions and salary in the Navy are much higher than those in the Army. The monthly salary of an ordinary Navy soldier is half that of the Army.

The entire Japanese Navy has fifty-nine warships and 43,000 naval soldiers. The military expenditure has reached 37 million yen, which has almost doubled compared with before.

According to the current construction speed of the navy, military expenditures are still growing rapidly.

Fortunately, Japan's national finance is growing at a rate of 1868% every year. In 1871, Japan's finance was close to million yen. By , in three years, the national finance had grown to about million yen.

Although fiscal revenue is still increasing, military expenditures still need to be controlled. If this rises to 30%, when the economy is in a downturn, it will collapse the national finances, and even he will not be able to prevent the war. .

(End of this chapter)

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