I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 227 I am just playing with you, do you take it seriously?

Chapter 227 I am just playing with you, do you take it seriously?

According to the election of nobility, the speaker of the House of Nobles and the House of Commons cannot participate in the election of the Speaker of the National Assembly.

In the future, with Fuji Shojiro's support rate, he has a high chance of success in running for the Speaker of the National Assembly.

However, Goto Shojiro carefully considered that candidates such as Tokugawa Yoshiki and Matsudaira Yōho may be running for the Speaker of the Diet.

Tokugawa Yoshiki was the shogun before and the minister of foreign affairs in the cabinet, so he still had power in his hands. Moreover, Tadatsuki Kosu, Tsuyoshi Shibata and other shogunate ministers were either in the House of Nobles or in the cabinet. Together with other lords, they has the highest support rate.

Next is Matsudaira Yoshiho. Behind him is Yagyu's support. In addition, there are enlightened nobles such as Matsudaira Shunue, plus the emperor, who has a greater chance of winning.

Goto Shojiro thought of this, so he settled for the next best thing and got the Speaker of the House of Commons first.

The power of the Speaker of Parliament is far superior to that of the Speaker of the House of Lords and the Speaker of the House of Commons, which can be seen from his seat.

Between Prince Asahiko and Goto Shojiro is the position of the Speaker of the Diet.

Yagyu stood up and said: "Now let's elect the Speaker of the National Assembly. Now please vote for the representative you support. The person with the highest number of votes can be elected with more than half. If no one meets the requirements, you have to wait for the next round of voting."

With such election rules, the election process will definitely be difficult for the House of Peers and the House of Commons, even though the House of Peers does not have as many parties as the House of Commons.

However, there are also several factions within, including the pro-Yagyu public nobles faction, the anti-Yagyu public nobles faction, the enlightened feudal lord faction, and the Tokugawa faction.

The outcome of the competition among the four parties is not so easy to determine.

Sure enough, the first round of voting ended with Tokugawa Yoshiki in first place and Matsudaira Yōho in second place.

Tokugawa Yoshiki had 264 votes, Matsudaira Yongho had 233 votes, and the remaining more than 100 votes were equally divided among the others.

Neither received more than half of the votes cast in Congress.

Taking the voting results, Yagyu announced calmly: "Unfortunately, the votes of Representative Tokugawa and Representative Matsudaira did not meet the requirements. There is no result in this election. Let's take a rest and prepare for the second election later."

In the lounge, Tokugawa Qingxi found Yagyu and said, "Prime Minister, I want to choose the Speaker of the National Assembly this time. I hope that Prime Minister can support me."

"With so many of you, you can run for election without my support." Yagyu said in a very calm tone.

But Tokugawa Kexi felt a bit of pressure, and he bit the bullet and said: "Prime Minister, I must come out for election."

Yagyu didn't reply directly. He took out his cigarette case, took out a cigarette, then touched his pocket and said, "Congressman Tokugawa, please help me light a fire."

Tokugawa Qingxi looked at Yagyu. Yagyu's eyes were calm, but he felt a lot of pressure. After only looking at each other for less than five seconds, he took out a lighter imported from abroad and lit a cigarette for Yagyu.


Yagyu took a deep breath, exhaled thick white smoke, and said: "The five-year plan has just begun. I need to stay in Hokkaido, and Okubo will look after me here.

I don’t want to have to rush back from Hokkaido to deal with parliamentary matters like this time. This will not only waste my time, but also delay the development of the country.

Representative Tokugawa, let Representative Matsudaira be elected this time. In two terms, this position will be yours. "

Tokugawa Yingxi still wanted to fight, but Yagyu's words made his courage disappear completely.

"I've really put down my knife for too long, and I'm a little too polite. The country has been a little noisy recently, so I have to find time to clean it up."

Yagyu flicked the ashes of his cigarette and said, "Look, Senator Tokugawa, once the ashes are flicked away, the front becomes brighter."

Tokugawa Qingxi quickly lowered his head and said, "I understand."

Then the second round began, and Matsudaira Yongyasu was elected Speaker of the National Assembly because of his overwhelming number of votes.

Goto Shojiro shook his head secretly and thought: No matter how many people the Tokugawa faction has, they are no match for Yagyu, and we will never be able to cooperate with them in the future.

Iwakura Tomoshi, Ohara Shigetori and others looked at this situation and secretly scolded Tokugawa Keiki for being a coward. Unfortunately, their power was still too weak, so they could only silently condemn him.

Now that the three Speakers have taken their seats, Parliament can officially begin.

Yagyu announced: "Now, the first session of the Diet has officially begun. Let's first listen to the cabinet report."

Okubo Toshimichi picked up a document and stood up and said: "The government's fiscal revenue in the four years of Meiji increased by 18% compared to the previous three years, reaching an overall total of 300 million.

The national fiscal expenditure is 400 million, and the deficit is 100 million.

Although the national finance overspent by 100 million, due to the issuance of an additional 30 million military debt and the first payment of 120 million francs from the French government, it was converted into 108 million yen. The overall national finance The surplus is about 40 million.

Finance is mainly used in the following areas.

First, our country's roads are still being repaired. According to the highway plan formulated by the Prime Minister, all roads are being widened and paved with cement, at a cost of 40 million.

Second, compared with 1,500 kilometers in the past two years, my country's railway length has increased by 2,000 kilometers this year, covering major cities in my country, and cost 130 million.

Third, the laying of telegraph lines. In the past year, several major cities such as Osaka, Edo, and Nagasaki have laid out telegraph lines, with a fee of 30 million.

Fourth, our country has added more than 1,000 primary schools, more than 300 middle schools, and 10 colleges and universities, with an education expenditure of 85 million.

Fifth, it is military expenditure. Last year’s military expenditure dropped by 25% compared to the previous year, but it still reached 75 million.

The remaining expenditure is 40 million. "

"The above is the situation last year. As for this year, according to the previous development, our country's fiscal year is expected to reach about 350 million, and fiscal expenditures are still in the three major areas of transportation and telecommunications, education and military.

In terms of transportation, we need to increase the construction of railways and increase the construction of ports.

In terms of information transportation, we need to increase the laying of cables, especially the laying of submarine cables in Hokkaido, Tokaido and Nankaido, so that orders from Kyoto can be issued to these places in the shortest possible time.

In terms of education, the national finance will continue to provide support, which is expected to reach 100 million. As for the military, the navy will continue to build a fleet. As for the army, it can disarm and reduce its establishment, and the total military expenditure will remain unchanged. "

After Okubo Toshimichi finished his report, he sat down.

In the House of Commons, Tokifuku Kusama immediately said: "The government's financial report is still too simple. We should see specific fiscal expenditures. I propose that Congress should have a special team to verify the government's fiscal revenue and expenditures!"

Takeda Kanryusai immediately stood up and objected: "Objection! This matter is what our legal inspection department should do!"

Edo lawmaker Mamoichi Numama immediately followed up and retorted: "The power of the Justice Department is too concentrated and should be decentralized. Only one power can be retained."


"I agree."

"I object!"

Matsudaira Yongho immediately knocked on the table and said: "Quiet, now vote by show of hands, those who agree raise placards." More than 200 people, including Tokifuku Kusama, Moriichi Numama, and Shigenori Ohara, voted in agreement.

"If you object, please raise your sign."

Everyone looked at Yagyu's actions.

Yagyu picked up a sign opposing the proposal.

"There were 454 negative votes and 59 abstentions. Representative Kusama's proposal will not be passed."

Ohara Shigetori directly broke through the defense and said loudly: "Why vote for this? This Congress is clearly the one-spoken hall of Yanagi Sheeyan!"


Good guy!

You Ohara Shigetori are a true hero!

Everyone turned their attention and looked at Ohara Shigenori. Even the distracted Emperor Meiji was attracted.

Faced with Ohara Shigetori's accusation, Yagyu didn't have much reaction.

He stood up and looked at everyone and said: "You are not familiar with democracy. I have come up with this set of rules to make everyone familiar with it. It's okay to fight in small ways. I have to control the principle issues and cannot let them go. Some people are messing around.

Okay, Representative Ohara, please sit down quickly and don't disturb the order of Congress. This is your first time, so I won't kick you out. "

"The meeting continues."

After Matsudaira Yongho gave a hammer blow, everyone woke up and continued the discussion.

As for what he said to Yagyu Sheeyan, everyone knew it well, but they had seen no reaction from Yagyu Sheeyan before, so they kept pushing further and testing.

Now, there is no need to test. Yagyu Shengxiyan directly drew a red line, and everyone stopped.

Emperor Meiji shook his head slightly. He couldn't understand what these people were doing? It is only right to work together to govern the country and make the country strong, so that he can have a ball with the queen, listen to the opera, and enjoy the influence of art with peace of mind.

Discussions in Congress continued, and some national finance proposals were quickly passed.

"Next is the bill on military spending. According to the government's five-year plan, the next step is to develop the navy and catch up with European powers. Therefore, the navy's military spending will increase to 40 million, and the army's military spending will drop to 35 million."

Yano Fumio immediately raised his hands and said: "Objection!"

"Nowadays, the national military expenditure has seriously dragged down the national finance. I suggest that the army should be reduced by more than half, and the navy's five-year plan should also be revised to limit the number of battleships to five, the number of troops to 30,000, and the overall military expenditure to be controlled to 5,000. Ten thousand is enough.”

"What the hell are you talking about!"

As Minister of Defense, Katsu Kaishu was the first to stand up and angrily reprimand Yano Fumio.

"Asshole, have you forgotten that the European powers forced us to sign unequal treaties? Now we still have Britain's unequal treaties that have not been abolished.

At this time, the horses are released in Nanshan and the swords and guns are stored in the warehouse. How can you say such traitorous words! "

Xiao Su Zhongshun stood up and cursed: "How dare you, a sour scholar, talk about state affairs? Military expenditures should not be reduced, but should be increased!"

Yano Fumio's face turned red after being scolded. With trembling hands, he pointed at Katsu Kaishu and Xiaosu Tadashi and said: "You are vulgar! There is no war in the country now, and the main focus should be on the domestic people's livelihood."

Kataoka Kenkichi stood up immediately and said: "Congressman Yano is so short-sighted!

Our country's strength has surpassed that of Asia. At this moment, we should expand outward and occupy rich territories. I don't think we should disarm! "

Kido Takayun immediately followed and said: "Yes, now that the countries surrounding Japan are weak, it is the best time.

Go north to conquer Korea and seize North Korea, go south to rely on Ryukyu, and occupy Taiwan. The north and the south advance together to invade the Qing mainland!

As long as we annex the Qing Dynasty, we, Japan, can transform from a large isolated island in the sea into a continental empire no less than Lucia! "

Yagyu shook his head slightly. These people really insist on the theory of overseas heroes. They are still thinking about taking over the Qing Dynasty, North Korea and other places. But the question is, do the four countries of Britain, France, Russia and the United States agree?

"I object."

who? Who is against the country becoming stronger?

Oh...it's Yagyu Heiyan, so forget it.

When everyone saw Yagyu's objections, this matter was probably not passed.

Kido Takayun was a little tired, and he asked again: "Prime Minister, why? Why can't it be like this!"

Yagyu showed no mercy at all and said directly: "Because this road is impassable, we have just stabilized Hokkaido, there is still a large area of ​​land in Tokaido that has not been developed, and Nankaido has just been won.

With the current energy of the country, there is no money to support foreign wars. The most important thing now is to recuperate, enhance strength, and abolish unequal treaties. "

"As for military expenditures, I agree with the government's plan. The previous expansion of the army was to consider possible domestic defensive wars, as well as offensive and defensive wars in Nankai Road, Vietnam, Cambodia and other places.

Fortunately, the war is going smoothly, and there will be no large-scale war for a while. The country does not need to maintain a huge army.

My suggestion is that in addition to the armies of Nankaido, Hokkaido and Tokaido, the core territories such as Honshu and Shikoku should only retain the standing establishment of the Imperial Guard.

In addition, several conscript infantry divisions are being formed. The cost of these infantry divisions is less than that of standing infantry divisions. This will reduce the Army's expenses. "

As soon as Yagyu spoke, the resolution on military spending was quickly passed.

At this time, the total strength of the standing army was reduced to about 140,000, and the strength of the compulsory army was about 60,000, for a total of 200,000.

Although the army has been reduced, the navy has increased. Next, we need to build new ships, train naval soldiers, etc.

At that time, military spending will still increase.

But this is unavoidable. Japan has no choice if it wants to overturn the mountain on its shoulders.

Fortunately, with Yagyu's guidance, Japan's military equipment can be a generation or even several generations ahead of the European powers.

"It's getting late. That's it for today's Congress. Let's discuss it tomorrow."

After discussing military expenditures, Yagyu announced the adjournment of the meeting, and then he left with Meiji.

The others followed their factions and got up and left the hall.

Although Yagyu expressed his strong stance again today, driven by interests, several factions will not give in so easily.

Kono Hironaka went to Goto Shojiro and said: "Tomorrow I plan to propose a bill to reduce or reduce commercial taxes. This matter will be beneficial to everyone."

"It doesn't count if I agree. It only counts if Yagyu Heeyan says it."

(End of this chapter)

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