I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 235 Maria Louis Incident

Chapter 235 Maria Louis Incident

The emergence of trams gave people a new understanding of technology. Japanese trams aroused praise from European and American scientists.

In particular, Siemens, who invented the DC generator, praised: "I always thought that generators can only provide power for telegraphs. I never thought that it could be used in such a way. This is really amazing. The emergence of trams and electric lights has shown us The diversity of generators.”

American inventor Edison praised: "This is an invention that breaks through human imagination. I believe that the emergence of electric lights and trams will bring us into a new world."

Immediately afterwards, scientists from Britain and France also expressed their opinions.

In their view, a new era has emerged.

The praise from foreign newspapers made the Japanese people more proud, and Yagyu's prestige also increased to a higher level. As long as there is a sign of god-making, Yagyu will become the god of Japan.

However, at this time, Yagyu had already set off for Hokkaido. The telegram sent from Hokkaido said that the research on motorcycles had been successful, and the third-generation motorcycle test product was close to Yagyu's expected goal.

Motorcycles are a very convenient, practical and fast means of transportation, and as long as the engine performance keeps up, the racing project can be derived.

Naturally, Yagyu couldn't wait to get on the warship and head to Hokkaido.

On June 1, the warship arrived at Yokohama Port for rest, and Yagyu rested directly on the ship.

In Yokohama Port, there was a ship from Peru, the Maria Louis. This ship sailed from Macau in the Qing Dynasty and returned to Peru. It encountered a storm on the way and had to turn back to Japan and rest in Yokohama Port.

The goods escorted on the ship were all Qing laborers. (real historical events)

This situation has to start with the history of Peru.

After being colonized by the Spanish for nearly three hundred years, Peru declared independence in 1821. Peru, a vast country with a sparse population, was in urgent need of a large number of laborers.

Starting in 1870, Peru, with the support of the British, built a railway from the capital Lima to Huancayo.

This railway crosses the Andes Mountains five thousand meters above sea level. The construction conditions are extremely difficult. No Peruvian workers are willing to work. The Peruvian government used deception to recruit laborers from the coastal areas of the Qing Dynasty to build the railway in Peru.

This was the case for the Qing laborers on the Maria Louis. The fate of these people when they arrived in Peru was very miserable. Like their compatriots who were sold to the United States, they died on the railroad tracks.

The people on the Maria Louis also knew that the captain and the agent had deceived them.

"This is not a ship going to Nanyang at all. We are not going to the British territory!"

"Damn it, that bastard lied to us!"

"What should we do? Where are we being sent?"

The two to three hundred people on the boat were in a mess, talking about each other, and they were even more upset in the stuffy cabin.

"stop fighting!"

Someone stood up and shouted.

"Everyone, please be quiet. There's nothing we can do if we continue to make noise like this."

Someone stood up and said, "I know where we are. This is the hometown of the Japanese pirates."

"How are you sure this is the Japanese pirate's hometown?"

"I met Japanese pirates with a boss and listened to what they said."

"Then this place is not far from our Qing Dynasty. We can still be saved!"

Mu Qing stood up and said: "This is the last chance, we have to escape."

"How to escape? There are ghost guys on the boat watching, and they also have guns."

"Yeah, we'll be dead if we're discovered."

"Japanese pirates are not a good thing either."

Mu Qing said anxiously: "Then do you want to wait here to die? We don't know where we will be sent. Even if we die, we have to die close to home."

"You're right. If we die outside, we will be lonely ghosts."

"Fuck it, fight it, fight it with those bastards!"

Most people raised their heads, their eyes a little numb and their expressions unchanged, but Mu Qing and his party saw the hope in their eyes.

Mu Qing gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go, life and death are determined by fate and wealth!"

Mu Qing and more than 20 people took advantage of the fact that in the middle of the night, the Peruvian sailors outside were less alert and ran directly to the stern of the ship and jumped off.

No one hesitated among the twenty or so people, and they all jumped into the sea.

"Beep beep beep..."

"Damn it, Piggy got away!"

"Don't shoot, this is Japanese territory!"

"Hurry up and release the boat to catch them!"

While swimming, Mu Qing looked back and saw that the foreigners were launching the boat. His heart tightened and he didn't know if he would catch it. He could only swim farther away.

He himself didn't know how long he had been swimming. He could hardly lift his arms and his feet seemed to have lost strength.

In her confusion, she saw a towering black shadow in the distance.

"Ship, it's a ship..."

Mu Qing muttered, and then used all his strength to get closer to the black shadow.

But in the end, he failed to get close to the black shadow and passed out, his body floating on the sea.

On the Fuso, soldiers were patrolling. A soldier looked towards the sea and found a black spot approaching the warship. He immediately warned: "Look, there is something there!"

The captain immediately stepped forward, turned on the light, took a closer look, and shouted: "It's a man, go and fish it out."

Soon, a poorly dressed man was fished out.

"He is from the Qing Dynasty."

The captain could tell at a glance that such a tall and powerful person was definitely not from his country.

Soon, the matter was reported to the captain. The captain asked someone to take care of the Qing nationality and said, "Wait until he wakes up and ask what happened."

"Wake up, wake up!"

When Mu Qing's mind was confused, he heard a voice coming from his ears, but he couldn't open his tired eyes.

"Wake up, Qing people!"

Qing Dynasty, Qing Dynasty...Hometown...

Mu Qing thought of his family back home, and he found the strength to open his eyes.

What he saw was a doctor in a white coat.

The military doctor turned around and said, "He's awake. Get the saline solution and sugar water quickly."

Mu Qing drank a lot of water and felt better.

An officer came forward and asked in standard and fluent Qing Dynasty Mandarin: "Where are you from and why are you here?"

When Mu Qing heard the official words, tears filled his eyes. He hurriedly said: "Sir, please save us, we still have a ship of people!" The captain looked at the officer and asked, "What is he talking about?"

The officer was a little confused: "Captain, what he spoke was not Mandarin, it should be the dialect of the Qing Dynasty."

"Then let him speak in official Chinese."

The officer looked at Mu Qing and said, "Can you speak in Mandarin?"

When Mu Qing saw that the officer couldn't understand Cantonese, he had to forcefully speak a few words, but the officer was still confused.

The captain shook his head and said: "Let him have a good rest. When the Prime Minister wakes up, I will go and ask for instructions."

Mu Qing was very anxious, but the other party couldn't understand what he said, so he could only worry.

On the other side, some Qing people who failed to escape were caught back on the ship. The captain immediately broke their legs in front of everyone and threatened: "If anyone escapes again, I will kill you!"

The first mate asked: "Captain, there are still some people who have escaped, why don't we leave here in the morning?"

The captain shook his head and said: "Our supplies have not been completed yet. Even if someone asks Japan for help, we are not afraid. Don't worry."

The next day, it was bright and clear, and Yagyu Shengxiyan had woken up from his sleep.

The captain stood outside the cabin door and greeted: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, we had a Qing man last night. He seems to be in a hurry, but we don't understand the language, so we don't know what the situation is."

Liu Shengxiyan was stunned for a moment, then washed up and said, "Let's go and have a look with me."

Soon, Liu Sheng met Mu Qing. Mu Qing, who was patched and thinly dressed, was the first time he saw the poor Qing people.

Mu Qing is thin and tall, with clearly visible cheekbones and slightly buck teeth, looking like an ordinary Cantonese.

When Mu Qing saw Yagyu Sheng appearing, he knew it was a senior official on the ship. He knelt down directly on the ground, crawled in front of Yagyu Sheng, and cried, "Sir, please save us! Please, Lord!"

Liu Sheng looked at Mu Qing, who was groveling and without dignity. At this glance, he also saw the humiliated people of the Qing Dynasty.

The Manchu Qing Dynasty was so miserable that the people were like pigs!

Liu Sheng gritted his teeth and calmed down his mood. Although Mu Qing spoke Cantonese Mandarin, Liu Sheng understood it better. He knew that this person was asking for help.

He turned around and said: "Go and call the officials who know the local dialect of Guangfu in Qing Dynasty."

Soon, an interpreter hurried over. With this interpreter, Yagyu knew the general outline of the matter.

"Seal the port immediately and seize the Peruvian Maria Louis!"

Yagyu personally gave the order, and the captain immediately took people off the ship and headed to the nearby Yokohama Port.

The heavily armed navy appeared in Yokohama Port, which shocked the port director. He immediately sent someone to notify the county magistrate Oe Taku.

The captain looked at the person in charge running over and said: "The Prime Minister has ordered to block the port immediately and seize the Peruvian Maria Louis!"

The person in charge was a little surprised, but when he heard the order from Prime Minister Yagyu Nozomi, he immediately asked the customs team to block the port. The ships on duty left the port one after another. At the same time, two steamships were dispatched and headed straight for the Maria Louis.

When the customs duty ship arrived in front of the Maria Louis, a customs officer shouted: "Everyone on the ship will go on deck immediately and wait for inspection!"

The captain of the Maria was woken up. He hurriedly walked onto the deck and said to the Japanese customs officers who came over: "You have no right to inspect our ship!"

The naval officer who followed the ship stepped forward and shouted: "Asshole, this is a Japanese port. Anyone who dares to resist will be captured on the spot!"

Facing the tough Japanese officers and the surrounding ships, the captain did not dare to resist and could only retreat to the side.

The customs officers immediately stepped forward to open the cabin, and a stench hit their faces, which made the person burst into tears and vomit.

"What's up!"

the officer asked hastily.

The customs officer calmed down for a moment and replied: "These ghost guys are really bastards."

Another person shouted inside: "You all, come out."

The Qing people in the cabin came out one by one. The stench from their bodies floated in the sea breeze, and the officers frowned and held their breath.

Someone took the lead and knelt down and said: "My lords, I beg you. There are people below who have their legs broken and are about to die. Please lords, please save them."

The translator on the side whispered a few words in the officer's ear, and the officer waved: "Bring up the people below."

Several soldiers wrapped themselves in white cloth, covering their mouths and noses, and brought in more than a dozen Qing people whose legs had been broken. Most of them had red and swollen wounds and were in a feverish state.

The translator had no choice but to say to these Qing people: "They are like this. They can only rely on themselves."

The officer shouted: "Keep it as you are, take them all away."

There was a big fuss at Yokohama Port. Some foreigners saw a foreign ship being detained and immediately began to contact their country's ambassador.

However, no one paid attention to their movements.

Everyone was escorted to Yagyu. He could smell the stench from a hundred meters away. Ichimura Tetsunosuke immediately scolded: "You bastards, take them all to wash!"

Yagyu raised his hand and said: "No need, just like this, let everyone see how outrageous this thing is!"

When the captain saw that the leader Yagyu was the leader among Japanese officials, he immediately shouted arrogantly: "Mr. official, I advise you to let me go now. Peru can pretend that this matter has never happened, otherwise Our ironclads will definitely come to Japan to seek justice!"

"You bastard, how dare you threaten us!"

"Open your dog eyes and look, that's our warship!"

"Peru should kneel under the Hinomaru flag and apologize!"

The captain of the Maria glanced at the Fuso and was secretly frightened, but since they had the support of Great Britain in Peru, he still did not give up.

Liu Shengxi snorted coldly and said: "Listen, I don't care who you are. Now there is a Qing man named Mu Qing who accuses you of illegal detention and mistreating the people. According to the laws of our country, you have violated the law. What's next? , you will be judged by the law!"

When the captain of the Maria heard this, he was shocked and said: "I am not Japanese, and Japanese laws cannot control me!"

Liu Sheng was too lazy to listen to these words and waved his hand: "Take him down and I will personally supervise this matter."

On the side, Ojiang Zhuo personally led people to take all the people on the Maria down and imprison them.

Everyone present knew that this was an international diplomatic dispute and that a bigger disturbance was brewing. The person who stirred up the disturbance was their Prime Minister Yagyu Heiyan.

Yagyu Heiyan, who was at the center of the turmoil, looked at the more than two hundred Qing people and said: "Next, extract evidence and let these people accuse everyone of the Maria's crimes."

After listening to the translator's words, more than two hundred people of the Qing Dynasty immediately cried with joy, knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "Master Qingtian, thank you Master Qingtian!"

"We are saved, woo woo woo..."

"Great, these ghost guys deserve to die!"

The numb expressions of these people become more vivid, which is the desire for life.

However, those brave pioneers were not so lucky. Only one of the ones whose legs were broken survived and jumped into the sea. The only one who was not caught was Mu Qing. The remains of the remaining few were found near the port. It was fished out of the sea.

Although they did not return to their hometown alive, at least their ashes would be taken back by their companions, buried in their hometown, and their souls returned to their hometown.

Such an ending is much luckier than those lonely ghosts who died in a foreign country.

(End of this chapter)

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