I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 243 Motorcycles at the Conference

Chapter 243 Motorcycles at the Conference

Yagyu Shengxiyan knew that it was difficult to make friends with people like Doron in formal settings, so he moved to a different place and invited several socialites to accompany him. Doron immediately started chatting with Yagyu Shengxiyan.

Duolong hugged a socialite and laughed heartily and said: "Mr. Prime Minister, you are really awesome. I didn't expect that this domineering Yingjili would stumble in front of you. I, Duolong, am even happier than you are."

Yagyu Shengxi took a sip of wine and said: "The British relied on the strength of their ships and cannons to do barbaric things. We in Japan also suffered greatly from it, and we share the same fate as the Qing Dynasty.

Our country is what it is today because it has learned the technology of these Europeans. With cannons and giant ships, these Europeans have nothing to fear. "

Speaking of this matter, Duolong became more talkative. He immediately said: "Mr. Prime Minister, you don't know. The national conditions of our Qing Dynasty are complicated. You may not know that ever since the bald man killed the long-haired thieves, those south The high-ranking Han officials have different ideas and cannot be trusted.

If my ancestors of the Eight Banners had not accumulated great prestige, those Han people would definitely turn against Tiangang.

Now what about Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang who are engaged in Western affairs, and they don't let us Manchus interfere at all? It's really unreasonable. "

After listening to Duolong's complaints about Han Chen, Liu Shengxiyan realized that there were many internal contradictions in the Qing Dynasty.

The Taiping Rebellion almost destroyed the Manchu Qing Dynasty's foundation in the south, and the Han officials headed by Zeng Guofan gained a high position due to their military exploits in quelling the Taiping Rebellion.

After all, he knows the future development of China. In this way, Japan and China will not have a blood feud, and a relationship will remain. When Japan declines, life will be much easier with China's help.

After the announcement of the New Testament, Emperor Meiji and Queen Mary boarded the royal train and arrived in Osaka under the protection of the imperial guard camp.

Liu Shengxi strictly suppressed his thoughts and continued to communicate with Duolong to collect some intelligence from the Qing court.

The Maria Louis incident was resolved, and more than two hundred Qing people were sent back to Guangdong by ship.

However, at this time's medal ceremony, Yagyu will display a new item.

Now we can only wait for Mr. Sun Yat-sen at the end of the century.

On this day, the sky was crisp, the wind was gentle, and the flags were fluttering in the Kizinchuan Military Port.

As the hands on the pocket watches all pointed to eight o'clock, the military band played music on time, Yagyu Heiyan walked onto the high platform in a slim-fitting military coat, and everyone immediately stood at attention waiting for the Prime Minister's speech.

Unfortunately, it can be seen from Duolong's words that the Qing court cannot support Adou.

If you bring a North Korean brother with you to form the East Asian Iron Triangle, whether it is southeast, northwest or southeast, the Iron Triangle will be enough to deal with all surrounding enemies.

Although it was early in the morning, the military port square was already crowded with people. Tens of thousands of soldiers stood in the square in silence, all looking towards the high platform.

Emperor Meiji and Queen Mary took a special carriage to Kizugawa Military Port to stay temporarily.

Therefore, the conservative Manchus strongly opposed the Westernization Movement.

"Long live!"

Therefore, they abandoned their prejudices and put forward the application of Western knowledge, carried out Westernization, and saved the country and the people.

At the same time, Duolong, on behalf of the Qing court, sent porcelain, silk, jewelry and other gifts worth one hundred thousand taels of silver to the Japanese cabinet as a thank-you gift.

The Qing court's actions chilled many people.

Yagyu looked around at the soldiers in the square with a serious face. He raised his hands and clenched his fists, waved them vigorously, and shouted: "Soldiers, we have completely won. We have defended the honor of the soldiers, the dignity of the country, and the people with our lives." Happiness! From this moment on, Japan stands up! Long live!"

The high platform was already filled with senior military officers, who were waiting for the emperor and the prime minister.

"Long live!"

Yagyu Heiyan actually planned to support the Qing Dynasty as an ally. After all, China was a vast country with vast resources and great potential. Having such allies was much more reliable than Germany and Tsarist Russia.

The uniform roars of tens of thousands of people were like waves, overwhelming, and even the crowd outside could hear them clearly.

Today's alliance with Germany is just a middle strategy, which is much better than the worst strategy in history.

Although they did not want to serve the Qing court, the European powers were running rampant in China, so Zeng Guofan and others naturally wanted to save the nation.

As for countries such as Britain, the United States, France, Germany, and Russia, forming an alliance with them is too risky, and may even be betrayed by these countries, so it is not a good idea.

Emperor Meiji then came to the stage to deliver a speech and award medals to meritorious soldiers.

"Long Live His Majesty the Emperor!"

Part of cultivating China as an ally comes from his heart. At the same time, from the perspective of national interests, it is a very profitable investment.

Originally, after the announcement of the New Testament, Emperor Meiji accepted a military parade at the Imperial Palace and was awarded honors at the same time. However, Queen Mary suggested that Emperor Meiji go to Osaka and award honors to the army and navy that went into battle at the same time.

Although Yagyu Hien does not have a mythical emperor, the current emperor still has a lot of weight in the hearts of the people, especially since the emperor is the head of the country. With the treatment guaranteed by the head of state, the soldiers who come from poor backgrounds are very grateful. .

Emperor Meiji was basically obedient to Queen Mary. He immediately sent a telegram to Yagyu Kigeon, hoping to hold a medal ceremony at the Kizugawa Military Port.

In fact, Zeng Guofan and others had no intention of rebelling against the Qing Dynasty because of Confucianism. However, the Qing Dynasty was weak and the Qing Dynasty, which had only orphans and widowed mothers, was afraid.

I would have my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch.

This matter is insignificant compared to the Anglo-Japanese Kyoto New Testament.

I declare that the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country will be awarded honorary warriors, and their families and descendants will receive favors from the country. I will never let the loyal and brave men feel cold! "

Naturally, Yagyu Heeyan would not refuse, so there would be no need to waste money on holding another medal ceremony.

Emperor Meiji said: "This was a great Patriotic War. They fought bravely and bloodyly on the battlefield for the people they had never met, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice their lives. In this war, everyone sacrificed for the country. The soldiers deserve to be remembered.

However, the high-level officials did not want to fall out with the Han ministers and agreed to the Westernization Movement, but to a limited extent. The Westernization Movement was mainly reflected in industry.

"Long live!"

It can be seen from the words of political masters such as Cixi that the Manchus were on guard against the Han people.

The Manchus also knew that this was right, but the old Cixi said that she would rather treat outsiders than domestic slaves.

The reporter Gentaro Fukuchi took pictures of this grand occasion and wrote a popular article about it, which attracted the people's admiration.

After Emperor Meiji finished his speech, the military parade officially began. The first regiment of the elite First Division of the Imperial Guard was the first infantry regiment. This infantry regiment was formed based on the action team of Yagyu Heiyan when he was the illegal inspection envoy. , is his hardcore team.

After the first infantry company of the first regiment passed by, there was a roar and a strange team appeared.

Emperor Meiji asked curiously: "Xiangfu, what is that?"

Yagyu Heeyan replied: "Your Majesty, this is our country's new means of transportation, motorcycles. In addition to two wheels, there are three wheels. Our army will form a motorized force to enhance mobility."

Shannan Keisuke, who was accompanying him, nodded and said: "Motorcycle? It's very good. This speed is much faster than a war horse. If you turn at this speed, no matter whether you advance or retreat, the enemy will not be our opponent." Although Emperor Meiji was concerned about these I understand it, but I don’t know it well enough, but since it was created by the Xiangfu, it must be something good.

The appearance of the motorcycle immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

"It looks like a bicycle, but it doesn't use a steam engine. How does it move?"

"This is another new form of transportation. How did Japan develop it?"

"Japan is changing too fast, and we must pay attention to it."

Compared with the envy and hatred of other countries, the German ambassador is relatively content.

Japan has shared this motorcycle technology with Germany, and now Germany is also building motorcycle factories to produce motorcycles.

In the view of the German ambassador, all this should be the honor of Germany. However, as prime minister, Bismarck did not want to be so high-profile, so this honor went to Japan.

No matter what the German ambassador thought, Yagyu Heiyan's idea was completely different.

The motorcycle technology he shared is not the most important. Besides, this technology cannot be kept secret. Otto is a German scientist. Unless he suddenly dies suddenly, motorcycles will definitely appear in Germany.

Yagyu Heeyan didn't want to make a big deal out of a small matter because of the motorcycle.

You must know that gasoline, diesel and other internal combustion engines have not yet been successfully developed, and kerosene internal combustion engines are still used.

What Yagyu Hiyan wants most is a gasoline and kerosene internal combustion engine. With this internal combustion engine, armored vehicles and tanks can be developed.

Of course, Yagyu Heiyan did not tell anyone these things. He just arranged some assistants to help Otto. They were already familiar with most of the technologies of internal combustion engines and had mastered the core technologies. When new internal combustion engines appeared, In two years at most, those Japanese engineers will have the ability to build internal combustion engines independently.


After the military parade, there was the awarding ceremony, and the atmosphere became more lively. The awarding ceremony lasted for a whole morning, and Emperor Meiji looked tired by the end.

Fortunately, the investiture ceremony was coming to an end at this time. With the help of Queen Mary, Emperor Meiji completed all the investiture ceremonies.

After the conference, Emperor Meiji went to rest first, and then held a large-scale dance at two o'clock in the afternoon to receive guests from all parties.

At the ball, ambassadors from various countries and domestic wealthy businessmen gathered around Yagyu Heiyan. They wanted to open a factory to produce motorcycles.

This was a big deal, and Yagyu Heiyan did not let go directly. At least Japan and Germany would not consider other people until they drank the first mouthful of soup.

However, he handed over part of the craftsmanship to wealthy businessmen in the country, which was regarded as a reward for some bones and dregs.

Yataro Iwasaki contracted a tire manufacturing process.

He immediately offered a glass of wine to Liu Shengxi and was immediately squeezed away by others.

Iwasaki Yataro looked at the group of nobles gathered around Yagyu Heiyan. He did not dare to go up directly. He could only look at their backs and complained: "These rich and powerful big shots are just old dogs in front of Prime Minister Yagyu." ,Pooh."

Grover looked at Yataro Iwasaki who looked a little embarrassed, walked over and said, "Boss, you still have to be careful in such an occasion."

"Huh? Grover, I am your boss."

Iwasaki Yataro was still dissatisfied.

"It's really unpleasant. If the motorcycle factory is completely left to me, Mitsubishi will definitely become the richest company."

Glover shook his head and said, "Boss, I think the oil business is more profitable."

Iwasaki Yataro said indifferently: "How much money can you make, Grover?"

Glover took out a document and said: "We just negotiated with the government. The 70,000 barrels of crude oil we hoarded in these two times were sold for 300,000 yen.

Excluding our crude oil, transportation, and storage costs, we made a net profit of 150,000. "

"so much?"

Iwasaki Yataro did not expect that the crude oil business would actually double the net profit.

Glover explained: "Our costs are relatively low, which makes our profits high. Our transactions with the Qing Dynasty have always been done in silver. Boss, you also know that silver in our country is cheap, which invisibly reduces the price." our cost.

Therefore, when trading with the Qing acting ambassador and Qing merchants, I always used Qing ships and workers, and their costs were cheaper than domestic ones.

The current market price of crude oil is around 4 yen, and it is still rising. If we increase investment, our profits can still rise, which is definitely better than this business. "

Iwasaki Yataro glanced at Yagyu Heiyan, who was surrounded by the crowd and chatting and laughing, and said: "We cannot give up this business, we must follow the footsteps of Prime Minister Yagyu.

Grover, watch, I will become the biggest businessman in Japan! "

Grover looked at Yagyu Heiyan, nodded and said: "Okay, boss, you have a good taste."

When Yataro Iwasaki and Grover were thinking about the future, a man had already walked behind them.


Ryoma Sakamoto walked forward with a happy face, hugged Yataro Iwasaki from behind and shouted.

Yataro Iwasaki didn't need to look back, he just needed to listen to the voice to know who it was.

"Ryoma, you bastard, do you want to see what the occasion is!"

Sakamoto Ryoma let go of his hand and said with a smile: "Yataro, long time no see. You look different now. Why don't you continue working at the Ministry of Transportation?"

Yataro Iwasaki said disdainfully: "How long will it take for me to surpass you in the Ministry of Transportation? I want to be a big businessman, and by then you Ryoma will definitely not be as rich as me!"

Ryoma Sakamoto didn't care about Yataro Iwasaki's attitude. He knew that this guy was a good person.

"Hahaha, I believe you can do it."

"Mr. Glover, long time no see."

Grover also didn't expect that things were different now. At that time, Ryoma Sakamoto was just a passionate young man who was asking for help. After not seeing him for a few years, he was already a minister of state.

"Mr. Ryoma, I knew you were extraordinary."

At this moment, Yataro Iwasaki said in a pitiful tone: "Oh, Grover, Ryoma, don't forget that you were the ones who made the weapons of the Satsuma and Choshu clans back then. If I tell the Metropolitan Police, You two can't afford to walk around."

(End of this chapter)

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