I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 250 The economic crisis is coming!

Chapter 250 The economic crisis is coming!

The Vienna World Expo would last for a few months, but just over a month later, cholera broke out in Vienna. For the sake of safety, Yagyu Kiyan immediately decided to return to Japan.

The current cholera outbreak in Vienna was caused by an outbreak last year, and this time it was only a small-scale outbreak.

However, the current medical environment is relatively poor, so for the safety of Emperor Meiji and himself, Yagyu Heiyan chose to play it safe.

This cholera outbreak had a considerable impact on the Vienna World Expo. In addition, local hotel owners in Vienna increased prices aggressively because of the large number of tourists. This resulted in dissatisfaction among tourists and a significant reduction in foot traffic.

Cholera and commodity prices combined gave a fatal blow to the Vienna World Expo.

Originally, the Austro-Hungarian Empire hoped to generate revenue through this World Expo and stimulate the national economy. Unfortunately, due to cholera and chaotic prices, it did not achieve the goal, and instead made the national economy worse.

What even Yagyu Heiyan didn't know was that a worldwide economic crisis was just around the corner.

The previous year, 1872, the New York Stock Exchange ceased trading at the end of September, hampering bank business.

Two months later, London suffered the same depression, and six months later, in May 1873, the Vienna Exchange suffered a severe setback and many banks closed.

British banks were the first to realize the financial crisis and were the first to stop cash support to the United States, which triggered a series of financial crises.

The second time was from 1876 to 1878. Overproduction in the textile industry, Britain's pillar industry, played a larger role in this shock.

After this financial crisis, new colonial expansion began.

The Japanese representative handed the cooperation between various factories to Yagyu Hee for strict inspection. After considering the political impact, he selected companies and factories in Germany, Austria-Hungary, Tsarist Russia, and Italy for cooperation.

Moreover, Yagyu Heiyan has already achieved the purpose of his trip.

With cheap raw materials from Nankaido and Daqing, the economic crisis may also become an opportunity for Japan.

Yataro Iwasaki is the owner of the company, and he cooperates with the government and Shojiro Goto behind the scenes.

As soon as Yagyu returned to Kyoto, the crisis at the Vienna Exchange spread to other exchanges in Europe.

Historically, Japan has been affected by the economic crisis. Britain has deepened its economic plunder of Japan. In order to alleviate domestic conflicts, the bourgeois government has expanded externally.

"Sorry, President!"

The cabinet government has not felt the change yet, but the foreign trade companies in Nagasaki, Edo and Osaka were immediately affected.

The economies of European countries were affected and they stopped capital exports to the United States. At the same time, a series of banks in New York that supplied railway funds also stopped allocating funds to railway companies and industries.

The first time was from 1873 to 1874. In this shock, overproduction in the United States and Germany played a decisive role.

In September, Emperor Meiji, Queen Mary and Yagyu Higen returned to Kyoto after leaving Japan for half a year.

Iwakura Tomomi believed that this group of internal officials would have no influence without the Meiji Emperor. The shogunate faction in the House of Nobles had a low profile due to the demise of Tokugawa Keiki. After the opposition parties in the Lower House found that Yagyu Heiyan was unshakable, they fell into trouble. The battle between the nobles and the common people.

In the cabinet government, ministers with samurai backgrounds were even more irritable than Yataro Iwasaki. Some people were still discussing, but the next second they started fighting. If it hadn't been for the lack of knives, blood would have been splattered at the scene.

In addition, the most popular ones are Otto's gas internal combustion engines, Siemens' DC generators, Japanese bamboo silk lamps, motorcycles, etc., which are sought after by tourists from all over the world.

As for some small countries, he didn't care. As for Britain, France, the United States and other countries, they had already made up their minds to imitate them.

Yataro Iwasaki was looking at last month's financial statements at the parent company, and the financial manager didn't dare to breathe in front of him.

The financial manager trembled and quickly explained: "President, we have sent someone to ask, and Johnson said that their parent company has not responded yet, so..."



The financial manager knelt on the ground and did not dare to raise his head.

Nankaido's economy is undergoing transformation, and previous investments are expected to generate a surplus by the end of the year.

Coupled with the fact that Okubo Toshimichi, who was supported by the Yagyu faction and the Aizu faction, had a tough attitude towards dealing with the forces of various factions, Yagyu Hien's departure did not have much impact.

Also in September, with the bankruptcy of Jay Cooke Financial Company, which owned a large number of bonds of the Northern Pacific Railway, the world economic crisis with the United States as its main source finally broke out.

But the current cabinet government does not need to expand outward like the feudal government.

As for patents? Patents are nothing, they are just a piece of waste paper in the face of power.

This is mainly because of his irritable and domineering character, but this is not surprising. After all, Yataro Iwasaki was born as a samurai, and his personality is like that.

The outbreak of this crisis has caused various prices to drop, production capacity to shrink, bank companies to go bankrupt, employees to be laid off, and so on.

In the office, one could hear the sound of needles dropping and the sound of Yataro Iwasaki flipping the statements, but he gradually frowned and then asked loudly: "Asshole, why are you still not getting back the payment for July?"

In addition, this crisis was intertwined with the long-term agricultural economic crisis that began in the early 70s, making the crisis even more serious.

Although Yagyu Heiyan has been away for half a year, the general environment in Kyoto has not changed much.

The capitalists immediately realized the market behind these items and started looking for Japanese representatives for cooperation.

"You just believe what he says! You stupid pig, are you being lazy!"

At the World Expo, the products displayed by Japan received a lot of attention. In terms of art, Ukiyo-e had the greatest influence. Some famous painters also praised Ukiyo-e.

Yataro Iwasaki cursed directly.

Mitsubishi Corporation is a parent company established in Osaka and has a subsidiary in Nagasaki. It mainly trades with the Qing Dynasty, Southeast Asian countries and European countries.

In addition to the United States, Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the United Kingdom, this crisis has affected countries such as France, Russia, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Argentina, and India. Japan will also be affected, with a wide range of effects, exceeding past world economic crises.

This economic crisis lasted for seven years from 1873 to 1879. During this period, some countries experienced two shocks of the crisis.

The reason for this series is that the United States vigorously developed its domestic economy after the Civil War, but most of the funds came from European financing.

Iwasaki Yataro took another drag on his cigarette, then threw the report on the financial manager's back and cursed: "You trash, get out of here and get this matter settled. If you can't get the money back, I'll just ask you!"

"I understand, President!"

The financial manager humbly picked up the report, lay on the ground and backed away.

Iwasaki Yataro's roar could be heard from a long distance away. Grover came in with a letter and greeted: "Good morning, boss, this is your brother's letter." "Yanosuke? What, he is here Is the United States out of money?”

Iwasaki Yataro doubtfully took the letter from Grover and opened it. The content above was about Yanosuke's own experiences in the United States.

He reminded his brother Yataro: "I heard from my teacher that this is an economic crisis. This crisis is very serious. There are a large number of bankruptcies of companies, layoffs, price collapse, etc. I think such a crisis will soon spread to Japan. I hope my brother Be prepared early.”

"financial crisis?"

This was the first time Yataro Iwasaki heard this term. He looked up at Frog and asked: "What is an economic crisis?"

Frog was a little surprised and asked quickly: "There is an economic crisis in the United States?"

Seeing Frog's expression, Iwasaki Yataro became more curious and nodded: "Yes, there has been a wave of company bankruptcies."

Frog took a deep breath and said: "Boss, as far as I know, once an economic crisis occurs, it will expand to other countries."

"why is that?"

Iwasaki Yataro humbly asked for advice.

Frog explained: "Boss, let me explain it like this. Just like just now, our company still has a payment that has not been received from the cooperative company. For example, our company's cash flow needs this payment, but this payment has not been received. When we came back, our capital flow was cut off, and we couldn't repay the loans from the national bank, which led to bankruptcy.

And our bankruptcy will have a great impact on those companies that have not recovered their payment from us. Some of these companies that have not recovered their payment and become bankrupt will also affect other companies.

In particular, most of the companies we cooperate with are foreign companies, including Qing Dynasty, Britain, France, etc. These impacts will spread to these countries, and then spread to the entire world. "

"I understand, that bastard who owes me a huge sum of money and refuses to pay must be bankrupt!"

Yataro Iwasaki suddenly understood.

"Uh...Boss, that's not what I just said."

Frog was a little embarrassed.

But Yataro Iwasaki disagreed and said directly: "The government will not sit idly by in such a big matter. We just need to take care of our own affairs. Bastard, I must get my debt back!"

Iwasaki Yataro said so, but in the evening he met Shibusawa Eisaku, an official of the Finance Department. He was Shibusawa Eiichi's cousin and studied with Shibusawa Eiichi in economics.

Shibusawa Eisaku saw Yataro Iwasaki and said, "To make a long story short."

Yataro Iwasaki said directly: "This is something that has happened in the United States and has already affected some foreign trade companies."

Shibusawa Eisaku took a look, nodded slightly and said, "Has Mitsubishi been affected too?"

"Yes, one of the foreign trade companies we cooperate with has cut off its funds."

Yataro Iwasaki said calmly.

"Okay, the information you provided is valuable, I will tell Mr. Shibusawa."

Shibusawa Eisaku immediately stood up and left.

He immediately told Eiichi Shibusawa about the matter, and Eiichi Shibusawa was surprised: "It's so fast. The Prime Minister just came back and told me. It's only been a few days. No, I have to tell the Prime Minister immediately. "

Shibusawa Eiichi rushed to Yagyu Mansion immediately.

Yagyu Shengxi was holding his daughter for fun. After hearing Tetsunosuke Ichimura's report, he could only put his daughter down and get up to deal with business matters.

In the study, Yagyu Heiyan looked solemn as he listened to Shibusawa Eiichi's report.

When Shibusawa Eiichi finished speaking, Yagyu Heeyan nodded and said: "You reminded me very timely. Once the economic crisis breaks out, it will spread widely and have far-reaching impact.

This is a severe challenge for us. After all, it is our first time to deal with it, but we don’t have to worry too much. According to what you said, these powerful countries will have overproduction, falling prices, and company bankruptcies. This sounds scary. , but for us, it is an opportunity. "

Shibusawa Eiichi answered: "What do you mean, Prime Minister?"

Yagyu Heeyan nodded and said: "Yes, when the time comes we will send people to European and American countries to recruit skilled workers, so that we can quickly make up for our country's industrial base."

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and his voice became a little excited.

"Okay, this is good news! Our country's capital has just developed. Even if it is affected, there is still room for change. Nankaido is our trump card to deal with this economic crisis.

Eiichi, your Ministry of Finance must all mobilize and make plans to deal with the economic crisis this time.

As for recruiting those workers, I sent someone to talk to Yataro Iwasaki and asked him to do a good job in this matter. "

"I understand, Prime Minister, don't worry."

Shibusawa Eiichi was also very happy.

Yagyu Hee's serious intention was still unfinished and he said: "Eiichi, we in Japan must seize this opportunity. We will go straight to the top!"

Shibusawa Eiichi was so excited by Yagyu Heiyan's words that he immediately left the mansion and returned to the Ministry of Finance to convene officials to discuss the plan.

The focus of the plan this time is Nankaido.

Nankaido was originally a Spanish colony, but due to the division of the Treaty of Versailles, it was already Japanese territory.

It has been less than two years since Nankaido became Japanese territory. Before that, it was mainly cleaning up the remaining Spanish forces, wiping out local forces, abolishing the Spanish system, and planning a new economic system.

Therefore, Nankaido's finances are temporarily self-sufficient.

However, after two years of hard work, only 40% of the residents of Nankaido are native residents, 45% are Chinese, 10% are Japanese immigrants, and the rest are European and American.

Although the Chinese group occupies the largest area, compared with the lazy and rebellious local indigenous people, the Chinese have the lowest management costs.

At present, most of the transformation process of Nankaido has been completed. The transformation of major economic cities and mining cities has been completed. According to the prediction of the Nankaido government, by the seventh year of the Meiji period, Nankaido will be able to contribute to the national finance, allowing Japan's finance to exceed the 500 million mark. !

And based on the rate of development of Nankaido, the government predicts that Nankaido will have an economic growth of 15% to 20%.

Of course, this is without the impact of the economic crisis. When the economic crisis sweeps across the world, Nankaido will be affected to some extent.

However, this is still within the acceptable range for Japan.

For Japan, this economic crisis is a golden period of development!

(End of this chapter)

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