I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 252 Return to Nankai Road

Chapter 252 Return to Nankai Road

Historically, the first true infantry fighting vehicle was the BMP-1967 infantry fighting vehicle produced by the former Soviet Union in 1.

The infantry fighting vehicles before this should be called armored vehicles.

The world's earliest mass-produced armored vehicle was the "Earhart" BAK armored car manufactured in 1906 by the "Earhart" company of Cera-Saint Brassi in Germany.

This vehicle is based on the chassis of a commercial light truck and has a semi-armored and semi-open turret with a 50mm cannon mounted on it.

This armored vehicle can not only attack air targets, but also ground targets, and has certain self-defense capabilities.

What Yagyu Heiyan asked the secret military factory to develop was actually an armored car.

However, unlike the armored vehicles initially produced by Western countries, Yagyu Heiyan had seen vehicles such as the bulletproof Humvee, and he naturally gave a plan that was several generations ahead of other countries.

Although the armored car's engine, appearance, weapons and equipment, and uses are all there, the car is also a brand-new product.

Yagyu Heiyan did not know the specific structure of the car, and he was not familiar with the vehicle.

Although Japan's theoretical foundation in this area is weak, with the guidance of Yagyu Heiyan, the research process will avoid detours.

Until George Kelly's death from illness, the main power source was the steam engine. The steam engine was too bulky and did not meet his requirements for aircraft power.

Yagyu Heeyan could not speak bluntly. He could only say this: "Europe and the United States and other countries have internal problems, and it will take a long time to solve the problem. Under such circumstances, they will choose to go to war externally to divert attention and strive to solve the problem. time."

But these things have not happened yet. It is still early in 1874.

In 1804, he wrote the first paper on the principles of human flight, in which George Kelly proposed that modern aircraft should not imitate the fluttering of birds, but should adopt a fixed-wing aircraft + propeller model.

Prime Minister William immediately failed in the general election. Disraeli became the British Prime Minister. Britain began to expand externally and Fiji became a British colony.

For the research on armored vehicles and aircraft, Yagyu Heiyan has made a lot of preparations and has enough research funds. All he can do next is wait.

Yagyu Heiyan gave Hijikata Toshizo a look and said nothing else.

However, compared to the research on armored vehicles, tanks, and aircraft, it is more difficult. It involves a lot of basic science, and Japanese scientists have become monks halfway, so they can only explore slowly.

The aircraft uses a four-cylinder water-cooled gasoline engine with 12 horsepower.

Hijikata Toshizo is not a reckless man. During the Shinsengumi period, he was called the devil's deputy chief because of his treachery and ruthlessness. Now he is sitting alone in the north, and his resourcefulness is incomparable.

In addition to the armored vehicle project, Yagyu Heiyan also prepared a second top-secret project, which was the research of aircraft.

In order to divert domestic conflicts, these colonial countries would transfer the conflicts externally to the colonial countries.

The information on this small silver plate has been copied by an overseas student sent by Yagyu Hien, and Japanese scientists can conduct research on his basis.

Finally, the Wright brothers in the United States built the first real airplane in human history-Aviator One based on these people.

However, George Kelly did not give up. In 1849, the 75-year-old Kelly built a Sanji glider. An unknown 10-year-old boy rode it and flew a few yards from top to bottom. This was undoubtedly The first manned glider flight in history.

He believes that the aircraft must be streamlined. According to his calculations, if the drag force can be reduced by 1 kilogram, the load capacity can be increased by 66 kilograms without increasing horsepower.

Yagyu Heiyan didn't know what to say. Now that the disputes within the European continent have eased, and at the same time the economic crisis broke out, many countries were affected, and colonial powers such as Britain and France were no exception.

The tail must have vertical and horizontal rudder surfaces, which are exactly the same as modern aircraft.

Hijikata Toshizo was surprised: "Is it so serious?"

After inspecting the secret arsenal, Yagyu returned to Hakodate. He seriously told Hijikata Toizo: "Tozo, the things in Goryokaku are very important and must not be known to anyone.

He quickly understood and nodded: "I understand. The Prime Minister is worried about Britain and France. The things placed in Wulingguo are secret weapons against them?"

Initially, what limited George Kelly's ideas was the power system.

George Kelly engraved his modern airplane design on a small silver plate in 1799. One side of the small silver plate was engraved with descriptions of the various forces acting on the wings, and the other side was engraved with a sketch of the aircraft.

So George Kelly's ideas for the airplane stopped at blueprints.

Yagyu Heiyan attaches great importance to the armored vehicle project. After all, he has accumulated some experience by manufacturing armored vehicles, and it will be easier to research tanks by then.

The combat effectiveness of armored vehicles is not as good as that of tanks, but at the current stage, armored vehicles are new weapons that can be put on the battlefield in a short time.

He believed that proper stability can be obtained by taking a slight angle when designing the wing surface. This is the dihedral angle of modern aircraft.

Four years later, a new glider plan appeared. In the 1970s, British pilots built a glider based on this design, and the test was very successful.

These countries have provided Japan with a large amount of cheap raw materials. Once Britain and France join forces to colonize, Japan will not be able to withstand the pressure of the two countries.

Just this year, the prestige of Prime Minister William, who focuses on domestic economic construction, has plummeted. The impact of the economic crisis has knocked Prime Minister William off the altar like a wave.

Yagyu Heiyan was worried that Britain and France would make a comeback and would target the countries in Southeast Asia.

Of course, the theory of making airplanes is not blank. Putting aside weird legends like Leonardo da Vinci, the earliest person to study flight was the British scientist George Kelly.

Moreover, he was also worried that Britain and France were deliberately looking for excuses to have another conflict with Japan in the South China Sea.

The precautions in Wulingguo must be tight internally and loose externally, and no mistakes can be made. The things inside are related to the national destiny of our country. "

He also discussed the relationship between speed and lift, wing loading, how to reduce the weight of the aircraft, and even using internal combustion engines as power.

So the first step for armored vehicles is to build a car first.

The free trade bourgeoisie, which had previously supported him, demanded the strengthening of colonial plunder under the severe economic crisis in Europe.

Disraeli, Prime Minister William's opponent, put forward the slogan of "imperialism" based on the needs of the bourgeoisie, transforming the Tory Party into a Conservative Party that could satisfy the expansion ambitions of aristocratic landowners, industrial capitalists, and financial capitalists.

George Kelly was a pioneer in aircraft research, and his research attracted many scientists to follow him.

Later, Lilienthal, Chanute, Langley, Hansen, Maxine, Adair, etc. did a lot of work in aircraft structure, lift and drag research, stability and control, gliding flight, etc., and achieved one after another. A result.

Hijikata Toshizo is a smart man, and he got the answer he wanted from this look.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, I guarantee that no one will know about Wulingguo."

Hijikata Toshizo made a decisive move.

Yagyu Heiyan can still rest assured that Hijikata Toshizo. If someone really peeks at Wulingguo, he will never escape the clutches of Hijikata Toshizo.

Three days later, Yagyu set off to return to Kyoto. He did not have much time to stay in Hokkaido. After returning to Kyoto, Yagyu immediately prepared to go to Nankaido for inspection. Since seizing Nankaido from Spain three years ago, Yagyu Heigan has not been to Nankaido for nearly three years.

This is mainly because Kyoto is busy with affairs, coupled with several conflicts and diplomatic activities, he can't take care of Nankai Road for the time being.

Because of this, Nankaido's economic reform faced great resistance. Many local forces rebelled and indigenous people rioted.

The Nankaido government could only send troops to quell the rebellion while carrying out reforms.

Now that Yagyu Heiyan has dealt with important matters, he decided to go to Nankaido and deal with the affairs of Nankaido. Otherwise, when Britain and France come back, the situation will be more complicated.

In mid-January, Yagyu Heigan had just returned to Kyoto, and before he had rested for a few days, he and the Fujisan formation headed for Nankaido.

The information that Yagyu Heiyan wanted to inspect Nankaido was first transmitted to Shinpo City, the capital of Nankaido, by telegram.

Xinpu City is more prosperous than in the past. Many factories have been opened here. At the same time, the government has developed various basic factories, coupled with immigration, which has contributed to today's prosperity.

Governor Naito Muneyoshi is inspecting the industrial zone. According to the instructions of the central government, Nankaido needs to transport a sufficient amount of coal and iron to the mainland.

He did not dare to neglect and focused his main energy on the coal and iron mining industry to ensure the supply of local resources as soon as possible.

Naito Muneyoshi was inspecting the Daiichi Steel Plant. Before he could finish reading, he saw an official hurried to his secretary and whispered a few words.

The secretary immediately walked to Naito Muneyoshi and said: "Naito-sama, a telegram has arrived from the mainland. The Prime Minister is already on the way to Nankai Road."


Naito Muneyoshi was shocked. Prime Minister Yagyu was coming, and Shinpo City must be the first stop. Just thinking of this made him feel pressure.

He immediately said: "Tell all departments not to slack off from now on and let everyone speed up their work efficiency. If there are still people who are procrastinating, they will be severely punished!"

"I understand, Mr. Governor, I will notify all departments immediately."

The secretary left immediately to make a phone call.

Now, Naito Muneyoshi has no intention of chatting anymore. He is now thinking about how to greet the Prime Minister.

In February, the fleet on which Yagyu Hiroki arrived arrived at Shinpo Port. Naito Muneyoshi, who had already received the news, immediately led his people to wait at the port.

As soon as he saw the flag of the Fujisan, he immediately turned around and shouted: "The Prime Minister is here. Get ready. As soon as we dock, shout for me and wave the national flag in your hand."

With Naito Muneyoshi's reminder, the officials and wealthy businessmen who came to greet Yagyu Heiyan immediately moved their faces, and then squeezed out a smile.

When they saw the Fujisan docking at the port and Yagyu Nobita appearing at the top of the stairs, they began to cheer loudly without waiting for the governor's order.

Naito Muneyoshi cursed secretly, and then shouted loudly: "Welcome, Prime Minister, to visit Sinpu City for inspection!"

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, you have worked hard all the way, please drink some coconut juice!"

"Long live the Prime Minister!"

"Prime Minister, I want to marry you!"

Yagyu Heiyan walked down the stairs, boarded the port, and then greeted the citizens on both sides.

Naito Muneyoshi took two steps at a time and quickly ran to Yagyu Hiyan to say hello. Although Yagyu Hiyan did not like such formalism, he did not directly brush off his kindness.

"Zongyi, why do you need to engage in such a big battle? Those who don't know better think that the Emperor is coming."

Liu Shengxiyan said softly with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, Naito Muneyoshi's face turned pale, and he hurriedly explained: "I respect you too much, Prime Minister, and the citizens also heard that you, Prime Minister, were coming, and they all wanted to come and admire your appearance. The official arranged this."

Liu Shengxi nodded slightly and said, "Let's not do this next time."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Naito Muneyoshi touched the cold sweat on his forehead and hurriedly followed Yagyu Heiyan.

Yagyu Heiyan shook hands with the citizens on both sides of the road and exchanged greetings, then got on the carriage and returned to the state government.

As soon as the group entered the meeting hall, Yagyu Heiyan said directly: "I am here this time to completely solve the problem of Nankai Road."

When Naito Soyoshi heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He had been under a lot of pressure in the past days.

Borneo in the south has the largest number of indigenous people, and there are also remnants of the Moro people. These Moro people still refuse to obey the government's control, so they flee into the tropical rainforest to become bandits and plunder everywhere.

There are also some local indigenous people who cooperate with these Moros and provide them with government information. Some township governments have suffered heavy losses from Moro attacks.

The standing infantry division left to guard Nankai Road immediately sent troops to quell the rebellion, killing many people.

But such massacres did not scare the indigenous people. The Moros entrenched in the Dutch colonies contacted the Moros in the South China Sea with the support of the British, and often robbed Japanese merchant ships on the South China Sea.

Nankaido's small fleet was unable to do anything, and the effects of several attempts were not obvious, so they could only do their best.

These problems have caused headaches for Naito Muneyoshi and three other governors.

Now that Prime Minister Yagyu Nozomi has taken over, Naito Muneyoshi believes that these Moros will not be able to make any trouble.

Above, Yagyu looked at Naito Muneyoshi and asked: "How come the problem of the Moro people has not been solved in three years?"

Naito Soyoshi immediately told Yagyu Hiyan what he knew.

"That's not your excuse."

Yagyu Heeyan's attitude is relatively tough. He will naturally criticize these people if they don't do things well, otherwise they will lose their fear.

"I think the central government has put too little pressure on you, Marcos. The riots in Borneo must be resolved within this year!"

Marcos was very puzzled: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, those rioters are always mixed with the locals. It is really difficult for us to distinguish them."

"I would rather kill the wrong person than let him go!"

Liu Shengxi stared at him closely and said.

(End of this chapter)

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