Exclusive Princess Out of Print Love

1 Accidentally slipped the tongue

ps: Today there are [-] updates per day, and there will be two chapters later, with five updates a day on weekends.let's go……

"However, Xinxin's taste is really unique. How could he fall in love with this man? How is he better than His Royal Highness? His Royal Highness is handsome, and his family is rich. How can this ordinary person compare?"

"That's right! How could Xinxin look down on His Royal Highness and like such a wretched man?"

"Damn Feng Jue, do you think you look good? You want to wear a wig on top of your head and have countless pimples on your face, where can you see it?" "Uh... ah..." Murong Xin was too impulsive for a moment, and even confessed to Murong Yu.The robot seemed to turn its head towards Huawu.This time it's over...

The corners of Hua Wu's mouth suddenly drew up.She looked at Murong Xin evilly...she wanted to die...how dare she tear down her wall!

"Hehe...hehe..." Murong Xin twitched the corners of her mouth, her eyelids kept twitching, and her smile was a little stiff.


"Uh... what did Xinxin say just now?"

"Ah—the wig, the acne..."

"With a wig and acne?"

In an instant, the class was quiet for two seconds, and then suddenly became noisy.

In fact, Murong Yu felt relieved at this moment, how should he thank his sister Baimu?While thinking about it, he calmly tore off the wig on his head.A head of smooth black hair.Just take the wig off.Toss the wig that covers half of the eyes.The beautiful green eyes are like heaven.The girls in the class were so shocked that they held their breath... just these eyes are no less than the three highnesses in the class...

"Oh my god... he did have that capital just now."

"Such beautiful eyes, such a beautiful green color..."

"Ahhh...I'm dying, call an ambulance quickly."

"I can't afford to change from a sharp man to Wang Zifan..."

"Oh my god! No wonder Xinxin likes it, such beautiful eyes, I'm addicted to it."

"Wait...why do his eyes look so similar to Xinxin's?"

Immediately afterwards, Murong Yu slowly cleaned up the pimples on her face one by one.The unique white and tender skin was revealed.Prince-like elegance.The beautiful and evil green eyes show his extraordinary. "Oh... I thought I could hide it a bit more."

"This person... looks similar to Xinxin!"

"Oh my god! Isn't this the younger brother of Murong Xin that was reported in the newspaper this morning?"

"I actually saw him in person. I'm so handsome. She really looks better than the one in the newspaper!"

"I've decided, I'm going to change my idol."

"Me too, me too..."

"You really love each other, but I still love my first prince!"

"I love my song Your Royal Highness."

"I still support His Royal Highness Fengjue as always... But Ye Rongyu is so handsome, I can't stop!"

"It turns out, it turns out that what I just saw was not a mistake, is this man really handsome?" Nanrong Xuening was completely stunned, this man was the first man who made his heart throb!His evil green eyes almost stimulated his heart, even if it was Feng Ge.All she valued was her beautiful skin.

She originally thought that Feng Ge's appearance could match her, so she did not object to the engagement.But seeing Ye Rongyu today, she realized that she found true love...

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