Douluo: I am the God King of Healing.

Chapter 167 Meeting of 3 Gods

Lin Wan'er was not idle when she and Huo Yuhao were busy working in the Star Luo Empire. She had completed most of the divine examinations, and she also revealed that the God of Emotions, Rong Nian Bing, and the Phoenix God were the turning point in the divine world. node.

Therefore, she entrusted the Goddess of Life to pull these two into a neutral camp to prevent the God of Destruction and Gu Yuena's plans from going wrong in the future.

The Goddess of Life, who received the message, thought for a while, bypassed the destruction, and directly sent invitations to the two gods.

The second day of the God Realm.

The Forest of Life where the Goddess of Life lives is located on the edge of the God Realm, because the Goddess of Life likes silence by nature.

Moreover, as the Lord of Creation, she also wanted to observe the changes in the divine world closely.

The sky ahead suddenly turned light green, although there was still a certain distance.

But between the breaths, both Phoenix God Ma Hongjun and the Emotion God clearly felt that their whole bodies seemed to become smoother.

The rich vitality poured into the body, causing their own heaven and earth energy to move faster, and their spirits became more forgetful.

He is indeed the most powerful positive slanderer in the world of gods today!

The divine power controlled by the Goddess of Life is still greater than that of the current God of Kindness.

After all, the good God's time in the God Realm was relatively short.

Under the light green sky, a large forest lay flat there, and the rich breath of life emanated from it.

This forest is spread out in a long strip, right on the edge of the God Realm.

Looking into the distance from here, through the light clouds and mist, you can see countless stars and many strange lights.

This is the true edge of the God Realm. The Forest of Life of the Goddess of Life is here, and it also has the flavor of protecting the God Realm.

Phoenix God Ma Hongjun slowly fell to the ground with the God of Emotions.

They cannot fly directly into the range of the Forest of Life, that would be disrespectful to the goddess of life.

They must face this supreme god with the best attitude.

They were still several kilometers away from the Forest of Life, and they had already landed on the ground.

After landing on the ground, he first opened his light red wings of ability, and then walked towards the Forest of Life.

The closer you get to the Forest of Life, the more obvious the feeling becomes. The breath of life exuding from the Forest of Life is too strong.

It is of great benefit to any god.

Between breaths, the rich vitality washes the body. The fatigue of the journey seems to have disappeared, and their energy and spirit naturally return to their best condition.

The trees in the Forest of Life are very strange. The trunks are green, as if they were carved from jasper.

The lawn underfoot is very soft, and every blade of grass is full of life, making people reluctant to step on them.

The God of Emotions, Rong Nianbing, took the Phoenix God, Ma Hongjun, slightly suspended from the ground.

He made sure not to touch any plant here before drifting into the Forest of Life.

Entering the Forest of Life is another feeling.

At that moment, they all felt like they had returned to nature.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath, breathing in the fragrance that only belongs to plants. The refreshing taste is indescribably moving.

The God of Emotions opened his consciousness, and his voice came out through his consciousness, "The God of Emotions was invited to bring the Phoenix God to pay homage to the Goddess of Life. Is the goddess here?"

His voice spread far away through his spiritual consciousness and spread far away in the forest of life.

After shouting these words, the expression of the God of Emotions became a little weird. Somewhat nervous.

After calling like this three times, there was no response, but the God of Emotions seemed to be relieved.

"Isn't the goddess of life here?"

Ma Hongjun glanced inside with some confusion and asked in a low voice.

Until now, he still didn't understand why the God of Emotions wanted to drag him to the territory of the Goddess of Life.

You know, the third brother and Destruction have always been on opposite sides in the God Realm, and as one of the former Shrek weirdos, he naturally wants to speak for the third brother.

"I'm here."

At this moment, a soft voice sounded quietly.

The God of Emotions and Ma Hongjun suddenly turned around and saw the Goddess of Life in an aqua dress floating not far behind them, looking at them calmly.

See her weak, emotionless expression.

Rong Nianbing, the God of Emotions, felt his heart sink, and joked: "The Goddess of Life is so serious, isn't she going to help the God of Destruction to imprison our two brothers here?"

Hearing this, Ma Hongjun's heart tightened. He was about to leave, but was stopped in place by the performance of the goddess of life.

After listening to his words, the body of the goddess of life trembled slightly, and there were a few more ripples in her calm eyes.

She raised her hand and caressed her chest, and the feeling of swearing was conveyed to Rong Nianbing and Ma Hongjun's hearts.

"Please believe me, and please believe in the God of Destruction. I invite you two this time because it is important."

"You guys come with me."

The Goddess of Life said solemnly, and with a wave of her sleeves, a layer of green light rose out of thin air, supporting the bodies of the three people, and drifted towards the interior of the Forest of Life.

The God of Emotions turned to look at Ma Hongjun, the God of Phoenix, with a questioning look in his eyes, but Ma Hongjun, the God of Phoenix, shook his head at him.

At this time, he couldn't guess what the purpose of the goddess of life was, let alone what the attitude of the goddess of life was now.

Moreover, the goddess of life has sworn that he has stayed in the magma area for so long and it is time to come out and take a walk.

Therefore, Ma Hongjun did not leave, but followed the footsteps of the goddess of life and flew deeper.

The turquoise light drifted very quickly, and the surrounding plants continued to fly backwards, and the vitality in the air became more intense.

However, neither Ma Hongjun nor Rong Nianbing have time to appreciate this now.

A quarter of an hour later, the scenery ahead suddenly opened up, and a large open space was revealed in this forest of life.

The open space is covered with green grass, and various small flowers are in bloom, colorful and extremely beautiful.

And here, there is the strongest breath of life, as if every tiny particle in the air is condensed with life force.

A shocking feeling appeared in the heart of Phoenix God Ma Hongjun. He was shocked to see a giant tree standing out of thin air not far ahead.

The surrounding open space is actually covered by its canopy.

For Ma Hongjun, this giant tree was definitely the only one he had ever seen. The height of the giant tree can't be seen at a glance. Its thick trunk may not be able to be embraced even by a hundred people surrounding it.

On each branch, there are dense leaves growing, and the rich breath of life seems to be constantly spraying out from them.

The rich vitality is like little lives being born.

The goddess of life controlled the green light to fall down. From the canopy, many small light green light spots suddenly flew out and drifted to her body.

It looked like a bright light had been cast on her.

The Goddess of Life sighed, waved her sleeves, and a green light lit up, enveloping the Phoenix God Ma Hongjun and the God of Emotions. The green light flashed, and the three gods disappeared at the same time.

When the scene became clear again, they were already in a tree house. This tree house was very spacious and surrounded by lush branches and leaves.

No need to ask, this tree house is in that giant tree.

It was obviously not the first time that the God of Emotions came here. He took the cup and looked at the Goddess of Life calmly without speaking.

As for Ma Hongjun, who was visiting the Goddess of Life for the first time, he also took the cup. He believed that the Goddess of Life would not harm them, so he drank it all in one gulp.

A refreshing and sweet taste with a hint of plant fragrance flows down the throat.

In an instant, he felt as if all the pores in his body were open at this moment, and every cell in his body seemed to be cheering for joy.

The divine power within the body actually increased dramatically, and even the aura on the body became a bit stronger.

This is……

I am afraid that no heavenly or earthly treasure in the world can compare with this glass of water of life!

Drinking water, the three gods began their first conversation and exchange meeting.

At the meeting, the Goddess of Life clearly pointed out how they would deal with it if a certain god around them caused turmoil in the divine world one day in the future.

Hearing this, the God of Emotions immediately thought of Poseidon Tang San, who was at odds with the God of Destruction.

Thinking of Tang San, the dual god of Poseidon and Asura God, he first felt a wave of emotions in the heart of the Goddess of Life.

Rong Nianbing discovered that the goddess of life only had good intentions in her heart, and after she couldn't bear it, she was completely confused.

Therefore, after chatting for a while, the God of Emotions raised the confusion in his heart.

Of course, in front of Ma Hongjun, he did not directly name the god, or whether that incident was caused by Tang San.

In order to convince the God of Emotions and the God of Phoenix, the Goddess of Life did not say anything more, but took out the divination ritual of the Ancient Tree of Life as part of the preparation to prove her previous words.

As soon as he heard that the goddess of life wanted to use the divination ritual as evidence, Rong Nianbing immediately agreed.

Ma Hongjun, who looked confused and whose IQ was a little behind, could only nod his head.

The goddess of life nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

After saying that, she rolled up her sleeves, a green light flashed, and they had left the huge ancient tree of life.

Rong Nianbing knew that this ancient tree of life was originally the body of the goddess of life.

It is this huge vitality that supports the long lives of the gods in the divine world.

The goddess of life plays a very important role in the entire divine world, and all gods respect her very much.

The goddess of life took a deep look at her ancient tree of life and slowly closed her eyes.

As she muttered something, threads of green light began to radiate from her body.

The huge ancient life tree suddenly burst out with extremely huge vitality, and every leaf lit up, making the entire space seem to turn into a green world.

Phoenix God Ma Hongjun was a little surprised and wanted to ask, but was afraid of disturbing her.

The God of Emotions winked at him and said, "This is a life prayer ceremony. The Goddess of Life is asking about good or bad luck."

"Huh? Can good or bad luck also be predicted?" Phoenix God Ma Hongjun asked in surprise.

The God of Emotions nodded, "The Goddess of Life controls the evolution of life in the divine world, and to a certain extent has a deep sense of life changes, especially when it is related to herself."

"In the history of the God Realm, the most famous time when the Goddess of Life asked about good or bad luck was the Dragon God's rebellion. At that time, the result of asking about good or bad luck was a big disaster! After that, as expected, the God Realm changed drastically, and a large number of gods slandered that time. He died in the battle, I hope this time, the outcome will be good."

While Rong Nianbing was talking, suddenly, the originally green world changed.

Along with the singing of Zhou Yu, the goddess of life, a little red light suddenly lit up in the green world.

When this red light first appeared, it was only deep in the ancient tree of life, but soon, the red color spread outward.

First came the branches of the ancient tree of life, then the branches, and finally the leaves. Soon, the green was completely replaced by blood red.

Waves of ferocious energy were fluctuating crazily in the huge aura of life, and the giant blood-red tree seemed to become ferocious, as if it wanted to choose people to devour.

"How could it be? How could this happen?" The God of Emotions exclaimed in surprise.

Although Phoenix God Ma Hongjun doesn't know much about this life prayer ceremony, he can still get some clues from the situation in front of him.

Obviously, this life prayer ceremony did not achieve any good results.

The red gradually faded, but along with it, the blood on the face of the goddess of life faded.

The Ancient Tree of Life gradually returned to normal, and everything around it became alive again.

However, in this vibrant world, a deep shadow lingers.

The body of the God of Emotions was shaking uncontrollably. When Ma Hongjun, the God of Phoenix, looked into his eyes, what he saw was indescribable intense fear.

"God of Emotions, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Phoenix God Ma Hongjun hurried over and transferred the divine power in his body to the God of Emotions.

He discovered that Rong Nianbing, the God of Emotions, almost lost control of his mind and lost control during the ceremony of the Goddess of Life.

After a while, the God of Emotions recovered and murmured: "During the life prayer ceremony, the ancient tree of life emits gold, which represents good luck, and red, which is bad luck."

"Back then, when the Goddess of Life was divining the Dragon God's rebellion, every leaf of the Ancient Tree of Life only had bloodshot eyes. But this time, this time..."

She didn't need to say anything anymore, Phoenix God Ma Hongjun also understood that this time, the Ancient Tree of Life completely turned blood red!

This is no longer just a sign of great misfortune, but a sign of inevitable death and no chance of life!

This means that the God Realm will be in great turmoil because of a problem in a certain link.

There was a bit of sigh on the face of the goddess of life, and a touch of disappointment appeared in her eyes. She nodded gently, and then slowly shook her head.

Two crystal tears fell down the corners of his eyes. These tears were actually turquoise.

She burst into tears, and the entire ancient tree of life trembled slightly. (End of chapter)

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