One person: God rewards hard work, hundreds of different schools of thought develop miraculous skill

Chapter 183 Passing levels continuously! The catastrophe of the Wuhou Sect!

Chapter 183 Passing levels continuously! The catastrophe of the Wuhou Sect!

"Nine of the stems stand alone without partners; twenty-six of the kuns are like twins."

The title only has these sixteen words.

However, as soon as these sixteen words were spoken, Zhao Tian, ​​Zhuge Qing and Zhang Lingyu all changed their expressions.


This "face change" did not mean that his face became ugly, but that he became dumbfounded. Zhuge Qing, who has a more lively personality, even almost laughed.

This is an anagram, but for anyone who knows a little bit about Qi Men, this anagram is child’s play.

In the Qi Men Shu numbers, the Yang Yao is "one" and the Yin Yao is the disconnected "One". Nine is Yang and six is ​​Yin. The upright Yang Yao plus two horizontal and side by side Yin Yao , together it is a simple word "earth".


Zhao Tian covered his face and said the answer.

As soon as the answer came out, the magic machine Shi Hu whimpered, pulled open the floor again, got into the ground and disappeared.

"This... difficulty is too low."

Zhuge Qing was also puzzled.

It’s no wonder that word puzzles first emerged in the Southern Song Dynasty, and there is no such saying at all further back. Most of the magical machines in this tomb were also built in the Song Dynasty. At that time, this word puzzle should be quite difficult to solve. After all, most people would not think about it. The answer to this question is one word.

After Shi Hu jumped off the floor again, all the stone gates that had sealed the stone gate suddenly rose.

“Finally passed smoothly”

Zhao Tian smiled.

Even if the first level is passed like this, there is no danger.

The question now is, which door to choose next.

In addition to the Kun position in the rear, the other options still need to be discussed.

The Qian Gua corresponds to the Sheng Gate, which itself is the door that opens mountains and roads, and its meaning is "a smooth road." Judging from the level just now, the difficulty corresponding to the Sheng Gate should be relatively low.

Of course, the difficulty here does not refer to the difficulty of passing the level, but the difficulty of the battle.

If you choose the other doors, you will definitely need to fight, but... for a few people, sometimes fighting is better than answering questions. After all, the wisdom of the ancients is far beyond that of modern people.

Of course, there is one more thing that needs to be determined, and that is whether the direction they are taking at the moment is the right direction.

"I don't know if you have noticed, but the ground is shaking... but the amplitude of the vibration is not large."

Zhao Tian's perception was far superior to the others, and he suddenly discovered some clues at this moment.

"I see!"

Zhuge Qing suddenly realized: "I once contacted the old man in charge of funerals. He told me that our Wuhou Sect has huge magical creations underground. These creations rely on hydraulic movement, that is, the flow of underground rivers. Solve the power issue.”

"That is to say...this door will continue to change according to our movements? In the end, we will reach the same goal through different paths?"

Zhao Tian completely understood now.

Thinking of this, he patted Zhi Jinhua, who was still recalling the magical skills, and asked: "Hua'er, how big is Zhuge Village approximately?"

This kind of question has never troubled Zhi Jinhua. She only hesitated slightly before answering a rough number.

According to the number she answered, and the location of the Bagua outside Zhuge Village, there should be more than [-] such stone chambers underground in the entire Zhuge Village. Combined with the Bagua arrangement, they only need to pass eight to nine levels in a row to break through. Pass this underground palace.

"In this case... we might as well choose the rest of the hexagrams, which is safer."

Zhao Tian made such a decision.

After some discussion, a few people chose a relatively safe position—Xun position—from the seven directions except the Kun position on the way back. Xun hexagram corresponds to "opening the door" among the eight gates. This gate is different from the Sheng gate. Although it is also an auspicious position, because it belongs to the Qinglong hexagram, there are some risks in safety.

The new stone room has roughly the same layout as the first two, but the color of the floors is slightly different.

There are a total of eighteen colors on the floor, corresponding to eighteen directions, but the intricate hexagram positions make people a little confused.

"This is……"

Zhang Lingyu was a little unsure: "Junior brother, this seems to be the Eighteenth Suppression Formation secretly taught by the Heavenly Master in our Tianshi Mansion. I just went up the mountain and I haven't seen anyone use this kind of formation. The main reason is... the Eighteenth Formation. It’s hard to find the kind of treasures, and it should be hard for ordinary strangers to find them all. Even our Tianshi Mansion doesn’t have so many treasures.”

"Town thing?"

Zhao Tian frowned.

The so-called suppressing objects are actually objects that can suppress Feng Shui, but this kind of thing is hard to come by, and its origin has nothing to do with whether it is a foreigner or not.

The simplest counterweight is of course the peachwood sword used by famous Taoists. However, even if it is the founder of the Shangqing Sect, the peachwood sword used by him may not be a complete counterweight. Once the sword is contaminated with filth, , such as blood, money or other dirty things, the town objects will lose their ability to suppress Feng Shui.

The rest of the town objects are more common such as incense burners that receive incense all year round, Buddha statues, or the branches and leaves of thousand-year-old trees. In short, as long as they are stained with the filth of the world, the town objects will lose their effect in suppressing Feng Shui.

Therefore, the Eighteen Suppression Methods secretly taught by Tianshi Mansion are actually a very impractical formation method, and its power is not outstanding.

"This formation is quite broken..."

Zhang Lingyu stepped forward confidently and knocked on the floor a little. A stone platform immediately rose from the floor. There was indeed a mahogany sword placed on the stone platform. He knocked eighteen times in a row and took out all eighteen items. The town objects are then rearranged in their new locations.

The killing array that was originally made up of objects was transformed into a top-notch spirit gathering array by him.

At this moment, the stone gate was already wide open.


Zhao Tian couldn't help but praise Zhang Lingyu.

In the third stone room, several people chose Kan Gua. Now they finally encountered a level that required fighting. The humanoid divine machine that jumped out from the floor was broken up by Zhao Tian's three punches and two kicks. It passed in less than half a minute. close.

"Continue and break through all the stone chambers in one go."

Zhao Tian clenched his fists and led everyone into the next stone room under the slightly admiring eyes of the others.


Outside the tomb, the Wuhou faction was in chaos.

"Kill, leave none!"

A woman wearing a black hood and black clothes led thousands of strangers straight into Zhuge Village.

If Zhao Tian, ​​Zhuge Qing and others were here, they would definitely find that this woman was the mysterious woman they met a few days ago who could use both hands.

Seeing that almost all of the Wuhou faction had fallen into the sea of ​​fire, she smiled behind her and said, "Leave this place to these people. Let's go into the tomb. There will be something you are interested in inside, Xianhong."

"Yes, sister."

Behind the mysterious woman, a flowing man in white clothes and white hair showed a smiling smile.

"Biyou Village, Ma Xianhong, I am finally lucky enough to meet Wuhou Shenji today."

Ma Xianhong was playing with a small red ball in his hand, which was exactly what he was extremely proud of, and inside it, it was empty at the moment——

But before long, the capsule will be filled with the divine machine creations of the Wuhou Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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