One person: God rewards hard work, hundreds of different schools of thought develop miraculous skill

Chapter 42 Understanding and Mastering the Golden Light Spell!Zhao Tian’s secret trick!

Chapter 42 Understanding and Mastering the Golden Light Spell!Zhao Tian’s secret trick!
Zhao Tian was watching the battle between Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu with a contented expression.

I wish I could hold a small bench, hold a bucket of popcorn, and watch while eating.

However, Zhang Chulan over there looked not so good compared to Zhao Tian.

He hit Zhang Lingyu's chest with his golden fist, making a dull sound.

This sound was not the sound of fists hitting flesh at all.

It was like something hit an iron plate.

Everyone looked at Zhang Lingyu, and saw that his whole body was covered with the same golden light as Zhang Chulan.

However, Zhang Lingyu's golden light was obviously thicker and more solid.

Zhang Chulan's punch did not even cause a ripple in Zhang Lingyu's golden light.

Chen Guo and Feng Yaya, who were watching the battle, were stunned.

Why do I feel that this handsome little Taoist priest is much better than Zhang Chulan?
Their feelings are not wrong, because even Zhang Chulan himself feels this way.

The golden light spell of the little Taoist priest in white in front of me is ridiculously strong!

Looking at the fist that was unable to make any progress, Zhang Chulan felt extremely shocked in his heart.

Hit. Can’t get in? !
His golden light no longer feels like a body-protecting true energy!
This feeling is as hard as a solid body!
However, Zhang Lingyu would not give him time to think.

He just turned sideways slightly, and Zhang Chulan couldn't control his inertia and fell forward.

At this time, while the other person was still in the air, Zhang Lingyu slowly raised his hand.

A palm slapped Zhang Chulan on the back!

This palm looks light and light, as if it uses no effort.

However, when it hit Zhang Chulan, there was a muffled sound!
The golden light all over Zhang Chulan's body shattered in response to the sound, and was instantly shot away by this palm.

However, the golden light only offset part of the power of this palm.

The remaining force of Zhang Lingyu's palm hit Zhang Chulan directly!
Zhang Chulan felt as if he was struck by lightning on his back, and a sharp pain came from his back.


He only had time to let out a miserable howl before he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Zhang Chulan fell to the ground with a thud.

Suddenly I didn't have the strength to get up.

Chen Guo and Feng Yaya, who were watching the battle on the sidelines, had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

In less than one round, Zhang Chulan was defeated in seconds? ?

Moreover, the Taoist priest in white only used one palm?
Is this too strong?

Zhang Chulan fell to the ground, grinning from the pain in his body.

But at this time, what shocked him even more was the golden light on Zhang Lingyu's body!
Just one blow to shatter my golden light? !
Zhang Chulan, who was lying on the ground, had eyes full of disbelief, and a drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead.

How did this person practice?Why are you so much better than me?
At this time, behind Zhang Lingyu, the fat Taoist glanced at Zhang Chulan who was lying on the ground unable to get up.

"Uncle Master, are you a little harsh? Master just called us."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Zhang Lingyu's indifferent expression.

The fat Taoist priest was startled and quickly closed his mouth.

At this time, all kinds of complicated thoughts were colliding in Zhang Chulan's mind.

The Zhang Lingyu in front of him reminded Zhang Chulan of someone.

A vague back figure appeared in Zhang Chulan's mind.

The sense of oppression that person gave him was even stronger than Zhang Lingyu's.

At this moment, what appears in Zhang Chulan's mind is Zhao Tianjian's back pointing to the sky and looking down at the world!

When he thought of Zhao Tian, ​​the determined look in Zhang Chulan's eyes appeared again!
Tmd, Brother Tian is so strong, I can’t hold him back!

If you hold on a little longer, Brother Tian will be there soon, right?
Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan suddenly felt an inexplicable power surge through his body.

Under the incredulous gazes of everyone, Zhang Chulan climbed up unsteadily.

"Hehe! Awesome, keep going!"

At this time, the thin Taoist priest behind Zhang Lingyu shouted anxiously. "Zhang Chulan, don't get up! Just lie down on the ground, my junior uncle won't take action against you!"

At this time, Zhang Chulan had become extremely angry.

He simply chose to ignore the thin Taoist priest's dissuasion.

I don’t believe in evil at all!

After Zhang Chulan stood still unsteadily, he slowly walked towards Zhang Lingyu again.

He didn't cast the golden light spell, and just punched Zhang Lingyu's golden light!

"Go to hell!"

His fists kept beating Zhang Lingyu's golden light spell, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

At this time, Zhang Chulan's eyes gradually turned red, and his expression became more and more ferocious.

"Die! You all die! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!"

However, this can only cause the slightest ripples in Zhang Lingyu's queen's golden light.

At this time, Zhang Chulan was as if Dian Wei had gone crazy, going completely crazy.

His appearance shocked the young Feng Yaya next to him.

"Wow, this guy suddenly became so scary!"

Next to her, Chen Guo still had the same calm expression, but her eyes narrowed slightly.

Obviously, the Zhang Chulan in front of her also made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Behind Zhang Lingyu, the thin Taoist priest looked surprised.

"Why is this guy so sudden?"

The fat Taoist priest was still trying to persuade Zhang Chulan.

"Zhang Chulan, what are you trying to do with your life? A sparring match between strangers is normal!"

However, Zhang Chulan didn't listen at all.

It was like blood rage was turned on, and he was still beating the golden light spell that could not be broken at all.

Unlike the shock on their side, Zhao Tian, ​​who was hiding in the dark, was very calm.

On Zhao Tian's side, he was watching the battle between Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu with a leisurely expression.

At this time, he felt happy.

Because in his mind, the system's mechanical beeps were constantly ringing.

[Golden Light Spell: Proficiency +1] [Golden Light Spell: Proficiency +1]

[Golden Light Spell: Proficiency +1] [Golden Light Spell: Proficiency +1]

This kind of thing where you can increase your own cultivation by watching other people fight, not to mention how exciting it is.

It's like the boss has two extremely hard-working employees, and they are still getting involved with each other!
The more employees the two people have, the faster the boss can drive a Ferrari.

At this time, Zhao Tian felt this feeling of getting something for nothing.

So cool to fly!

The improvement in Zhao Tian's proficiency with the double golden light spell is extremely obvious.

At this time, Zhao Tian was observing the battle between Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu, and he felt more and more familiar.

Every move between the two made Zhao Tian feel like he was gaining knowledge.

Especially when Zhang Chulan's fist with golden light and Zhang Lingyu's body-protecting golden light were in a stalemate just now, Zhao Tianneng was able to fully observe this magic from both the offensive and defensive aspects of the golden light curse.

Zhao Tianneng could feel that his understanding and mastery of the Golden Light Curse had reached a new level.

At this time, a smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Tian's mouth, thinking secretly in his heart.

Two people fighting with the golden light spell greatly improved my proficiency!

Originally, I was a little reluctant to use that move. After all, I took a shortcut and my realm was not yet stable.

But now, after this wave of proficiency bonuses, there is no problem at all!

(End of this chapter)

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