A pleasant life in a courtyard

Chapter 24 New Clothes

Chapter 24 New Clothes

The next day.

Li Xiang rushed to school early in the morning as usual.

When he walked out of the compound with his neck hunched against the cold wind, most of the neighbors' doors were still closed.

He was in a pretty good mood today. The reason was that although the watch in the sign-in space was still missing a corner, he could make it into one as long as he signed it in next time.

He had had enough of the days of being in a haze and not knowing the time.

For example, if he had to catch the bus this morning, if he knew the time, there would be no need to get up early in the morning to estimate the weather. He was always not sure, either it was too early or too late.

I didn’t get anything good this week, and the best reward was just watch materials.

To say that the thing he needs most urgently now is not food. Since he can occasionally check in and take out some food, the tension in his mind for several years has relaxed, and he no longer takes a bite of food so seriously.

Because he knew very well that since he took out the first two ounces of white noodles, starvation would never happen to their family again.

What he urgently needs now is cloth. Except for him, no one in his family has worn new clothes in several years.

When Li's mother first started working as an apprentice, she was able to wear new work clothes in the first year. Later, because Li Xiang grew up so quickly, her subsequent work clothes were all made according to Li Xiang's size. When he got smaller, she would wear new work clothes. Let the eldest sister wear it, and the eldest sister's childhood clothes will be passed on to the younger brother Li.

Li's mother only relied on two sets of work clothes a year, and the family was able to cope with the clothing problem for several years.

It wasn't until Li Xiang was admitted to college that he wore work clothes to school. In Li's mother's opinion, it was not decent enough. She found an old coat somewhere, and Li Xiang had something more formal.

Two days ago, I saw that my eldest sister and Mother Li were wearing clothes at home, with patches piled on top of each other. They treated the shabby work clothes as if they were treasures, and they couldn't bear to put them on unless they went out. This made Li Xiang not sad.

The eldest sister is already 14 years old and has reached the age of Ai Qiao. The red ribbon he gave her was skillfully braided into a pattern and tied to her braids.

But this bright headband doesn't look like it matches the patched clothes.

The eldest sister is usually well-behaved and sensible, and does not fight or grab when things happen. For this reason, Li's mother often ignores her feelings.

Mother Li always wanted to collect cloth tickets and make new clothes for her eldest son. Now that she had a lot of money, she would occasionally remember to buy snacks for her younger son to satisfy his craving. However, her daughter's adolescence embarrassment was ignored by her intentionally or unintentionally.

It wasn't that Mother Li didn't love her daughter, but she just couldn't imagine that she was unconsciously influencing her daughter's values ​​with her own life experiences.

Some older girls feel something is wrong. For example, when it comes to treating old ladies, she will resist and explain why she shouldn't do this.

When she and her eldest brother complained that the old lady favored her younger brother, through Li Xiang's patient teaching, she understood that not everyone has to be nice to you. This is that person's freedom.

The eldest sister is very smart, and she has developed her own rules for dealing with people in the future, so when it comes to the old lady, she is more sober than Mother Li.

But Li Xiang, as a man, is not so careful and can correct things in a timely manner when he can see them. Where he can't see, the eldest sister can only be affected by Li's mother's words and deeds.

Maybe the eldest sister herself didn’t realize that since when did she start to think that it was normal for her brother and younger brother’s needs to come before hers? Why is it that either her mother or she does the cleaning work at home? Why is it that her younger brother doesn’t have enough to eat? She will automatically serve the food in her bowl just like her mother.

Mother Li would not think of this, and my eldest sister would not think of it.

And when Li thought about all this, he had to think more about this sister.

The first step is to improve the material conditions for my eldest sister.After lunch, Li Xiang took Sun Guoqing to the empty Weiming Lake. When he looked around and found no one, he opened his mouth:
"Brother Guoqing, I have a friend who wants to sell something, and I thought you might be able to use it."

"What is it? Tell me and listen."

"He was in a hurry to take action and didn't dare to take risks in places like the black market, and he didn't want to sell it cheaply. Among the people I know, you are the only one who can possibly afford it, so I brought it here directly."

Sun Guoqing was not coaxed by his words, but hesitated a little, so he must be careful not to find any contraband.

Li Xiang took out a finely crafted thin chain from his pocket and put it in the palm of his hand. Sun Guoqing didn't pay attention and almost didn't even look at it.

He took it and took a look and found that it was a bracelet. It looked like gold, but the chain was really small, not much thicker than an embroidery needle.

Sun Guoqing asked: "Is it gold? What price does he want to sell it for?"

"This chain weighs more than 3 grams. He doesn't want any change. He wants 24 yuan. Half of it is given in cash and half is exchanged for cloth coupons."

Sun Guoqing thought to himself, it's not expensive, but it's pretty good-looking. The thin chain also has the advantage of being thin, that is, he doesn't have to reach out to his parents. He can afford it himself and give it to his partner as a meeting gift.

In his mind, he imagined how Gu Danniu would receive the gift, and he laughed out loud.

"Hey, what are you doing? Wake up, do you want me or not? If you don't want me, I can find someone else." Li Xiang deliberately waved his palm in front of his eyes. How could he find someone else? He was sure that this guy would I will buy it and give it to Da Niu Gu.

"If you want it, really, why bother? You can't let people think about it."

Li Xiang said simply: "That's it, I won't take the chain back. I still trust you as a person. Just give me the money and tickets before the holiday this week. I will take it back to you then."

Sun Guoqing also responded readily, "Since you can trust me, I am also pleased, brother. I won't take advantage of you for the cloth ticket. It's 12 yuan plus 30 feet of cloth ticket."

Li Xiang nodded in agreement.

After the matter was settled, the two of them walked back without further delay, taking advantage of the fact that there was still some time before the afternoon class, so they could go back and get some sleep.

Li Xiang was thinking about how to distribute these 30 feet of cloth tickets on the way.

Shi Chi can make one set, and the big sister’s set is guaranteed. If you can convince Mother Li, it’s best to make two sets and wear them alternately.

There is no need to worry about his own clothes. The clothes that belong to him at home are the latest and can last a little longer.

Moreover, he is tall and needs fabrics. If he makes new clothes, the remaining feet will be troublesome.

There is still 10 feet left for Mrs. Li to make a suit for going out. In the future, she no longer has to regard that work clothes as a universal suit and wear it wherever she goes.

As for Li Xiaodi's current height, which is neither embarrassing nor embarrassing, let's put it aside.

Or see if the older sister has any leftover pieces of fabric after making two sets, so that she can make a vest or pants or something.

It's like making him new clothes.

 I'm a loser who can't name chapters TT
(End of this chapter)

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