A pleasant life in a courtyard

Chapter 531: Toothache

Chapter 531: Toothache
When the economy grows by leaps and bounds, it is inevitable that some people's pockets will get fatter.

Especially those who take the first bite of crab, the wealth they have accumulated is really eye-catching.

The wealth of the newly rich man can be hidden from others, but not from G's machine.

The contents of the report document all indicate that it is time to initiate a decision that has been shelved for more than 30 years.

Once the new regulations were issued, Li Xiang, as the person with the highest income in the Li family in recent years, finally had the opportunity to repay the G family.

The other members of the Li family could calmly accept the tax deduction from their wages.

But the deductions from his dividends and bonuses were a pain in the ass, even though he was aware of the situation.

Mother Li kept saying it was nothing, but her swollen cheeks from waking up from a good sleep made it hard to believe that she really thought so.

"Mom, don't you worry? After deducting one quarter, there are still three quarters left. If you calculate it this way, it's not too bad, right?" Li Xiang comforted her with a smile.

Mother Li held the honeysuckle tea in her hand and said with a bitter face, "It's not just a few cents, it's hundreds of thousands. I haven't even earned a dime in my life. Even if I am more conscious, you have to give me some time."

"It's my fault. If I hadn't talked to you too much, you wouldn't have gotten so angry." Qiu Fanghua, who was peeling pears for her mother-in-law, said apologetically.

Mother Li quickly waved her hands, disagreeing with her eldest daughter-in-law's statement.

"How can I blame you? As a sister-in-law, you just want to help Xiao Ming with his marriage, so you just said something too much."

Over the years, Li's mother only had a vague idea of ​​her eldest son's family's income.

Li Xiang used to give all his earnings to her, but after they got married, he gave it to his wife.

Li's mother was a relatively easy-going mother-in-law and had no objection to the transfer of the family's financial power.

After handing it over, she no longer had to worry about the income and expenditure of this small family.

So over the years, she only knew that her son had a good income, but she was not very clear about the leaps and bounds in income that had gone through several changes in the meantime.

When her youngest son came back and said he wanted to get married, mother Li was very happy.

But after this momentary happiness, she began to worry about her youngest son's situation after marriage.

The current housing allocation policy is no longer as convenient as before.

Not to mention that Brother Li is still a doctoral student and is not eligible for a separate housing unit. Even his future daughter-in-law, who has been working for several years, cannot be ranked on the company's housing allocation list.

In this case, if the two of them get married, they can only move back to the courtyard and squeeze in together first.

Although Li's mother had discussed with her eldest son long ago that the courtyard house would be left to the youngest son.

But times have changed and things are different now.

In the early years, she thought the house was quite valuable, but with the rapid changes in BJ city, Li's mother now felt that it was a bit unfair to her youngest son to use this house for his marriage.

Of course, there is another reason. Li's mother has been used to living in this house alone for many years. After retiring two years ago, she overturned her previous plan.

She has her own house and money, and she is very comfortable.

After much consideration, my grandson is now grown up and my son has a nanny, so the daily life of the family can be arranged.

So she decided to postpone the date of moving into her eldest son's house.

That was the plan, but who would have thought that something unexpected would happen: Brother Li was going to get married.

In this case, if she didn't move, she would have to live together with Li Xiaodi and his newlywed couple.

Whether out of love for her youngest son or out of concern for herself, Li's mother was not very happy about the decision to live together.

So she started to think about using her savings to buy a house for the young couple. It would have been fine if Li's mother hadn't gone out to ask around, but when she did, she was shocked.

BJ City is changing with each passing day, and so are the housing prices.

A few years ago, you could buy a house with a yard for a few thousand yuan, but now if you want to buy a decent one, you have to pay thousands of yuan per square meter.

Li's mother held the passbook tightly, unable to confirm for a moment whether the tens of thousands of dollars in it were enough to buy a house.

With doubts, when Li's mother arrived at her eldest son's house, she told her eldest daughter-in-law about the current housing market.

"Mom, we have houses at home. There's a yard near the school, or one of the newly-built buildings. You can just let my younger brothers and their kids live there." Qiu Fanghua replied nonchalantly.

Both sides are empty now, and they live quite well here. Unless something unexpected happens, they probably won't live there.

It can be understood that Qiu Fanghua’s meaning is that whichever place you choose will be given to Brother Li.

Li Xiang and his wife acted open-minded, but Li's mother was unwilling to accept this kindness.

In her opinion, whoever lives a better life is not a reason to provide unlimited support.

Most of her things will be left to Li Xiaodi in the future, and she already feels guilty about it.

She couldn't just not provide subsidies to her eldest son, and she had to find a way to take food out of his pocket to feed her younger son.

Mother Li insisted on her own ideas and refused to accept it, so Qiu Fanghua, the daughter-in-law, could only settle for the second best.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to accept the house. If you don’t have enough money to buy the house, they can help make up the difference.

When Li's mother heard this, she thought that this was not a small amount of money, and a look of worry appeared on her face again.

"It's too much. I'm afraid they can't pay it back." Mother Li looked at her eldest daughter-in-law in embarrassment. She wanted the money but didn't dare to take it.

Seeing that the old lady was obviously moved but still had many concerns, Qiu Fanghua quickly changed the way she put the money issue.

Isn’t mother Li worried that Li Xiaodi and his family have too little income and can’t pay back the loan?

Then she would take a different approach. She didn't want to dwell on the question of whether Li Xiaodi could pay it back.

Qiu Fanghua simply revealed half of the family's assets to show Li's mother, so that she would know that what she should worry about was not whether Li Xiaodi could pay it back, but whether they could spend all the money.

In order to convince Li's mother, he suddenly calculated the amount of taxes that Li Xiang had paid.

Her intentions were good, but she didn't want to overestimate Li's mother's ability to bear it.

Li's mother was unable to react for a while, but she was able to calmly say that it was okay, and that giving the money to the G family was also a contribution.

When it was time to go to sleep at night, I just couldn't fall asleep.

The set of numbers that my daughter-in-law said during the day kept jumping back and forth in front of me even with my eyes closed.

I can't sleep and I have a lot to think about.

Later, Li Xiang's persuasion made her more open-minded.

Li's mother had no choice but to open the car. She had received the Party's favors all her life and she could not repay it. Now her son was able to repay the Party, so how could she stop him?

Ms. Zheng Cuiping, who claims that she has no way to repay her G family and can only be an activist who abides by the law, tells stories to her great-grandson in her later years.

The story of her eldest son's tax payment has evolved into her version of the Li family's reputation as a major taxpayer. It was her good education that led to the beginning of their "loyalty to the country".

(End of this chapter)

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