A pleasant life in a courtyard

Chapter 99 The origin of the conflict between Xu Damao and He Yuzhu

Chapter 99 The origin of the conflict between Xu Damao and He Yuzhu
Xu Damao suddenly heard a ding in his head.

After thinking about it for so long, I finally remembered what the original conflict between the two was.

According to past statements, Xu Damao would only say that it was Silly Zhu who felt sorry for him first.

The conflicts between the two have been going on for so many years. Whoever suffered the loss would immediately get back together. It is really difficult to judge who is right and who is wrong.

But tonight, after Xu Damao drank, he became more emotional, and he carefully pushed away the memory images that had been filtered.

He picked up the wine glass and drank a glass of wine in a self-deprecating manner. Unexpectedly, the two people who were either dead or alive had a falling out in the first place over such a trivial matter.

Li Xiang saw Xu Damao like this and knew that he had remembered it.

He asked again: "Brother Damao, why have you regarded the other party as your enemy for so many years?"

Xu Damao smiled bitterly and admitted bluntly: "It's my fault for being a bitch."

Xu Damao and He Yuzhu are similar in age, with only one year difference. They could have played well together when they were young.

From what I see now, the initial conflict started with the quarrel between children. If you quarrel today, you can make peace again tomorrow.

Of course, this assumes that Xu Damao doesn't say those hurtful words.

At that time, He Yuzhu's mother had just passed away, and He Daqing had to support his family, and it was common for his family to leave early and come back late.

Apart from feeding the brothers and sisters, don’t think about anything else.

The two children lived a slovenly life. Compared with the little beggars outside, they had enough to eat and fewer patches on their clothes.

There are times when children say a few unpleasant words when they are playing around, but Xu Damao must have heard what Xu's mother said at home, and learned to imitate He Yuzhu's words.

He even called He Yuzhu and his sister children who had no mother to teach them.

He Yuzhu's self-esteem couldn't bear it, and he started fighting with Xu Damao.

Xu Damao has been thin since he was a child, but he was no match for He Yuzhu. He was beaten to the ground in just a few strokes.

Later, adults arrived and separated the two people. He Daqing was not at home at the time. The children's confidence was different whether they had the support of their parents or not.

When Xu Damao was a child, he didn't realize how hurtful his words were. Seeing his parents present, someone made the decision for him, and he showed his power to the fullest.

At that time, Xu's father and Xu's mother said many unpleasant things, and He Yuzhu could only suffer without his parents.

Other adults in the courtyard will not interfere with the affairs of these two families. They can at most say "Forget it, what are you doing to vent your anger on the child?", and then they will take it seriously.

He Yuzhu's temperament meant that he would not just let it go.

When the adults are around, he can only pretend to be shy, because the situation is stronger than the people.

When the master was away and he got a chance, Xu Damao was beaten up by him, which was regarded as revenge.

Xu Damao, who was beaten, was not a good-tempered person. It could be said that he would retaliate for his anger.

A few days later, he got another chance and took revenge on He Yuzhu.

This time it was good, and after repeated cycles, the hatred between the two became deeper and deeper. In the later stage, the two became extremely jealous when they met, and neither one could dislike the other.

After Li Xiang listened to Xu Damao's retelling, he didn't expect that this was how the grudge between the two came about.

If you separate each of these incidents, they are all trivial matters, but when they are piled together, they turn into a history of crimes that are too numerous to describe for both parties.

The eldest brother, not to mention the second brother, is not a good person.

"I have to say that Silly Zhu has held grudges since he was a child. I didn't know how to hurt others at that time. If I just said something wrong, he would find an opportunity to sack me. He is really not a thing..."

Xu Damao's little remorse for He Yuzhu disappeared long after he complained about the bastards he had done over the years.

Li Xiang glanced at him and thought, is it because of your bald words?

Why is the face so big?

It was obvious that your whole family went to battle to bully a child, so he did it.

If it were me, if you dare to be mean-mouthed, I'd think I couldn't beat you to death. "Brother, don't play with this stupid Zhu anymore. He is a white-eyed wolf, so you are not afraid that your kindness will not be rewarded." Xu Damao was already a little drunk.

Li Xiang was happy when he heard what he said.

After all, they are enemies and brothers, even what the arranger said is similar.

He had dinner at He Yuzhu's house before, and He Yuzhu also said the same thing about Xu Damao.

Li Xiang, who didn't want to listen to Xu Damao's ramblings anymore, saw that he was already drunk and toasted him two more glasses.

The original five points of drunkenness turned into seven points. At this time, Li Xiang took advantage of the situation and called it a night.

Xu Damao, who was already a little dizzy, didn't try to hold him back anymore. Li wanted to help him back to the bed and lie down, and then left in a hurry.

There were a lot of good dishes left on the table. Xu Damao asked him to take them home, but he didn't take them.

Now that the family has no worries about food and drink, he no longer takes leftovers home.

In the past, I was too poor to do anything, but now my family is getting better, and my back should straighten up a little bit.

Li's mother and eldest sister were not asleep yet.

Chatting and waiting for his return.

As soon as Li Xiang entered the room, the eldest sister brought a glass of water over and took a sniff while passing it over.

I was relieved when I didn't smell the strong smell of alcohol.

Li Xiang was used to his mother's waiting, but he was a little surprised that his eldest sister was still awake at this hour today.

He drank water from the cup and sat down at the table.

Mother Li said: "You are quite sensible, but it was too late to come back. Why does Xu Damao want to have dinner with you?"

"It's nothing, just a casual chat. You know that he has had conflicts with the Lou family recently. Sister-in-law Xiao'e doesn't want to come back, and Uncle Xu and Aunt Xu don't want to talk to him. He is feeling depressed and wants to find someone to talk to. .”

Li Xiang only talked about the general outline, and he covered up the details that Xu Damao mentioned.

This was someone's privacy, and he could keep it secret from the outside world, but if Mother Li found out, it would be difficult to guarantee that these things would not reach Aunt Wang's ears.

Moreover, it is not convenient for her to listen to the secrets involved.

The child is still young, so let her still have some hope for love.

"He deserves it, he deserves it..." Mother Li wanted to say something more, but Li Xiang's eyes reminded her that her eldest sister was still there, so she should restrain her words.

Mother Li received the reminder and quickly stopped talking.

Li Xiang asked his eldest sister: "Why haven't you fallen asleep today?"

The eldest sister listened to her brother's question and did not answer immediately. She looked at Mother Li and then at the eldest brother sitting opposite.

After a while, he finally said: "I have decided on the major I want to study in technical secondary school."

Mother Li immediately said: "What major? Let your elder brother help you refer to it."

"I want to study nursing."

Mother Li didn't quite understand what this nursing profession was, and it sounded a bit like being a waiter. She looked at her son for help, hoping that he could explain it to her.

Li Xiang frowned after hearing this. He was not very satisfied with this major.

Too bitter and too tired.

He still wants his eldest sister to learn a major that allows her to sit in an office.

Li Xiang explained to his mother:

"With this major, you will most likely be assigned to work as a nurse in a hospital after you graduate."

(End of this chapter)

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