kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 17 The Brave Game Villain

Chapter 17 Game of the Brave - Villain

Ma Yehang stood at the front, fighting the demon demons with punch after punch.

From time to time he looked at the other people.

No, the physical exertion is too serious. This is only the first level. I don’t know how long it will take to fight later.

You have to think of something!
Ma Yehang held the Demon Demon's spear with both fists and turned around and shouted.

"The guy with glasses! What to do now! If he continues to fight, he will be dragged to death!"

Isuzu Daichi lowered his head to avoid the spear thrust of the demon demon disciple, and hit the demon demon disciple aside with his left hand on the face.

"Either we rush over at once! But we don't know how many evil demons are waiting for us ahead!"

"Either clean it up bit by bit! But it may consume a lot of money and drag you to death!"

Hearing Isuzu Daichi's words, he, Tada Ryoko and Maano Hiro fell into thinking.

Geshan Dacheng retracted his foot that he secretly stepped out and looked at the others.

"I think we should rush over at once, not to mention how long our physical strength can sustain it."

Geshan Dacheng paused and continued.

"And we have been lagging behind those two people for a long time, and the last one will be eliminated."

The last sentence was like a devil's whisper, echoing in several people's ears.

The looks in several people's eyes changed again and again, as if they had made some kind of decision.

Ma Yehang grabbed the devil's spear with his left hand and hit the devil's face hard with his right fist.

"Then go!"

After saying that, Ma Yehang stepped on the body of the demon demon disciple and rushed forward.

Isuzu Daichi and the others did not hesitate and followed Ma Yehang's footsteps.

The four of them no longer aimed at defeating the evil demon disciples, but merely knocked them away or fought them off before continuing to rush forward.

With Ma Yehang in the lead, the four-man team was like a sharp knife, piercing the evil demon's team.

After piercing the team of evil demon disciples, he stabbed the next team of evil demon disciples.

In just a short while, groups of evil demons followed them, chasing them.


Ryoko Wada pointed forward and shouted.

"There is no road ahead! We have to go in another direction!"

Isuzu Dazhi stopped him.

"No! The sound of the explosion came from this direction! It would be wrong to go in another direction!"

"But there's no way ahead!"

Geshan Dacheng said anxiously.

Don't blame him for being anxious, but there are a large number of evil demons chasing them. If they are surrounded, they will be dead.

Ma Yehang hugged a demonic vine demon disciple in front of him, kneed it several times, and then threw it away with all his strength.

"It's too late, make a decision quickly!"

Isuzu Daichi's eyes widened and he looked around.

I must have heard it right!

It must be this direction!

They must have left from here!
What about the entrance?
Where is the entrance!
Isuzu Daichi looked around carefully, trying not to miss any detail.

Must be in here somewhere!
Is there some mechanism? ?
etc!That statue! ?

Are they being guarded by the evil demons in front? ?
Isuzu Dazhi's eyes lit up.

The entrance is found!
"Keep going forward! The entrance is at the statue!"

Isuzu Daichi shouted excitedly.

"Are you sure!? If you rush in, there will be no way out!"

Ryoko Wada dodged the Demon Demon's attack and struck the Demon Demon's neck horizontally with his shield.

Isuzu Daichi hit the Demon Vine Demon on the head with a hammer, "Do you have any better ideas? We have no way out now."

Ryoko Wada looked back and saw that the evil demon followers who were chasing after them had already caught up with them.

They really had no way out.

"Just like at the castle gate, we all move towards the statue together and it must be okay to help each other."

Geshan Dacheng held the spear and said loudly.

The four people formed a circle and slowly moved towards the statue.

Maano Hiro stood in the first position, trying to defeat the evil demon as quickly as possible so that the team could continue to move forward.

On the left and right flanks are Isuzu Daichi and Katsurayama Daisei. Beware of the evil demons on both sides blocking their progress.He and Tada Ryoko were at the back of the team, guarding against the attacks of the evil demons who were chasing after them.

Ma Yehang led a few people to a place in front of the statue.

The three demons guarding the statue took a step forward and stabbed Ma Yehang with three spears at the same time.

Ma Yehang grabbed a spear in each hand and turned his head to avoid the remaining spear.

"Then what? There is no entrance to the statue!"

Isuzu Daichi took two quick steps, bypassed the demon demon in front of him, and wanted to reach the statue.

"call out"

A vine stabbed straight towards Isuzu Daichi and hit Isuzu Daichi in the chest.

Isuzu Daichi staggered a few steps.

"The mechanism must be on the statue, we need to get close to the statue!"

Ma Yehang held a spear in one hand and raised his leg to kick the demon devil.

"I'll stop these three! You go and deal with the two!"

Isuzu Daichi knocked back the whip of the Demonic Vine Demon with one hammer blow.

"I'll stop these two! You guys, go quickly!"

Geshan Dacheng swung the spear in his hand to repel a demon demon disciple, and rushed towards the statue with one arrow.

The evil vine demon disciple wanted to turn his head and hit Geshan Dacheng.

Isuzu Daichi picked up two pieces of gravel on the ground, threw them into the air, and struck them hard with his war hammer.

The gravel was like a bullet, accurately hitting the two Demonic Vine Demons.

Isuzu Daichi took this opportunity and rushed in front of the demon vine demon disciple.

Geshan Dacheng therefore had the opportunity to rush to the statue.

Fumbling around on the statue.

Geshan Dacheng discovered that the boulder in the hands of the demon statue could rotate.

He looked back at the three people who were fighting the evil demon disciples.

Geshan Dacheng turned the boulder, and the stone wall next to the statue began to move.

"Quick! The door is open! Come here quickly!"

Geshan Dacheng stepped into the stone wall and shouted to the people outside the door.

Several people who were fighting heard the sound and looked back.

I saw that the stone wall had been opened, revealing the stone steps behind it.

Isuzu Daichi hit the Demon Vine Demon in the chest with a hammer.

"Quick! Stop fighting and come here!"

Ryoko Wada held her shield, pushed away the demon demon disciple beside her, and ran towards the stairwell.

The expression on his face suddenly changed.

"Horned Rhinoceros! The stone wall is closing!"

Geshan Dacheng continued to shout as if he had heard nothing.

"Come here quickly!"

Ma Yehang's arm was holding the devil's neck.

"You guy! You did it on purpose! Come out and open the door for me!"

Isuzu Daichi raised his legs and wanted to run towards the statue.

The demonic vines stretched out a few vines, grabbed Isuzu Daichi's feet, and tripped him to the ground.

Several people were entangled by the demon disciples and could only watch the stone wall closing.

Geshan Dacheng continued to shout hypocritically: "Come in quickly! The door is about to close."

Until the door was completely closed, Geshan Dacheng showed a sneer.

"Oh, the door is closed, you can stay here."

Geshan Dacheng turned around and walked up the steps.

The stone wall will close, of course it was his doing.

After turning the pebble to open the stone wall, he returned the pebble to its original position, causing the door to gradually close.

The purpose is naturally to keep the three of them with Tada Ryoko on the first floor.

Better ever!

In this way, there will be fewer people competing with him to desire God.

 This book has been signed. You can invest with confidence. I hope you can vote more. The author is here to beg you~
(End of this chapter)

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