kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 19 The Demonic Disciple in the Drawings of the Brave Game

Chapter 19 Game of the Brave - The Evil Demon in the Painting
Yusuke Aomura reopened the door that he had closed before and took a look.

It's still the same painting.

There are vines growing out of a dark-colored vase, with...

It’s better not to look at anything further up…

"Yingshou, are there any changes in those paintings?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo glanced at the paintings in the room in front of him and replied.

"Ah, no change."

"The door was closed just now, where could it escape to?"

Aomura Yusuke frowned and looked towards the empty corridor.

It doesn't look like there is a place to hide.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi responded.

"Are you hiding in the painting, or can you become a painting?"

"Becomes a painting because the painting on the wall disappears."

Aomura Yusuke said with certainty.

After turning around and seeing what Katsurayama Daisei had done, Aomura Yusuke's face suddenly turned cold.

"Who asked you to open the door?"

Hearing Yusuke Aomura's cold words, Katsurayama Daisei stopped what he was doing, turned around, and faced Yusuke Aomura.

"Ah? I've checked everything, and there are no evil demons."

Yusuke Aomura didn't say anything anymore. He quickly walked to the door of several rooms that had not been closed and looked into the room.

This is a new room, and there is still a painting in the room.

What is painted on it is a scene of thirteen evil devils having dinner together. Each evil devil has its own movements and expressions.

But their eyes were all looking at Yusuke Aomura at the door.

It makes this painting look very weird.

The ghost scythe in Aomura Yusuke's hand turned, revealing the sharp scythe, which shone with an icy cold light under the light of the torch on the stone wall.

"Yingshou, just sweep across and hit every painting."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo pulled the bolt of the Magnum Shooter 40X and loaded the gun with energy bullets.

"You're starting to get impatient. Then clear the level as soon as possible."

After saying that, a shot was fired at the painting in the room, leaving a bullet hole in the painting.

Aomura Yusuke swung an energy slash and struck the painting in front of him.

"Well, I'm a little impatient."

The energy slash hit the center of the painting, splitting it in half.

Aomura Yusuke glanced at Katsurayama Daisei.

Especially after this guy arrived.

"Then let me come too."

Geshan Dacheng raised the spear in his hand and walked into the room.


"call out"

For a while, the sounds of fighting continued to sound from the second floor of the castle.

Geshan Dacheng walked into a room and stabbed the painting with the spear in his hand.

Suddenly two vines emerged from the ground and stabbed directly into Geshan Dacheng's chest.

Geshan Dacheng took two steps back in pain and shouted loudly.

"Found it! Here it is!"

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi ran towards Katsurayama Daisei's room.

A large number of vines sprouted from the paintings in the room, and they instantly covered the entire painting.

After a period of transformation, an evil demon wearing a beret and a colorful body, as if his body was covered in oil paint, appeared in front of the three of them.

"JYAMATO JYA JYAMATO" (The devil's language: You actually destroyed my paintings! Unforgivable!)
The painting demon disciple looked at Hidetoshi Ukiyo at the door and said arrogantly.

"JAY JYA JYAMATO JYA" (The devil's language: You are very discerning and can recognize my paintings, but you are still unforgivable for destroying my paintings!)

Yusuke Aomura holds the ghost sickle blade in his right hand and brushes the sickle blade with his left hand.

"It seems to have something to say to you. How about giving you some time to chat?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's eyes fell on the painting demon disciple and he said in a strange tone.

"Can you understand what the evil demon is saying?"


Yusuke Aomura answered bluntly. "That's a coincidence. I don't understand it either."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said angrily.

In the room, the painting demon disciple and Geshan Dacheng were already fighting each other.

Kazuyama stabbed with his long spear, but the Demon Painter blocked it with his left hand.

The painting evil disciple stretched his right hand forward, and several vines grew out, twisting and intertwining his right hand into a spear, and stabbed Geshan Dacheng fiercely.

Katsurayama Daicheng covered his waist, took two steps back, and said to Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi behind him.

"How long do you want to talk? I'm going to be beaten to death!"

Yusuke Aomura made a cold sound, took out the turbine belt buckle and inserted it into the driver.

"DUAL ON" (dual-core driver)

Yusuke Aomura tapped the ground with his right foot, waved the ghost sickle in his hand, pointed at the painting of the evil demon, and said.

"Now, meet your destiny."

The turbine at the knee rotated at high speed, and a stream of mist sprayed out from the air hole in the calf.

The next second, Aomura Yusuke appeared in front of the painting demon disciple.

The ghost sickle blade was glowing with cold light, and it swung down quickly, striking the painting evil disciple.

Immediately afterwards, Aomura Yusuke raised his right leg and kicked the painting demon disciple with a side kick.

The painting demon was kicked hard against the wall and slid to the ground.

He stretched out his hands and thrust them into the ground, and countless vines burst out of the stone and attacked Yusuke Aomura and the others.

Aomura Yusuke swung the ghost sickle several times to block the vines.

Behind the vines is a painted evil demon whose arms turned into spears.

The painting demon disciple rushed towards Aomura Yusuke quickly, and stabbed Aomura Yusuke with the spear in his right hand.


A bullet hit the painting demon's right arm.

It's Hidetoshi Ukiyo's bullet!

The spear on the demon's right arm inevitably deviated from its original trajectory because it was hit by a bullet.

The painting evil demon wanted to adjust, but the timing of this shot was just right.

Just a second before the spear was about to hit Yusuke Aomura, it hit him.

As a result, the spear just grazed Aomura Yusuke's helmet and hit the air next to it.

If Ukiyo Hidetoshi had fired a little later, the spear would have been blocked by Aomura Yusuke himself.

The painting demon couldn't hold back his strength and rushed in front of Aomura Yusuke, and they looked at each other in confusion.

The atmosphere was a little awkward all of a sudden.

"JAY JYA" (evil language: you...hello?)

Aomura Yusuke didn't reply. He held the ghost sickle and raised it from bottom to top, flying away the painting evil demon.

The painting demon fell to the ground on all fours, turned over, and tried to stand up.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised the Magnum Shooter 40X and shot the painting demon in the back.

The painting demon who had just stood up was knocked to the ground again.

Two sound effects reached its ears.


Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo simultaneously pressed the buckles on their respective drives.

The dark purple energy slash and the red energy bullet hit the painting evil demon lying on the ground at the same time.


After an explosion, there was no sign of the evil demon disciples on the ground, leaving only a token with the evil demon disciples' logo printed on it.

Katsurayama Daisei just wanted to step forward to pick up the token, but Aomura Yusuke took the lead and picked up the token.

"It's really just like the Brave Game."

Yusuke Aomura threw away the token in his hand and canceled the transformation.

Geshan Dacheng came over and said.

"The next step is to use this exploded token to open the mechanism to the next level."

The three of them walked out of the room and heard footsteps coming from the steps leading from the first floor to the second floor.

"Tap Tap"

Geshan Dacheng's expression darkened.

 DGP can disclose information: According to the game administrator, in the original setting, the process of the second level is that the player first checks the second level, and then tries to touch the painting and finds traces of the evil demon, but the Dark Leopard player I don’t know how the brain circuit is developed, but after looking at a few paintings, I thought of the smile of the evil demon. There is something wrong with this painting. In fact, the eyes of the evil demon in all the paintings are looking at the player, which is to remind the player that there is an evil demon. looking at you
(End of this chapter)

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