kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 207 Cursed Power

Chapter 207 Cursed Power
In the temple, Hidetoshi Ukiyo was still wailing in pain, but his eyes were fixed on the front.

To be precise, he was looking at what was happening on the ground below.

Mitsume wanted to hug Ukiyo Hidetoshi, but the thread would always burst out with force and bounce her away.

As a result, Mitsume could only shed tears and look at Ukiyo Hidetoshi with distress and helplessness.

Zimli detected the battle between Aomura Yusuke and others on the virtual projection, and immediately sent a summons order to Sakurai Keikazu and Kurama Neon.

As for Tohru Imai, it can only be said that with or without his power, it will have little impact.

As for Yusuke Aomura, the main person who triggered this battle, what is his state at this time?

When Azuma Michiko appeared on the stage and took out the Original Sin Belt to transform, Yusuke Aomura's consciousness sank and he came into that dark space.

Not enough, not enough power!
Yusuke Aomura felt the power contained in the original sin buckle, but after all, it was born out of the power of creation of Hidetoshi Ukiyo, and no matter how strong it was, there was a limit.

There must be no problem against Samas, but it will be too bad against Suel.

The black-haired Yusuke Aomura smiled lightly as he watched Yusuke Aomura's momentum plummet.

"Don't you understand yet?"

"Give me your power."

"When you went berserk before, didn't you use the power of death that was far stronger than what you are now?"

The corners of the black-haired Yusuke Aomura's mouth were raised slightly, with curiosity about Yusuke Aomura in his eyes.

"The power of death is there, you can mobilize it at any time, as long as you want."

Aomura Yusuke took a step forward, his cold eyes hiding a trace of wavering, as if he knew the reason but didn't want to face it.

"Don't you want more power?"

Aomura Yusuke ignored the black-haired Aomura Yusuke's words and ordered coldly.

"You have used the power of death yourself. You should know what kind of power it is."

The black-haired Yusuke Aomura put away the curiosity in his eyes and shrugged disapprovingly.

The truth had been completely exposed to him.

The black-haired Yusuke Aomura smiled, took two steps forward, and passed by Yusuke Aomura.

"Why can't I use it? Why can you mobilize more power of death?"

If you want to break the situation now, you can only rely on Azuma Daozhang to stall for time, and Aomura Yusuke needs to get stronger power!

"Do you think the power of death is a power that anyone can master?"

"You came here on your own initiative, what's wrong? You can't fight, and you want me to take over for you?"

In a dark space.

"You can use it if you want. I always listen to you, right?"

"It's just that you can't use it yourself."

The coldness in Aomura Yusuke's eyes was completely broken. No matter how much he didn't want to face it, it was useless.

Aomura Yusuke lowered his head and his voice was a little low.

"Did Yusek master the power of death in this way back then?"

The black-haired Yusuke Aomura sneered, with disdain and ridicule in his words.

"Mastery? How could he master the power of death? He only mastered it for a moment until he died."

Yusuke Aomura turned around, his eyes became sharp again and poked at the black-haired Yusuke Aomura.

"Him? Who are you?"

The black-haired Yusuke Aomura also realized that his choice of words just now was a bit wrong and revealed something.

"You are really a sensitive guy. I have answered you before, but I thought I had dispelled your concerns."

"However, I didn't lie to you. From now on, I will be you, and we are one."

The black-haired Yusuke Aomura smiled, and his body turned into a black energy and changed, revealing a face that was familiar to Yusuke Aomura in his memory.

"I can be Yusek, or someone else. Of course, you can also call me, the power of death."

Yousek gracefully took off his hat, then looked at Yusuke Aomura with a smile.

Yusuke Aomura took a deep breath and gathered his thoughts.

He had more doubts now.

"Why did Yusek die back then? Was it you?" Yusek seemed to like sharing with others. When Aomura Yusuke asked this, he started telling the story.

"You will have to know about this sooner or later anyway."

"If you want to fully control the power of death, you will be affected by the characteristics of the power of death."

"Yosek is born without emotions and can basically mobilize most of the power of death."

"But it is precisely because he has no emotions that he cannot fully grasp the power of death."

"With his strength, let alone back then, even now, Suel will not be his opponent."

"The more Yusek used the power of death, the more he was affected by the power of death. Finally, he integrated into the power of death and became a part of me."

"It was also at this moment that he completely mastered the power of death."

"This is also your fate in the future, as the price for using the power of death."

Yusek patted Yusuke Aomura on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

"I'm very optimistic about you. You use your own emotions as a restraint to suppress the influence of the power of death."

"You are the first person to freely use part of the power of death, and the impact is minimal."

"I look forward to the time when you become a part of me."

Yusuke Aomura slapped Yusek's hand away and shouted loudly.

"Dream! I won't be you!"

Yousek frowned, looking a little unhappy, and his body shape changed, returning to the face of Yusuke Aomura.

"You should stop dreaming. In your current state, the power of destruction that you can mobilize cannot defeat Suel."

"Or are you satisfied with just escaping Suel's attack this time?"

"Don't forget that your good friend Ukiyo Hidetoshi is also in danger of being petrified now."

"As for the remaining Kamen Riders, you and I know very well that they can't save you."

"You only have one path left now."

The black-haired Yusuke Aomura came close to Yusuke Aomura's ear and softly uttered a few words.

"Be me."


Suel waved his right hand casually, and a ball of red and black mist hit Azuma Dao Priest's sword of original sin.

The huge force shocked Taoist priest Azuma to the point of pain, and he retreated continuously as if his steps were uncontrollable.

Suer looked at the embarrassed Azuma Taoist priest with a condescending tone.

"There is no point in resisting without one's own strength."

"Please understand your situation clearly. A world that no longer holds the Desire Grand Prix has no value in existing."

Priest Azuma charged forward again with the Great Sword of Original Sin.

"Shut up! Whether the world is valuable or not is not decided by your Desire Grand Prix!"

"It's up to those of us who live in this world to decide!"

Suel avoided the edge of the Great Sword of Original Sin and kicked Azuma Taoist Priest.

"They are just a group of guys dominated by desire. What are you talking about!"

Azuma Taoist priest stabilized his retreat and breathed heavily.

"This world may not be beautiful, it is full of desires."

"But, I believe the world will get better and better!"

"Jihu wants to create a world where everyone is happy!"

"Taili wants to break the rules of conservation of happiness in this world!"

"Namao wants to protect and create the happiness of others!"

"I will purify all desires! Only the dream of struggle will remain!"

"Yusuke, he..."

(End of this chapter)

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