Chapter 221 Finale
Suel gritted his teeth and looked at Aomura Yusuke and the five others, and the single eye on the helmet lit up with a scarlet light.

"Don't think you can defeat me just because you can transform!"

"You guys don't even think about living in this world!"

The Sirius card crossed the Infinity Drive.


The eyes on the armor opened at this time, shooting countless beams of light.

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi attacked at the same time, with an energy slash and an energy bullet that withstood all the beams.

"Niu Niu, you will be the meat, Jing He, you will be the assassin to interfere and deal damage, Ni Yin, pay attention to controlling Suel, and give us a buff to the exciting music."

"Me and Yingshou are the main C, and we also attract hatred."

"Hit me hard, don't paddle and shout 666!"

Aomura Yusuke turned the ghost sickle blade and rushed forward quickly.

Azuma Michinaga's zombie destroyer also came to Suel at this time.

Kurama Neon whispered to the other three people.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo walked over, and the Magnum shooter fired continuously at 40X, forcing Suel to resist.


The figure of Sakurai Keikazu appeared from a cloud of smoke, and the double ninja blades fell from top to bottom behind Suel.

Suel raised his arms, blocked the two attacks with his arm armor, and raised his feet to kick Sakurai Keikazu's waist and abdomen.

Azuma Taoist priest secretly complained: "It's a bit too liberal."

An energy bullet accurately hit Suel's foot, stopping the kick.

Stopping the slashing ghost scythe, he exerted force on his waist, rotating his body in a circle, and swung a horizontal slash from another direction, hitting Suel's waist.

Sakurai Keikazu also noticed this, and after thinking twice, he spoke uncertainly.

Kurama Niyin changed the song she played, and flames appeared and wrapped around the rhythm axe.

"Why do you feel like Yusuke's personality has changed since he came back?"

Suel looked at the incoming scythe and confidently used his arm armor to block it. Unexpectedly, Aomura Yusuke changed his attack midway.

Suel rolled twice on the ground, and as soon as he stood up, Sakurai Keikazu and Azuma Daozhang came to him waving weapons.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled and said, "Yusuke said, don't paddle."

"Watch me pass the level in one life!"

"It's like... being more open?"

Aomura Yusuke jumped up, and the ghost sickle in his hand fell heavily, knocking Suel away.

Being attacked from both sides!
But the offensive is not over yet!
A passionate guitar sound sounded!
Sound pillars rose from Suel's feet, rising and falling with the sound of the guitar!
Suel was caught off guard and was knocked into the air.


Kurama Niyin swept the strings with her fingers, and the energy of the music spread, adding a layer of flame to everyone's weapons.

Sakurai Keikazu and Azuma Daozhang raised their feet at the same time, kicked Suel, took a step forward, and swung the weapons in their hands with flames.


Suer stepped back continuously, finally stopped, and looked at everyone in disbelief.

"How is it possible? How can you have such great power!"

Azuma Daochang strides forward, and the Zombie Destroyer slashes at Suel.

"Defeat you completely!"

Kurama Niyin held up the rhythm ax and slashed Suel's waist horizontally.

"Create a happy world!"

Sakurai Keikazu jumped into the air, holding the double ninja blades in both hands, and swung them down hard.

"It's our wish!"

Suel flew backwards and fell to the ground.

Sakurai Keihe and the three of them pressed the buckle at the same time to release their special move.



Three energy slashes flew out and combined into an energy attack in the air, hitting Suel who fell to the ground.


"Don't think this will end everything!"

Suel stood up from the explosion and touched the expansion slot twice with his left hand.


The flames of the explosion began to shrink, and the energy attack reappeared and began to retreat.

The energy attack continued forward in the next second, hitting Suel again! The flames of the explosion bloom again!

Suel questioned as he crossed his arms to block the energy attack.

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi walked out of the flames of the explosion. They had transformed into the final death form and the Mark IX form.

"It's just a matter of time, just erase it."

"For God, the concept of time is meaningless."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi raised the Jifox Destroyer QB9 and fired continuously. Yusuke Aomura took the opportunity to close the distance, raised the Scythe of the End, and sent Suel flying.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi jumped up and appeared in the air. The blade of the Extreme Fox Destroyer QB9 stopped Suel's rising body and swung it down hard.

Suel landed on the ground, creating a dent, with dense cracks extending in all directions.

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo pressed the buckles at the same time, jumped on the spot, and performed a knight kick in the air.



“BOOSTⅨ VICTORY” (Mark Ⅸ final victory)
Suel stood up, the Sirius card continuously crossed the infinite drive, and his right fist was ready to pull back.


Suel threw a punch to meet the knight kicks of Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo.


Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo kick through Suel, causing a huge explosion!

The flames filled the sky, blocking everyone's sight!
Sakurai Keihe and the three of them stared at the flames nervously, waiting for the final result.

The flames dissipated, revealing the backs of Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo after they had released their transformation.

Just when Sakurai Keihe and the three were about to cheer, particles scattered from their bodies.

Yusuke Aomura looked at Daiichiro Aomura and Yuran Aomura who were standing not far away, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Mom and Dad, I love you."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at Ukiyo Issei and Ukiyo Mika and said with a smile.

"Father and mother, thank you."

Before anyone could react, Hidetoshi Ukiyo opened his arms and announced loudly.

"Now, start a world where everyone can live happily!"

"Wait a minute!"


Everyone spoke one after another, but they could not stop the activation of the power of creation.


The bell to reshape the world rings, and blue-white energy sweeps across the world!

Sakurai Keikazu, Kurama Nione and Azuma Michio appeared in a white space.

"Yusuke! Hidetoshi!"

"where are you!?"

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo appeared in front of the three of them, with faint smiles on their faces.

"Yusuke has cut off the connection between the future world and this world. From now on, no one from the future can come to this world."

"Thanks to this, I reshaped the entire world and brought it back to a timeline where the Desire Grand Prix never existed."

"Happiness is no longer conserved and has no limit. The stronger everyone's desire, the happier they can become."

"This is the new world."

"Your happiness will come true."

Sakurai Keikazu shouted loudly: "What about your and Yusuke's happiness! You..."

Aomura Yusuke's voice interrupted Sakurai Keikazu's words.

"We are now just a force, in other words, we are now gods."

"Our deeds cannot exist in the new world and must be forgotten."

"In this way, the timeline of the new world will not be messed up."

Kurama Niyin's eyes were slightly red and she retorted loudly.

"How could we forget you!"

Taoist priest Azuma couldn't hold back her arrogant expression and shouted loudly.

"You two have to be moderate when joking! Don't go too far!"

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi waved to the three of them, "Goodbye, we will meet again if we are destined."

The two people disappeared, and the white space disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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